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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Music Integration: Its Effects on the Mastery of

Grade 11 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Students in Central Dogma in Fatima National High School


An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of
College of Education
Mindanao State University
General Santos City


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Secondary Education






Background of the Study

Many students find biology difficult because of the abstract ideas and

vast amount of material that must be acquired. Nevertheless, not only is this

branch of science challenging to study, but science as a whole is as well. The

result of the Program for International Student Assessment (2022) shows that

in reading comprehension, mathematics, and science, the Philippines placed

in the bottom 10 out of 81 nations for the second consecutive year. With a 0.8

drop in science proficiency from 2018, the Philippines now ranks among the

ten least proficient nations in the world.

The fundamental ideas of central dogma in molecular biology are said

to be among the hardest to teach and master because of their intricate

relationships between molecules, processes, and a thorough grasp of

genetics and biochemistry. Abstract and difficult to witness ideas like gene

expression, transcription, and translation are part of the central dogma that

are difficult to comprehend (Scispace, 2023).

Moreover, as technology advances, pedagogy and technology are

becoming more integrated into the changing educational scene. Teachers are

driven to investigate cutting-edge techniques that can captivate and empower

students. One such creative way to improve learning is to integrate artificial

intelligence (AI) with music, which is a potentially promising area of study. Dr.

Godkin (2023) claims that listening to music simultaneously stimulates the left
and right hemispheres of the brain, which can enhance learning and memory.

Not only can music help us create new memories, but it also helps us retrieve

old ones.

Furthermore, other teaching and learning integrations have already

been put in place by other researchers to help students grasp the concept of

central dogma. This study, however, attempts to offer a more practical, easy-

to-implement, and scientifically validated method of teaching strategic

integration that is intended to be part of the backbone of lifting the mastery

level of the students in the field of science. Researchers hope to offer a silver

lining for students to gain a better understanding of central dogma, which will

ultimately benefit our country and be useful for other subjects.

On this premise, the researchers are motivated to conduct a study to

determine the effects of artificial intelligence (AI) music integration on the

students' mastery of the topic of central dogma and to further enhance and

utilize this teaching method to develop the learning of the students.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the effects of the integration of AI music

as a teaching technique in the mastery level of students when used in

teaching science and its ability to deliver the context of a certain topic.

In specificity, this seeks answers to the following:

1. What is the mastery level of students before and after the conduct

of the study?

2. Is there a significant difference in the pretest scores of the

experimental group and the control group?

3. Is there a significant difference in the posttest scores of the

experimental group and the control group?

4. Is there a significant difference in the pretest and posttest scores of

the experimental group?

5. Is there a significant difference in the pretest and posttest scores of

the control group?

6. Is there a significant difference in the mean gain scores between

the experimental group and the control group?

Significance of the Study

This study will provide information about the impacts of integrating AI

music as a teaching technique to the mastery level of students in Central

Dogma. The researchers intend that this study will be of great help to the


Educational Policymakers. This study will provide findings that can

help them make better decisions on improving the teaching strategies of the

teachers from different schools at the local, regional, and national levels.

School Administrators. This study will help in discussions of

curriculum development. This can enlighten them to consider the integration

of AI technologies as a pedagogical tool, aligning educational practices with

the evolving needs of students and the demands of the 21st century.

Science Teachers. This study will aid them in having a better

understanding of the effects integrating AI music as a teaching technique on

students’ mastery level in Central Dogma. The findings of this study will help

them enhance their teaching strategies and approaches to better support the

learning experience of the students.

Students. This study will help students gain knowledge about how the

integration of AI music impacts their mastery level in Central Dogma. This will

inform them about adjusting in learning to improve mastery level and will help

them to be heard by educational policymakers about their experiences.

Parents and Guardians. This study will provide them with information

about the potential benefits or drawbacks of integrating AI music for their

children. The result of this study can inform their discussions with school

officials and support their children's education.

Community and Society. The result of this study will inform the

people surrounding the school about the impacts of integrating AI music on

the mastery level of the students. This will give them the signal to share their

sentiments and contribute to improving the educational strategies of schools.

