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Lecturer: Lely Suryani S.E, MM

Compiled By:

Anis Ismahwati (221011201942)



1.1 Background
The popularity of Do it Chocolate brand is an intriguing phenomenon that warrants
further examination. This popularity may be linked to the unique taste, effective marketing
strategies, or the brand's success in creating a compelling image for consumers.
Understanding the reasons behind this popularity provides insights into how the brand has
successfully built a strong identity in the competitive chocolate market. Consumer habits
play a central role in the analysis of the storage of the Do it Chocolate brand. These habits
include purchasing patterns, taste preferences, and consumption frequency. By
understanding consumer habits related to this brand, the company can formulate more
targeted storage and marketing strategies, capitalizing on consumers' daily routines
associated with Do it Chocolate brand
The reasons for storing Do it Chocolate brand become the focus of further analysis.
This involves understanding why consumers choose to store this product amid various
chocolate options in the market. Perhaps it's due to premium quality, affordable pricing, or
the added value offered. Analyzing the reasons for storage can provide valuable clues to
enhance the product's attractiveness and better meet customer needs. The primary objective
of analyzing the Do it Chocolate brand market is to identify growth opportunities and
address potential challenges in the chocolate market. By understanding the factors
influencing popularity, consumer habits, and reasons for storing the product, the company
can develop more effective marketing strategies, suitable product innovations, and deliver
added value to consumers. Thus, the goal of market analysis is to guide the company's
decision-making in improving the position of Do it Chocolate brand in the market and
achieving long-term success.
1.2 Problem Statement
1. What are the factors influencing the storage of the do it chocolate brand?
2. How to know the effectiveness of the storage of the do it chocolate brand?
3. Has the Do It brand of chocolate been stored effectively?
1.3 Reason
1. To know out the factors that influence the spread of do it chocolate brands
2. To know the effectiveness of spreading chocolate brands do it
3. To know the storage of do it chocolate brands in the market

1.4 Purpose
1. to find out the best storage techniques for the do it chocolate brand

1. Brand Definition and Brand Storage

A brand, as articulated by the American Marketing Association (AMA) and Kotler
(2002), is a combination of names, terms, signs, symbols, or designs—or a combination of
both—created with the primary purpose of identifying a product. More than just
identification, a brand serves to differentiate itself from other brands in the market. Apart
from functioning as a label, a brand embodies values, quality and distinctiveness that carve
out a unique identity. This difference is important because it influences consumer choices in
a competitive market.
Brand packaging, which is usually called packaging, is a strategic process in building
and communicating brand identity, values and image to consumers. Just like product
packaging, brand packaging includes a series of elements that are carefully designed to
present a cohesive identity and serve the function of protecting the product. This aims to
increase consumer awareness, recognition and preference for a brand looking at product
safety and the uniqueness of a brand.
2. The Purpose of Brand Packaging
The purpose of brand packaging extends far beyond the physical containment of a
product; it serves as a strategic tool with multifaceted objectives. First and foremost, brand
packaging is designed to capture the attention of consumers in a crowded market.
Employing vibrant colors, distinctive designs, and innovative packaging, it aims to make a
product stand out both on store shelves and in online listings. Furthermore, brand packaging
acts as a visual representation of the brand's identity, conveying its values, personality, and
the essence of the product or service. Consistent use of branding elements, such as logos
and color schemes, contributes to creating a cohesive and memorable brand identity.
Moreover, packaging serves a practical purpose by providing essential information about
the product, including ingredients, usage instructions, and benefits. Clear and informative
packaging builds consumer trust and assists in making informed purchase decisions. In the
current era of heightened environmental awareness, brand packaging also reflects a brand's
commitment to sustainability. Eco-friendly packaging not only appeals to environmentally
conscious consumers but also aligns with broader corporate social responsibility goals.
3. Factors affecting brand Packaging
The packaging of a brand is influenced by a myriad of factors that can be categorized
into internal and external dimensions. Internally, the brand's identity and positioning play a
pivotal role, ensuring that the packaging aligns seamlessly with the overall brand essence.
Understanding the characteristics of the target audience, including demographics and
preferences, is crucial to crafting packaging that resonates with consumers. Considerations
such as product characteristics, legal compliance, and sustainability further shape the
packaging strategy. Externally, a keen awareness of the competitive landscape and industry
trends is essential for differentiation and relevance. Additionally, logistics, budget constraints,
and the focus on enhancing the consumer experience contribute to the intricate decisions
involved in effective brand packaging. In this dynamic landscape, the interplay of these
factors becomes crucial for brands aiming to not only protect their products but also convey a
compelling identity and appeal to their intended audience. By carefully navigating these
internal and external considerations, brands can develop packaging strategies that stand out on
shelves, align with consumer values, and contribute to a positive and memorable brand

To be successful in a brand deployment, we must understand the needs and desires of

potential customers, consumers, or clients. Our brand should be in the heart and mind of
every customer, consumer or client. By doing branding strategies.

