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Rivera 1

Andres Rivera

Mr. Powers

English 1302


Peer Review Feedback

From the comments given on my 1st and 2nd drafts, the comments ranged from adding more

examples to where I lacked, changing repetitive words, introducing my stance on the topic, and

adding a work cited page. After reading his comments, I agree with his takes on my drafts since I

did see that I overused the phrase re-entry multiple times within the annotated bibliography. In

his other comment, I will add a work cited page from now on, I thought it wasn’t necessary since

the citation is above the annotation, but I will get to add that just to make sure. Since it is an

annotated bibliography, I believed that it should be a summary of the actual article, but I will

make sure to include my take on the matter and let the audience know my take on the given

topic. Overall, on my next draft I will make these changes and make sure to correct these

insufficient areas and from what I’ve noticed personally focus on the examples to exert evidence

from my articles and change my repetitive phrase usage.

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