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з англійської мови
на тему
для студентів ІІ курсу (11 клас)
Тема: Пізнаємо Канаду / Exploring Canada
Цілепокладання: формувати потребу в знаннях з виучуваної теми;
формувати практичні уміння аналізувати і систематизувати отриману
інформацію; вчити самостійно засвоювати окремі питання навчального
матеріалу, логічно будувати висловлювання за змістом почутого
(побаченого, прочитаного) у груповій та самостійній роботі, робити
висновки та узагальнення; удосконалювати комунікативні навички
студентів; розвивати пізнавальний інтерес студентів до вивчення
країнознавчих реалій Канади; формувати позитивну мотивацію до
вивчення англійської мови; виховувати взаємоповагу, ціннісне ставлення
до культури країн виучуваної мови.
Очікувані результати: на завершення заняття студенти зможуть
розповідати про політичну систему та великі міста Канади;
узагальнювати отримані фактичні знання з географії країни; описувати
ключові історичні події; виділяти головну та другорядну інформацію з
багатого фактичного матеріалу.
Тип заняття: комбіноване
Форма проведення: практичне заняття
Засоби навчання: телевізор/проектор, роздатковий матеріал, смартфони,
середовище дистанційного навчання Moodle
Час: 80 хвилин
Перебіг заняття
1.1 Привітання
1.2 Створення сприятливої емоційної атмосфери: прийом
«Побажання» (студенти стають в коло і по черзі говорять
побажання один одному)
1.3 Мотивація: прийоми «Постановка питань, зв’язок з життям, з
майбутнім, залучення досвіду студентів»
T.: - Have you ever been to any English-speaking countries?
- If you had such chance which English-speaking country would you
like to visit and why?
- Is it important to learn about English-speaking countries at our
English lessons? Why?
2.1 Оголошення теми заняття
T.: Guess the country and explain the quote.
“If some countries have too much history, we have too much geography.”
William Lyon Mackenzie King (former Prime Minister), 1936
2.2 Мотивація навчальної діяльності
Перегляд мотиваційного відео
T.: Now watch this video and write down the words that Canadians used to describe
2.3 Визначення очікуваних результатів
Кожен студент заповнює 1 і 2 колонки таблиці (таблиця роздруковані
складені у формі буклету)
I have known I want to know I have learnt today


3.1 Контроль домашнього завдання
T.: At home you had to write an opinion essay on the topic “America gives
great chances to its youth”. I’m interested in those chances that you’ve
described in your works. Name only one of them.
3.2 Актуалізація опорних знань
1) Створення асоціацій: Mind-up
T.: What comes to your mind when you think about Canada?
cold winter
maple leaf

pole bear maple syrup

2) Визначення правдивих і неправдивих тверджень / True/False activity.
T.: Scan the QR-code and drag the statements to the
true/false sections. Then check your answers. Try to
correct the false sentences.

3.3 Вивчення нового матеріалу

1) Читання різнорівневих тексів із здобуттям основної
a) Виконання до-текстових завдань / Pre-reading activity.
Фонетичне відпрацювання власних назв.
Let’s work with some proper names. Listen and repeat.

The Pacific ocean The Mackenzie

The Atlantic ocean The Yukon
The Arctic ocean The Nelson
The Cordilleras Great Bear Lake
The Rocky mountains Great Slave Lake
The Coast Mountains The Great Lakes
Ottawa Niagara Falls
Toronto the Governor General
Montreal the Dominion of Canada
Vancouver Baffin Island
Quebec Newfoundland

б) Етап «Власне читання» / Reading

Тексти із завданнями надруковані на окремих аркушах
T.: You’ll work in four groups. There are four different texts about Canada.
Texts differ in content and task complexity. They include the information about
history, geography, political system and the biggest cities of Canada. Each text
has a special task which helps you outline only the main idea of the text. You
have to read it, do the task and present the main information to other groups.


