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SUPREME COURT OF ‫رپسمیوکرٹآفاپاتسکن‬


18th December, 2023

1. Mr. Saif Anjum
Secretary Aviation
Government of Pakistan.

2. Major-General Adnan Asif Jah Shad

Airport Security Force.

Dear Sirs,

This is with reference to your letter of 12th October, 2023, which surprisingly
found its way to the media immediately after Justice Qazi Faez Isa and his wife
left Pakistan for Turkiye during the Supreme Court’s winter vacations.

In the interest of full disclosure kindly also disclose the Registrar of the
Supreme Court’s letter of 21st September, 2023 to correct the misconceptions.

The body search exemption rule was not made by the Supreme Court nor was
exemption sought. The Registrar had simply pointed out an anomaly, which
was that the spouses of retired Supreme Court Judges were exempt from body
search but those of serving Judges were not.

Your letter while resolving the anomaly does not offer an explanation. And,
neither the ASF nor the Government of Pakistan is concerned about the
security breach.

The facts are:

(1) The coincidentally interesting timing of the letter, written 66 days ago,
now coming into the public domain; immediately on Justice Isa’s
departure from Pakistan.
(2) Body search exemption cards for spouses have not been received.
(3) Departing from Pakistan, on 16th December, 2023, Mrs. Isa herself went
into the cubicle of the ASF and was searched by a lady officer; the
recording by cameras installed at the airport will confirm this; no
exemption sought, nor given.
(4) Justice Isa was offered, but declined, the use of the VIP lounge at
Islamabad Airport.
(5) Justice Isa also declined the use of the luxury limousine which drives
VIPs right up to the aircraft.

Yours sincerely,

Public Relations Officer

Copy to:
Cabinet Secretary,
Government of Pakistan.

Constitution Avenue, Islamabad, +92-51-9213767

‫‪SUPREME COURT OF‬‬ ‫رپسمیوکرٹآفاپاتسکم‬




‫وحباۂلآپےک وتکمبؤمرہخ‪80‬اوتکرب‪0202‬ء‪،‬وجرسامیکویٹھچںںیمسٹسجاقیضافزئٰیسیعاورامیکاہیلہےک اپاتسکمےسرتہیکاجےنےکوفراًدعب ریحت‬


‫وپریاچسیئآاکشرارکےنیکاخرطرباہِرکالرپسمیوکرٹیکررٹسجاراکوتکمبؤمرہخ‪08‬ربمتس‪0202‬ءیھباظرہےیجیکاتہکطلغویمہفںاکازا ہوہ۔‬

‫امسجین التیش ےس اانثتس اک اقدعہ رپسمی وکرٹ ےن ںیہن انبای‪ ،‬ہن یہ اانثتس اک اطمہبل ایک ایگ اھت۔ ررٹسجار ےن رصف اکی اضتد یک اشندنیہ یک یھ ہک رپسمی وکرٹ ےک‬
‫راٹیرئڈوججںےکالہِاخہنوکامسجینالتیشےساانثتس یھنکیلوموجدہوججںےکالہِاخہنوکںیہن یھ۔‬

‫آپ ےک وتکمب ےن ہی اضتد متخ رکےت وہےئ وکیئ واضتح شیپ ںیہن یک۔ اور ہن اے اسی افی ہن یہ وکحِتم اپاتسکم وک افحیتظ ادقاامت یک الخف ورزی یک رکف‬








‫اقلعتتاعہم‬ ‫ارسف‬

‫‪Constitution Avenue, Islamabad, +92-51-9213767‬‬


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