Academic Researchers and Scholars. This study will serve as a

reference for those who plan to conduct similar, or any study related to this

topic in the future.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will be delimited to investigating the effects of the integration

of AI music as a teaching technique to the mastery level of students in Central


The researcher used Quasi-experimental method of research in

investigating and finding the answers to the questions stated in the statement

of the problem. The respondents of the study will be the Grade 11 STEM

students in Fatima National High School and the tests will be conducted

during the month of January of 2024. The quantitative data will be gathered

through a pre-test and post-test.



This chapter presents the related literature and related studies which in

line with the study. At the outset of the study, the researchers are gathering

information from a wide range of reading materials and sources. This includes

the related literature, related studies, research gap, conceptual framework,

and definition of terms.

Related Literature

This section provides the related literature used in relation to the

variables in the study.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, according to Laskowski and Tucci (2023), is the

machine, particularly computer system, simulation of human intelligence

processes. Expert systems, natural language processing, speech

recognition, and machine vision are a few specific uses of AI. Artificial

intelligence (AI) systems typically function by absorbing vast quantities of

labeled training data, examining the data for correlations and patterns, and

utilizing these patterns to forecast future states.

AI is significant because it can alter our way of living, working, and

playing. It has been successfully applied in business to automate human

labor-intensive processes like fraud detection, lead generating, quality

control, and customer support. AI is far more efficient than humans at a lot of

tasks. AI technologies frequently finish projects fast and with comparatively

few errors, especially when it comes to repetitive, detail-oriented activities

like reviewing many legal papers to verify important fields are filled in

appropriately. AI can provide businesses with previously unknown insights

into their operations due to the vast amounts of data it can handle. The

rapidly expanding population of generative AI tools will be important in fields

ranging from education and marketing to product design.

Furthermore, there are some advantages of AI such as firstly, AI is

good at tasks requiring attention to detail. Research has shown that it can

diagnose some illnesses, such as melanoma and breast cancer, just as well

as doctors can. Second, less time spent on data-intensive tasks: Artificial

Intelligence is frequently applied to reduce the amount of time needed to

evaluate large data sets in data-intensive businesses like banking and

securities, pharmaceuticals, and insurance. AI is frequently used by financial

institutions, for instance, to process loan applications and identify fraud.

thirdly, reduces labor costs and boosts output. One example of this is the

usage of warehouse automation, which increased during the epidemic and is

predicted to rise if AI and machine learning are integrated. Fourth it delivers

consistent results, the best AI translation tools deliver high levels of

consistency, offering even small businesses the ability to reach customers in

their native language. Fifth can improve customer satisfaction through

personalization AI, can personalize content, messaging, ads,

recommendations and websites to individual customers. Sixth AI-powered

virtual agents are always available, AI programs do not need to sleep or take

breaks, providing 24/7 service.

However, there are some drawbacks as well, including cost, the need

for highly skilled technical personnel, a shortage of workers with the

necessary skills to develop AI tools, the biases inherent in the training data,

inability to generalize across tasks, elimination of human jobs, and a rise in

unemployment rates.

According to Frankenfield (2023), the replication of human intelligence

by software-coded heuristics is known as artificial intelligence, or AI. These

days, this code can be found in embedded firmware, consumer apps, cloud-

based enterprise systems, and even embedded software. The capacity for

reasoning and making decisions that maximize the likelihood of

accomplishing a given objective is the ideal quality of artificial intelligence.

Machine learning (ML), a subtype of artificial intelligence, is the idea that

computer programs can automatically learn from and adapt to new data

without help from humans. This automatic learning is made possible by deep

learning techniques, which absorb vast volumes of unstructured data,

including text, photos, and video.