 Brand Strategy According to Gelder, Schultz and Barnes

A brand management that aims to regulate all elements of the brand in relation to
consumer attitudes and behavior. It can also be interpreted as a communication system
that manages all contact points with a product or service or the organization itself with
stakeholders and directly supports the overall business strategy. According to Gelder
(2005) brand strategy includes brand positioning, brand identity, and brand personality.
In addition, according to Schultz and Barnes (1999), what is also included in brand
strategy is brand communication.
1. Brand Positioning
The company's way to place itself in the eyes of its target consumers is seen from
the advantages and advantages it has compared to competing brands.
2. Brand Identity
Perception of the brand of a company that wants to be conveyed to consumers so
that it can shape consumer perceptions about the brand itself.
3. Brand Personality
A way that aims to increase the attractiveness of the brand by giving characteristics
to the brand, which can be obtained through communication, experience and from
the person who introduced the brand
4. Brand Communication
To be able to communicate the brand to consumers, companies use internal and
external communication, including sales promotion, events, public relations, direct
marketing (sending catalogs, letters, telephone, fax, or email), sponsorship,
sponsorship, namely offering products / services in collaboration with other
companies as sponsors, and advertising is ways to introduce products / services
through various kinds of advertising (Schultz and Barnes, 1999)
5. Brand Equity
The strength of a brand that can increase or decrease the value of the brand itself can
be known from consumer responses to the goods or services sold.
 Brand Strategy According to Kotler
The next brand strategy, once delivered by Kotler (2000). He said there are five
strategies in the brand, namely:
1. Line expansion strategy
This strategy is carried out by adding new variants to existing products to expand the
target market and strengthen the brand. For example, Sunsilk releases various types
of shampoos for different hair types.
2. Brand expansion strategy
This strategy is done by using familiar brands to launch new products in new
categories to reach a wider market share. For example, Lifebuoy, which was
originally known as a bath soap brand, later launched handwash and shampoo
3. Multi-brand strategy
This strategy is carried out by using additional brands for the same or similar
products to attract consumers from various circles. For example, Indofood has
Indomie, Supermi, and Sarimi brands for instant noodle products.
4. New brand strategy
This strategy is done by launching a new brand for a new product in a new category,
if the existing brand is not suitable or possible to use. For example, Unilever
launched the Rinso brand for detergent products, which is different from its bath
soap brands such as Lux, Dove and Lifebuoy.
5. Co-branding strategy
This strategy is done by combining two or more well-known brands to create new
products that have added value for consumers. For example, Intel and Microsoft are
working together to develop computer products under the brand names "Intel Inside"
and "Windows".

Research Design
The research adopts a qualitative secondary research design, aiming to gather and analyze
existing qualitative data related to brand definition, brand packaging, and factors affecting brand
packaging. Secondary research involves the collection and synthesis of information from
previously published sources, scholarly articles, books, and other relevant documents.

Data Collection

 Literature Review:
- A comprehensive review of academic literature, including journals, books, and articles, will be
conducted to establish a theoretical framework on brand definition, brand packaging, and the
factors influencing brand packaging.
 Document Analysis:
- Existing documents, such as marketing reports, industry publications, and case studies, will be
analyzed to gain insights into real-world applications and experiences related to brand packaging.

In this semester, I introduced and spread a brand called do it chocolate to fulfill the
assignment of the marketing management course. One of the strategies I do is to use a brand
strategy. As explained earlier, brand strategy consists of brand positioning, brand identity,
brand communication, and brand equity.
This is how I spent this semester implementing a brand strategy:
1. Brand Positioning
Do it Chocolate positions itself as a high-quality chocolate made from premium
ingredients, with unique and appetizing flavors compared to other brands, such as
chocolate flavors that have blueberries and greentea in them.
2. Brand Identity
Do It Chocolate forms a perception that is conveyed to consumers as premium quality
3. Brand Personal
Do it Chocolate can establish its characteristicsas modern chocolate. This can be seen
through the premium taste of chocolate and there are many kinds of attractive and
contemporary packaging designs.
4. Brand Communication
Icommunicate the do it chocolate brand through external communication channels that
are used to introduce and promote the do it chocolate brand to consumers by utilizing
social media.
5. Brand Equity
By measuring do it chocolate brand equity through consumer satisfaction, listening to
input and impressions from consumers on do it chocolate products.
In implementing the brand strategy, I came to know the effectiveness of brand spread
experienced in the do it chocolate brand, namely:

