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Constitutive relations and finite deformations of passive cardiac tissue II: stress analysis in

the left ventricle.

J D Humphrey and F C Yin

Circ Res. 1989;65:805-817

doi: 10.1161/01.RES.65.3.805
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Constitutive Relations and Finite

Deformations of Passive Cardiac Tissue II:
Stress Analysis in the Left Ventricle
Jay D. Humphrey and Frank C.P. Yin

We present a new approach for estimation of transmural distributions of stress and strain in the
equatorial region of a passive left ventricle. We employ a thick-walled cylindrical geometry,
assume that myocardium is incompressible, and use a three-dimensional constitutive relation
that yields a material symmetry consistent with observed transmural variations in muscle fiber
orientations. Moreover, we consider finite deformations including inflation, extension, twist,
and transmural shearing and suggest a new method for determination of the requisite
deformation parameters directly from experimental strain data. We show representative
transmural distributions of stress and strain, and perform a parametric study to illustrate
differing predictions of stress induced by varying boundary conditions, muscle fiber orienta-
tions, or modes of deformation. Our analysis can be used to guide and check future predictions
of cardiac stresses, and to guide experimentalists by suggesting the accuracy of measurements
essential for stress analysis in the heart. (Circulation Research 1989;65:805-817)

Q uantification of the mechanical stresses in

the heart remains a subject of intense inter-
est. Mechanical stresses can, for example,
affect coronary blood flow, myocardial oxygen con-
heart.3 At present, however, realistic predictions of
the three-dimensional state of stress in the heart are
limited by a lack of sufficient experimental data,
particularly information on the material properties
sumption, overall cardiac function, and the rate and of myocardium. Consequently, results obtained using
extent of hypertrophy in certain pathological condi- finite-element methods must be interpreted with
tions. These stresses cannot be measured directly in caution.
the intact heart,1-2 but must be inferred from biome- Because of the lack of complete data and the
chanical analyses. Thus, most reported inferences of sometimes prohibitive cost and effort in performance
stresses in the heart have been obtained from either of finite-element calculations, closed-form analytical
finitc-element-based calculations or from closed- solutions can continue to provide valuable insight
form analytical solutions.3-6 into cardiac mechanics, as long as one views the
Finite-element methods are numerical approxima- predictions within the framework of the underlying
tion techniques that can, in theory, account for the assumptions. Such solutions presented before 1980
geometric irregularities, complex boundary condi- generally considered the heart to be homogeneous,
tions, large deformations, solid-fluid interactions, however, and did not account for the known distri-
material heterogeneities, and nonlinear anisotropic butions of muscle fibers throughout the walls.3"5
Thus, the utility of the associated predictions was
material behavior inherent to the heart. This questionable. Recent investigators, using a thick-
approach may, in fact, be the only practical tool for walled cylindrical geometry to model the left ventri-
accurate analysis of regional stresses in the intact cle, have attempted to take fiber angles into account
but have assumed that myocardium consists solely
From the Department of Mechanical Engineering (J.D.H.), of "slippery" muscle fibers embedded in an inviscid
The University of Maryland, and the Departments of Medicine fluid.7-14 Hence, it was tacitly assumed that myocar-
and Physiology (F.C.P.Y.), The Johns Hopkins Medical Institu- dium can bear loads only in the direction of the
tions, Baltimore, Maryland. muscle fibers. This assumption, however, is incon-
Supported in part by Grant HL 33621-02 from the National sistent with recent experimental data on noncontract-
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and by a Minta Martin grant.
F.C.P.Y. is an Established Investigator of the American Heart ing tissue15; therefore, the usefulness of predictions
Association. based on these cylindrical models of passive left
Address for correspondence: Frank C.P. Yin, MD, PhD, ventricular mechanics is also questionable.
Cardiology Division, Carnegie 565, The Johns Hopkins Hospital,
600 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205. In this paper, we present a new analytical
Received October 15, 1987; accepted March 9, 1989. approach for calculation of transmural distributions

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806 Circulation Research Vol 65, No 3, September 1989