The foundation of artificial intelligence lies in the idea that human

intelligence can be precisely described so that a computer can replicate it

and carry out tasks of any complexity. One of artificial intelligence's

objectives is to simulate human thought processes. When it comes to

concretely defining processes like learning, reasoning, and perception,

researchers and developers in the field are moving at an unexpectedly fast

pace. There are others who think that in the not too distant future, inventors

will be able to create machines that are more intelligent than humans in any

given field. However, because value judgments are inherent in all cognitive
activity and are influenced by human experience, some people choose to

remain dubious. For example, machines that calculate basic functions or

recognize text through optical character recognition are no longer

considered to embody artificial intelligence, since this function is now taken

for granted as an inherent computer function.

Furthermore, the applications for artificial intelligence are endless.

The technology can be applied to many different sectors and industries. AI is

being tested and used in the healthcare industry for suggesting drug

dosages, identifying treatments, and for aiding in surgical procedures in the

operating room. Artificially intelligent machines also include chess-playing

computers and self-driving automobiles. Every decision made by any of

these machines must be carefully considered since it will affect the outcome.

Winning the game is the ultimate goal in chess. In order for self-driving cars

to respond in a way that avoids a collision, the computer system must take

into account all external data and compute it. Artificial intelligence also has

applications in the financial industry, where it is used to detect and flag

activity in banking and finance such as unusual debit card usage and large

account deposits—all of which help a bank's fraud department. Applications

for AI are also being used to help streamline and make trading easier. This is

done by making supply, demand, and pricing of securities easier to estimate.

Artificial intelligence, however, can be separated into two groups:

weak and strong. Weak artificial intelligence is akin to a system built to do a

single task. Video games, like the chess example above, and personal

assistants, like Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa, are examples of weak AI

systems. When you pose a question, the assistant responds on your behalf.
Conversely, powerful AI systems are ones that perform jobs thought to be

performed by humans. These are typically more intricate and sophisticated

systems. They are programmed to handle situations in which they may be

required to problem solve without having a person intervene. These kinds of

systems can be found in applications like self-driving cars or in hospital

operating rooms.

According to Copeland (2023), the earliest successful AI program was

written in 1951 by Christopher Strachey, later director of the Programming

Research Group at the University of Oxford. Strachey’s checkers (draughts)

program ran on the Ferranti Mark computer at the University of Manchester,

England. This software was able to play a full game of checkers at a

respectable pace by the summer of 1952. Larger datasets (also known as

"big data") and quicker processing power in the early 21st century forced

artificial intelligence out of computer science departments and into the

general public. Moore's law, which said that the power of computers doubled

approximately every 18 months, remained accurate. Eliza's default answers

were easily contained in 50 kilobytes; the language model that powers

ChatGPT was trained on 45 terabytes of material.

IBM (2023) claims that there are several current real-world uses for AI

systems. Here are a few of the most typical use cases: voice recognition,

sometimes referred to as computer speech recognition, automatic speech

recognition (ASR), or speech-to-text, is a feature that converts spoken

human speech into written form by utilizing natural language processing

(NLP). Speech recognition is a common feature of mobile devices, allowing

users to perform voice search functions. Use Siri, or make messaging more
accessible. Online virtual agents are taking the place of human agents in

second-line customer care throughout the customer experience. They

answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) around topics, like shipping, or

provide personalized advice, cross-selling products or suggesting sizes for

users, changing the way we think about customer engagement across

websites and social media platforms. Examples include virtual agent-

powered messaging bots on e-commerce sites, messaging applications like

Facebook Messenger and Slack, and activities often performed by voice

assistants and virtual assistants. The third type of AI technology is computer

vision, which allows systems and computers to interpret digital photos,

movies, and other visual inputs to extract useful information from which they

may then act. This ability to provide recommendations distinguishes it from

image recognition tasks. Powered by convolutional neural networks,

computer vision has applications within photo tagging in social media,

radiology imaging in healthcare, and self-driving cars within the automotive

industry. Fourth is recommendation engines, using past consumption

behavior data, AI algorithms can help to discover data trends that can be

used to develop more effective cross-selling strategies. This is used to make

relevant add-on recommendations to customers during the checkout process

for online retailers. Fifth automated stock trading is designed to optimize

stock portfolios, AI-driven high-frequency trading platforms make thousands

or even millions of trades per day without human intervention.

