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08 November 2022.


Dear: Pascaline Yagoga

You are hereby given notice that you are in breach of your tenancy agreement of the premises
located at 78 Alhari, 152 Troy Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, Gauteng,0002 under the terms
of the lease dated on the 1st of
September 2022 between Pascaline Yagoga and Karabo

You are in breach of the lease because you have failed to comply with the terms and conditions
of your tenancy as follows:

Failure to pay rent on the proposed date on the lease agreement

Failure to pay fine (R250) due to breach of laws and regulations of premises
Renting out space without permission/approval from landlord

The total outstanding rental amount including late payment fine R300 and breach of
premises laws and regulations R250 making a total of R6050.00 payment is required by
9th November 2022, before 12:00pm, failure to do so, we will have no choice but to exercise
other legal means available to protect our rights under applicable laws.

In terms of renting out spacing without Landlords permission/approval, this has resulted in you
having forfeited your deposit, in order to reinstate your deposit a fine of R3000 to be paid for
unlawful usage of the premises.

Please consider this letter a final demand for you to remedy this situation. If you fail to comply,
the landlord may commence eviction proceedings against you.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation

Yours sincerely,


066 266 6782

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