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Mục Lục

1. Nêu lợi ích và bất lợi của việc học trực tuyến.......................................................................................4
2. Lợi ích của internet.................................................................................................................................4
3. Nêu quan điểm về thời điểm nào trẻ em nên bắt đầu học ngoại ngữ (10)...........................................4
4. Nguyên nhân và sự phát triển của du lịch quốc tế (travel internationaly).........................................5
5. Nêu vấn đề nghiện internet và giải pháp (inernet addiction)..............................................................5
6. Stress và giải pháp..................................................................................................................................5
7. Sự ảnh hưởng của công nghệ trong giáo dục ( lợi và bất)....................................................................6
8. Ảnh hưởng của việc chơi game đối với trẻ em......................................................................................6
9. Sự thỏa mãn trong công việc quan trọng hơn hay là mức lương........................................................7
10. Vấn đề hút thuốc ( hút thuốc nơi công cộng có được k replace public)..........................................7
11. (sử dụng đt ở nơi công cộng nên bị cấm) Some people say that mobile phones should be banned
in public places such as libraries, shops and public transport....................................................................7
12. Việc giới trẻ sử dụng phương tiện truyền thông (internet, fb, mobiphone ...) media.....................8
13. Sinh viên đại học bắt buộc phải tham dự các lớp học hay ko (university sts required ...).............8
14. Nêu lợi ích và bất lợi của việc sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng (public transport)......9
15. Bất lợi và lợi ích của việc du học ( studying board ...)......................................................................9
16. Ô nhiễm môi trường nói chung..........................................................................................................9
17. Ô nhiễm nước – water pollution......................................................................................................10
18. Ô nhiễm không khí – air pollution...................................................................................................10
19. (Lãng phí lương thực) Every day, millions of tons of food are wasted all over the world...........10
20. (giải quyết môi trường bằng cách tăng chi phí nhiên liệu)Some people think that the best way to
solve global environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel..........................................................11
21. (Chi tiền cho đường xá quan trọng hơn ht công cộng) Some people think it is more important to
spend money on roads and motorways than on public transport systems...............................................11
22. (gia tăng sản xuất hàng tiêu dùng ảnh hưởng mt)The increase in the production of consumer
goods results in damage to the natural environment.................................................................................12
23. (quá nhiều tài nguyên cho động vật hoang dã)Some people think that too much attention and
too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds...............................................12
24. (tài nguyên rừng, dầu mỏ, nước ngọt đang báo động)The natural resources such as oil, forests
and freshwater are being consumed at an alarming rate...........................................................................12
25. (đảm bảo an toàn khi đi đường là đưa ra các hình phạt nghiêm khắc) The only way to improve
safety on our roads is to give much stricter punishments for driving offences. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?.........................................................................................................................................13
26. (con người tác động tiêu cực đến động thực vật, quá muộn để cải thiện) Some human activities
have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late................................13
27. ( khuyến khích ng trẻ nên đi làm or du lịch 1 năm trc khi học đại học) In some countries young
people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting
university studies..........................................................................................................................................14

28. (nhân viên k cần quan trọng trang phục thay vào đó là chất lượng cv) Some people believe that
employers should not care about the way their employees dress, because what matter is the quality of
their work......................................................................................................................................................14
29. ( sở thú thì độc ác nên bị đóng cửa) Some people think that zoos are all cruel and should be
closed down. Others however believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals......................14
30. In the developed world, average life expectancy( tuổi thọ trung bình) is increasing. What
problems will this cause for individuals and society?................................................................................15
31. (Lựa chọn nghề nghiệp nên để tự con cái quyết định) .Parents should not pressure their
children to choose a particular profession. Young people should have the freedom to choose a career
path they like.................................................................................................................................................15
32. (chính phủ hay gia đình nên trả tiền cho trại dưỡng não), when someone gets old the often go to
live in a home with other old people where there are nurses to look after them. Who do you think
should pay for this care, the gov or the family?..........................................................................................16
33. Học ngoại ngữ thì thì có những khó khăn gì...................................................................................16
34. (chăm sóc sk và ăn uống nên do cá nhân hay chính phủ chịu trách nhiệm) Some people believe
that it is the responsibility of individuals to take care of their own health and diet. Others, however,
believe that government should make sure that their citizens have a healthy diet..................................16
35. (Thể thao có quan trọng k) Some people believe that sport has an important role in society.
Others, however, feel that it is nothing more than a leisure activity for some people..............................17
36. Sự ảnh hưởng công nghệ tới mối quan hệ của con người (Nowadays the way many people
interact with each other has changed because of technology)...................................................................17
37. Giới trẻ chạy theo thời trang( Young people are now spending more and more time and money
following fashion trends. )............................................................................................................................18
38. (đồ ăn dễ dàng chuẩn bị, liệu nó có thay đổi cs con người k) Nowadays food has become easier
to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live?......................................................................18
39. (thanh thiếu niên phạm tội phải được xử như ng lớn) young people who commit crimes should
be treated the same way as adults...............................................................................................................18
40. (thanh niên phạm tội thì cha mẹ cũng phải chịu hình phạt) Parents should get punishment in
some ways if their children break the law...................................................................................................19
41. (tội phạm ngày càng gia tăng, gia tăng tội phạm do internet) The crime rate nowadays is
decreasing compared to the past due to advanced technology/ Crimes committed by young people are
increasing in major cities throughout the world........................................................................................19
42. (giáo dục tội phạm để họ ra tù họ có thể tìm đc cv tốt hơn) Studies show that many criminals
have a low level of education. For this reason, people believe that the best way to reduce crime is to
educate people in prison so they can get a job............................................................................................20
43. (xã hội cần có nguyên tắc nó k thể hd nếu các cá nhân tự do làm điều mk muốn) Society is
based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted.....20
44. Despite the increased access to education, a significant number of people cannot read or
write( giáo dục pt tuy nhiên vẫn có 1 số kb đọc viết).................................................................................20
45. Some believe that people are naturally born leaders while others feel that leadership skills can
develop. (1 số ng tin con ng bẩm sinh là ng lãnh đạo, 1 số khác thấy kn lãnh đạo có thể pt)..................21
46. (lãnh đạo nên là người trẻ hay già(ok hơn) Leaders and directors in organizations are normally
older people. Some people think having a younger leader would be better..............................................21

47. (có nên cho nhân viên nghỉ 1 tháng trong năm hay k) Employers should give their staff at least
a 4-week holiday a year to make employees better at their jobs...............................................................22
48. (trí tuệ là điều quan trọng nhất của một lãnh đạo) Intelligence is the most important quality of
a leader..........................................................................................................................................................22
49. (Lương cấp trên cao hơn nhân viên) Directors of large organizations earn much higher salaries
than ordinary employees do. Some people think it is necessary, but others hold that it is unfair..........22
50. (xe đạp ít sd hơn,??cần làm j) Nowadays people use bicycles less as a form of transport...........23
51. (lớp nghệ thuật nên bắt buộc)Art classes should be compulsory in high school..........................24
52. (có nên chi tiền viện trợ nước khác để giúp ng vô gia cư, thất nghiệp k) Some people believe
that the government should not spend money on international aid when they have their own
disadvantaged people like the homeless and unemployed.........................................................................24
53. (chính phủ nên hỗ trợ ng về hưu hay để họ tự tiết kiệm khi già)Government should support
care vs finance for retired people while others believe that they should save money when they get older.
54. (chính phủ nên trả học phí cho những ng học đại học) The government should pay for the
course fees for everyone who wants to study at university........................................................................25
55. (chính phủ nên chi tiền cho nghệ thuật hay giáo dục y tế) the governments likes to spend more
money on the arts. Some people agree with this. However, others think government should spend more
on health and education...............................................................................................................................26
56. (có nên chi tiền cho sự kiện thể thao lớn) some people think that it is a waste of money for
countries to host big sporting events like the world cup, and that the money would be better spent on
other things. However, others think that hosting large sporting events has a clear, positive impact on a
57. (nên chi tiền cho vận động viên hay cho trẻ em tham gia thể thao khi nhỏ) Many countries
spend large amounts of money on preparing competitors in major world sporting events such as the
Olympic Games and football World Cup. Instead, this money can be spent on encouraging children to
take up sports at a young age.......................................................................................................................27
58. (Nghiên cứu khoa học nên tập trung vào vấn đề sk hơn vấn đề khác) Some people think
scientific research should focus on solving world health problems. Others think that there are more
important issues............................................................................................................................................27
59. (Nguyên nhân và giải pháp cho sức khỏe k lành mạnh ) Scientists tell us that some activities are
good for health and others are bad. Despite knowing that, millions of people still continue doing
unhealthy activities.......................................................................................................................................27
60. (điều gì thúc đẩy mn lành mạnh sức khỏe hơn) More and more people decide to eat healthy
food and exercise regularly. What are the reasons for this trend..............................................................28

1. Nêu lợi ích và bất lợi của việc học trực tuyến
Nowadays, with the development of technology,online learning is becoming more popular because it has
many benefits. However, many people think that it is also negative in some ways.This essay will discuss both
advantages and disadvantage this way of learning
On the one hand, learning online has many benefits.First of all, online learning is very convenient.Learners
can learn every time and averywhere they want with a laptop connected to the internet. Besides, they can
take courses in another country and learn with the best teachers.Secondly, learning on the internet helps
learners save time and money. For example, they do not have to go to class, so they can save time and money
of travelling. Also they can take cheap or free online courses because it is not necessary to rent equipment or
calssrooms. Lastly, a lot of people can take an online course. This is because unlike a traditional class, the
number of sts in an online class in unlimited
On the other hand, there are some drawbacks of e-learning.The first one is that learning online can be bad for
people’s health.When people use the internet for a long time, they may get diseases such as headache,
overweight and so on. Moreover, it decreases real human interaction. For example, sts cannot discuss topics
with classmates or teachers directly, therefore, they do not improve their soft skills such as communication
skills and group work skills.Finally, sts easily get distracted from their study when learning on the internet.
They might access other websites such as Youtube and ZingMP3 while learning, so they may get bad marks
In conclusion, online learning brings learners both benefits and drawbacks.Learners should control the time
they spend online suitably to learn better

2. Lợi ích của internet

Humans have invented several things over the years. While some consider the internet as the most promising
out of the lot, others feel that there are other inventions apart from the internet that is more valuable. I agree
with the former argument as the internet has completely revolutionised human life in several ways like no
other innovation.
Firstly, the internet has impacted all areas of human life and made it better. There is not even a single
industry which now doesn't use the great internet for their daily running. For example, all businesses ranging
from banks, medicine, and automobiles to name a few have made significant improvements since the advent
of the internet and made our lives easier. I am sure one cannot imagine that their world would function if
there was no broadband even for a single day, and that shows how important it has become in our lives.
Secondly, apart from easing out our daily routine, it has united people across the world which no other
innovative product could do. You can connect with anyone living in a different time zone sitting thousands of
miles apart, which has led to the mixing of different cultures, and we now feel ourselves to be a part of a big
family. In addition, it acts as a catalyst in every field and thus promotes the possibility of more future
innovations on its own. All these qualities truly make the internet the greatest thing ever invented by us.
To sum up, the wide reachability and impact of the internet over every area of human life certainly push it to
the top of every other invention. It is assumed that humans have still just scratched the surface of possibilities
that the internet can bring, and the future expectations keep on rising.

