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Because of mobile phones, young people can usually contact a parent if

they have a problem. But despite that, being always in touch can create
lots of problems for you. So in this essay, I will present the advantages
and disavantages of always being in contact and in the end make a
conclusion about this.

We can not deny that the ability to stay in touch with people 24/7 is one
of the great benefits of modern technology. We can easily call, text, or
message our friends and family members no matter where they are in
the world. It addition to this, it can be a great way to stay connected and
feel supported, especially for people who live far apart or who have busy

Although it is true that it is very cool and convenient to always be in

contact with other people, we must also remember that there are also
some disadvantages to always being in touch. Firstly, it can be
overwhelming to be constantly bombarded with annoying notifications
and messages from your device. This can be very problematic,
especially for people who are trying to focus on work or school. Not only
that, the constant availability of technology can make it difficult to relax
and disconnect from the world by yourself.

In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to always

being in contact with other people. On the one hand, it can be beneficial
to stay connected with loved ones and friends, and to be able to share
our thoughts and experiences with others. It can also help us to feel
supported and cared for, and to build strong relationships. But on the
other hand, being constantly connected can also be overwhelming and
stressful, and it can be difficult to set boundaries between our work and
personal lives. Because of these, it is essential to find a balance that
suits us well, and to make sure that we are taking care of our own needs
as well as the needs of others.

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