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November Board of Director Minutes

The November Pine Meadows Board meeting was called to order by President Mary Dupuis at
7:15 pm on November 9th (meeting was delayed by 15 minutes due to conflicting commitments)
at the home of Teri Riggins. Mary wanted to note in the minutes that she would like to express
her gratitude for all of the well wishes during her recovery from her episode in late summer. She
is feeling much better and excited to be driving again.
Teri Riggins shared the Treasurer’s Report. All members are up to date on HOA dues through
November. The Board reviewed the increased lawn and snow fees from Ray’s for 2024 year
with plowing at 1 inch plus a $1 increase per household per month for Uribe’s refuse services.
The Board has continued the tradition of planning for 3 snows over 1 inch. To balance the
budget with roughly 30 lawn cuttings and 3 planned snows, the Board voted unanimously to
increase HOA dues from $130 a month per household for 2023 to $140 a month per household
beginning January 1, 2024, to align with the calendar year and Bylaws. The Board will mail a
30-day notice to all HOA members with the increase.
The Board unanimously approved the request from Gary Patterson for $26.40 for the
Architectural Committee to send reminders on the standards of the HOA.
The Board would like to remind members to any HOA expenses approved before purchasing any
Several HOA members have started a collection for Emergency phone numbers for a contact list
that only the Board will keep confidentially in case neighbors notice anything particular and
cannot get ahold of the member. The Board unanimously supports this approach to support the
HOA members’ best interest. If you have not submitted an emergency contact for your
household, please contact any Board member to submit it.
The Board reviewed the snow removal policy. Ray’s will come if there is 1 inch of snow or
more. 1-5 inches is the same amount to remove. For every inch over 5 inches of snow, the HOA
gets charged by the inch. The snow removal includes driveways, sidewalks to your front door,
and the three streets’ members are located. Since Ray’s will come automatically for 1 inch or
more, the Board will not be sending notices of when they plow. Ray’s will try to come swiftly
after the snow/storm is fully finished to begin removal. Anything of less than 1 inch is the HOA
member’s responsibility to remove sidewalks and driveway. If you have any questions, please
contact Mary Dupuis.
The next HOA Board of Directors meeting date has been changed to January 18, 2024, at Clark
Smith’s home. The meeting was adjourned at 8:13pm.

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