3. Nêu quan điểm về thời điểm nào trẻ em nên bắt đầu học ngoại ngữ (10)
These days, learning a foreign language has become more and more important to everyone because of
international business and study. Some people think that it is essential for children to begin learning a foreign
language at primary school while others believe it is better for sts to start learning it at secondary school. I
agree with the first idea for some reasons
On the one hand, there are several advantages of kids starting learning a foreign language at primary school.
Younger children can learn fast. It is true that kids can learn vocabulary and pronunciation of the language
and pronunciation of the language better than older ones. Several studies show that at a young age, learners
can copy things or learn new things faster. Besides, they also feel less shy to speak the language, therefore
they can pronounce it more correctly and fluently
However, the opponents argue that beginning to learn a foreign language at an early age has several
disadvantages.Firstly, children have many subjects to learn such as their mother tongue, science and art
subjects. Therefore, learning a foreign language can be too hard for them. Moreover, many people are afraid
that children might get confused with their native language. However, learning a foreign language during
childhood is a rather easy task as it contains many interesting games and funny activities. Besides, many
studies show that sts have little difficulty learning a foreign language and their mother tongue at the same
In conclusion, it is clear that staring learning a foreign language at primary school brings children more
benefits than drawbacks. Therefore, children should be encouraged to start their foreign language learning at
the early stage of their life

4. Nguyên nhân và sự phát triển của du lịch quốc tế (travel internationaly)

Nowadays more and more people want to travel worldwide. This trend is positive to many fields, especially
tourism. This essay will discuss reasons for the rise in international travel.
The first reason is that travelling all over the world becomes more convenient. With the development of
science, airlines provide safer airplanes and more international flights for people. Besides, plane tickets
become cheaper. Therefore, more and more people can travel abroad than before. Moreover, it is easy for
people to get information about trips and book flights. For example, there are many websites providing
information about places, people, food and so on.
Secondly, there is a rise in middle class income. In the past, people in middle class had fewer chances to
travel overseas, but now, thanks to the development of economy, they can get more money to pay for
international travels. Besides, when the quality of life is higher, people find out some new ways to spend
some time and money. For example, travelling to famous destinations in other countries is a common way.
The last reason is the growth in international trade. In today's world, many big companies tend to open their
offices in different countries. Therefore, when working for these companies, people have more chances to
travel abroad. Besides, some others start their own business in a foreign country. Hence, the number of
people going abroad increases.
In conclusion, there are some main reasons why international travel becomes popular. If the economy
continues to grow, there will be more and more people travelling abroad.

5. Nêu vấn đề nghiện internet và giải pháp (inernet addiction)

With the development of technology, more and more people use the Internet and become addicted to it.
Internet addiction is a serious problem to everyone, especially the young. My essay will describe problems of
Internet addiction and suggest possible solutions to it.
It is true that Internet addiction has many bad effects. Firstly, it is bad for children's health. For example,
when using the Internet too much, people may get many serious diseases such as overweight and headache.
Secondly, the Internet bly affects children's study. For example, when they spend much time surfing
websites, they do not focus on study. Therefore, they may get bad marks. Finally, the Internet makes children
spend less time with their family and friends. As a result, they become less close to each other and even do
not have chances to broaden relationship.
There are several ways to solve Internet addiction. First of all, parents should limit children's use of the
Internet. They should encourage children to do outdoor activities such as playing sports instead of using
mobile phones. They can also set time limit
for using the Internet each day. This helps children become healthier and less use the Internet. Secondly,
schools should teach children about the disadvantages of Internet addiction and how to use the Internet
suitably. Lastly, children should spend more time with friends and family. They can do many things together;
for example, going for a coffee and chatting about their life. By doing so, they can develop social skills and
improve their relationship.
In conclusion, there are various effects of Internet addiction; however, parents, schools and children can take
some actions to solve it. Children should use the sternet suitably to get its benefits.

6. Stress và giải pháp
In recent years, more and more people face stress because of many reasons. Stress has become a serious
problem in modern life. This essay will discuss effects of stress and suggest some solutions to this problem.
There are many bad consequences of stress. First of all, stress causes serious health problems. For example,
people feel tired and have a headache or skin problems. Therefore, they lack focus on everything and this
affects their work or study badly. Secondly, stress has bad effects on people's behaviors. When feeling
stressed, some people tend to have bad habits such as using drugs or drinking alcohol. This is not good for
their health. Besides, some others become violent or easily get angry, so they may have bad actions. Lastly,
stress affects people's relationship badly. Stressed people often do not want to communicate with others, so
they become less close to each other.
This problem can be solved in many ways. Firstly, people should do exercise regularly. For example, when
joining some activities like playing sports and going jogging, they can feel relaxed and comfortable after
hard working hours. Moreover, people need to have a good diet. Eating healthy food and drinking enough
water help them have a good health to reduce stress. The last solution is that they spend time relaxing. They
should have a full sleep or read their favorite books to relax their mind.
In conclusion, although effects of stress are serious, there are some steps to manage it. Each person should
have a good lifestyle to reduce stress in modern life.

7. Sự ảnh hưởng của công nghệ trong giáo dục ( lợi và bất)
Nowadays, there is an increasing use of technology such as computers and laptops in teaching and learning.
While some people think that this trend is positive, others believe that it has several drawbacks. This essay
will discuss both good and bad effects of technology in education.
On the one hand, there are some benefits of technology in education First of all, learners and teachers can get
a lot of information by using the Internet. For example, students can look for information to improve their
knowledge or do their homework while teachers access information to make lesson plans. As a result, they
can develop research skills and computer skills which are important for their future jobs. Secondly, learners
can take online courses easily. Online courses help them save time and money. Besides, it is convenient to
learn online because they can learn every time and everywhere. Lastly, using computers or laptops makes
learners more engaged in learning. For example, some teachers use PowerPoint slides to make lessons more
On the other hand, using technology in education has some disadvantages. Firstly, it decreases real human
interaction. For example, in some online courses, students cannot discuss topics with classmates or ask
teachers questions directly; therefore, they do not improve their soft skills such as communication skills and
group work skills. Besides, using technology can distract students from learning. When spending too much
time using the Internet, they might not have enough time to finish their homework. Finally, learners can get
wrong information on some websites. This is because anyone can post information without being checked.
In conclusion, technology brings learners and teachers both befits and drawbacks. In my opinion, there are
more positive effects than negative ones. Therefore, users should use technology more suitably so that it
becomes a good tool for learning and teaching.

8. Ảnh hưởng của việc chơi game đối với trẻ em

Nowadays many people, especially children are keen on playing video games. While I accept that it is good
for their learning and developing many skills, I believe that it brings them negative effects.
On the one hand, there are several advantages of playing video games. First of all, it helps children reduce
stress after hard study at school. When players play some interesting games and enter the online world, they
can feel relaxed and excited. Secondly, it improves children's imagination and creativity. While playing
games, they have to try to solve problems, think logically and become creative to get the highest point or win
the games. Learning these skills is also useful for their study and real life. Finally, children can develop
social skills. For example, thousands of people
in the world join the virtual world of a game, so children have chances to make new friends with other
gamers and improve social relationships.

On the other hand, playing games has many disadvantages. The first drawback is that it is bad for children's
health. Because children easily get game addiction, they may spend most time playing games instead of
going out and doing exercise. Therefore, they may get a lot of diseases such as overweight or back pain and
feel tired. Moreover, playing games distracts children from their study. Kids tend to waste a lot of time
playing games, so they do not focus on study and may get bad marks. Lastly, it affects their behaviors badly.
There are violent actions in most games; therefore, children might copy these bad things and behaviors in
their real life.
In conclusion, playing computer games is both positive and negative. It seems to me that the dangers of
video games are more than their benefits. Parents should limit children's time of playing games to make them
focus on their study and real life.

9. Sự thỏa mãn trong công việc quan trọng hơn hay là mức lương
Nowadays there are many factors for people to consider when they choose a job. While some people think
that job satisfaction is more essential than a high salary, others do not think so. In my opinion, both job
satisfaction and high salary are equally important because of the following reasons.
On the one hand, job satisfaction brings people many benefits. First of all, people are in a good mood when
working. When people can do a job they like, they focus more on their work. As a result, they can complete
their work better and achieve more goals in work. Besides, this helps to create a positive working
environment. Another advantage is that satisfaction in job makes people reduce stress. It is clear that some
jobs are very stressful and challenging, so if they are interested in their work, they will not feel bored or
stressed. Therefore, they will feel healthier and have a happier life.
On the other hand, high income is very important to people's life because of some causes. Firstly, people
need a job with a high salary to pay for basic costs of living. For example, they need money to pay for food,
housing, bills and so on. Moreover, they and their family can have a better life with a good salary. For
instance, they can get better healthcare services and their children receive better education. This improves
their quality of life. Finally, money partly creates job satisfaction. When people earn more money, they feel
more pleased with their job.
To conclude, it depends on each person to choose job satisfaction or a high salary when he applies for a job. I
personally think that satisfaction is more important because if people love their job, they will also earn more.

10. Vấn đề hút thuốc ( hút thuốc nơi công cộng có được k replace public)
Nowadays, more and more people, especially young people prefer smoking. Many people think that smoking
is bad for the health of both smokers and people close by. I totally agree that smoking should be banned in
public places because of some following reasons.
The first reason is that smoking is not good for people's health. Cigarettes contain toxic elements, so it causes
a lot of diseases for smokers; for example, lung diseases, lung cancer and even death. Besides, smoking
affects non-smokers badly. For example, people around smokers can get some diseases, especially children
and pregnant women are easily affected by smoke. Moreover, most people feel uncomfortable when being
near smokers.
The second reason is that smoking is bad for the environment. Many smokers throw their cigarettes on the
ground when smoking in public places, so this makes the ground dirty. Besides, cigarette waste pollutes the
water and harms animals in the water. Also, smoke is toxic and polluted, so it affects the air badly.
The final reason is that smokers set a bad example for children. When children see an adult smoke, they can
learn this wrong thing very quickly, especially teenagers often learn to smoke to show that they are cool.
Therefore, they have a bad habit and it is not good for their health.
In conclusion, smoking should not be allowed in public places because it has a lot of disadvantages. I think
that people should not smoke to be healthy and live in a clean environment.