of stress and strain in the equatorial region of a components; hence, estimates of stress in individual
noncontracting left ventricle. Like other investiga- muscle or collagen fibers are likely to be misleading.
tors, we base our analysis on a thick-walled cylin- We, like many others, employ an approach that is
drical geometry, a reasonable representation of the useful when one considers gross mechanical behav-
distribution of muscle fibers in the left ventricle,1216 ior of a material, namely, the relationship between
incompressibility of the tissue, and large deforma- locally averaged stresses and strains at any point
tions including inflation, extension, and twist. In within a body. This continuum approach is reason-
contrast with previous studies, however, we use a able when the size of the constituents that make up
recent constitutive description of myocardial prop- the material and the distances between them are
erties derived from biaxial data17 and account for orders of magnitude smaller than the dimensions of
transmural shearing strains, which were recently interest. In the canine heart, for example, the left
identified in canine hearts.18 Our new constitutive ventricle is roughly 1-2 cm thick, whereas the
relation treats myocardium as transversely isotro- diameters of muscle fibers and intramuscular colla-
gen and the interfiber distances are on the order of
pic with respect to the muscle fiber directions and 0.1-3 /mi.20 Hence, for the usual considerations of,
accounts for both the "fiber" and the previously for example, transmural distributions of stress, the
neglected "cross-fiber" stiffness13 of the tissue. continuum hypothesis seems reasonable.
Finally, whereas the parameters that define the
deformation are often inferred from assumed load- Constitutive relations. Equations that character-
ing conditions,811-13 we calculate these parameters ize a material and its response to applied loads are
directly from available experimental data18 and by called constitutive relations since they describe
gross behavior due to the internal constitution of
satisfaction of the equations of equilibrium. the material. Recent biaxial experimental data reveal
We show transmural distributions of stress and that potassium-arrested myocardium can support
strain in the equatorial region of a representative loads both transverse to and in the direction of the
passive left ventricle. We also examine changes in muscle fibers, and that the tissue behavior is non-
the predicted stresses induced by different distribu- linear and anisotropic.15-21 Thus, existing character-
tions of muscle fibers, varying amounts and types of izations of myocardium as a fiber-reinforced, fluid-
deformation, and differing boundary conditions. filled structure,8-10-13 or as an isotropic material,22-26
Because of the current lack of sufficient experimen- are inappropriate descriptors of the tissue behavior.
tal data, however, our predictions of stress distri- Consequently, we employ a constitutive relation
butions, like all others, should be viewed cautiously derived directly from biaxial data and conveniently
with regard to physiological implications. Nonethe- expressed in terms of a pseudostrain-energy func-
less, our analysis is reasonably general, and can be tion, W(I,,a), as17
refined to include new information as it becomes W=c[e i(I '- 3) -l]+A[e fl(a - 1)2 -l] (1)
available. Finally, our analysis can be used to guide
and check future calculations of cardiac stresses, where c, b, A, and a are pseudoelastic material
and to guide experimentalists by suggesting the parameters derived from multiaxial data, and I, and
requisite accuracy of measurements that are needed a, a stretch ratio in the direction of a muscle fiber,
for more complete and realistic assessments of are coordinate invariant measures of the deforma-
stress in the heart. tion. Stress-strain relations are obtained from Equa-
tion 1 by taking derivatives of W(I,,a) with respect
to the appropriate measures of the deformation (see
Methods "Appendix").
Preliminary Considerations Geometry. A thick-walled sphere does not closely
We will first address several issues that are fun- approximate the actual geometry of the heart or left
damental to our analysis, including the applicability ventricle. Moreover, the deformation of a sphere
of the continuum hypothesis and the choice of into another sphere induced by uniform pressures
constitutive relations, geometry, deformations, and on its surfaces implicitly requires either isotropic or
boundary conditions. transversely isotropic (with respect to radial direc-
Continuum approach. Some investigators, using tion) material symmetry. Thus, spherical models
measurements of gross forces and deformations, are not very useful for estimation of stresses and
have attempted to calculate stresses and extensions strains in the heart even though the solutions are
in individual muscle fibers or sarcomeres.7-8>1113>19 straightforward.22-24-27 Conversely, a prolate spher-
To accurately determine these stresses and exten- oid resembles the geometry of the left ventricle, but
sions, however, one must know the precise details introduces substantial mathematical complexity, par-
of the microstructure, including the number, orien- ticularly when large deformations are considered.
tation, distribution, diameter, and properties of the Thus, simplifying assumptions are often intro-
tissue constituents and their interactions. Since this duced, such as treatment of the ventricular wall as
information is not available, there is no way to a series of uncoupled thin layers described by
discriminate between the loads borne by individual Laplace's relation,28-29 a conjecture that remains
muscle fibers and those borne by neighboring tissue questionable.18

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Humphrey and Yin Stress Analysis in Passive Myocardium 807

Z Axis of ThicK-walled
symmetry cylinder*

FIGURE 1. Schematic drawing ofan ideal-

ized left ventricle (panel A) wherein thin
cross sections in the equatorial region are
idealized as a thick-walled cylindrical annu-
lus with the six independent components
of Cauchy stress (force/current area) shown
on a differential element of wall (panel B)
and uniformly applied pressures denoted
on inner and outer surfaces (panel C).


Alternatively, a thick-walled cylindrical geome- represent these reported distributions of muscle

try is mathematically tractable even when one con- fiber orientations, <!>, as
siders certain complex finite deformations of an
incompressible, anisotropic, nonlinear material. 0(R)=(D0{[2R-(R0+Ri)]/[R0-Rl]}3 (2)
Thus, like many investigators, we employ a cylin- where <$>o is the value of <£ at the epicardium (e.g.,
drical geometry to study the passive left ventricle. -60° to -90°) and R, and R,, denote unloaded
We emphasize, however, that a cylindrical geome- endocardial and epicardial radii, respectively.
try can, at best, approximate the left ventricle only Although this equation only approximates the actual
in a small annular region (Figures 1A and IB; see muscle fiber orientations in the heart, we employ it
also Figure 2 in Streeter16) and not over its entirety.28 to obtain representative predictions of transmural
Although left ventricular cross sections are admit- stress. Finally, a linear distribution of 4>(R) results
tedly not circular near the equator, this approxima- from Equation 2 if the exponent on the term in {. . .}
tion seems warranted if one is not interested in is changed from 3 to I.11-12
detailing the stresses and strains in the trabeculae Deformations. Attempts to rigorously quantify
and other interstices near the endocardial surface. the complex deformations experienced by the heart
Finally, consideration of the equatorial region as have been reported only recently.18-32-34 These data
cylindrical is consistent with finite-element predic- reveal that large in-plane (i.e., in constant radial
tions that the variations in stress are primarily radial surfaces) and transmural shearing strains accom-
in the equatorial plane, but are both radial and axial pany finite extensional strains throughout the car-
nearer the apex and base.30-31 diac cycle.18 Transmural shearing strains corre-
Muscle fiber orientations. The data of Streeter16 spond to the tn and t r , stresses, and the in-plane
reveal that the orientations of the muscle fibers vary shear strain corresponds to t te (Figure IB). Whereas
nonlinearly from the endocardium to the epicar- the presence of transmural shearing strains has
dium in the equatorial region of the canine left been neglected in previous cylindrical models of the
ventricle. Moreover, the muscle fibers appear to left ventricle, we consider a deformation that is
follow regular helices on constant radial surfaces. consistent with the existence of all six reported
Thus, Tozeren12 suggested the following equation to components of Green strain.18