Canada is an independent federal parliamentary state. The Queen of Great Britain,

Elizabeth II, is the official head of the state, but the Governor General acts as her
representative. Canada combines the American federal form of government with the
British cabinet system.
As a federation, Canada is made up of ten provinces and three territories. Canadian
central government in Ottawa represents all the peoples of Canada. Each province has its
own government and parliament.
Parliament of Canada consists of two houses, the Upper House called the Senate, and the
Lower House called the House of Commons. The Senate has 104 members. Senators are
appointed by the Governor General on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The
Senate has less power than the House of Commons. Members of the House of Commons
are elected for a term of five years. The cabinet system of Canada unites the legislative
and the executive branches. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are usually members of
the House of Commons, which is the highest authority in the government. The Cabinet
consists of 20 or more ministers, chosen by the Prime Minister from leaders of the
majority party in the House of Commons.
Today most of the Governor General’s powers have disappeared and he follows the
directions of the Cabinet.
The two leading political parties in Canada are the Progressive Conservative Party and
the Liberal Party. The New Democratic Party is also rather influential.

Tell about the political system of Canada according to the following plan.
1. Form of government.
2. The administrative structure.
3. Head of state.
4. The Parliament.
5. The Cabinet.
Canada is situated in the northern part of the continent of North America. Canada has an
area of nearly 10 million square km. It is the second largest country in the world after
Its land boundaries are along the 12 States of America in the South and along state of
Alaska in the North.
The country is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the
east and by the Arctic Ocean and its seas in the north.
There are many islands in the North — the best known are Victoria Island, Baffin
Island, Newfoundland.
About 2 per cent of the Canadian territory is covered by glacier ice.
The eastern parts of the country are mainly valleys and plains.
The western territories are occupied by the Cordilleras. They stretch from the American
border to the Arctic Ocean. The Cordillera region is composed of numerous mountain
groups: the Rocky Mountains, the Coast Mountains and others.
There are a lot of rivers and lakes in Canada. The largest rivers are the Mackenzie, the
Nelson, the Ottawa, and the Yukon. The most famous lakes are the Great Bear Lake, the
Great Slave Lake and the Great Lakes District.
The population of Canada is more than 35 million people. It is mainly concentrated in
large cities.
Canada is rich in mineral resources, such as non-ferrous metals, uranium, oil, natural gas
and coal. It is also exceptionally rich in forests and fur-bearing animals.
All these factors led Canada to the position of a highly-developed country.

Use the following key words to tell about the geographical facts of Canada.

Geographical position and size; area and population; boundaries and oceans; mountains;
main rivers and lakes.

tribe – плем’я
settlement – поселення
coast – узбережжя
gain – здобувати
adopt – приймати, затверджувати

Before the 15th century Canada was populated by different Indian tribes. In the far north
there were tribes of Eskimos. An English seaman, John Cabot, discovered the island of
Newfoundland in 1497. Then many settlements of Spanish, English and French fishermen
appeared on the coasts of Newfoundland.
Great Britain gained control of the country in 1763, and thousands of British emigrants
came to Canada. In 1867, the French and English-speaking Canadians helped to create a
united colony called the Dominion of Canada.
Canada gained its independence from Britain in 1931. During the middle of 20th
century, hard-working Canadians turned their country into an economic giant.
The Constitution of the country was only adopted in 1982.

Match the beginning and the end of each sentence:

1. Different Indian tribes a) by an English seaman John Cabot.

2. Canada was discovered in 1497 b) in 1931.
3. Canada was under British rule c) lived on the territory of Canada before
15th century.
4. A union of French and English- d) beginning with1763.
speaking Canadians
5. Canada became a completely e) took place in 1867 and was called the
independent country Dominion of Canada
6. The Constitution of Canada f) was adopted only in 1982.