11. (sử dụng đt ở nơi công cộng nên bị cấm) Some people say that mobile phones should be banned in public
places such as libraries, shops and public transport
Communication has become easier and more convenient as a result of mobile phones. However, some
humans argue that cell phones should not be allowed to be used in public areas such as libraries, stores, and
public transportation. From my point of view, I totally agree with this view.
To begin with, phones can be annoying in spaces where people are expected to be entirely silent and focused,
such as libraries and museums. Consider how a group of people in a community would use a phone to
communicate with others. They are likely to make a lot of noise. Because cell phone conversations are only
heard over the phone speaker, you must speak loudly in order for your acquaintance or friends to hear what
you're talking about. As a consequence, it will work as a distraction to somebody else, it also can impact their
work. For instance: in my old school library, pupils or tutors can get an easy to take their telephones in.
Furthermore, mobile phones can make users ignore everything around them and be able to cause any
accidents. Besides that, they will not pay attention to people around them if they are in the case of traffic
incidents, it might have a negative result of using phones. Thus, it is quite unsafe for surrounders when
phone users since interrupted crashes will happen. An example is two days ago, I saw a man who was just
looking on his phone when he crossed the street with his carelessness and one car ran near the man suddenly
but luckily he realized and he was still saved.
In conclusion, I am really convinced that mobile phones should be prohibited in public zones. Firstly, it is
very annoying for people around. Secondly, this is maybe caused by any harmful consequences in public

12. Việc giới trẻ sử dụng phương tiện truyền thông (internet, fb, mobiphone ...) media
Nowadays children take more time to use some common types of the media such as television, the Internet
and the rmobie phone . While many people claim that using the media brings children many benefits, others
argue that it is bad for them. In my opinion, children should use the media in a controlled way.
On the one hand, using the mass media has many advantages. Firstly, the mass media help children open
their knowledge. For example, they can get information about many fields in life with a computer connected
to the Internet. Besides, there are many educational TV programmes for them to watch and this is good for
their study. Secondly, using the mass media is a good way for children to relax after school. For instance,
they can watch funny films or interesting game shows on TV. It is also great to listen to music or play games
on the Internet.
On the other hand, the media also have several bad effects. The first one is that they are harmful to children's
health. When using the mass media too much, kids can get some eyesight problems and feel tired. In the
second place, the mass media contain unsuitable content for children. For example, there are some violent
and sexual images or content on TV and the Internet, so children may easily learn bad things or
bad behaviors. Lastly, the media affect children's study badly. When taking too much time to use the mass
media, children do not focus on study. Therefore, they may get bad marks.
In conclusion, although the mass media make life easier, they bring some drawbacks to children. In my
opinion, their pros far outweigh their cons. Parents should limit the time children use the media to get their

13. Sinh viên đại học bắt buộc phải tham dự các lớp học hay ko (university sts required ...)
Class attendance is a debated topic in education these days. Many people say that students should be forced
to attend all lessons while others believe that going to class should be optional. In my opinion, class
attendance should be compulsory but some lessons are optional.
On the one hand, there are benefits of joining classes. First of all, students can learn a lot from their teachers.
Teachers can give students knowledge about many aspects of life and help them understand subjects more
deeply. For example, they can explain the lessons in an easier way, give examples and so on. Secondly,
students can improve many skills when attending classes. For example, when students work or discuss with
their classmates, they can improve soft skills such as group work skills and communication skills. They can
also make new friends and share problems with each other. Therefore, they can understand the lessons more.

On the other hand, some lessons should be optional for students for some reasons. Firstly, some students may
be absent because they are sick or they have to deal with family matters. Besides, students are old enough to
choose the way they learn. For example, some students learn best in the library, on the Internet or make use
of other sources of materials. When they have freedom to choose the class they want, they will feel more
interested in learning and learn better. Finally, some students want to have practical experience and they
might take a part time job. This is very good for their future job.
In conclusion, students have to attend classes most of the time and can be off sch for some lessons for
personal reasons.

14. Nêu lợi ích và bất lợi của việc sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng (public transport)
Nowadays more and more people choose to go by public transport. Many people think that using public
transport is good for them and the society; however, it also brings them some drawbacks. My essay will
describe both pros and cons of public transport.
On the one hand, there are many benefits of using public transport. Firstly, it helps to protect the
environment. When more people use public transport like bus and train instead of private vehicles, air
pollution will be reduced. This is also good for people's health. Secondly, going by public transport reduces
traffic jams. If people choose to travel by public transport, the number of private vehicles will decrease.
Therefore, traffic jams and road accidents will less happen and travelling will become easier. Finally, using
public transport helps people to save money. Bus fares and train tickets are very cheap. For example, it costs
only seven thousand dongs to buy a single bus fare.
On the other hand, public transport has severdisadvantages. First of all, public transport has bad quality. For
example, the air conditioning system does not work in some old buses; therefore, people may feel
uncomfortable. The second downside is that going by public transport is unsafe. Because buses are often
very crowded, people are easily stolen things and money by thieves and pickpockets. Lastly, public transport
is unreliable. For example, sometimes public transport like bus does not arrive on time, so people may go to
school or work late. This affects their study or work time badly.
In conclusion, there are both benefits and drawbacks of using public transport. I personally think that the
pros are more than the cons. Therefore, the government should encourage people to use public transport.

15. Bất lợi và lợi ích của việc du học ( studying board ...)
Nowadays, more and more people choose to move abroad to study. Many people think that studying overseas
brings students many benefits, others believe that students have to face a lot of challenges. My essay will
discuss both sides of this trend.
On the one hand, there are advantages of studying in another country. First of all, foreign countries often
offer students better courses than their home country. Therefore, they can learn with better teachers and more
modern equipment. Besides, they can gain foreign degrees and have more chances to get a good job with
high salary. It also means that they have a higher quality of life. Secondly, studying abroad helps students
become more independent. When living overseas, they have to do everything by themselves such as cooking,
cleaning houses and getting money. Finally, students can broaden their mind and relationships. They can
make new friends and visit new places in a foreign country.
On the other hand, studying abroad has some drawbacks. Firstly, living abroad causes homesickness. When
living far from home, students may feel lonely and bored, which affects their health badly and makes them
not focus on study. Moreover, learning a foreign language is usually difficult, so if students do not speak the
target language well, they cannot communicate with other people. Finally, studying abroad is very expensive.
Many students have to work part time to pay for living costs; as a result, their study is badly affected.
In conclusion, studying in a foreign country has both benefits and drawbacks. I believe that people should be
encouraged to study abroad to have a better life in the future.

16. Ô nhiễm môi trường nói chung

It is known that humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems,but we can also take steps to
minimize the damages that we are causing to the planet. This essay will discuss environmental problems and
the measures that governments and individuals can take to addressthese problems.

Two of the biggest threats to the environment are air pollution and waste. Gas emissionsfrom factories and
exhaust fumesfrom vehicleslead to global warming,which may have a devastating effect on the planet in the
future. As the humanpopulation increases,we are also producing ever greater quantities
ofwaste,whichcontaminatesthe earth and pollutesrivers and oceans.Governments could certainly make more
effort to reduce air pollution. They could introduce laws to limit emissions from factories or to force
companies to userenewable energy from solar, wind or water power. They could also impose ‘greentaxes’ on
drivers and airline companies. In thisway, peoplewould be encouraged touse public transport and to take
fewerflights abroad,therefore reducing emissions.Individuals should also take responsibility for the impact
they have on theenvironment. They can take public transport rather than driving, choose productswith less
packaging, and recycle as much as possible. Most supermarkets nowprovide reusable bagsforshoppers as
well as‘banks’ forrecycling glass, plastic and paperin their car parks. By reusing and recycling, we can help
to reduce waste.In conclusion, both national governments and individuals must play their part in looking

17. Ô nhiễm nước – water pollution

An essential element of the ecosystem is water. Water pollution occurs when harmful chemicals or
microorganisms are released into water bodies, which results in the degradation of animal and human’s life
The most common cause of water pollution is the direct disposal of industrial and human waste into the
surface water. Another reason worth mentioning is the oil spill.Since the dawn of industrialization, numerous
factories have been discharging toxic chemical compounds such as metallic sulfides or cyanides. When being
introduced into lakes, rivers, and seas, these toxic wastes poison freshwater or saltwater animals and plants,
subsequently destroy the ecosystem. Even when the industrial waste is buried in the ground, they can still
permeate the soil to pollute the underground water, thus begin the process again.
Another cause of water pollution is human waste. Various kinds of pathogenic bacteria live in human feces,
and they may cause gastrointestinal infection if they appear in the water supply. Oil spills are also the reason
for sea pollution. Most of the marine animals cannot digest oil, or cleanse the spilling oil on their feathers.
Therefore, they will die soon unless there are human interventions. The spill also adversely affect seawater,
which damages the tourist industry of coastal regions.
To summarize, water pollution is mostly the result of oil spills and industrial or human waste disposal. It
severely affects the environment and subsequently the life of animals and human.

18. Ô nhiễm không khí – air pollution

It is undeniable that air pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues nowadays. In a near
future, air pollution will cause inevitable and serious damages to the environment and human well-beings;
however, both the government and individuals can jointly address the issue through a number of ways.
As the air quality descends, several health and environmental issues can be anticipated. The first and
foremost concern will undoubtedly be the notorious global warming phenomenon. Another concern lies with
how contaminated air takes its toll on human’s health. Breathing in poor quality air in the long term will
cause several respiratory issues such as asthma, reduced lung function, or even lung cancer.
Since vehicle exhaust fumes are the major source of air pollution in urban areas, people living in the city
should consider switching to a more environmentally friendly alternative. By substituting gasoline-fueled
vehicles with electric cars or public transportation, emissions from vehicles would be cut down by a
considerable amount. Another measure requires the government to enforce stricter punishment for illegal
logging. Intact forests, which play a great part in purifying the atmosphere, are being cleared by human at an
astonishing rate; therefore, it is utterly necessary to discourage people from doing so, and raising the penalty
is one way to address this problem.
In conclusion, air pollution can potentially lead to worsened global warming and several health problems in
humans and animals. However, as long as the government and the individuals co-operate to take appropriate
action, I believe mitigating these potential concerns is certainly achievable.

19. (Lãng phí lương thực) Every day, millions of tons of food are wasted all over the world.
Food wastage has now become a big problem in many parts of the world. There are several factors that are
attributable to this situation, and solutions need to be adopted to combat the issue.
Primarily, people have become wealthier than before. Increased personal wealth means that individuals no
longer appreciate food, and they tend to throw food away after eating rather than storing it in the fridge for
the next meal. Fresh vegetables, meat and fish at the supermarket are now sold at an affordable price for
middle-class people, so many of them are willing to discard the food as soon as they satiate their hungry
Another reason is that the food industry has been developing fast, with a variety of choices and marketing
techniques that encourage food spending. Television programs are often interrupted by food advertisements
that are digitally altered to trigger the craving for a wide range of delicious food. It is, therefore, not
surprising why consumers do not feel the need to preserve the food that they have not eaten for later use.
However, food wastage is not an intractable problem. The simplest measure the government can do is to step
up campaigns to raise public awareness with the aim of changing public attitudes to food consumption. The
deleterious effects of food waste on the environment should be highlighted via posters and television
programs to draw the attention of the public to the problem. Also, a heavy tax ought to be imposed on the
food industry, which may causes the price of everyday food to rise and consequently deter people from
taking food for granted.
In conclusion, people throw food away after meals because of several reasons, which requires the
government to take action to mitigate the problem

20. (giải quyết môi trường bằng cách tăng chi phí nhiên liệu)Some people think that the best way to solve
global environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel
Some experts believe that the raise the price of fuel such as petrol and diesel is the best way to tackle
environmental pollution. In my opinion, I firmly believe that there is the best solution to solve the problem of
the environment; some other possible solutions will be elaborated.
Admittedly, If fuel prices increases then uses of traffic will reduce that will curb environmental pollution. As
cars and motorbikes are the main sources of greenhouse gases and urban pollution, excessive use of cars
releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which is harmful to the environment and badly affects the ozone
layer. If the price of petrol in hiked, individuals will start to use their cars less often and this in return can
decrease the rate of air pollution.
On the other hand, by increasing fuel prices people will turn to alternative sources which are environment-
friendly. For instance, instead of the use of a private car ,the rising price of petrol can be caused the majority
of the people use much more public transportation. People will invest in renewable energy sources such as
wind, solar panels, and tide rather than non-renewable sources like coal and petrol. For example, the United
States have proven their efficiency in energy production. Second, the government can encourage more
people to use public transport, this practice can help clean the environment and reduce traffic.
In conclusion, increasing the price of petrol can be an effective factor to reduce environmental pollution.
People will use alternative sources and renewable energies, the government should also take serious actions
by encouraging public transports for solving these problems.