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808 Circulation Research Vol 65, No 3, September 1989

Stress boundary conditions. Uniform pressures thus, their measurements were averaged radially.
are normally assumed to act on the inner and outer Consequently, for data from the subendocardial
surfaces of the heart (Figure 1C). The pressure at region, we assume that their measurements reflect
the inner surface, P|, is the intraventricular cavity strains midway through the inner third of the wall
pressure, whereas the external pressure, Po, is (i.e., R=R,+[R o -R i ]/6), where R, = 1.5 cm and
usually assumed to be zero.8-11-13 Neglect of Po is R<,=2.55 cm.38 With these assumptions and correc-
suspect, however, in light of increasing data and tion for our reference state being the beginning of
speculation on the mechanical role of the parietal diastasis (Waldman used end diastole) and our
and visceral pericardia.35-37 Moreover, because the coordinate system being R,G,Z (Waldman used
left ventricle consists of the interventricular septum 0,Z,R), we found that r,=<1.77 cm, ^ 1.7°/cm, and
and the free wall, both pericardial and right ventric- A=«1.015. Interestingly, we also calculated A from
ular pressures should be considered as left ventric- Equation A-3 using the heart dimensions in Olson et
ular stress boundary conditions. Inclusion of the
precise stress boundary conditions, however, must al and obtained A~1.02. Finally/we let w'~0.1
await additional experimental data and three- rad/cm and w'««0.2 at R=R;=1.5 cm. The remaining
dimensional finite-element analyses. Here, we con- values of <o' and w' were determined separately for
sider that the right ventricular pressure and pericar- each radial location by use of the method outlined in
dial influence are of the same order of magnitude the Appendix (Equations A-24 through A-28).
during diastole, and can be approximated by a Due to a lack of complete data, we assumed that
single nonzero value of PO. the material parameters in Equation 1 do not vary
across the wall, and employed the following values:
Analysis c=0.115 kPa, 6=9.665, A=0.082 kPa, and a=61.52
Based on the above considerations, we examine a (where kPa=l,000 N/m2).17 Moreover, we let
finite inflation, extension, torsion, and transmural Po=0.98 kPa, <t>o=-90°, and <I>(R) vary cubically
shearing of a thick-walled, incompressible cylindri- (Equation 2). Collectively, these parameters were
cal annulus composed of a material described by employed to generate numerical results for an equa-
Equation 1 with muscle fiber orientations defined by torial region in a "representative" canine left ven-
Equation 2. The Appendix contains a detailed tricle. Finally, we also examined changes in the
description of the associated kinematics, constitu- predicted stresses that were induced by assuming a
tive considerations, satisfaction of equilibrium, and linear muscle fiber distribution11-12 instead of a more
method of solution. realistic cubic one (Equation 2); neglecting possible
General outline. Briefly, we formulate the prob- external surface pressures on the heart8-11-13; neglect-
lem in terms of five deformation quantities: r,, the ing transmural shearing strains8-11-13; and neglecting
inner radius in a loaded, or pressurized, configura- possible twisting of the ventricle.
tion; A, a uniform axial extension; iff, a twist per
unloaded axial length; and o»(R) and w(R), radially Results
dependent parts of the displacement in the circum- Representative Stresses and Strains
ferential and axial directions, respectively. The All six components of the Green strain varied
values of ri5 A, and t/» are calculated directly from monotonically as a function of radius as prescribed
experimental strain data. The radial location of any by Equations A-l through A-5 (Figure 2). Because
point in the wall, in a loaded configuration, is then the circumferential (Eee) and radial (ERR) strains are
calculated from the incompressibility constraint and influenced primarily by the term (r/R)2, their radial
knowledge of r,, A, and the inner and outer radii in gradients near the inner wall can change dramati-
an unloaded configuration, R; and R,,. Finally, for cally (not shown) with even small changes in (r/R).
the calculation of stress and strain, we only need Thus, there is a need for accurate measurements of
the derivatives of w(R) and w(R) with respect to the ventricular geometry (e.g., Olson et al38) rather than
unloaded radius (i.e., d&VdR denoted as a>' and indirect estimates (e.g., Feit8). Due to the magnitudes
dw/dR denoted as w'). We determine a>' and w' of the deformations, infinitesimal strain assumptions
from experimental strains at a single location in the are clearly inappropriate.
wall and from satisfaction of two of the three In contrast with the transmural distribution of
equilibrium equations. The final equilibrium equa- strains, only three of the components of stress
tion yields that portion of the stress associated with varied monotonically as a function of radius (Figure
the incompressibility of the tissue. 3). In particular, the radial stress, t^, varies from
Preliminary calculations. Using Equations A-23a -Pi to - P o , and the transmural shearing stresses, u
through A-23e in the Appendix, we calculated rep- and trff, are inversely proportional to r and r ,
resentative deformation parameters from the dia- respectively, each as required by equilibrium. Con-
stolic strain data of Waldman et al18 (i.e., the data versely, the circumferential (tw), axial (t^), and
between 0.4 and 0.57 seconds in Figure 3 and 4 of in-plane shearing (t9z) stresses had complex trans-
that study. Waldman et al18 calculated these strains mural distributions. The peaks in t^, tei, and t^ in
from the motions of radially directed tetrahedrons the inner third of the wall result primarily from the
formed by lead markers embedded in the heart wall; anisotropy introduced by the muscle fiber direc-

