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A Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE Cookery (Grade 10)


At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:

- Students will demonstrate proper basic knife skills, including chopping, dicing,
and mincing.
- Students will demonstrate proper basic knife skills, emphasizing patience,
teamwork, and respect for others in the kitchen.
- Students will understand the importance of responsibility and safety in the

a. Topic: Introduction to Basic Knife Skills
b. Grade Level: Grade 10
c. Subject: TLE (Technology and Livelihood Education) - Cookery


a. References: TLE 10 Learning Module Week 2, Page 3
b. Introduction Materials: Demonstration, Power point, Pictures


Teachers Activities Learners Activities

A. Preliminary Activities


"Everyone, please stand student 1 "Prayer!"

Please lead the prayer”


“Good Morning Class!” “Good Morning Teacher,

3. Checking Attendance

"For your attendance I have here a piece of paper,

write your name indicated with a signature and a
date above the corner from the left side of the
(Hands on the paper to the class)

4. Review

“So class what we have discussed last meeting?” (students answer to the
5. Motivation

“Class, I have here a material. Do you know what “Ma’am those are the cutting
materials are these?” tools use in the kitchen."

"yes very good, these tools used in cutting in

preparing meat, vegetables and fruits for cooking”

“Do you have any idea what is our topic for today?” “Yes. Ma’am about different
styles of cuts.”

“Very Good!”
B. Introduction

1. Introduction

Start with a brief discussion on the importance of

knife skills in cooking.
“Okay class “Having sharp, great knives will enable (Students listen and take down
you to cook very precisely. Knife skills are essential notes)
in cooking.” said famous chef Eric Ripert. The
problem is, you can’t hand a student a sharp knife at
the beginning of the learning process in the culinary
“Today, we're diving into a crucial aspect of the
culinary world knife skills. Now, you might be
wondering, why do we need to spend time mastering
the art of cutting and chopping? Let's have a brief
discussion to uncover the importance of knife skills
in the world of cooking.”

1. Precision and Efficiency (2 minutes):

- In cooking, precision is key. Think of a finely diced
onion or perfectly julienned carrots. These skills not
only enhance the presentation of your dishes but
also contribute to even cooking and balanced
2. Artistry in Cooking (2 minutes):
- Consider a chef's ability to craft visually appealing
dishes. The way ingredients are cut and presented
adds an artistic touch to the culinary experience. It's
like creating a masterpiece on a plate!
3. Time Management (2 minutes):
- Efficient knife skills save time in the kitchen.
Imagine the minutes you can shave off your prep
time with swift and precise cuts. This becomes
especially crucial in a professional kitchen where
time is of the essence.
4. Safety (2 minutes):
- Beyond the culinary finesse, there's a
fundamental aspect—safety. Proper knife skills
reduce the risk of accidents. Understanding how to
hold and use a knife minimizes the chances of cuts
and ensures a safer cooking environment.
5. Building a Strong Culinary Foundation (2 minutes):
- Whether you dream of becoming a professional
chef or simply enjoy cooking at home, mastering
basic knife skills lays the foundation for all culinary
endeavors. It's a skill set that will serve you
throughout your culinary journey.

Discuss the significance of safety and precision

when working with knives.

In the culinary realm, safety and precision with a

knife are not mere guidelines; they are the backbone
of a chef's expertise. Consider this:

1. Safety is Paramount (1 minute):

- Safe knife practices are non-negotiable. The
razor-sharp edge of a knife demands respect.
Always maintain awareness of your surroundings,
keep your fingers tucked away, and ensure a stable
cutting surface. By prioritizing safety, you not only
protect yourself but also those working alongside

2. Precision Elevates Quality (1 minute):

- Precision in knife skills directly impacts the quality
of your dish. Whether it's uniform slices, delicate
mincing, or intricate dicing, the precision of your cuts
contributes to even cooking, balanced flavors, and a
visually appealing presentation. Each precise cut
adds a layer of finesse to your culinary creation.

“Do you understand class the importance of safety

will handling knifes?” “Yes, Ma’am”

“Next class I want you to seat properly and watch

this video silently”

2. Hook or Anticipatory Set

“I’m going to play this short video”

(Student seats properly)
A short video or a demonstration highlighting the
skills of a professional chef using excellent knife

C. Presentation

1. Activity

Class, our topic for today is about the basic knife

skills in cooking.

This time we will have an activity.

On the board is a Word Search Puzzle.

What you are going to do is to find words in the list to

the right. The words may appear horizontally,
vertically, diagonally (backward or upward).

When you find the word, circle it on the puzzle, then

cross it off on the list.
Volunteer students are highly appreciated.

(Students answer quietly)

“Okay class pass your paper I’m going to check (Students pass their paper)
your paper after the assessment “

2. Analysis

“Are you familiar with the words in the puzzle, “Yes Ma’am”!

‘What is your idea about those words? “Ma’am those are the tools and
Very good!” equipment.”

“There are different types of knives. What are “Ma’am! French knife, boning
those?” knife, knife slicer, butcher knife,
“What else?”
Ma’am! Chopping board!

“Very Good Class “

“Next Class I am going to demonstrate the basic (Student observe properly)

cutting skills.

Duration: 1 class period (60 minutes)

- Chef's knives
- Cutting boards
- Different vegetables (onions, carrots, bell peppers,
- Whiteboard and markers
- Handouts on knife safety and techniques

3. Modeling/Direct Instruction:

Explain and demonstrate the proper techniques for

chopping, dicing, and mincing using a chef's knife.
Emphasize the importance of a sharp knife and the
proper way to hold it for control and safety.
Demonstrate the techniques on a cutting board with
one type of vegetable.
Clearly show the correct hand positioning and
motion for each cut.

4. Guided Practice:

“Okay students gather around and practice the (All student preform all the
techniques while I going to see and give feedback basic cuts and basic knife
and correction to your work. Each one of you must skills)
learn and this skill.”

5. Independent Practice:

“I’m going to divide you into pair and each pair (Students pairing and start the
receives a selection of vegetables to practice the demo)
knife skills learned.”
“I want you to apply team work into this activity and
Please be careful while you hold the knife and
everyone ensure your safety”
D. Closure

“Class let’s all reviewing the key points of the lesson

and emphasizing the importance of practice and
precision in developing knife skills and share one
thing you learned or found challenging in this topic
right it on a whole paper and pass this if you finish”
“Do you understand class?” “Yes Ma’am”

E. Assessment/ Evaluation

Direction: choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. it is an oval, four sided around dish or pan made
of stainless steel ceramic, or glass where food may
be cooked and served.
a. casserole
b. tongs chopping board
d. cleaver is a durable board on which food may be cut
and chopped.
a. meat thermometer
b. mallets
c. oven
d.boning knife
3. it is used to lift, turn and transfer food
a. tongs
b. range
4. it is used to separate meat from bone, use to fillet
a. cleaver
b. mallets
d.boning knife is somewhat heavy and has rectangular shape.
a. boning knife
b. cutting board
c. tongs
d. cleaver.


Give at least five types of knives.

F. Homework/Assignment:

Make a short reflection or journal entry and describe

your experience in learning basic knife skills.

V. Reflection:

Reflect on the effectiveness of the lesson, noting any adjustments for future lessons.
Consider how well students grasped the concepts and skills introduced.

Aubrey Ordobes Dacer

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