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Time plays a crucial role in authentic assessment because it allows for the evaluation of

a student's ability to apply their knowledge and skills in a real-world setting, rather than
just regurgitating memorized information in a timed exam. As Brown and Knight (1994)
note, "authentic assessments require the student to perform a task or generate a
product that demonstrates the application of knowledge and skills" (p. 11).

By giving students sufficient time to complete authentic assessments, educators can

assess their ability to think critically, solve problems, and collaborate with others, which
are all essential skills for success in the real world. In contrast, timed exams primarily
assess a student's ability to recall information quickly, which may not accurately reflect
their understanding of the material or their ability to apply it in a real-world setting.

Furthermore, allowing sufficient time for authentic assessments can help reduce the
impact of test anxiety and give students the opportunity to demonstrate their full
potential. As O'Donnell and colleagues (2008) note, "When students are given ample
time to complete tasks, they are more likely to show what they know and can do" (p.

In summary, time is a critical factor in authentic assessment as it allows for the

evaluation of students' ability to apply their knowledge and skills in a real-world setting
and can reduce the impact of test anxiety, giving students the opportunity to
demonstrate their full potential.


Brown, J. D., & Knight, P. T. (1994). Assessing learners in higher education. Routledge.

O'Donnell, A. M., Dansereau, D. F., & Hall, R. H. (2008). Knowledge maps as scaffolds for
cognitive processing. Educational Psychology Review, 20(4), 387-401.

Authentic assessment is an approach to evaluating students' knowledge, skills, and

abilities that involves real-world tasks and contexts. Time is an essential factor in
authentic assessment, as it influences both the design and implementation of
assessment tasks and the interpretation of assessment results.

One way in which time is critical to authentic assessment is in the design of assessment
tasks. Because authentic assessment tasks are intended to simulate real-world scenarios,
they often require a significant amount of time to complete. For example, an authentic
assessment task in a science class might involve conducting a research project, which
could take several weeks or even months to complete. Similarly, an authentic
assessment task in a language class might involve writing an extended essay, which
could take several hours or even days to complete.

Another way in which time is important in authentic assessment is in the

implementation of assessment tasks. Students may have limited time to complete
authentic assessment tasks, which can create stress and affect their performance.
Additionally, the amount of time given to complete an assessment task can affect the
level of rigor and complexity of the task. For example, a shorter time limit may require
students to focus on more straightforward tasks, while a more extended time limit may
allow for more complex tasks.

Finally, time is also a crucial factor in interpreting the results of authentic assessment.
The time taken to complete a task can provide insights into students' time-management
skills, as well as their ability to work under pressure. Additionally, time can affect the
accuracy and validity of the assessment results. For example, if a student is rushed or
does not have enough time to complete a task thoroughly, their results may not
accurately reflect their knowledge and skills.

In conclusion, time is an essential factor in authentic assessment, affecting both the

design and implementation of assessment tasks and the interpretation of assessment


Wiggins, G. (1993). Assessing student performance: Exploring the purpose and limits of
testing. Jossey-Bass.

Time is an important factor to consider in authentic assessment as it can impact the

validity and reliability of the assessment. Authentic assessments are designed to
measure real-world skills and abilities, and often involve tasks or projects that take time
to complete. The amount of time given for an assessment can affect the quality of the
work produced, as well as the level of engagement and motivation of the students.

One study conducted by Mergendoller and colleagues (2006) examined the impact of
time constraints on student performance in an authentic assessment task. They found
that when students were given more time to complete the task, they produced higher
quality work and demonstrated a deeper understanding of the concepts being assessed.
However, when time was limited, students tended to focus on completing the task
quickly rather than demonstrating a thorough understanding of the material.
Furthermore, the amount of time given for an assessment can also affect its reliability. If
students are not given enough time to complete a task, they may not have the
opportunity to fully demonstrate their skills and abilities, leading to unreliable results.

In summary, time is an important consideration in authentic assessment as it can impact

the validity and reliability of the assessment. Giving students sufficient time to complete
tasks can lead to higher quality work and a more accurate measurement of their skills
and abilities.

Reference: Mergendoller, J. R., Maxwell, N. L., Bellisimo, Y., & Strutchens, M. E. (2006).
The effectiveness of problem-based instruction: A comparative study of instructional
methods and student characteristics. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based
Learning, 1(2), 49-69.

Authentic assessment is a form of assessment that evaluates a student's performance in

a real-world context or in a task that simulates real-world challenges. Time is an
essential element in authentic assessment as it influences the quality and validity of the

According to Darling-Hammond and Falk (1997), time is a critical component of

authentic assessment as it allows students to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in
a more realistic and natural setting. Time also provides an opportunity for students to
reflect on their learning and make connections between different concepts and skills.

Furthermore, time constraints can simulate real-world situations where individuals need
to work under pressure and within specific time limits. This can be particularly relevant in
fields such as medicine or emergency services, where quick decision-making is essential.

In conclusion, time is a crucial element in authentic assessment as it provides a more

accurate representation of a student's skills and knowledge in a real-world context. As
Darling-Hammond and Falk (1997) note, "authentic assessment that simulates real-
world challenges can enhance student motivation and learning, as well as the validity of
the assessment itself."


Darling-Hammond, L., & Falk, B. (1997). Authentic assessment in action: Studies of

schools and students at work. New York: Teachers College Press.
Time plays a critical role in authentic assessment as it allows for a more comprehensive
evaluation of a student's abilities and skills. According to Darling-Hammond and Snyder
(2000), "authentic assessments take place over time, involve complex tasks, and require
that students generate rather than choose a response" (p. 166).

Authentic assessments often involve extended projects, portfolios, and performance-

based tasks that cannot be completed in a single sitting. This requires students to
manage their time effectively, plan and organize their work, and demonstrate
persistence and perseverance throughout the assessment process.

Moreover, time also allows for a more accurate assessment of a student's abilities as it
enables multiple opportunities for feedback and revision. Students can receive feedback
on their work, make revisions, and demonstrate growth and improvement over time.

In summary, time is essential in authentic assessment as it allows for a more

comprehensive evaluation of a student's abilities, encourages effective time
management and planning skills, and provides opportunities for feedback and revision.


Darling-Hammond, L., & Snyder, J. (2000). Authentic assessment of teaching in context.

Teaching and Teacher Education, 16(5–6), 523–545. doi: 10.1016/S0742-051X(00)00016-

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