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The main features are the series of archives connected to several small greenhouses.

It's a commercial
greenhouse with an individual structure and rundown plastic covering.
Shade cloth is retractable depending on weather conditions.
North of the shade house is the membrane device which is the wet wall. Wet walls are cooling devices
for greenhouses that are comprised of cooling pads within an aluminum wall. They use a pump to
circulate water through the wall and a fan on the opposite side of the wet wall to cool the evaporated
water. We also observed there were shutter-mounted exhaust fans as another source of cooling for

The challenges that were observed were the extractor fans were dysfunctional, the ground had marsh,
and the covering was ragged and thorn which could lead to unwanted and excessive water from rainfall
from entering the greenhouse. The mesh that was used as a protective screen from insects and pests
was noticeably ripped.
Some solutions for the challenges are changing the netting, having individuals maintain the
surroundings, having a double door set up, and making it into a shade house, so it would be protected
from natural weather such as wind, rainfall, and too much sunlight. It will also help against pest attacks.
The floor would be flat with well-drained concrete. The shutter fans would be operational. It will also
have micro mesh to improve the airflow and create a lightweight option to help individuals move better
in a greenhouse.

About what was good, the media contained perlite which promotes drainage, hydroton to encourage
aeration, and pro-mix for proper root development of plants. The shade house had a venturi irrigation
system with spaghetti tubing which has a less operational problems, reductions in the system running
cost, a larger irrigation capacity because of less throttling line, and uniform distribution of fertilizer to
the plants. The shade house also consisted of a double door set up which also could promote
sterilization and keeping out pests.

About what could have been changed, there could have been sanitary measures at the double door
entrance, a concrete foundation for easy cleaning of algae, and no weeds no longer the need for regular
maintenance of the weed-blocking ground mesh. There could have been multi-level grow beds to
increase production capacity. There could have been artificial lighting because of the poor net covering
maintenance which had built up of moss-reducing sunlight these artificial lights could have made up for
this. Colored lighting also could be introduced to promote flowers and fruits (red light), chlorophyll
production for stem and leaf development (blue light) provides the most active pigment for

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