Canada is a country with rapid growth of the population. Toronto is the largest and
most populated city in Canada. Nearly half of the population is made up of foreign-born
residents. It is the home of leading banks and corporations. It is the major industrial centre
of the country. Toronto is a big port on Lake Ontario, one of the Great Lakes.
The second big city and huge port of Canada is Montreal, situated on the St Lawrence
River. It is officially a French-speaking city, as is the province of Quebec. Three
universities are situated in the city. It is also one of the shopping and cultural centres of the
Vancouver is the third big city in Canada. It is called a garden city. Vancouver is a very
picturesque city, which lies between snow-capped mountains and an ocean bay in the west
of Canada. It is the largest port on the Pacific coast and the centre of Canadian trade.
Ottawa is a capital city. It is only fourth by size. It is situated on the picturesque bank of
the Ottawa River. One third of its population is descendants of English and French
immigrants. The name of the city comes from the Indian word meaning "trade".
For a very long time Ottawa was a fur trading centre. Ottawa is called a city of bridges.
There are more than 20 bridges in the city. Ottawa is famous for its walks, along which
about a million of tulips bloom in spring.

Complete the sentences:

1. Toronto is famous for…
2. Montreal is known as…
3. People like to visit Vancouver because…
4. The capital city of Canada is … which is….
5. Ottawa is popular because of its …..

в) Виконання після-текстового завдання / Post-reading activity: chain- story.

T.: It is time to create your chain-story. Are you ready? Let’s start from
geographical position of Canada.
2) Пояснення різниці між province і territory.
T.: There is a clear constitutional distinction between provinces and
territories. While provinces exercise constitutional powers in their own right,
the territories exercise delegated powers under the authority of the Parliament
of Canada. Province is a creation of the Constitution Act (17 April 1982),
while a territory is created by federal law. Thus, the federal government has
more direct control over the territories, while provincial governments have
many more competences and rights.

4. Застосування отриманих знань.

Перегляд відео
а) Pre-watching activity
T.: Look through the questions to the video to make your understanding easier.
1. Why is Canada considered to be the most educated country?
2. What does the word «kanata» mean?
3. Why do people in Churchill leave their cars unlocked?
4. What Canada and Mars have in common?
5. What is world rank of Canada in oil production?
6. What is the benefit of a large number of lakes in Canada?
7. What is the connection between Canada and basketball?
8. What is the length of the longest international border in the world?
9. What did Canadians build for the arrival of aliens in 1967?
10. What do marijuana and same sex marriage have in common?
б) Watching video
в) Post-watching activity
Студенти відповідають на запитання до відео.

5. Застосування узагальнених умінь у нестандартній ситуації.

Виконання групової творчої письмової роботи / Group creative writing.
Студенти в групах складають і презентують письмові міні-повідомлення
про Канаду з використанням ключових слів.
T.: Use the key words in a short story about Canada (4-6 sentences)
beautiful maple
huge diversity
Canadians beaver
Toronto snow
safe French-speaking
democracy independent
multiculturalism immigrants
bilingual native

6. Перевірка отриманих фактичних знань

T.: Now it is time to do Moodle-test. So, please, take your smartphones and
do test №2. You have 10 minutes.


1. Підведення підсумків заняття
T.: Complete my sentences:
1. The name Canada is believed to come from the Indian word Kanata,
which means …
2. Canada is the second largest country of the world after …
3. The capital of Canada is …
4. The country’s symbols are …
5. Canada’s largest cities are …
6. The official languages of the country are …
7. The Head of state in Canada is …
2. Рефлексія
Студенти заповнюють 3 колонку таблиці-буклету
3. Інформування про домашнє завдання
Інструктаж та мотивація необхідності виконання:
T.: At home you will have to find some interesting facts about Canadian
customs and traditions. This information will expand your worldview
and it will be very useful for those who want to visit Canada.
4. Оцінювання.

1. Нерсисян М. А., Піроженко О. А. Англійська мова (11 рік

навчання, рівень стандарту): підручник для 11 класу закладів
загальної середньої освіти / Нерсисян М. А., Піроженко О. А. – К.:
Ірпінь: ТОВ «Видавництво «Перун», 2019. – 192 с.: іл.
2. ENGLISH TOPICS Найкращі з 1000 усних тем з паралельним
перекладом для учнів 5 —11 класів та абітурієнтів: навч. видання/
Фіщенко О. П., Ярцева Г. В., Абраджионі С. О. та ін. –К.: ТОВ
«Веста», 2006. – 625с.


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