 Brand awareness of chocolate is still lacking due tolimited product

availability,suboptimal marketing strategies andtight competition.
 Brand association do it chocolate is enough among consumers because ofthe quality
of premium ingredients, variousvariants of chocolate products. But for the price of Do
It, chocolate is suitable for the upper middle class and is not suitable for the lower
middle class.
 Brand attitude can be seen from the level of satisfaction, and consumer preferences
are quite good but for the price is still not suitable among students and students.
 Do It Cokelat Unpam has enough brand equity. This can be seen from the consumer
response to the many different variants of chocolate do it flavors that have never
existed before and are quite satisfying to consumers.

1.1 Conclusion
In conclusion, the implementation of the "Do It Chocolate" brand strategy revealed
both strengths and areas for improvement. While the brand successfully established a
premium identity and garnered positive consumer responses, challenges in brand awareness
and pricing strategies need addressing. The unique flavor offerings and contemporary
packaging contributed to brand equity, emphasizing the potential for growth. In summary, the
execution of the "Do It Chocolate" brand strategy illuminated a nuanced landscape,
encompassing both commendable achievements and notable areas necessitating enhancement.
The brand adeptly carved out a niche as a purveyor of premium chocolate, eliciting favorable
responses from consumers who appreciated its distinctive flavors and modern packaging. This
success, however, was tempered by challenges in building brand awareness and optimizing
pricing strategies to align with diverse consumer segments.

The unique and diverse flavor offerings, coupled with contemporary packaging, played
a pivotal role in elevating the brand's equity. Consumer satisfaction was palpable,
underscoring the potential for sustained growth and market prominence. Nevertheless, the
journey toward brand success entails addressing the identified hurdles, particularly the
imperative to bolster brand visibility and refine pricing strategies for broader market
inclusivity. In essence, the "Do It Chocolate" brand has established a solid foundation marked
by positive consumer sentiments and a distinctive market presence. The strategic
incorporation of consumer feedback, coupled with adjustments in marketing and pricing
approaches, holds the promise of further enhancing the brand's reach and resonance in the
competitive chocolate industry. As the brand continues to evolve, strategic recalibrations and
proactive measures will be instrumental in realizing its full potential and fostering enduring
success in the ever-evolving market landscape.

The journey of implementing the "Do It Chocolate" brand strategy has been marked by
notable successes and areas where strategic adjustments are warranted. The brand has
effectively positioned itself as a provider of premium chocolate, incorporating unique flavors
and contemporary packaging to distinguish itself in a competitive market. This has resulted in
positive consumer responses, indicating that the brand has successfully conveyed its
commitment to quality and innovation. However, despite these achievements, certain
challenges have surfaced. Brand awareness, a crucial component for market success, remains
an area that requires focused attention. Limited product availability and suboptimal marketing
strategies have contributed to a lack of widespread recognition. To fully capitalize on the
strengths of the brand, addressing these challenges through targeted marketing campaigns and
expanding distribution channels will be pivotal.

Another key consideration is the pricing strategy. While the brand has successfully
appealed to the upper middle class, it is essential to reassess pricing to make "Do It
Chocolate" more accessible to a broader consumer base. This entails aligning pricing with the
preferences and affordability of a diverse audience, including students and individuals in the
lower middle class. The brand's unique flavor offerings and contemporary packaging have
undeniably contributed to building brand equity. Consumer satisfaction and positive responses
affirm the potential for growth and sustained success. This underscores the importance of
preserving and enhancing these aspects as the brand evolves. In conclusion, the "Do It
Chocolate" brand has laid a solid foundation, but its journey toward market prominence is an
ongoing process. By strategically addressing challenges, refining marketing strategies, and
adjusting pricing to suit a wider audience, the brand can unlock its full potential. The
commitment to innovation and responsiveness to consumer feedback will be instrumental in
navigating the dynamic landscape of the chocolate industry and ensuring long-term success.
1.2 Suggestions
Overall, Do It Cokelat has the potential to become a successful chocolate brand in
Indonesia. However, efforts need to be made to increase the effectiveness of brand
spread, such as:
 Increase product availability at various points of sale, both offline and online.
 Carry out more optimal marketing strategies, such as utilizing social media and
influencer marketing.
 Offers more affordable prices for the lower middle class.
 Offer attractive discounts and promos to attract new consumers.


05.2 bab 2.pdf (
Strategi Branding: Teori dan Perspektif Komunikasi dalam Bisnis - Bambang D.
Prasetyo, Nufian S. Febriani - Google Books

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