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The British Empire

Lucas W, Julia G, Paloma M, Nayeli K y Jorge B.

Introduction British Empire & historic
The British Empire started between 1485 and 1509. Henry
established a new and modern system of merchant navy.
Due to this new system the Royal Navy appeared.This
empire started to set down after the establishment of the
13th colonies on the east coast of North America. This
empire is divided into two periods, the first one goes from
the begining of the empire to the begining of the 1st WW,
they conquered territories of Asia, Oceania and Africa.
However, after the 2nd WW the empire went bankrupt,
while at the same time there were movements of anti
colonialist , and they started the process of
descolonization loosing all those colonies and ending with
the largest empire of all times.

Introduction Victorian Era:

The Victorian Era was a time in Britain when Queen
Victoria ruled from 1837 to 1901. It was a period of
big changes. The British Empire got stronger, new
machines like the steam engine changed how things
were made, and cities grew a lot. But this also
brought problems like crowded cities, poor jobs, and
not enough help for people in need. People started
making things better by changing rules. It was also a
time when many famous artists and writers showed
their talents.

Characteristics British Empire:

Territorial expansion
Colonial domination
Economic dominance
Expansion through trade and industry
Cultural influence
Military power
Diverse governance systems
Social ranking
Challenges and resistance
Impact of Imperialism:
Economic Motives
Trade and resources
Raw materials
Strategic and Military Interests
Political and Ideological Factors
National reputation
Social and Humanitarian Factors
End of slave trade

Today only 14 former colonies

The first territories conquered were:
Newfoundland (1855), Canada (1867), Australia
(1901), New Zealand (1907), and the Union of
South Africa (1910).
Some conquered territories:Africa: Zambia and
part of Cameroon and Egypt. America: Canada,
United States and Bahamas. Asia: Qatar, India
and Singapore. Europe: United Kingdom of Great
Britain (the seat of the empire), Malta and
Cyprus.Oceania: Australia and New Zealand

Development of new
Impact of the two World
Reduced influence over
colonies [dominions].
Problems with ammunition.

Middle East.
Kenya and Nigeria.
Hong Kong.
India and Pakistan.

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