According to Accenture (2023), an introduction to artificial intelligence

would not be complete without discussing AI ethics. AI is developing at a

breakneck speed, and like any powerful technology, businesses must gain
the public's trust and answer to their patrons and staff. Responsible AI is the

practice of designing, building and deploying AI in a manner that empowers

employees and businesses and fairly impacts customers and society—

allowing companies to engender trust and scale AI with confidence.

The first is trust; every business that uses AI must pass muster. Ethics

theater, in which businesses engage in covert gray-area operations while

leveraging PR to highlight their ethical usage of AI, is a frequent problem.

And there's unconscious bias still. An emerging skill called "responsible AI"

aims to increase trust between businesses and their clients and staff. The

second is that improper use of AI can have negative systemic and

reputational effects, as can data security and privacy. Businesses must

ensure that data is gathered, processed, managed, and kept in a secure and

responsible manner as well as incorporate secrecy, transparency, and

security into their AI initiatives from the beginning. Third, interpretability and

transparency: Businesses must set up a governance structure to direct their

investments and steer clear of morally dubious, legally dubious, and

regulatory hazards. This can be done by creating an ethics committee or

updating their code of ethics. Businesses need to be able to see how AI

systems arrive at a given outcome, taking these decisions out of the "black

box," as AI technologies take on more and more decision-making

responsibilities. A clear governance framework and ethics committee can

help with the development of practices and protocols that ensure their code

of ethics is properly translated into the development of AI solutions. The

fourth is control; since machines lack free will, they are fallible.

Organizations should have risk frameworks and contingency plans in place

in the event of a problem. Be clear about who is accountable for the

decisions made by AI systems and define the management approach to help

escalate problems when necessary.

According to Schroer (2023) AI can be divided into four categories,

based on the type and complexity of the tasks a system is able to perform.

They are: First the reactive machines, it follows the most basic of AI

principles and, as its name implies, is capable of only using its intelligence to

perceive and react to the world in front of it. A reactive machine cannot store

a memory and, as a result, cannot rely on past experiences to inform

decision making in real time. Reactive machines are made to do a restricted

range of specialized tasks because they see the world immediately.

However, there are advantages to purposefully limiting the worldview of a

reactive machine: this kind of AI will be more dependable and trustworthy,

and it will consistently respond to the same stimuli. The second is limited

memory. AI may remember prior information and forecasts when obtaining

data and considering options; it's like looking backwards for hints about what

might happen in the future. Reactive machines are simpler and have less

options than limited memory AI. When an AI environment is designed to

enable models to be automatically trained and updated, or when a team

consistently trains a model to evaluate and use new data, limited memory AI

is produced.

Furthermore, as for the third theory of mind, we still lack the scientific

and technological advancements required to get to this next stage of artificial

intelligence. The idea is grounded in the psychological theory that other

living creatures have feelings and thoughts that influence human behavior.
This would imply that AI robots may use introspection and determination to

understand the emotions and decision-making processes of people, animals,

and other machines, and then use that understanding to make decisions of

their own. In order to establish a two-way communication between people

and AI, machines would essentially need to be able to understand and

comprehend the idea of "mind," the fluctuations of emotions in decision-

making, and a long list of other psychological concepts in real time. AI. The

fourth stage is self-awareness. After theory of mind is created, which should

happen quite soon in AI's future, AI will then become self-aware. This type of

AI is conscious on par with humans and is aware of both its own presence

and the presence and emotional states of others. It would be able to infer

what other people could require from the way they communicate with them

as well as from what they say. For AI to be self-aware, human researchers

must first comprehend the fundamentals of consciousness before figuring

out how to recreate it in order to incorporate it into computers.

According to Rousse (2023), AI is not a single technology. Instead, it

is an umbrella term that includes any type of software or hardware

component that supports machine learning, expert systems, generative AI

and certain types of robotics. The majority of today's artificial intelligence (AI)

uses hardware that is based on ordinary CMOS technology and combines

machine learning models with classic algorithms. However, as technology

has been incorporated into more commonplace applications, there has been

an increase in interest in a field of study called neuromorphic engineering.