21. (Chi tiền cho đường xá quan trọng hơn ht công cộng) Some people think it is more important to spend
money on roads and motorways than on public transport systems.
It is argued that money should be spent on developing roads and motorways rather than on public transport
systems. Personally, I think both thoroughfare and public transportation systems have vital roles to play in
modern society, and therefore should be equally invested in.
On the one hand, better roadway quality increases the level of safety and reduces traffic congestion. In many
cities and provinces in Vietnam, for example, the number of subway accidents has been ever-increasing
because there are a lot of holes on the trail’s surface. This is a clear evidence that the government should
spend money improving the quality of boulevard systems in order to ensure the safety of people.
Additionally, building wider roads and more motorways in big cities like Ha Chi Minh, where traffic
congestion is still a major problem, will help to increase thoroughfare capacity. It means that there will be
more space for a larger number of vehicles, hence reducing pressure on the city’s main roads as well as
On the other hand, better public transport systems are beneficial for the environment and people who do not
have a private vehicle. In fact, some modes of public transport like subways produce less pollutants than cars
and other private vehicles. Therefore, spending money providing people with access to public transport will
improve air quality and reduce pollution. Furthermore, for those who do not have a private vehicle, such as
motorbike or car, buses and subways are a great choice if they have to travel every day.
By way of conclusion, I once again reaffirmed the position that, money should be well-spent on not only the
road but also public transport systems.

22. (gia tăng sản xuất hàng tiêu dùng ảnh hưởng mt)The increase in the production of consumer goods
results in damage to the natural environment.
Environmental damage is not a new phenomenon but it has been considered the most urgent problem facing
the humanity in these days. It is assumed that the proliferation of the consumer goods production has many
adverse impacts on the natural habitat. In the following essay, I will examine the cause of this, and then give
some viable solutions to tackle this issue.
In many ways, the soaring increasing in the production of goods negatively affects the environment because
it leads to waste and the release of toxic chemicals. Firstly, when the buying need increases in importance, it
cause the waste of leftover products. For example, items such as clothes, facilities, plastic will be
immidiately thrown away when they are used and not necessary any more. This leads to the deforestation for
the constructions of public garbage areas, which enormously damage the appearance of the cities and the
living habitat. Another significant one is the common of substances which are hard to decompose. One good
illustration for this is plastic, plastic products need at least about one thousand years to completely disappear,
which results in soil erosion, environmental degradation and damage to aquatic life.
In spite of difficulties, there are a large number of ways can be taken by individuals and the goverment to
permenant solve this problem. Inhabitants can use recycled products instead of new ones, decrease shopping
frequence and use paper bags. The goverment should focus more on recycling and distribution system and
make more investigation into renewable sources. Besides, it is vital for the goverment to raise local
awareness of the importance of protecting the natural ecosystem through advertisments.
In conclusion, living habitat is badly influenced by the increase in the production of consumer good because
of the overuse of plastic and product waste. It is important for everybody and the government to take some
actions to solve this issue.t

23. (quá nhiều tài nguyên cho động vật hoang dã)Some people think that too much attention and too many
resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds.
With the rising trend of animal-related conservation, many people claim that there is an abundant amount of
attention and resources distributed to wild species. Personally, I strongly disagree with that idea due to the
following justifications.
First and foremost, the most outstanding reason underlying this idea is that provided heed and reserves
for wildlife organisms are not adequate. It is because there are numerous species presenting on the globe so it
would necessitate greater preservation. Secondly, illegal animal-trading is still extremely common nowadays.
This is to say that there are still no strict laws or punishment to ban as well as prevent such inhumane
activities towards innocent creatures.
The second justification is that it is human that causes detrimental extinction for wildlife. To be specific,
extinct creatures would lead to the loss of natural diversity unbalance of the ecosystem, causing a plethora of
devastating consequences. Thus, the local authorities should invest budget in scientific research to find out
the most sufficient strategy preventing living species from extinction. Additionally, due to a huge amount of
human waste and toxic emission, consequently, causing harmful damage to feathered and livestock species.
Hence, the government bodies should enforce drastic rules or regulation to alleviate the current situation.
In conclusion, the world is still lacking of proper countermeasure and capital in terms of preserving the
animals and birds. In addition to that, there are also kaleidoscope of illegal trading of species and organism’s
extinction are still prevailing. Therefore, the given statement appears not to be completely rational.
24. (tài nguyên rừng, dầu mỏ, nước ngọt đang báo động)The natural resources such as oil, forests and
freshwater are being consumed at an alarming rate.
Humans are utilizing natural resources found on the planet earth at an ever-increasing rate. This may have
several consequences for humanity and also the environment. This essay is aimed to address some of these
issues and to give some possible solutions for them.
Natural resources are finite and will end sooner than it is reproduced putting future human generations in
danger. Two of the most important natural deposits are freshwater and oil both of which take millions of
years to be produced. Based on the latest census, all the fossil fuel storage will be used over the coming 60
years with the current usage rate, and as it takes too long for them to be replaced again, it puts mankind in an
urge of distinction. Based on the source, either searching for other sources or recycling could be the solution.
For instance, in order to tackle this issue for freshwater, water recycling systems could be installed in houses
and factories or domestic wastewater could be reclaimed for other uses like watering the plants. To solve the
lack of oil shortages, humanity should look for other energy source alternatives which are infinitive like solar
Looking from another perspective, this overusing can cause ecosystem and climate imbalances. Using these
storages at a fast pace does not give nature enough time to compensate for the changes; Therefore, permanent
damage is made to it. An illustration of this is deforestation by which the global temperature rise, erosion of
soil, and lack of oxygen production are caused. In order to solve this problem, we should help nature so that
it can adjust to the changes faster. This can be achieved by planting greeneries and nourishing the soil with
manmade manure.
To sum up, over usage of sources found in nature at a fast pace in current years is an undeniable fact. This
can cause inevitable consequences both for humans and the ecosystem like the risk of experiencing a lack of
these sources sooner than thought and ecosystem imbalances. Possible solutions are water recycling, using
solar power, and expansion of green areas.

25. (đảm bảo an toàn khi đi đường là đưa ra các hình phạt nghiêm khắc) The only way to improve safety on
our roads is to give much stricter punishments for driving offences. To what extent do you agree or
Some people think that the only way to improve the safety on the streets is providing much stricter
punishment for drivers. In my opinion, I completely disagree that it is not the only way to improve the
driving safety, there are some effective ways to improve the safety.
Regarding infrastructure and society, not only should governments develop the infrastructural systems to
improve the driving safety, but they also provide some strict regulations to decline violations while drivers
are operating their vehicles. If some traffic regulations are strict, drivers are difficult to make a violation,
such as driving through the red light. Moreover, in some metropolises, more police stations should be created
to control and manage the traffic. It is obvious that governments can provide more police stations, more
traffic violations will decline. Therefore, the number of accidents might decline, and driving on the streets
are safer.
Furthermore, regarding individuals, people should pay their attention on their operations. If their operations
are effective, it is absolute that the number of accidents will fall down. Therefore, the roads are much safer to
drive. Moreover, people should control the speed while they are operating their vehicles. For example, if
humans drive their vehicles with a speed, which is higher than the maximum speed, they cannot effectively
control their vehicles when the accident circumstance happens. People, thus, make a crash on their roads.
Therefore, people should drive their vehicles with the slow-driving to make the roads much safer.
To sum up, I believe that providing much stricter punishment for drivers is not the only method to improve
the safety on the streets, some effective ways should be the cooperation between governments and
individuals. Governments provide some regulations and individuals should be proactive to create more safety

26. (con người tác động tiêu cực đến động thực vật, quá muộn để cải thiện) Some human activities have
negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late
There were different pathways to help our planet from extinction. Even, there was increasing in population
still there is some modern ways to reduce the effects on plants and animal species. Others think these ways
are useless because their use does more harm than good. In this, essay we will discuss both views and give
my opinion.
First of all, the excessive use of technological devices and modern machines were affects our planet and
creatures in several methods. This effectiveness creat imbalance in our ecosystem and the rate of pollution in
the air and the earth was significantly increased. The most issue our world faced is the Ozone whole, which
creates changes in weather and atmosphere. According to NASA these problems can't be eliminated or done
anything to prevent them because the causes of these issues still exist and it increase with time. However,
many conservationists argued that this is no justification, they need every human to take a really simple step
to maintain our planet. Many environmental researchers found decreasing using electrical power in general at
least one hour per day can stop the whole to becoming bigger for the next years.
Therefore, if we can think about the solutions to our problem we can find it and the time is not important.
The importance is to reach a solution. I strongly agree that human activities affect our creatures in many
aspects. These impacts found after many years could return to us and indirect way affects our lives.
Moreover, studies confirmed that the public should preserve their surrounded environment and keep it clean
and reduce using electrical devices.
In conclusion, as we say better late than never. This, make our lives easy and everyone should take effective
steps to decline the impacts of this measurement on our globe.

27. ( khuyến khích ng trẻ nên đi làm or du lịch 1 năm trc khi học đại học) In some countries young people
are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university
It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after
graduating from high school. This trend is not restricted to rich students who have the money to travel but is
also evident among poorer students who choose to work and become economically independent for a period
of time.
The reasons for this trend may involve the recognition that a young adult who passes directly from school to
university is rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and experience of the world. By contrast, those
who have spent some time earning a living or travelling to other places have a broader view of life and better
personal resources to draw on. They tend to be more independent, which is a very important factor in
academic study and research, as well as giving them an advantage in terms of coping with the challenges of
student life.
However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at that important age. Young adults may end up never
returning to their studies or finding it difficult to re-adapt to an academic environment. They may think that it
is better to continue in a particular job or to do something completely different from a university course. But
overall, I think this is less likely today when academic qualifications are essential for getting a reasonable
My view is that young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons. That is the best way for them
to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why. Students with such a
perspective are usually the most effective and motivated ones and taking a year off may be the best way to
gain this.

28. (nhân viên k cần quan trọng trang phục thay vào đó là chất lượng cv) Some people believe that
employers should not care about the way their employees dress, because what matter is the quality of
their work.
There is an idea that employers should pay attention to the quality of employees instead of their dressing
style. I completely agree with this idea because what staff members perform has more significant effects on
the development of a company than what they wear. Firstly, some companies make rules of employees’
uniforms, so people are forced to wear the same dress code when they are working. This is a way to
emphasize the staff as a whole in order to align people’s behaviour. However, this method would strict the
staff’s creativity. People decide what to wear is an expression of their opinion and habit, so the strict dress
codes sometimes are completely unnecessary in the technology or creative sectors. Some technology giants,
like Microsoft and Google, are famous for their relaxed working environment that they create. They
encourage their staff to wear freely in order to create a friendly and open culture for people. During this
working atmosphere, it is more likely to be inspired to creative and unique opinions. Secondly, I would argue
that producing work of outstanding quality is at heart rather than professional uniforms. A person wearing
smart, formal attire does not mean he or she is professional. In addition, with the development of the
Internet, there is an increasing number of distance works or jobs, and many people choose to work at home.
Some people who work as online teachers, for example, can wear casually as they like. Students focus on
their teaching skills and methods instead of what they wear. In conclusion, I definitely agree with the idea
that employers should have an open mind to the dressing style of their employees and try to improve the
work quality of their staff

29. ( sở thú thì độc ác nên bị đóng cửa) Some people think that zoos are all cruel and should be closed down.
Others however believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals.
While some people believe that zoos play an important role in protecting wild animals, others feel that
keeping animals locked up in such places is cruel and unnecessary. Personally, I agree with the idea that
animals should not be kept in zoos and that zoos should be shut down. On the one hand, many people feel
that zoos are useful in some regards. Firstly, zoos can help to preserve endangered animals by keeping them
safe from poachers and other threats, such as habitat destruction and the spread of urbanisation. Some zoos
also run breeding programs in order to try and increase the numbers of some endangered species to avoid
them becoming extinct.
Secondly, by keeping animals in zoos, people can learn and understand more about them and this can help to
raise awareness amongst the public in order to help preserve certain species. However, while the
abovementioned ideas may be true to a certain extent, I believe that zoos are unnecessary for the following
reasons. To begin with, zoos can only hold small numbers of animals and therefore cannot protect the large
majority of species from being hunted or their habitats from being destroyed. I believe it is the responsibility
of each government to create and fund conservation programs that help to stop the destruction of the habitats
of endangered species so that animals can live in their natural state rather than be locked up in cages for their
entire life. Furthermore, in many zoos, animals are being mistreated as they are often provided with
insufficient food and medical care, which has so far caused many animals in zoos to die because of starvation
and diseases.
In conclusion, though some zoos may have some positive impacts on the conservation of some certain
animal species, overall, I think they are cruel places and do more harm than good.