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Humphrey and Yin Stress Analysis in Passive Myocardium 809

first power; b) no external pressure, P o -0; c) no

Joe twist, 1/^=0; d) no RZ shear, w'=0; or e) no R0
shear, w'=0. The figures also show the correspond-
ing component of stress from Figure 3 for compar-
ison. As can be seen, the radial stress becomes less
negative, at almost all values of r, when each of
these changes in parameters is invoked (Figure 4A).
Thus, a difference in cavity pressure on the order of
15-20% can result, for example, from inclusion or
neglect of known amounts18 of transmural shearing
1.3 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 strains. Moreover, neglect of an external pressure
UNDEFORUED RADIUS (cm) of 0.98 kPa has a large effect on the magnitude of t^
FIGURE 2. Representative transmural Green strains are
at all r values, even though the transmural pressure
plotted versus undeformed radius, and are based on the (P|—Po) varies only minimally.
following values of the parameters: R,=1.5 cm, RO=2.55 The transmural shearing stresses, t rt and tra, are
cm, rt=1.77 cm, ip=1.7°/cm, u)'=0.1 rad/cm at Rh identically zero if to'=0 or w'=0, and are signifi-
A=1.015, w'=0.2atRh <J>o=-90°, c=0.115kPa, b=9.665, cantly influenced (on the order of 25%) by the
A-0.082 kPa, 3=61.52, Po=0.98 kPa, and <t>(R) varies presence or absence of w' and a/, respectively
cubicalty (Equation 2). (Figures 4B and 4C). The presence or absence of a
1.7°/cm twist does not significantly affect the distri-
tions. As shown in the Appendix, these three com- bution of these components of stress, however.
ponents of stress can be used to calculate the stress Finally, as expected (Equation A-12), alteration of
in the direction of the muscle fibers. muscle fiber orientations or external pressure does
It is noteworthy that these general characteristics not influence the transmural shearing stresses.
of the Cauchy stress hold for any transversely The magnitude of the circumferential stress, t^,
isotropic material defined by a W(I,,a) with chang- decreases at almost all values of r when the twist
ing muscle fiber directions lying in constant radial and transmural shearing strains are neglected (Fig-
surfaces (e.g., N in Equations A-7 and A-8) and, ure 5A). Conversely, neglect of Po increases this
thus, are not restricted to the specific form of W(I,,a) component of stress at all values of r (Figure 5D).
in Equation 1, or the particular values of the param- Marked differences in both the magnitude and char-
eters. Therefore, as these figures illustrate, the com- acter of the stress distribution arise due to linear
ponents of the Cauchy stress cannot be simply versus cubic muscle fiber distributions (Figure 5D);
inferred from knowledge of the associated strains. that is, the peak value of stress both diminishes and
Factors Influencing the Stress Distributions moves toward the midwall by assumption of a linear
muscle fiber distribution.11-12 Results for the axial
Figures 4 and 5 illustrate components of the (t^) and in-plane shearing (t8z) stresses are similar,
Cauchy stress based on the representative parame- except that Po does not affect t9z (Figures 5B, 5C,
ters above (Figures 2 and 3), except that we sepa- 5E, and 5F). Nonetheless, note the dramatic differ-
rately assumed a) a linear distribution of muscle ences (some on the order of 50%) in t^ induced by
fibers, Equation 2 with the {. . .} term raised to the inclusion or neglect of Po, w', and a/.

11 T

Q- FIGURE 3. Representative transmural
Cauchy stresses (kPa) are plotted versus
deformed radius, and are based on the
following values of the parameters: R-,=l. 5
cm, RO=2.55 cm, r,=1.77cm, t//—L7"/cm,
ay'=0.1 rad/cm at R,, A=1.015, w'=0.2 at
Rlt Qo=-90°, c=0.U5 kPa, b=9.665,
A=0.082kPa, ^=61.52, Po=0.98kPa, and
varies cubicalty (Equation 2).

1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7


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810 Circulation Research Vol 65, No 3, September 1989


FIGURE 4. Calculated transmural distributions of trn t^, and tn using parameters noted in Figure 2, except that we
separately prescribe either a linear muscle fiber distribution (dotted line), no twist (ip=0, long dashed line), no RG shear
(<o'=0, dash-dot line), no RZ shear (w'—O, short dashed line), or no external pressure (Po—0, labeled solid line in panel
A). For purposes of comparison, the appropriate component of stress from Figure 3 is shown in each panel as an
unmarked solid line. Symbols associated with each curve denote the quantity that has been neglected or changed (eg.,
<t>, dotted line, denotes the curve based on a linear, instead of cubic, muscle fiber distribution). Curves are denoted
similarly in each panel.

Finally, the stretch ratio in the direction of though the displacements, <o(R) and w(R), do
the muscle fiber (Equation A-7) is illustrated not affect a, (see also Equation A-9), they
in Figure 6. The effects of twist and the distri- clearly affect the stresses, as seen in Fig-
bution of muscle fibers are pronounced. Al- ures 3-5.

