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21st Literature

James Brendan H. Cabanos 12-01-23

TVL - H.E 1A Mrs. Malvar

PERFORMANCE TASK #2: Scanning and Comprehension

Point of View 1. Who is narrating the The narrator of the story
story? is the author of the story
which is Eva Ibbotson
while using the Third-
person Omniscient point
of view.
Conflict 2. What struggle is the When Maia felt like
main character being with the Carters is
facing in this story? like being in prison and
how she was adopted
only because of her
Theme 3. What is the main The main idea
idea expressed in expressed in the story is
the story? friends will always help
each other to face each
other’s problems.

Direction: The story was quite interesting. Now, answer the questions that
follow to test your understanding.

1. What problems did Maia experience during her travel to Brazil?

Adjusting to her new life and her new family which is the Carters which
made Maia feel like she is in a prison. Another problem is that her friend
Clovis committed a mistake in a play and her other newly found friend Finn
is running away from the crows now Maia helped them fight and face these
2. What are the characteristics of Gwendolyn and Beatrice?
Their characteristics are selfish, fake, greedy, and hateful.
3.. What life lessons did she learn from her friends Finn and Clovis?
She learned that loyalty is important to friendship and also learned to be not
afraid to take risks since taking risks will help you grow as a person and
experience new things in our life.

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