30. In the developed world, average life expectancy( tuổi thọ trung bình) is increasing. What problems will
this cause for individuals and society?
It is true that people in industrialised nations can expect to live longer than ever before. Although there will
undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this trend, societies can take steps to mitigate these potential
problems. As people live longer and the populations of developed countries grow older, several related
problems can be anticipated.
The main issue is that there will obviously be more people of retirement age who will be eligible to receive a
pension. The proportion of younger, working adults will be smaller, and governments will therefore receive
less money in taxes in relation to the size of the population. In other words, an ageing population will mean a
greater tax burden for working adults. Further pressures will include a rise in the demand for healthcare, and
the fact young adults will increasingly have to look after their elderly relatives. There are several actions that
governments could take to solve the problems described above.
Firstly, a simple solution would be to increase the retirement age for working adults, perhaps from 65 to 70.
Nowadays, people of this age tend to be healthy enough to continue a productive working life. A second
measure would be for governments to encourage immigration in order to increase the number of working
adults who pay taxes. Finally, money from national budgets will need to be taken from other areas and spent
on vital healthcare, accommodation and transport facilities for the rising numbers of older citizens.
In conclusion, various measures can be taken to tackle the problems that are certain to arise as the
populations of countries grow older

31. (Lựa chọn nghề nghiệp nên để tự con cái quyết định) .Parents should not pressure their children to
choose a particular profession. Young people should have the freedom to choose a career path they like.
Nowadays, every individual has a right to choose what is good or bad for them. However, some parents
believe in choosing their children's occupations for the future, but others believe that the young should have
the freedom to choose their own careers. In my opinion, I strongly agree with the above statement given and
I will discuss in this essay.
Firstly, some fathers believe in thisway to provide their children right career choices. Choosing a career is a
critical and crucial decision for many young people themselves. Because some fathers could not get the
opportunity to become something which they wanted to due to some circumstances. They want to make their
dreams come true of having the perfect job through their child. Additionally, mothers have more
understanding of the world as they have more experiences of life than minors. Some families are educated,
and they want to suppress the same education level to their young generation to maintain professionalism in
the family. Thus, it takes freedom away from children. Secondly, in this modern world, children are more
aware of their future desires as compared to the past. Each individual in thismodern society has a right to live
their own dreams. Because a child can only know his interest and abilities better than everyone else. Thus,
for these reasons, I am strongly agreeing with the viewpoint of taking vocation by themselves.
In conclusion, every citizen can make up their own life by their own struggles and successes. Plumping
someone's life is not an appropriate decision as it can take someone's privilege too. In my opinion, a young
one can go for their employment.

32. (chính phủ hay gia đình nên trả tiền cho trại dưỡng não), when someone gets old the often go to live in a
home with other old people where there are nurses to look after them. Who do you think should pay for
this care, the gov or the family?
First of all, let me say that it's such a good and effective idea that elderly people can be taken care in places
like those. Especially if they are alone or their children cannot visit them regularly. They can spend their time
with people in their age and also they need some special health cares that are available in those places.
But about the question that who should pay for them, I think it totally depends. some elderly people have
children who can afford the payments or maybe they themselves have saveings and can pay it. In this case I
think it would be better that government spends the money for something else. Like social issues, hunger,
poverty, unemployment and etc. It's very effective and philanthropic that elderly people notify government if
they do not need to be paid by government.
But on the other hand, there are old people who don't have any child to pay for these sort of social services or
their children can not afford them. In this case the government has to pay for them and give them the chance
to receive those services. It's government duty and every elderly person has the right to have access to these
services as a citizen. Cause they have worked in their youth and had a part in the prosperity of their country,
so it's not fair to leave them to spend their golden years hardly.
In conclusion, I think that social places like that mentioned in the question should be supported by
government overall.

33. Học ngoại ngữ thì thì có những khó khăn gì

Every people all over the world was born to be part of a certain country who has the main language on daily
basis, thus it is a common thing for people if there are several problems when learning a foreign language. In
this essay, I will try to deliver the obstacles that most people face and how to deal with these problems.
The major problem that usually faced by people is the variety of vocabulary where some people suffer to
remember new dictionary of words which is barely heard or said by them day-to-day. When people learn a
new word, but they do not often use it to talk with others, thus that vocabulary will be forgotten sooner or
later. Besides, the other issue is grammar, which is an important matter for several languages because it can
differ the time and process about something. It will be hard to understand if someone who learns any
language does not have complex rules in their native language, for example, there is no difference between
verbs in the past or the future.
To tackle those challenges above-mentioned, there are several solutions, such as increase the intensity of
learning with more consistency in the long term, because a foreign language cannot be mastered in a short

period like finish schoolwork in one night. Also, reading the news, listening to podcasts, and watching
movies without subtitles, and all should be in a foreign language and done regularly to earn new vocabulary.
In addition, find a partner who also learns a foreign language to have some conversations and feedback with
each other will be an advantage.
To conclude, the main issue in learning a new language is numerous words and guidelines, so the only way
out is to stay studying consistently and endlessly.

34. (chăm sóc sk và ăn uống nên do cá nhân hay chính phủ chịu trách nhiệm) Some people believe that it is
the responsibility of individuals to take care of their own health and diet. Others, however, believe that
government should make sure that their citizens have a healthy diet
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet is something that individuals need to be cautious about, although
many argue that governments also have a duty to ensure the public is obliging certain health etiquettes. As
far as I am concerned, regulations could only encourage people, while it is ultimately the responsibility of
each person to look after their physical and mental well-being.
On the one hand, governments could assist the public towards healthier nutrition through taxation on
unhealthy foods, and subsidising fresh produce. For instance, McDonald's and other fast-food chains owe
their popularity not only to how delicious their meals are but also their affordable pricing. Therefore, an
increase in the price of such products could roll back its demand. However, this tactic has proved itself
wrong in the case of tobacco and alcohol in many countries. Many people still smoke and drink regardless of
the cost as they enjoy the addictive thrill once they are hooked consumption.
On the other hand, a health-conscious mindset is something that needs to be acquired at an individual level in
order to become a lifestyle model for society. To illustrate, in recent years many have decided to exercise at
gymnasiums and consequently have become more aware and careful about their daily diets which obviously
means spending more money for their health. Hence, it can be argued that once people are willing to
transform their lifestyle, other factors such as budgeting become of minor importance.
In conclusion, there are opposing views on the topic of spreading a healthy lifestyle and diet in a society. I
believe that governments should only provide guidance for people as persuasion works best, whereas
coercion has shown to be obsolete.

35. (Thể thao có quan trọng k) Some people believe that sport has an important role in society. Others,
however, feel that it is nothing more than a leisure activity for some people.
These days, there has been a positive trend that the game has gained fame in society. However, others believe
the game is merely a leisure activity. In my view, both viewpoints have authenticity, which I will elaborate
on in this informative article.
First, it is undeniable that there are a few reasons why sports are vital to society. One reason is that
individuals can become fitter than ever before. By playing sports often, individuals can release toxic
elements from their body off to help the government save money allocated for health insurance inhabitants.
Still, another reason is that young generations can cultivate a great habit. Together with the rapid progress of
technologies, they tend to perform sedentary pursuits like playing computer games and chatting through
social websites. If parents encourage their kids to perform games rather than playing games in the home, kids
can enhance their social interaction with peers. However, conflicting arguments are saying that game is not
anything more than a leisure activity. Therefore, people usually consider it like an effortless task for relaxing
their body and mind during vacations. Aside from that, many families visit games as the best way to
strengthen the feeling of belonging to their relatives, particularly for kids, because parents’ time is invested
in performing job tasks and placing less attention on them.
In conclusion, though some people today feel that sports are only some leisure activities, I think that game
has a significant part in the society since it has brought benefits to individuals concerning social and health

36. Sự ảnh hưởng công nghệ tới mối quan hệ của con người (Nowadays the way many people interact with
each other has changed because of technology)
technology has affected all aspects of human life including the way we communicate. Interaction between
people has changed significantly and in my opinion, the benefits of this triumph over its drawbacks. In this
essay, I will outline the reasons supporting my viewpoints.
Enormous reasons are there which prove that technological changes in the communication channel are a
boon for people. It enables everyone to form a closer bonding. To be specific, within no time human beings
can share their feelings and emotions with their family members; this became possible with the invention of
mobile phones which can be carried around anywhere by anyone. Moreover, the internet is another invention
that enabled people to contact friends of relatives in any location of the world. As a result, both personal and
professional relationships have seen a huge growth.
Conversely, a niche segment of people argues that the warmth in a conversation has been disappearing due to
virtual talks, and also sometimes the meaning of the sentence can be misunderstood by the listener and this
can even lead to breakups. This seems true to some extent; but to overcome this, technology has blessed
human life with a video conferencing facility. With the help of video calls the expressions of the sender’s
messages are visible to the receivers, and thus it prevents the chances of miscommunication.
To recapitulate, each invention has come with both positive and negative faces. Communication technology
also has its downsides as it may affect the warmth in relationships and even lead to misunderstanding.
However, just because of these minute disadvantages, no one can write off the countless advantages.

37. Giới trẻ chạy theo thời trang( Young people are now spending more and more time and money following
fashion trends. )
In this day and age, more and more young people tend to spend an increasing amount of time on clothes to
assert themselves and dress up. There are several reasons why this trend occurs but personally, I believe that
the demerits of this trend surpass its merits.
On the one hand, spending too much time following fashion fads can make the young waste a great
deal of money. As there are dozens of brands with various prices and designs for them to choose from, they
are easily tempted to buy things impulsively and misspend money on unnecessary stuff. For instance, when
some big brand names launch new clothing collections, a shopaholic may splurge their money on such up-to-
date clothes; however, such items often end up old-fashioned and being left in the wardrobe. As a result, this
issue imposes a significant financial burden on teenagers and their families. Moreover, running after fashion
fads might be considered as a bad behavior student in the school environment because dressing flashy means
you are neglecting to study.
On the other hand, there are also some advantages to this trend. First, in terms of the young, spending
time surfing the net and allocating their budget on trendy items is considered a method of relaxation. In
modern life these days, young people have to deal with lots of pressure from school or the workplace, so this
trend helps them enjoy their life and effectively release their stress. Secondly, nations’ economies also
benefit from this phenomenon. The increase in the amount of consumption will promote manufacturing and
commerce in the fashion industry, which afterward will create more jobs and boost economic growth.
In conclusion, I believe that devoting a huge amount of time and money to slaving to be fashionable
would be beneficial to some extent, I strongly believe that this can contribute to a host of drawbacks.