** - B
f \


/ . ' U'

-0J —i 1


1 oc
oco DOO
FIGURE 5. Calculated transmural distributions oft,,, t)z, and tzz. Format is the same as in Figure 4 except that the
curves are denoted differently in panels A, B, and C (tp=O is long dashed line, w'=0 is short dashed line, and w'=0 is
dotted line) and panels D, E, and F (no external pressure is dotted line, linear fiber angle is long dashed line).

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Humphrey and Yin Stress Analysis in Passive Myocardium 811

1 .J.\J -
nificantly (-30%) over this small range of twist. In
light of these observations, we emphasize that infer-
ences of the distribution of stress in an actual left
ventricle must be made judiciously, and be based on
1.10- accurate experimental data.
/' /
1/ \ \ \ y
1/ \ \ \ Need for Additional Data
IK • \ \ \
Regional variations in myocardial properties have
been suggested based on limited data13 and on
theoretical arguments,35-39-40 but have not been ade-
quately investigated. Since it is easy to show that
0.B0- 1 1——1 1 1 1 transmural variations in material properties can
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 significantly affect predicted distributions of stress,
UNDEFORMED RADIUS there is an obvious need to obtain regional data.
FIGURE 6. Calculated stretch ratio, a, with same format Similarly, as pointed out by Fung,41 it is likely that
as in Figure 4. residual stresses exist in the heart. Residual stresses
are those stresses that remain after removal of all
external loads. Since residual stresses can signifi-
Discussion cantly influence the actual distribution of stress in
Implications of the Results organs,41 experimental and theoretical characteriza-
Armed with the present or easily generated addi- tions of the residual stress phenomena must come
tional numerical calculations, it is tempting to sug- forth before we can quantify the true state of stress
gest physiological implications. Although this could in the heart.
be done here, we prefer to resist this temptation and Accurate experimental data on the deformations
simply note the following: The deformation [i.e., experienced by the heart are fundamental to the
r/R, i/f, w(R), w(R), and A] can influence the stresses performance and validation of stress analyses.
in a highly nonlinear fashion. Similarly, different Hence, reliable in vivo and in situ strain data are of
functional forms of the constitutive relations, dif- paramount importance. We employed the data of
fering values of the material parameters and bound- Waldman and colleagues,18 which appear to be the
ary conditions, and various descriptions of muscle best data presently available, although likely incom-
fiber orientations can markedly change the pre- plete. Due to the potentially large radial gradients in
dicted stresses. Thus, it is difficult, even with the strain, particularly in the subendocardium, it is
present results, to discern the effects of these param- imperative that the appropriate error analyses be
eters categorically. Perhaps most importantly, how- performed in the future to ensure confidence in this
ever, we find that even slight variations in many type of data. Furthermore, the possible presence of
different parameters can significantly alter not only residual strains must be explored and documented,
the magnitudes but also the character of the trans- and the most appropriate state to which the strains
mural distributions of stress and strain. For exam- should be referred must be identified.
ple, it may not seem necessary, or feasible, to Finally, a nonzero external pressure can signifi-
experimentally determine the "diastolic twist" in cantly affect the normal stresses. Since the pericar-
the heart more accurately than ±17cm. As shown dia (visceral and parietal) may contribute substan-
in Figure 7, however, the circumferential stress, tially to a nonzero value of Po on the free wall, the
based on the aforementioned representative param- mechanics of the pericardia must be better under-
eters with i/f= 1.07cm or </>= 3.07cm, can differ sig- stood. Moreover, the influence of other thoracic


a FIGURE 7. Calculated values of f« based on repre-
sentative parameters used in Figures 2 and 3, except
s that ip=r/cm or ifr^

1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8


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812 Circulation Research Vol 65, No 3, September 1989

