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FRIDAY, Nov 10/23 (45 min)

Lesson Peru Subject Social Studies

Title/Focus Locate and discuss understanding


General Outcomes (Grade 3)
● (3) Connecting with the World - Students will show an understanding and
appreciation of Canada’s roles and responsibilities in global citizenship in relation to
communities in India, Tunisia, Ukraine and Peru.

Specific Outcomes
3.1.3: Examine the social, cultural and linguistic characteristics that affect quality of life in
communities in other parts of the world by exploring and reflecting upon the following
questions for inquiry:
- How does the physical geography influence the human activities in the communities
(e.g.,availability of water, climate)? (CC, LPP)

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Talk and draw about Peru’s environmental regions
- Understand how physical geography will influence human activity


● Peru Slideshow
● Whiteboard + markers
● Worksheet/drawing page for Peru’s regions.


● Print worksheet and load presentation

● Reminder of noise level awareness tool

Introduction Time
- Load up the slide and gain attention by clapping drill. 2 min
- Reminder of sound while I’m teaching.

Body Time

Presentation 15 min
Slideshow on Starts: What is biodiversity?
- Biodiversity = many species and ecosystems that
- Peru is a very biodiverse country (has 3 different
- Threats to biodiversity - “what do you think these
could be?” (think about what is threatening to life in
Canada, why can’t we live outside?)

1st - Rainforest Region

- Takes up more than half of Peru

- One of the least-disturbed rainforests in the world
- Climate is hot and wet
- Many rivers and many species of plants and animals
- Many Indigenous people live in the rainforest
(uncontacted tribes) - can build their homes in the

2nd - Coastal Region

- Ask: What is a coast?

- Area next to oceans and lakes
- Hot and dry climate
- Small rivers for growing crops
- Fishing is very popular (so close to water)
- Ask: Why might Peruvians choose to live on the

3rd - Mountain/Highland Region

- Dominated by the Andes mountains

- Where Machu Picchu is
- People raise alpacas and llamas here for their wool
- Land is not very fertile up high in mountains (cold)
- Crops are grown lower on the mountain, and are
planted on things called ‘terraces’

Peru WS 20 min
I made a worksheet for the students to complete. They can
draw the 3 different climates in Peru to show their

I expect each region to be fully sketched, outlined, and then

colored (with no white spots). Each region must present the
weather and one little person living in that region.

Guide: What does the person wear? What is the

environment like?

3 Regions: Rainforest, Coastal, and Mountain.

Conclusion Time

● Practice New Call and Response to get everyone back together 1 min
● Students go to original seating plan and wait for instruction in silent

● Sketching Worksheet (checking to see if they know the differences of climate and
human action in Peru’s regions)


Two Stars and a Wish

Star 1 - I felt confident while delivering instruction and managing the classroom
while Cori was away.

Star 2 - Students were engaged and invested in the worksheet and I pushed kids
to fulfill it to their biggest potential by having no white in the drawing.

Wish - I wish I had used the presentation I made instead of writing it out on the
board. But, we can’t predict tech problems, and I think I did good by adapting on
the fly.

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