38. (đồ ăn dễ dàng chuẩn bị, liệu nó có thay đổi cs con người k) Nowadays food has become easier to
prepare. Has this change improved the way people live?
With the advantages of technology, the human has shifted to a lifestyle in which individual requirement for
delicious food has emerged not just to fulfil the hunger. They want to enjoy a diverse range of foods with a
varying taste and for that have invented many new and complex recipes. They want to do it easily and
swiftly with the help of modern tools and technology. Has this really improved our lifestyle or has done more
People want to enjoy a diverse type of food - prepare them at home or eat at expensive restaurants. People
want to try new cuisines both at home and at restaurants and they want to be served promptly. This is where

the modern equipment takes part in, and food preparation nowadays is easier and faster and this has
definitely enhanced our lifestyle as it allows us to enjoy food, not just satisfy our tummy.
Moreover, modern tools like the rice cooker, microwave oven, slicer, mixer, electric heater and so on make
the cooking process quick and convenient. This saves a great deal of time unlike the past when someone had
to be busy all day to prepare meals for the family. People now have more time for recreation, hobbies and for
the family. For students, busy corporates, businessmen and researchers, this improvement remarkably
enhances their lifestyle
.On the downside, the advancements in food preparation methods have led to the growth of fast food
industries and their restaurants pop-up everywhere, like mushrooms after the rain. This might seem
convenient for those who do not have time to prepare food at home, but the health hazards are even greater.

39. (thanh thiếu niên phạm tội phải được xử như ng lớn) young people who commit crimes should be
treated the same way as adults.
It is often argued that young culprits should receive the same type of punishments as of adults, for their role
in crimes. However, I strongly disagree with this point of view, as I believe teenagers mindset is of different
from adults; furthermore, such punishments will influence them in a negative way.
It is a proven fact that younger generations are subject to lack of maturity levels. Due to the immature levels,
these youngsters commit crimes without considering the output of such actions. To put it simply, imposing
adult level punishments would not give them a chance to change, as a result, they remain criminals even after
growing into adults. For example, India sends younger criminals to children jails, where the priority of such
jails are to educate them. Such measures helped 80% of them to lead a better life.
Another reason why such adult punishments should not be considered is, they are thrown into a jail with
adults. Younger culprits can be easily influenced by other inmates and continue their crimes even after
release. This is because the mindset of younger generation shows more interest to learn negative aspects. For
instance, the Brazil central jail has no boundaries to inmates based on their age. As a result, several younger
prisoners are influenced by other inmates and continued their crimes even after stepping into adulthood.
In conclusion, younger kids should be treated differently and give them a chance to learn and to rethink past
mistakes. In my opinion, treating them as adults will affect their mindset, which results in more crime.

40. (thanh niên phạm tội thì cha mẹ cũng phải chịu hình phạt) Parents should get punishment in some ways
if their children break the law.
Juvenile crime has risen in many countries in recent years. Consequently, some have suggested that, as they
are accountable for the deeds of their children, parents should be penalised. I tend to agree and will outline
my view below.
I concede that there may be reasons to disagree with this. One could be that children today are, broadly
speaking, more influenced by their peers, and punishing parents may have little impact on bad behaviour.
Australian teenagers, for example, who spend many hours each day online chat with their friends, are
exposed occasionally to people of questionable character, sometimes being encouraged by them to break the
law. This, arguably, suggests that parents are less responsible for them today. Another is that punishing
children directly may well be a more valuable learning experience for them. By, say, forcing young offenders
to do community service, society can educate them about the negative consequences of their actions, leading
to them not only perhaps avoiding offending but also less pressure on parents to take a disciplinary role.
Nevertheless, I feel there are two main reasons why parents are responsible and should be punished in some
way. Firstly, and most obviously, parental guidance is, in my view, crucial at a young age. A good case in
point is my cousin Weiming, whose father left the family when he was seven, as he had little discipline at
home growing up. As such, he dropped out of school at sixteen and now works as a cleaner, which is why,
ultimately, he today wishes he had received more parental input. Secondly, and no less importantly, this can
result in better parenting. If parents were required to, for instance, pay a fine or attend educational courses on
becoming positive role models, they, more often than not, would show more interest in raising their children,
in turn guiding them towards more productive behaviour. What this would do is also benefiting society as a

Overall, I think that, while there are competing arguments, parents are greatly responsible for their children’s
transgressions and should be punished.

41. (tội phạm ngày càng gia tăng, gia tăng tội phạm do internet) The crime rate nowadays is decreasing
compared to the past due to advanced technology/ Crimes committed by young people are increasing in
major cities throughout the world.
Recently, the number of young people breaking the law is increasing in many big cities. There are many
reasons for this phenomenon, originating from the family and the development of technology and the internet
of society
First and foremost, the advancement of technology has led to more crime. because bullying among teenagers
has also taken on a new form. Cyberbullying has reached a high level and has resulted in numerous deaths
over the past decade, causing many parents to become concerned about their children. The fact that taunts
cannot be heard in public has also increased anonymity, giving students even more freedom to carry out
second, negative home environment and pressure from social life and school seem to be the two main
reasons leading to the increase of jubilant offenders. First, toxic circumstances can cause children to act
inappropriately, socially unacceptable, or morally wrong. For example, if parents are alcoholics or
workaholics and as a result they won't spend enough time with their children, children are more likely to
commit crimes to get their parents' attention. Second, due to stress, teenagers commit crimes as a way to get
excited or feel in control of their lives
In conclusion, the increase in crime among adolescents may be related to factors at home and at school.
However, there are a number of ways to solve the obvious problem by focusing on its roots, which is why
people decide to break the law.

42. (giáo dục tội phạm để họ ra tù họ có thể tìm đc cv tốt hơn) Studies show that many criminals have a low
level of education. For this reason, people believe that the best way to reduce crime is to educate people
in prison so they can get a job
Education for offenders during imprisonment as a method to reduce the rate of crime has evolved as a major
topic of concern in today’s society. While I agree that such a solution is effective to reduce felonies, I am
convinced that it is far from being the best method and there are many better ways of reducing violations.
I accept that education for prisoners may contribute to the reduction of the felony rate. The primary reason is
that such a form of study could provide offenders with the working skills that are essential when they return
to the community. With fortified job prospects, prisoners may therefore earn a living after leaving prison and
are less likely to commit a violation again. Another significant reason is that training could show the
offenders that they are still appreciated by society. In this way, they may feel an enhanced sense of humanity
and community, and become better citizens after their prison years. These people may then inspire many
others in the public to live without misconduct.
However, I am firmly of the opinion that education for delinquents is not the best way to reduce crime. This
form of teaching is offered only to those who have committed a crime, and therefore has far less preventive
value, compared to other stronger solutions. For example, severe punishments such as longer imprisonment
for criminals could deter criminal acts by many people in the public who have the intention to carry out a
crime. There are also other educational methods that may have a stronger and more long-lasting impact on
the reduction of wrongdoing. An excellent example of this is misconduct education at school, which helps
equip students with the necessary knowledge about crime and lawlessness prevention. This measure is
undeniably a more sustainable crime-fighting solution than education for criminals.
To conclude, I firmly believe that although educating prisoners is an effective way to reduce crime, it is not
the best solution, as there are more preventive and sustainable measures such as crime education at school
and stricter punishments for criminals.

43. (xã hội cần có nguyên tắc nó k thể hd nếu các cá nhân tự do làm điều mk muốn) Society is based on rules
and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted.
It is widely noted that rules and regulations have many connections on an individual's lifestyle in a
noticeable way. In my opinion, the idea that individuals could do anything based on their personal
preferences could hamper social functioning is valid.
Firstly, even though there are many problems associated with the functioning of society without orders and
laws, people especially those from the young generation could not distinguish what is right or wrong without
knowledge of such guidelines. Hence, these activities breed the offender for some serious crimes in future.
Secondly, without the existence of any regulations and law enforcement, anyone can commit a crime without
any restrictions, irrespective of the type of offence or assault that acts as a setback for the country’s
development. For example, official authorities could easily get involved in fraud and money laundering from
the national budgets and not encounter any punishments affecting the political, economic and social
disturbance in the country.
On the other hand, it should be acknowledged that the law must guarantee social stability by imposing rules
to act as an incentive for reduced criminal activities and perpetrators could take the harsh punishments into
consideration. For instance, in Vietnam, individuals would be compromised from ownership of illegally
smuggled weapons due to the fear of life imprisonment imposed on people with weapon accessibility,
suggesting a causal relationship with the reduced rate in homicide cases, ensuring social soundness.
In conclusion, an individual has the freedom to do anything based on personal preferences, which could be
instrumental in the downturn of society. Additionally, official authorities should undertake practical
initiatives to ascertain the righteousness in citizens for the long-term sustainability of society.

44. Despite the increased access to education, a significant number of people cannot read or write( giáo dục
pt tuy nhiên vẫn có 1 số kb đọc viết)
Nowadays, most people have access to education as it has been developed over the decades globally.
Nevertheless, a significant number of people cannot read or write due to the inadequate facility of education.
In this essay, I will discuss the disadvantages and actions the government should implement to increase
Despite the increased access to education, most children do not want to complete their kindergarten
education, and some parents do not force or no interest in that. Also, parents do not have adequate money to
put their children in kindergarten. Moreover, the lack of mentors has significant effects on children’s
education because children in remote areas cannot have proper instruction, which will cause some terrible
future; for example, they cannot read important notice, news, books, and cannot write at least name and
address. Furthermore, the most significant disadvantage is some children will move to criminal activities,
such as drug dealing, child trafficking, and trying to extort money from the people as they cannot earn
money from education.
Conversely, the government should implement some concrete rules about child education though they have
some disabilities. Firstly, the government should offer free education for all the kindergarten because all the
children will learn the primary education. Also, should develop the schools in all the places including remote
areas, which can cover the whole children’s literacy. Remarkably, the government should give more priority
to disable people and need to build special schools and hostels to improve their literacy.
Consequently, education is an essential tool for all people because, without good literacy, it is exceedingly
difficult to find a white color job and expose it to society. Therefore, the government should give more
concern about children’s literacy.

45. Some believe that people are naturally born leaders while others feel that leadership skills can develop.
(1 số ng tin con ng bẩm sinh là ng lãnh đạo, 1 số khác thấy kn lãnh đạo có thể pt)
Many people believe that people are born god gifted were, have lots of talents, and are capable of leading
from the front. Whereas others believe that leadership sill can develop. In my opinion, I agree with the latter
form of rational. This essay will elaborate on both views, and thus it will lead to a logical conclusion.
There is no doubt that people are talented and have achieved a lot if their dream come true. There are some
people that are naturally born as leaders and talented and very unique from others having different kind skills

which others do not have. Many of the artists also perform in realities show and shows their skills to the
world. In India, many of them believe that there are many who are born god gifted if we talk about sports
person most famously know as god of cricket to Sachin Tendulkar and MS Dhoni if we come to superstar
that Amitabh Bacchan and many others as people believe that people are not born to compete at their level.
On the other hand, people say that every person is born the same as others and they believe that hard works
pay off. If we see in today’s generation, a person having successful life also holds a lot of struggle and hard
work and skills which they have developed to reach that point. For instance, Sachin Tendulkar was used to
practicing cricket 10 to 12 hours a day; whether it was a sunny day or rainy day, he kept his practice on.
That’s the reason he is leading from the front now.
In my opinion, the journey of a successful person comes with lots of hard work as they are born the same as

46. (lãnh đạo nên là người trẻ hay già(ok hơn) Leaders and directors in organizations are normally older
people. Some people think having a younger leader would be better.
Society experiences a trend that the old in many organizations normally take over the leading and directing
positions. Whereas, there is an opposite opinion to prefer to have a leader who is young. I totally agree with
the idea that the people who lead and direct any organization should be the older generation.
On the one hand, working with a person that becomes the header of a company at an early age would have
many merits. First, they might put less pressure on the industries’ members. This is because they are not as
strict as the older so it could create a more comfortable atmosphere to work. Second, these teenagers are
more likely to be open-minded so it is rather easy to collaborate. Moreover, whenever receiving either
positive or negative comments, they are always willing to accumulate them and adjust properly to have a
more well-rounded perspective of working.
On the other hand, though there are plenty of benefits brought by the younger headers, it is unacceptable to
underestimate the abilities of mature leaders as well as directors. All of them (Time’s up) have a certain
wealth of experiences after overcoming a wide range of challenges, which helps them to acquire the
flexibility in tackling tough problems. In addition, they work with their high responsibilities and well-manner
personalities, especially in Japan. For instance, Japanese industries’ CEOs pay much attention to the honesty
of workers and penalize those who avoid their own work.
In conclusion, despite the fact that it is quite good to have a young person run a company, I still believe that
the better controller should be the older people. This trend is easy to understand due to the experiences and
the personal traits of the old outweigh the less pressure and opened-mindedness of the younger CEOs.