structures (e.g., great vessel attachments) like that modified to include residual stresses. The effects of
of hilar support on the distribution of stress in the residual stress were not considered here, however,
lungs should be investigated.42 due to a lack of sufficient information.
Finally, it is almost certain that once the requisite
Utility of Present Analysis experimental data become available, full three-
In spite of the lack of necessary data, theory and dimensional finite-element analyses will be neces-
experiment must continue to progress in harmony. sary for the estimation of cardiac stresses. Due to
Our current analysis extends previous attempts to the inherent nonlinearities in cardiac mechanics,
model the heart with a cylindrical geometry in that however, convergence to the correct solution by
we present a general solution valid for any consti- finite elements cannot be guaranteed, and thus the
tutive description of myocardium in terms of a predictions must be checked against known solu-
transversely isotropic pseudostrain-energy function, tions. Our analysis, albeit limited to cylindrical
W(Il5a), including arbitrary distributions of muscle geometry, includes many of these nonlinearities
fiber angles that lie in constant radial surfaces. Rather and, therefore, could be used to check sophisticated
than restricting the myocardial properties to be homo- finite-element predictions. Since our analysis may
geneous, we can easily include radially dependent be of use to experimentalists and numerical analysts
material parameters. We also consider a general alike, we will gladly supply interested investigators
deformation that is consistent with experimental with our IBM AT FORTRAN programs.
observations that all six components of the Green
strain are significant in the canine heart (i.e., we do In summary, we reviewed many assumptions
not neglect transmural shearing strains as in prior commonly employed in the analysis of stress in the
analyses). Moreover, we provide an approach passive heart. We concur with Moriarty39 that finite
wherein the deformation parameters can be deter- deformations, the finite thickness of the wall, and
mined directly from experimental strain data and nonlinear stress-strain relations must be included in
satisfaction of the equilibrium equations. This is in any analysis of regional stresses and strains. Addi-
contrast with previous approaches, wherein an incom- tionally, we suggest that a) until sufficient ultrastruc-
plete set of deformation parameters is inferred from tural data are available, the continuum hypothesis
assumed loading conditions.8-11>12 Until the issues of remains a useful approximation; b) any myocardial
residual stress and the coupling between systolic and constitutive relation must describe available multi-
diastolic properties are clarified, these assumed load- axial data (i.e., isotropic and fiber-reinforced fluid
ing conditions will remain questionable. models are not appropriate); c) experimentally mea-
We also hope that the present analysis, and sured transmural shearing strains should be
refinements thereof, can be used by experimental- accounted for; and d) a cylindrical geometry is
ists to guide their data acquisition. For example, if perhaps the most useful analytically although it
one desires to predict stresses to within a 10% represents, at best, only select regions within the
accuracy given experimental strains, the present left ventricle.
analysis can be used to examine possible require- Consequently, we presented an analysis of a
ments on the necessary accuracy of the strain finite deformation of a thick-walled cylindrical annu-
measurement (e.g., see Figure 7). lus composed of a nonlinear, anisotropic, incom-
Another utility of our analysis is the ease of pressible material. We employed a new pseudoelas-
inclusion of new information. For example, Chuong tic constitutive relation derived from experimental
and Fung43 suggested that residual strains in arteries biaxial data on potassium-arrested myocardium,
can be quantified by consideration of the following included a reasonable description of the transmural
"residual deformation." Similar to Equation A-l in distribution of muscle fibers, and considered finite
the Appendix, consider material particles in a stress- deformations including inflation, extension, twist,
free configuration (p,#,£) to go to (R,9,Z) in an and transmural shearing. Illustrative predictions of
unloaded, but residually stressed, configuration, transmural variations in stress and strain were pre-
namely sented based on available experimental data. These
R=R(P), e= (3) results are not to be viewed as final, however, due
to the lack of complete data.
where 0 O is an opening angle that can be measured In contrast with finite-element analyses, our solu-
when a longitudinal cut is introduced into an artery tion has the disadvantage of being restricted to a
to relieve residual stresses, and A is an axial exten- cylindrical geometry; this limitation does not appear
sion ratio that can be measured by observation of to be severe in the equatorial region of the left
the axial shortening or lengthening associated with ventricle, however. Advantages of our solution
relief of the residual stresses. over finite elements include the cost- and time-
The developments of Chuong and Fung43 can be efficient performance of parametric studies, and
easily incorporated into our analysis. Thus, if Equa- certain explicit results. For example, the transmural
tion 3, or comparable relations, are shown to ade- shearing stresses must vary inversely with r or r2 as
quately describe the residual strains in the equato- required by equilibrium. Finally, our analysis can
rial region of the heart, the present analysis can be serve to check finite-element solutions.

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Humphrey and Yin Stress Analysis in Passive Myocardium 813

Due to the sensitivity of the stresses to the and repeated indices imply summation, for exam-
various parameters, it is essential to base analyses ple, trC=C MM =C u +C22+Cj 3 . In matrix form, B m is
of stresses on complete and reliable data. In partic-
ular, there is a need to determine the following: (r')2 r'(rw') r'w'
regional stress-strain relations for normal and dis-
eased myocardium in the passive and active states, r'(r w ') (r/R)2+(r<o')2+(r.//)2 (A-4)
the properties and contributions of the pericardia,
regional strain data throughout the cardiac cycle, •w' (w')2+(A)2
the possible effects of trabeculations on endocardial
stress concentrations, residual stresses, inertial and CMN is
effects, regional boundary conditions, and so forth.
Theory and experiment must proceed hand in hand. (r')2+(ra/)2+(W)2 (r/R)ro/ (To>')Tip+Aw'
Until the requisite data are available, regardless of
our computational sophistication, predictions of stress (r/R)ro)' (r/R)2 (A-5)
in the heart will remain only speculative and the (ro)')ri/H-Aw' (r/R)ri/ (ri/f) 2 +(A) 2
associated physiological interpretations suspect.
Thus, both B and C are symmetric. Waldman et al18
Appendix use the Green strain measure, E=(C —1)/2, which is
Kinematics easily calculated from C.
We consider finite deformations of a thick- The first principal strain invariant (I,=trC=trB) is
walled, incompressible cylindrical annulus includ- I,=(r') 2 +(ra>') 2 +(r/R) 2 +(r$ 2 +(w') 2 +(A) 2 (A-6)
ing inflation, extension, twist, and transmural shear-
ing. Thus, we consider material particles in an Thus, I, depends on all of the deformation parame-
unloaded configuration (R,6,Z) to go to (r,0,z) after ters in Equation A-2 (r, <\>, A, a>, and w'). It will also
loading, namely prove useful to calculate the stretch ratio, a, in the
r=r(R), 6=e+ipZ+w{R), z=AZ+w(R) (A-l) direction of a muscle fiber. Thus, we consider17

where iff is a twist-per-unit unloaded length, w is a «2=N-C-N=CMNNMNN (A-7)

