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I'm writing to complain about your lastest delivery.

Not only are we still waiting for part

of our order to arrive, but once again we have received components that should have been
sent to another department. We have forwarded them to the correct factory and of course
we expect you to cover these costs. This is not the first time that this kind of mix-up has
happened. These delivery problems are causing us extra work as well as delays in
production. We cannot accept this, and will have to cancel the contract if it happens
Dear Anna,
Thank you for bringing the recent delivery issues to our attention. We sincerely apologize
for the inconvenience caused by the delayed delivery and the mix-up in components.
Our team is actively investigating the root causes to prevent such occurrences in the
future. We appreciate your prompt forwarding of the components to the correct factory
and understand the additional costs involved. We make sure that we will cover these
We value your partnership and are taking immediate steps to enhance our delivery
processes. We understand your concerns and are dedicated to ensuring smoother
transactions in the future. We would like to offer you a discount for the next delivery.
Again we regret this inconvenience and hope that we will be able to continue to do
business together.
Should there be any further difficulties, please contact me directly so that I can personally
take care of any problems.
Best regards,

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