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hii good mo rning let m e in itro d uc m y self
my name is arya ramadhani
i would lik e tu pre sen t ab out b attery
A car batte ry is a d ev ic e th at st or es en er gy to
supply the ca r's el ec tric al sy st em , su ch as to st art
the ca r w he n star ti ng , ig nition sy stem , b od y
elec tric al sy st em , ca r in stru m en t sy stem , ai r
conditioner (AC ) elec tric al sy st em , w ip er sy st em ,
power windows elec tr ic al sy stem , au d io an d ot he r
electrical systems.
Battery component

1. Negative Terminal
2. ventilation plug
3. indicators
4. positive terminal
5. electrolyte
6. cell
7. separator plate
Battery Checking
No. Battery Check Items
a hydrometer.
1. Check the specific gravity of the electrolite using
Standard specific gravity: 1.25 -1.29 N/M 3 on 20°C
2. Check battery voltage using AVO meter/ Multi tester
Voltage standard: 12.5 – 12.9 V
Voltage Limit: 9.6 V
If it is below the limit then it must be charged or replac
ts for clo gged or un blo cke d. If it is clogg ed , it must be cleaned
3. Check the battery cover ven
sure the battery bo x/b od y is in go od con dit ion without any cracks or
4. Check the battery box/body. Make
deformation of the battery box/body.
Ch eck the termin als and make sure the y are no t rus ty or loose, if they are rusty
5. Check battery terminals .
they must be cleaned. Lubricate the Terminals with lub
Than k y ou fo r
your at te nti on .

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