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Research II

1. What is the difference of qualitative to quantitative design?

- Qualitative design involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data to gain a deeper
understanding of a phenomenon, while quantitative design involves collecting and
analyzing numerical data using statistical methods to make generalizations about a

2. What is the difference of coding and interactive comparison?

- Coding and interactive comparison are two distinct methods used in qualitative data
analysis. Coding involves labeling or categorizing segments of data to identify themes and
patterns, while interactive comparison involves comparing and contrasting different cases
or data segments to generate insights and understand relationships between different
aspects of the phenomenon being studied. While coding focuses on categorization,
interactive comparison focuses on the discovery of relationships and insights. Both
methods are valuable in qualitative research and can be used together to gain a deeper
understanding of the data.

3. Discuss the process of qualitative data analysis? (Transcribing-coding-categorizing-formulating

themes-Data verification)

- The process of qualitative data analysis involves several steps. Firstly, researchers must
transcribe the data collected through methods such as interviews, focus groups, or
observation. Once the data is transcribed, the next step is coding, where researchers
assign labels or codes to segments of data to identify patterns and themes. The codes are
then categorized into themes, and the themes are formulated into broader concepts or
theories. The next step is data verification, where researchers review their analysis and
check for errors or inconsistencies. This process ensures that the data is accurate, reliable,
and valid. Overall, qualitative data analysis is a systematic and iterative process that
involves organizing and interpreting data to gain a deeper understanding of the
phenomenon being studied.

4. What is thematic approach?

- Thematic approach is a widely used method of qualitative data analysis that involves
identifying and analyzing patterns and themes in the data. It is a systematic and iterative
process that involves several steps, including transcribing, coding, categorizing, and
formulating broader concepts or theories based on the themes. Thematic approach allows
researchers to explore the underlying meanings and complexities of the data, providing
insights into social attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. It is a flexible and adaptable approach
that can be applied to a wide range of research topics and provides a rich and nuanced
understanding of the data.

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