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I. TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct and F if NOT.

_____ 1. Proper behavior during mealtime is called table manners
_____ 2. Having good table manners is a way of showing respect.
_____ 3. It is a person’s way of behaving is called manners.
_____ 4. Manner is the IMPROPER way of behaving in private or public.
_____ 5. We use spoon, fork and knife and other things used to eat during meal time
_____ 6. Chewing is cursing the food using the teeth.
_____ 7. Burping is releasing of air from the mouth after eating or drinking.

II. Draw √ if the statement is correct about proper mealtime and X if NOT.
_____ 8. It's good to eat in front of the TV or computer during meals.

____ 9. Chewing your food slowly and taking small bites is a healthy habit.
____ 10. It is polite to talk with your mouth full of food
____ 11. We [ray before meal.
____ 12. The children that sit properly during mealtime is proper.
____13. It is good to have lots of leftovers in your plate.
____ 14. It’s important to wash your hands before eating
____ 15. Chew your food quietly and do not make noises.
____ 16. Burp as loud as you can so other people can hear it well.
III. Write the correct steps of proper hand washing. Write 1-5 on the blank.
_____ Apply soap.
_____ Wet your hands.
_____ Rinse your hands.
_____ Scrub your hands.
_____ Dry your hands.
IV. Check the picture that shows keeping the body clean and healthy.

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