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Analyze the following situation and justify your answer.

Teacher Nimfa has been teaching for 10 years in a local public school in her province.
As a teacher, she thinks she is managing her class well. She would even cite that her
students could ask her “anything under the sun.” But in a recent evaluation given to her
by her students, one students remarked on her being “boring” in class, aside from her
being strict. What characteristics does Teacher Nimfa seem to be lacking? What could
she have done instead? Why?


Teacher Nimfa has been effectively maintaining an orderly class; however, those
were not the only factors that mattered to students. I believe the reason why teacher
Nimfa was remarked boring by her class was because she was too focused on the
delivery of the lesson or either her instructional approach was ineffective at engaging
the students.

Obviously, teacher Nimfa was prepared for her class making it notable that she
was not lacking in the delivery of the lesson, However, I think that teacher Nimfa lacked
a sense of humor and was unable to create a welcoming and enjoyable learning
environment for her students. From what I have understood, teacher Nimfa's class
became more teacher-centered than students-centered.

In this case, Teacher Nimfa could have included more interactive or student-
centered activities that allow her students to share knowledge or she could simply ask
her students a question about the lesson so that the students would feel included in the
discussion rather than just listening to her delivery of the lesson.
Although teacher Nimfa being strict is part of her classroom management,
depending on the scenario, she can tone down the strictness a bit when necessary.
And above all, I believe her students will appreciate her more if she chooses to
understand her students and modify her teaching strategy based on the evaluation that
she received.

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