radially dependent portion of the circumferential where N is a unit vector in the direction of a muscle
displacement, A is an extension ratio denoting uni- fiber in the unloaded configuration. For example,
form changes in axial lengths per unloaded lengths, we can assume12 that N has components
and w is a radially dependent part of the axial
displacement. Analyses of similar deformations of N A =[N,,N 2 ,N 3 ]=[0, cos<D(R), sin$(R)] (A-8)
cylindrical tubes are found in Green and Adkins44
where <I>(R) describes the transmural distribution of
and Truesdell and Noll.45
muscle fibers through the heart wall (e.g., Equation
The physical components46 of the deformation
2 in the text, although other descriptions may be
gradient, F, are determined from the motion (Equa-
tion A-l), and are conveniently written in matrix physiologically more realistic). Regardless, a2 is
form as o2={(r/R)2 cos2*(R)-l-2(r/R)r^ sind>(R) cos#(R)
dr/BR ar/Rae dr/dZ r' 0 0 + [(r,A)2+(A)2] sin2*(R)} (A-9)
Td0/dR TddfRde Tdd/dZ rco' r/R rip (A-2) Thus, the stretch ratio in the direction of a muscle
fiber is independent of w(R) and (o(R), but depends
dz/dR dz/RdO w' 0 A
on <£>(R), r, t/r, and A.
wherein the prime denotes an ordinary derivative
with respect to the unloaded radius R, as, for Constitutive Relation
example, r' denotes dr/dR. Incompressibility (det Calculation of stresses from the deformation
F = l ) requires that (r')(Ar/R)=l, which, when inte- requires knowledge of a constitutive (stress-strain)
grated, yields either the functional dependence of r relation for the tissue. For the present purposes, we
on R, or the overall incompressibility relation consider noncontracting myocardium to be trans-
i^-r.Htf-Rfl/A or r02-ri2=(R02-R,2)/A (A-3) versely isotropic with respect to the directions of
the muscle fibers17-4748; that is, we assume that
Subscripts i and o denote inner and outer surfaces, myocardium responds equally to loads applied in
respectively. any direction excluding the muscle fiber direction
The physical components of the left and right wherein a different force-deformation behavior
Cauchy-Green deformation tensors (B, C) are, exists. A general form of a transversely isotropic
Bmn=FmMFnM and CMN=F;nMFmN where m, n, M, and pseudostrain-energy function for myocardium can
N=1,2,3. Wherever possible, lowercase and upper- be written as a function of I, and a17
case indices denote quantities associated with the
loaded and unloaded configurations, respectively, W=W(I,,a) (A-10)

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814 Circulation Research Vol 65, No 3, September 1989

A specific form of W(Iwa) is provided in the text aged loads borne by muscle, collagen, and other
(Equation 1). The Cauchy stress (force/current area) constituents.
for a material described by Equation A-10 is given
by17 Equilibrium and Boundary Conditions
In the absence of body forces, the equilibrium
t=-pI+2W l B + (Wa/a)F-N<g)N-FT (A-ll)
equations (div t=0) are44-46
where t is the Cauchy stress, p is a Lagrange dtn/dr+(trT-tM)/r=O (A-14a)
multiplier enforcing incompressibility, I is the iden-
tity tensor, Wi = dW/dI,, W a = <3W/da, ® denotes dt l9 /dr+2t r9 /r=0 (A-14b)
tensor product, and the superscript T denotes trans-
dtJdr+t n /r=0 (A-14c)
pose. Thus, from Equations A-2, A-4, A-10, and
A-ll, the nonzero physical components46 of the which arc easily integrated, uncoupled ordinary
Cauchy stress are differential equations. For example, Equation A-
t tr =-p(r)+2W 1 (r') 2 (A-12a) 14b can be written as
2 2
tM=-p(r)+2W1[(r/R) +(r.A) +(ra/) ] + 2 [d(r2trt)/dr]/r2=0 (A-15a)
(W^aHa'-A^in^R)] (A-12b) from which we obtain
2 2
t2Z=-p(r)+2W,[(w') +(A) ] + 1^,=constant=H (A-15b)
(Wa/a)[A2sin2<&(R)] (A-12c) Similarly, Equation A-14c can be written as
t rfi =2W,(rW) (A-12d) [d(rtrz)/dr]/r=0 (A-16a)
t n =2W,(r'w') (A-12e) and thus
rtI7=constant=G (A-16b)
{[sin<I)(R)Ar/R][R^in$(R)+cos<I)(R)]} (A-12f)
Equilibrium requires, therefore, that t^ and tra are
where t=t T ; 4>(R) can be any transmural distribution inversely proportional to r2 and r, respectively, both
of muscle fibers, and similarly W, and Wa can be independent of the particular form of W(I,,a).
calculated for any constitutive relation expressed If we assume that the inner and outer surfaces of
by W(li,a). For example, for Equation 1 in the text the cylinder experience uniform pressures (Figure
1C), then the radial stress boundary conditions are
W,=6ceb(I'-3) and W a =2a(a-l)Ae a(<r " l)2
a r , ) = - P , and t^ro)"-?o (A-17)
Since Wt and Wa may depend on Il3 and since Ij
depends on a>(R) and w(R), each of the components Integration of Equation A-14a, with the aid of
of stress can depend on w and w, components of the Equation A-17, yields the expression for the "trans-
deformation previously neglected in cylindrical mod- mural pressure"
els of the heart. Finally, the components of stress
and strain are a function of only one spatial vari- P,-P o = f {• - -}dr (A-18)
able, r, thereby keeping the analysis tractable. or the Lagrange multiplier in Equations A-ll and
Stress Transformations r

