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+967775152488 | | Ibb, Yemen

I choose to study in Britain in general and at the University of Aberdeen in particular because they have
traditionally been world leaders in their stimulating and fields scientific specially in Molecular Medicine,
and they encourage students from all around the world without discrimination based on race or
nationality. I hope for more development and achievement.

My name is Ahmed Abdullah, I am a Medical Microbiologist with a BSc degree in Medical

Microbiology from Ibb University. When I heard about your organization and your interest in supporting
students to complete studies and create a conscious and classy society capable of benefiting humanity. I
belive you can help me to be more benefit for my nations as well as all humanity. I'm passionate about
completing my Masters and PhD degree in Molecular Medicine. I currently have a GPA of 93.77% with
Honors in BSc. I believe I am the right candidate for your scholarship. I was first interested in medical
microbiology and Molecular Medicine, and I knew I wanted to find a career that allowed me to conduct
research and learn this specialization around the world and discover the most important uses of this
specialization in our life.

I plan to do many scientific researches in this filed like (microbial biotherapy) this filed will change the
world which explain how we use the microbes as treatment rather than chemical treatment. Another thing
how extraction the benefit biomaterial from microbes, as well as how we can improve the immunity by
other microbial product. Etc...

I am confident that I can use the funds your organization gives to further my learning and get ready for
my career because of my good study habits and excellent interpersonal skills. I appreciate your thought
and effort, and I hope to hear from you soon. Please get in touch with me at
or +967775152488 if you have any inquiries concerning my application.

Best regards

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