47. (có nên cho nhân viên nghỉ 1 tháng trong năm hay k) Employers should give their staff at least a 4-week
holiday a year to make employees better at their jobs
Nowadays, the employers and public developers have been working hard to determine holiday allocation for
their employees. Some argued that staff should have a rest for a month every year, although this leads to
some positive impacts, but I completely disagree about this statement.
It is true that the prolonging holidays have some advantages. First, since this tendency will provide personnel
with more time to release stress after a long period of working, such as travelling or participating in
recreational activities. For instance, the employees would adjust themselves to work after a rest and
eventually improve their work efficiency. Secondly, if the employees have more time to take care of their
babies, they would be more willing to devote their energy to their working processes, In fact, if the staff have
the life satisfaction, they would only focus on careers, which is a conducive environment for the
corporations' development to increase
On the other hand, the policy of extending holidays will also lead to some drawbacks, which can put the
business of the companies at stake. By the time the holiday ends, the employees' mental and physical
abilities become passive since it took them a long date without exposing to their regular tasks such as typing
a report or conducting a research. As a result, this leads to the fact that the capacity in the working
environment is not effective and affect badly the company's achievement. Furthermore, the small companies,
which has few employees, could have to delay the deadline of certain projects. This leads to the fact that the
capacity in the working environment is not effective and affect badly the company's achievement.

In conclusion, since there are some advantages of the long holidays, therefore the bosses can offer employees
about two-week holiday to boost staff morale and enhance cooperation and efficient working processes.

48. (trí tuệ là điều quan trọng nhất của một lãnh đạo) Intelligence is the most important quality of a leader.
Between all the qualifications, understanding plays a vital role for a commender. I totally agree with this
notion, since intellectual leaders can make useful decisions and communicate better with their juniors.
First and foremost, intelligence leads to better decisions. Since leaders with intelligence have a good mindset
and they take every step with strategy, they can decide better in complicated situations which is a very
important demand of their people. One of the most intelligent leaders of my country, for example, decided to
stop selling gasoline to foreign countries in 1990 with his well understanding and it led to the state industry
developing in the short term.
Furthermore, leaders with intelligence listen and learn from their community. Intellectual chiefs try to be
friendly with juniors, they listen to them, communicate better with them, learn from them and eventually
make the whole system flourish. Only an intelligent leader understand this manner's value. For instance,
Gandhi, one of the former leaders of India and absolutely the most intelligent one who was the reason for
India's enormous improvement declared that he owed his success to his kind manner with his population.
Some may argue that the most important feature of a leader is power. They think that people will obey
powerful leaders and respect them, however, I think over authorisation can lead to dictatorship and power is
not as important as intelligence since people respect wise leaders more than powerfulness. To sum up, I
opine that leaders must be intelligent enough to find better choices and have a friendly approach with their

49. (Lương cấp trên cao hơn nhân viên) Directors of large organizations earn much higher salaries than
ordinary employees do. Some people think it is necessary, but others hold that it is unfair
Pay disparity is a growing concern in many large organizations across the world. Some people think that top-
tier officials should earn higher salaries than other employees, while others reject this notion. In my opinion,
the directors of these companies should be paid higher salaries. This essay will further elaborate my views
and thus lead to a logical conclusion.
Many people think it is unjustifiable to pay managers a wage that is 10 times more than an employee earning
the lowest salary in the company. The reason behind this thought is the member's mindset. They believe that
the salary paid should be based on the employee's contribution to the growth of the company and not the
position of the worker. They argue that a regular employee works much harder and even does extra hours and
hence contributes more than the higher authorities towards the success of the organization. This discretion in
salary creates low work loyalty and poor motivation among the staff.
However, these people do not understand that salary is not directly proportional to the amount of work done.
The remuneration of the higher authorities is based on competition. The board members set a standard salary
for executives on the basis of the scarcity of competent managers. Moreover, the manager has a lot of
responsibilities. Even though he is a manager, he still has to manage his team, manage different projects,
make and submit reports to the higher-ups, etc. Therefore, it is justifiable to pay high compensation to the
directors of such organizations.
In conclusion, every employee in a company feels that everyone should be equally paid. But I believe, the
managers should be paid higher than the others for the proper functioning of the institution.

50. (xe đạp ít sd hơn,??cần làm j) Nowadays people use bicycles less as a form of transport.
The declining popularity of bicycles as a mode of transportation has been a major concern of today’s world.
This phenomenon could be ascribed to several underlying explanations and some measures could be utilized
to promote the usage of bicycles.
There are several reasons why people hesitate to commute via bicycles. The primary cause is that bicycles
are inconvenient when compared to other types of transport such as cars and motorbikes. These means of
transport are obviously faster and more suitable for long-distance journey. Another factor is that in many

countries, there is a shortage of dedicated cycling lanes. This means cyclists may be at risk of colliding with
other vehicles which can lead to critical injuries.
A number of measures could be adopted to encourage the use of this environmentally friendly vehicle.
Firstly, the government might conduct monthly green days that require people to cycle to work. In the long
term, these days not only contribute to environmental protection, but also help citizens to form a habit of
cycling. In addition to this, it is important for the authorities to allocate more money for the construction of
cycling paths for the citizens. Once a network of cycling lanes is well-developed, people might choose a
bicycle as a preferred form of transport.
In conclusion, the unpopularity of bicycles may result from several reasons. Strong solutions including
building cycling lanes and organizing monthly green days should be taken to persuade people to use bicycles
more frequently. It is predicted that unless these remedies are implemented, the problems associated with
using less bicycles will continue to persist in the future.
1. (Cha mẹ nên kể chuyện, cho con học qua tv, internet k)
Some people believe that in today’s modern times, with increased access to various forms of entertainment, it
is no longer necessary for parents to spend time reading to children or telling them stories. While it may be
true that children today have access to more stimulation than ever before, I fear this argument overlooks the
many other benefits of story time to both the children and parents.
The increased availability of a variety of stories through varied platforms gives children of all ages greater
access to new and exciting worlds. Where parents would traditionally be able to share one or two stories in a
day, a child today can engage with a different story every hour or two. This helps build creativity and grows
a child’s sense of the world around them. Because of the range of mediums, children learn to interpret and
engage with a story through other senses beyond just listening. The improved graphics in TV and movies
have opened up whole worlds of characters that come to life in a new and exciting way not previously

However, an in-person story allows children to interact with it - asking questions, adding their own creative
input and immersing themselves in this new world, with their parents along for the adventure. The
interpersonal nature of reading to a child allows them to use their own imagination to create a visual world
for the story, an important form of creative expression for growing minds. The aspect of time spent together
is also important to a child’s development. In a world where children spend time alone with screens for
stimulation from a very young age, it’s important that they also receive one-on-one time with parents to
develop interpersonal skills and meaningful relationships.
There is no denying that access to a wide range of stimulation for children can provide many of the benefits
of traditional storytelling such as stimulating concentration, imagination and curiosity., but in my opinion, it
is not a replacement for the tradition of telling stories. One-on-one time, interaction and a different form of
creative expression are only some of these benefits that would be lost if we left all forms of entertainment up
to books, TV or movies.

51. (lớp nghệ thuật nên bắt buộc)Art classes should be compulsory in high school.
It is widely argued that whether or not art classes such as painting or drawing should be obligatory in high
school. While I agree that these subjects are necessary, I strongly believe that they should only be optional
To begin with, it is true that art classes would be beneficial for children's development. The reason is that
these classes might help children develop completely. In more detail, while logical subjects such as sciences
and maths might facilitate the development of logical intelligence, art subjects such as painting and drawing
would benefit emotional intelligence. For example, children who study art classes could tend to be better at
stress management and relationship management. Furthermore, art classes may help to find future talents in
these subjects. For instance, Le Minh Khoa, whose talent was uncovered when joining a painting class in his
school ten years ago, has now become a famous painter in Vietnam. If students do not join in art classes,
their hidden talents would never be discovered.

However, I disagree with the idea that art subjects should be mandatory in high school for various reasons.
Firstly, because entrance exams of most universities do not include art subjects, it is unnecessary to force all
students to join art classes. This is particularly the case for those who only focus on university entrance
exams and not be interested in art classes. If they must unwillingly join in these classes, this would have a
negative effect on their academic results. Furthermore, students who are reluctant to participate in art classes
might not study effectively, which leads to a waste of time and money. For instance, my younger brother,
who has to study painting in his school, is often tired in these classes.
In conclusion, while I recognise that children's development benefits from art classes, it seems to me that art
subjects should only be voluntary subjects.

52. (có nên chi tiền viện trợ nước khác để giúp ng vô gia cư, thất nghiệp k) Some people believe that the
government should not spend money on international aid when they have their own disadvantaged
people like the homeless and unemployed.
Over the last century, the population has grown at an exponential rate across many countries in the world.
This transformation delivers some problems in humans, such as poverty, starving, lack of health facilities,
and unemployment. As a result, I personally believe that every polity must prioritize its country before
spending money on international aid.
There are some reasons why every nation must accentuate its country before help foreigner. Firstly, every
nation has limited budget to solve such problems in its homeland. From this budget, all of the states also
must have reserve funds to overcome some calamities, whether they are incidentals or not. China, the new
emerging one, has giant allocation and can invest it to expertise all of the citizens. Secondly, governments be
accused to have attention to help their citizens for better occupation. Moreover, governments must allocate
some money to train their people and give some of their facilities.

