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Max Bravo

ENC 1101

Revision Matrix

Judging Comments:

This comment is a judging comment because it is a

criticism of my essay as a whole. This can be useful
because it helps me get into the mind of the grader
and understand where they think my paper fell flat.

Coaching Comments:

This comment is a coaching comment since it

provides criticism and suggestions for how I can
improve my references to my artifacts. It is valuable
feedback since it provides a way to make the
artifacts easier to view and connect with the essay.

Reacting Comments:

This is a reacting comment since the commenter is

reacting to my word choice and arguments I made in
a sentence in my intro paragraph. This is important
feedback since it provides ways to make my
arguments clear and shift the focus more on them.
Max Bravo
ENC 1101

Other Comments:

This is an other comment since it doesn’t really fit into the other categories. While you could consider
this a coaching comment, I don’t think it is since it
doesn’t necessarily suggest how to improve it and
more so just a correction.

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