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Mid Term For Quantitave Research Course

Name : Muhammad Chikal Albantani

Class : 5B
NIM: 2223200034
1. Find one quantitative research article on language teaching in a journal!
Journal’s name : Journal of English Language Teaching Volume 9 No. 1
Article’s title : “Perception Of Hospitality Management Student About The Quality Of English
Teaching Materials At Universitas Negeri Padang”
2. Find out:
a) What is the research problem/research question?
 Research Problem :
The research problem revolves around the challenges faced by English for Specific Purposes
(ESP) students in the field of Hospitality Management at Universitas Negeri Padang. The problem
includes issues related to the availability and suitability of teaching materials, the heavy workload of
educators, and the need for creative and innovative approaches to meet the changing needs of students
and the industry.
 Research Question:
The specific research question that can be derived from the passage is as follows:
"What is the perception of Hospitality Management students at Universitas Negeri Padang regarding
the quality and suitability of English teaching materials, and how do these perceptions influence their
attitudes, motivations, and learning achievements in the field?"

This research question aims to investigate how students perceive the teaching materials they
use for learning English and how these perceptions impact their learning experiences and outcomes in
the context of Hospitality Management.

b) Describe the research method

• Research site : At Padang State University
• Subject of research : The subjects of the research are hospitality management students, specifically
those who are studying English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The data were collected through the
administration of the questionnaire to 40 hospitality management students. Additionally, interviews
were conducted with 7 respondents to support and provide additional insights based on the
questionnaire data.
• Research design : The research design used in this study is a quantitative research approach with
elements of survey research. It includes both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies involving
questionnaires and structured interviews.
c) Describe the research instrument!
 The research instrument used is a questionnaire with Likert-Scale questions, designed to
measure students' perceptions about English teaching materials.
 The questionnaire comprises 34 questions related to four variables: input, content focus,
language focus, and task.
 Additionally, interviews were conducted as a supplementary data collection method.

d) How does it collect data?

 Data collection is primarily carried out through the administration of questionnaires. A total
of 40 hospitality management students were given these questionnaires.
 The questionnaire includes Likert-Scale questions with options such as "very good," "good,"
"fair," and "poor," allowing respondents to express their perceptions.
 Interviews were conducted with 7 respondents to provide additional insights and support the
data from the questionnaires. The interviews were designed to explore students' perceptions
about the quality of teaching materials in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms.

e) How does it analyze the data?

 The data from the questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively. The Likert-Scale responses
were scored on a scale from 4 to 1, with "very good" receiving a score of 4, and "poor"
receiving a score of 1.
 In analyzing the interview data, three steps were followed: transcription, coding, and
describing important aspects of students' perceptions regarding the English teaching
materials. The goal was to delve deeper into students' viewpoints and experiences.

In summary, this research primarily uses a quantitative research approach with a focus on survey
research. Questionnaires and interviews were used as research instruments to collect data on students'
perceptions about English teaching materials. The quantitative data collected through the
questionnaires were analyzed statistically, while the interviews aimed to provide more in-depth
information and insights. The research involved hospitality management students, and the specific
time frame is not mentioned in the provided text.

3. Link to the article.


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