On the other hand, it is understandable and reasonable to donate some fund to poorer nations as a gesture of
decency and humanity. No country, can live in prosperity while others, especially neighbourhood, which live
below the poverty line. By offering other states, some financial assistance, the official also can elude illegal
immigrant. For instance, some of the Mexicans go to the United States because they are difficult to survive.
Even so, I think the instruments must prioritize their public. Therefore, they only donate some fund if their
institution has sufficient budget.
In conclusion, there are some obvious benefits when some nation assisted other foreign polity with donating
money as relief aids. However, I strongly iterate that the government must improve the economic, financial
and employment prospects of its own people before embarking on humanitarian work abroad

53. (chính phủ nên hỗ trợ ng về hưu hay để họ tự tiết kiệm khi già)Government should support care vs
finance for retired people while others believe that they should save money when they get older.
the issue of whether the leader of the countries should help the people who retire has been raising a lot of
debates. Some might say that the old deserve to receive the assistance of the government about money and
medical care because of their dedication to their nation, besides they can not make salary for themself then
they need help with finance and medical responsibility. On the contrary, others insist on the opinion that
each individual has to save money for themself when they get older and nobody has responsibility for caring
for them. Viewing from a general perspective, the essay discusses both viewpoints, I personally agree with
the former for the following reasons.
To begin with, a human who gets out of age for working should be supported by their government in order to
have a comfortable life after a long time of working . Firstly, the ageing leads a person does not have enough
health to work like before and they can not make a lot of money for themself so that they need to the leader
of the nation help about finance in order to pay for living expenses. For instance, receiving a salary from a
retirement fund every month can substantially help inhabitants have payment for buying food for themself
and release their financial burden. secondly, the older people get sick more than the young because of their
weaker resistance, they usually ill, so having a medical policy for them is essential. For example, the priory
treatment for the elder is suitable in the hospital which gives them special care in medical examinations and

cures their disease perfectly, it contributes to extending their life. Finally, the assistance of the countries
helps citizens who get older decrease their difficulties in their life such as not having cash or no care.
on the other hand, some of the population think that when the crowd is young they should save their money
to take care of them when they get older because no one has an obligation to care for them and the fund of
the nation should use in different cases like developing the technology, for instance. However, every year,
most people always pay taxes for the state so that the government must support them when they are no
longer able to make money.
In conclusion, besides every individual should have cash for themself, they need to be helped by the leader
of the state to pay the cost of daily expenses and having a service for taking care of their health then they will
have a comfortable life.

54. (chính phủ nên trả học phí cho những ng học đại học) The government should pay for the course fees for
everyone who wants to study at university.
It is believed by some that the government should pay for the course fees for all of them who want to achieve
a University degree. While I believe that the government should pay for a University degree, I also, think
that the government should pay half the fees needed.
There are many reasons why the government should pay the course fees for students. Firstly, it benefits the
nation. If the government pays fees, they will get a university degree who are belonging to a poor family.
Secondly, it helps to develop various sectors like health, education, transportation, technology, etc. To cite an
example, students have enough education then they find new equipment, they improve machinery, they make
digital transportation systems.
Furthermore, people get an education then they decrease poverty. Sometimes people do have not enough
money to get an education at the University. So, the government should help them by giving them course
fees. Last but not least, students who do higher studies in a particular field, get a chance to study abroad. It
helps them to make a career and they support their family.
However, I believe that some students do not take an education properly and it is a waste of money. While
the government pays half fees, they have to manage half fees by themselves and value the significance of
money. If the government pays study fees, competition will become increase. To quote an example, more
people like to study abroad nowadays but the competition level is very tough compared to the past.
To conclude, I would like to reiterate that although paying study fees for everyone by the government is
acceptable, the government should pay half amount of the fees.

55. (chính phủ nên chi tiền cho nghệ thuật hay giáo dục y tế) the governments likes to spend more money on
the arts. Some people agree with this. However, others think government should spend more on health
and education.
Although the government is responsible for solving problems other than funding different sectors in the
economy every year, the debate of allocating funds to other programs such as health and education rather
than focusing on the arts has been gaining attention. Programs such as health and education will benefit the
economic growth of the country as well as improve the development of technology, in ways arts cannot. If I
had my choice, I would choose to spend more money on health and education; however, this essay will
discuss points on both sides.
Over the last few years, there has been an increased demand for vocational studies in comparison to other
programs such as science and engineering in postgraduate programs. Some people believe that the arts
should be the priority for the government when it comes to distributing fundings. Not only arts promote
culture among society, but it also promotes creativity in ways science and other programs cannot. For
instance, science is a form of art that limits our imagination, whereas arts enable us to express our emotions
and engage with our inner feelings with the help of dramas and street plays. However, there are several
possible advantages of spending government money on the health and education sector.
In any country, economic growth is an essential part of the development and allocating national funds to
education and the health sector can certainly contribute to the technological improvements which arts can not
accomplish. Technical advancements and innovations can create new job opportunities in the business
industry and can help the economy grow positively. Additionally, creating new and advanced opportunities
for the employment sector will gradually help the nation to solve the problem of poverty on a global level.
Take, for example, funding educational institutes for the poor will increase the number of literate individuals
looking for a job, and new job opportunities will prove to be beneficial for the academically qualified
students. Therefore, issuing government funds to education and science sections can exponentially help any
country to improve its economic growth.
To summarize, with the above-discussed points, we can see the growth differences by spending more money
on other programs such as health and education in comparison to the arts. If I had a chance, I would choose
the former for the greater good of society on a global platform. Therefore, the government can ration the
funds among different programs prioritizing the education and health sector to solve the problem of poverty
and contribute to the development of technology.

56. (có nên chi tiền cho sự kiện thể thao lớn) some people think that it is a waste of money for countries to
host big sporting events like the world cup, and that the money would be better spent on other things.
However, others think that hosting large sporting events has a clear, positive impact on a country
People have different opinions as to whether nations should spend the national budget on hosting
international sporting events. Personally, I believe that the events have beneficial impacts on the host nations
as a whole.
Advocates of the former view might assert that spending on sporting events could hurt countries’
economies. Staging the international sporting events would incur enormous expenses, to the detriment of the
host nations’ budgets. The expenditure on renovating their stadiums, implementing higher levels of security,
and hiring performance artists is so significant that hardly can poverty-stricken nations afford it. For
example, instead of spending billions of dollars on hosting the 2010 World Cup and then drowning in debt,
South Africa should have been expended those budgets on addressing the physiological needs of their
citizens, such as improving the standard of living and eliminating starvation.
However, I support the view that nations might reap a multiplicity of benefits from staging those sporting
events. Firstly, A wide range of employment opportunities are available during years of planning and
investment, and this will contribute to a decrease in unemployment. Secondly, enthusiasm and excitement
are an indispensable part of these events; it is clear from this emotional boost that people of the host nations
will experience a drastic improvement in their life satisfaction. Lastly, such events are conducive to the
development of culture and tourism in the host nations. Social cohesion and cultural understanding are
further developed, thanks to stadiums and arenas thronged with flows of people from all over the world.
In conclusion, I concur with the portion of people who believe that the benefits of hosting international
events would outweigh the drawbacks, although it might dig immensely into countries’ economies.

57. (nên chi tiền cho vận động viên hay cho trẻ em tham gia thể thao khi nhỏ) Many countries spend large
amounts of money on preparing competitors in major world sporting events such as the Olympic Games
and football World Cup. Instead, this money can be spent on encouraging children to take up sports at a
young age.
Stepping into the 21st century, the governments are investing a great deal of money for their competitors to
participate in global competitions. One can subscribe to a paradox is the authorities should spend money on
the children to join in sports. I concur with the idea that there will be a host of benefits of countries focus on
children to join in sports.
First of all, spending money on children will be a facilitator of training successful athletes in the future. It is
evident that if children are trained at the early age, they will show up their talents and get competitive
experiences before taking global competitions. For instance, Anh Vien, who was a swimmer competitor at
the Olympics, spent her childhood on practicing swimming with national tutors. As a result, she achieved the
gold medal in her main field for her country, Vietnam.
Apart from it, financial support on children is the main contributor to the extent of the country’s sports. If the
children have the opportunities to take part in sports, the home country sport background will be extended.
Therefore, the number of children who participate in sport will see an increase due to the support from

In the light of these facts, I nurture the opinion that investing money should be spent on children to play
sports owing to the fact that this will bring about many advantages for those countries. If nations merely
focus on competitors who are currently playing their parts in worldwide games, the number of people who
can take part in sports will alleviate at certain times because of the lack of athletes.

58. (Nghiên cứu khoa học nên tập trung vào vấn đề sk hơn vấn đề khác) Some people think scientific
research should focus on solving world health problems. Others think that there are more important
With the advancement of modern technologies nowadays, people have debated whether scientific studies
must aim at finding cures for diseases rather than other areas of concern. This essay will discuss either side
and then explain why I prefer for research to give equal importance to all the issues that matter in our society.
To start with, people are suggesting that more thorough research should be spent to deal with the
deteriorating health of our society. They are concerned that more and more people are becoming sick thus,
focused research must be implemented to have answers to the health problems that our communities are
facing nowadays. One good example is the current pandemic. To further elaborate, it has been 2 years since
the COVID 19 started and yet, there are still people who die because of the virus. Vaccines may have been
invented but it does not necessarily free us from the detrimental effects of this phenomenon.
On the other hand, some are debating that other issues like economic stability, public safety and the likes are
equally vital to the health issues that need to be focused on. They believe that being healthy will not be
enough to survive thus giving importance to sustainable living and being safe is a must. In particular, having
peace of mind, of not worrying about day to day life will give also a healthy life thus life's function should
come as equally important.
In conclusion, as others may point out that health issues should be focused on research, I believe other
society's functions should also be given equal importance.

59. (Nguyên nhân và giải pháp cho sức khỏe k lành mạnh ) Scientists tell us that some activities are good for
health and others are bad. Despite knowing that, millions of people still continue doing unhealthy
Modern people are regularly informed about the dangers of leading unhealthy lifestyles. Despite the
spectacular advances in the medical field, many people are still suffering from and been killed by diseases,
most of which are preventable.
There are some reasons why there is still a prevalent habit of doing unhealthy activities. This can be, firstly,
explained by the fact that most people are prone to undue optimism. Although powerful and constant
reminders of what unsound lifestyles can bring is readily available everywhere, people still keep the faith
that they would hardly be inflicted. Even for those who are aware, they are often in denial and convince
themselves that unhealthy habits are not as terrible as the media want them to believe. Secondly, once people
are addicted to unhealthy habits, it is very difficult for them to break. For example, people with smoking
habits cannot reduce their dependency on cigarettes due to its high addicts, or people with sedentary
lifestyles are unable to bring themselves to be more active on the simple grounds that exercises are not
To address this problems, multiple solutions can be proposed. One of which is imposing higher taxes on
unhealthy products, such as food with high concentration of fat, alcohol or cigarettes. This solution promises
direct impacts. Moreover, healthy lifestyles should be further promoted and likewise unhealthy lifestyles
should be strictly criticised in the media.
To conclude, With a sense of self-protection and knowledge that everybody around them practise the same
habit, I believe that people would find it easier to break their old self-destructive lifestyles.

60. (điều gì thúc đẩy mn lành mạnh sức khỏe hơn) More and more people decide to eat healthy food and
exercise regularly. What are the reasons for this trend
Recently, the number of people who take nutritious food and do physical activity is increasing. In this essay,
I will explain why they motivated and suggest solutions to push ahead with this trend.

One of the possible reasons for this trend is that accurate health information became easier than ever before.
With the development of technology, people can obtain plenty of information, such as the relevance between
good health and lifestyle. For example, on the internet, people can find articles about obesity and depression,
which are caused by the excessive intake of junk food and a lack of work out. Besides, many articles provide
how to cook nutritional meals. Easily access to fitness and cuisine information led people to reconsider their
eating and workout habits, thus, more people tend to eat healthier and doing physical activity on daily basis
to avoid getting illnesses.
By adding the opportunity of learning about cooking and exercise, the number of people who follow this
trend will more increase and encourage them to continue for a long time. Experts like registered dietitians
and sports instructors can teach an effective way and new methods that most people would not know. For
instance, the city where I live has well-reputed yoga lessons for its convenience, which do different forms
from the past ones. Citizens can join that whenever they want and will never get bored since every lesson
varies. Therefore, setting an affordable environment that includes beneficial advice will encourage more
people to consume balanced meals and doing work out.
To sum up, much health information led people to eat nutritious meals and doing physical activity daily. In
my opinion, offering an opportunity which people can learn about cooking and exercising without hesitation
will propel them even more.


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