The component of Cauchy stress in the direction p(r)=2W 1 (r') 2 +P i -j r| {- • -}dr (A-19)
of the muscle fibers is easily determined from the
usual transformation relations (tmn*=QmiQnjtij, where where the integrands are
Qral are the directions cosines for the transformation {. . .}={2W1[(r/R)2+(r(/02+(ra/)2-(r')2] +
and the * denotes a transformed quantity). Thus,
the stress in the direction of a muscle fiber is (Wa/a)[a2-A2sin2*(R)]}/r (A-20)
These equations are easily integrated numerically
via a Romberg method.49 The correctness of our
(A-12g) numerical algorithms was verified by comparison of
wherein the deformed muscle fiber angle (<f>) is the solution of a finite inflation of a thick-walled
Mooney-Rivlin cylinder46 with a finite-element solu-
tion by a commercial program (ABAQUS).
with n=F-N/a and n,=[0, cos^(r), sin^r)]. 4 * Thus, If one wishes to calculate the externally applied
the stress in the direction of a muscle fiber depends loads necessary to maintain this deformation (Equa-
only on three components of the Cauchy stress: tion A-l), then one might consider, for example, the
circumferential, axial, and in-plane shear. Finally, axial load (L) and moment (M) equations44-45
remember that the stress in the muscle fiber direc-
tion is a continuum quantity reflecting locally aver- PoTrro2 (A-21a)

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Humphrey and Yin Stress Analysis in Passive Myocardium 815

and 23e), we can then determine the integration con-

stants, G and H, from Equations A-12, A-15, and
(rt>dr (A-21b) A-16 as
Equations A-21a and A-21b were used in three = [2W,(r'w'r)] (A-24a)
studies8-1' •'2 to infer values of the deformation param- and
eters (A, i/») by the assumption that L=0 and M=0
were balanced by the appropriate integrals over = [2W,(r'w'r3)] (A-24b)
passive stresses. If L and M are actually zero, where | R denotes "evaluated at" the R value
however, it is likely that they will be balanced by corresponding to the strains used in Equation A-24.
the total ^ and t,8 stresses, including contributions With G and H known, Equations A-24a and A-24b
from residual, passive, and perhaps active (associ- can be used to solve for all values of co' and w'.
ated with diastolic tone) stresses. Thus, unless the Although a is independent of w' and co', I\ depends
total state of stress is used, deformation parameters nonlinearly on both w' and co'. Thus, unless W! is
inferred from assumed gross balance relations are independent of I, (e.g., NeoHookean rubber where
suspect. Since the total stress state is not known at W=c[I)-3] and c is a material parameter), Equation
present, we prefer to calculate the values of the A-24 represents two coupled nonlinear algebraic
deformation parameters directly from experimental equations for w' and co' (when both are nonidenti-
strain data. cally equal to zero). These equations are decoupled
and solved easily, however, by consideration of the
Method of Solution following ratio of transmural shearing stresses
Components of the Green strain, E, arc obtained t r Az=(r«/)/(w')=(H/Gr) (A-25)
from Equation A-4 and are
E RR =[(r') 2 +(ra/) 2 +(w') 2 -l]/2 (A-22a) which is valid for all W(Ii,a). We find to' in terms of
w', therefore, as
Eee=[(r/R) 2 -l]/2 (A-22b) ( f\ /TT//^ \ / /A ^Z"\

2 2
E zz =[(r^) +(A) -l]/2 (A-22c) r&i ) = (H/Gr)w (A-26)
Substituting (H/Gr)w' into I, (Equation A-6) for TO>'
ERe=[(ro/)(r/R)]/2 (A-22d) and letting x denote w', we obtain
I1=(r')2+(r/R)2+(r^)2+(A)2+[l+(H/Gr)2]x2 (A-27)
Eez=[(r/R)(r,/0]/2 (A-22f) Thus, Equation A-24a becomes an uncoupled non-
linear algebraic equation in terms of w' (or x), and
Thus, if the components of the Green strain are can be written as a function of x
known at a single radial location in the wall of the
heart, say R, then we can calculate the deformation f(x)=2W,(rr')x-G=0 (A-28a)
parameters (r, (/», A, co', and w') in Equation A-2 Moreover,
directly. That is, from Equations A-22b, A-22f,
A-22c, A-22d, and A-22e, respectively, we have dtfdx=2(rr')[W,-l-x(dW1/dx)] (A-28b)
r=RV(l+2Eee) (A-23a) and, thus, we can determine x (or w') via a straight-
forward root-finding algorithm. We chose the
(A-23b) Newton-Raphson method49 to determine values of x
A=V(l+2E z z -(r^) ) 2
(A-23c) by iteratively improving on an initial guess for x
(say x,), namely
o>'=(R/r )(2ERe) (A-23d)
x,+1=x,-[f(x,)]/[df(x,)/dx] (A-28c)
where xn is the previous value (77=1 is the initial
Equation A-22a can be used to check the assump- guess) and x n+1 is the current value (77=1,2,. . .).
tion of incompressibility. Iterations continue until the current value of x^+1
Since the values of ip and A in Equation A-l do converges to within the desired accuracy. This
not vary with radial location, Equations A-23b and Newton-Raphson method works well when reason-
A-23c yield values that are valid at all values of R. able initial "guesses" for x are available. Here, we
Similarly, r' is easily evaluated at any radial loca- can suggest judicious initial guesses for x since we
tion by use of the incompressibility constraint r' = (R/ know one value of x from the strain data (Equation
rA). Conversely, co' and w' vary with radial loca- A-23e). Note, too, that for Equation 1 in the text
tion, and although they are known at one point in
the wall via Equations A-23d and A-23e, they are dW,/dx=2xb[l+(H/Gr)2]W,
yet undetermined functions of radius. We suggest After w' is known at each radial location, we
one possible approach to determine w'(R) and w'(R). determine co' from Equation A-26. If either w' or co'
Once we know the deformation parameters at a is identically zero at all radial locations, however,
single radial location (Equations A-23a through A- then either G or H is zero, Equations A-24a and

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