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Student Name: Maria Gozdzikowski

EDU 214
Web Launchpad + Reflection
Date: 12/7/23

Artifact Description: I had to hyperlink pictures/words with links that

corresponded with the lesson I chose, being, the atomic city in Las Vegas/all the
bombs that came along with it. (The Manhattan Project)

What you learned: I learned how to hyperlink correct links with my appropriate
pictures for my lesson.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)•S Addressed:

2.5 Designer. “Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and
environments that recognize and accommodate learner variability.”

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I could use these types of graphs in
History when it comes, like I did now, to help drive fun learning. I want to
accommodate to all students, and those who learn visually, will get benefited
from this.

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