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Name: Dela Cruz, Earl Ian S. Date:


Direction: Choose your favorite selfie from your (FB, Instagram, or other social media accounts) or your
favorite picture of you ALONE. Put it in the box below and answer the questions.

A. List 3 physical features you like about yourself.

Eyes 1
Lips 2
3 Skin Tone

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B. What part of your body do you like most? Why?

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My eyes are my favorite feature of my body since they capture the essence of my journey. The faint lines depict
times of reflection, and the subtle crinkles at the corners express stories of laughter. Their color changes
depending on the lighting, displaying a versatility that is similar to how flexible I am in my life. My eyes
continue to reflect growth and resiliency despite joy and sadness. In the end, they serve as a reminder that beauty
is found in the stories that are carved into every glance as much as in physical appearance.

C. What part of your body you don’t like? Why?

My hair is not my favorite feature since, at times, it may be unruly and difficult to manage, and because of the
unexpected texture, which makes it difficult to attain the perfect style. Regular trimming provides a laborious

element to the maintenance required. In addition, I sometimes find that the way my hair reacts to various weather

situations adds an element of unpredictability that I don’t particularly love. Although there are times when it
seems healthy and vibrant, I don’t think the total amount of care needed is worth it. Despite these difficulties, I
understand that everyone has a different definition of beauty, thus other people may view differently of my hair
than I do.

D. How happy are you with your physical self? Encircle your rating to yourself and explain in 3- 5
sentences why you rated yourself such. Be honest in your rating. Defend your rating; tell us why you
gave it the score you did. How can someone who has a low opinion of themselves come to terms

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with their physical appearance?

I am happy with my physical self and value the unique features that make me who I am. I accept the flaws that
give my appearance character, even though there are times when I wish I could do better. I may enjoy the unique
qualities of my features and realize that self-worth is more than just looks when I adopt an optimistic outlook.
Since physical self-acceptance is a necessary component of mental and emotional balance, I place a high value
on a holistic approach to well-being. I embrace and love my physical appearance, and I am at peace with it, true
worth is found in these qualities.

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