This field aims to replicate the architecture of the human brain by creating
specialized hardware and algorithms that are optimized for real-time

processing and low power consumption.

Furthermore, AI is particularly helpful in the business sector. It is

currently being used for a variety of purposes in both commercial and

consumer settings as well as in lab settings. These include the following

technologies: artificial neural networks, which are computational models

modeled after the composition and operation of the human brain. They are

made up of linked nodes, or neurons, that analyze and send data so that the

network can be trained to identify patterns and relationships in the data. The

second method is deep learning, an iterative technique for creating artificial

intelligence that builds a hierarchy of increasing complexity and abstraction

using machine learning algorithms. The most advanced AI architecture in

use right now is deep learning. The third is speech recognition, which

enables text or code to be generated from human speech by an intelligent

machine. The fourth is natural language generation, which makes it possible

for people and computers to have conversations. The ability for a machine to

scan a picture and identify things through comparison analysis comes in fifth

with computer vision. Gain, a fifth expert system, was one of the first artificial

intelligence technologies created in the 1970s and 1980s. These systems

sought to imitate human experts' knowledge and decision-making

procedures in particular fields and then use those insights to offer

suggestions or render judgments. Expert systems offer useful applications in

healthcare, finance, and engineering even though they may not be as well-

known as more modern AI technologies like deep learning and neural

According to SAS (2023), AI is important because it automates

repetitive learning and discovery through data. Artificial Intelligence handles

repetitive, high-volume, automated activities rather than automating manual

ones. And it does so without growing weary. Naturally, people are still

needed to configure the system and pose the proper queries. AI gives

already-made items more intelligence. AI capabilities will improve many of

the products you currently use, similar to how Siri was included in a new line

of Apple products. A multitude of technologies can be enhanced by

combining massive volumes of data with automation, conversational

platforms, bots, and smart robots. Improvements in the home and office

include investment analysis, smart cameras, and security intelligence.

In addition, Progressive learning methods enable AI to adapt by letting

the data handle the programming. To help algorithms learn, artificial

intelligence (AI) looks for patterns and structure in data. An algorithm may

educate itself to recommend a product online, just as it can teach itself to

play chess. Additionally, the models adjust to fresh data. AI also uses neural

networks, which contain numerous hidden layers, to evaluate deeper and

more data. It used to be hard to build a fraud detection system with five

hidden layers. Big data and amazing computer power have transformed all

of that. Since deep learning models learn directly from the data, a large

amount of data is required for training. AI achieves incredible accuracy

through deep neural networks. For example, your interactions with Alexa and

Google are all based on deep learning. And these products keep getting

more accurate the more you use them. In the medical field, AI techniques

from deep learning and object recognition can now be used to pinpoint
cancer on medical images with improved accuracy. It gets the most out of

data. When algorithms are self-learning, the data itself is an asset. The

answers are in the data – you just have to apply AI to find them. Since the

role of the data is now more important than ever, it can create a competitive

advantage. If you have the best data in a competitive industry, even if

everyone is applying similar techniques, the best data will win. But using that

data to innovate responsibly requires trustworthy AI. And that means your AI

systems should be ethical, equitable and sustainable.

According to Duggal (2023), There are several uses for artificial

intelligence (AI) in a variety of sectors and fields. NLP uses AI to interpret

and analyze spoken language. Applications like sentiment analysis, machine

translation, speech recognition, and virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri are

powered by it. It also helps with image and video analysis; computer vision

and other AI techniques make it possible to analyze and interpret photos and

movies. Applications for this include medical imaging, driverless cars,

content filtering, object tracking and detection, and facial recognition.

Artificial Intelligence is a key component of robotics and automation

systems. AI-enabled robots can carry out difficult jobs in logistics,

healthcare, manufacturing, and exploration. They are able to work with

people, learn from experience, and adjust to changing surroundings.

Recommendation engines, particularly those driven by artificial intelligence,

are being utilized to customize user experiences in social networking,

streaming services, and e-commerce. Based on user choices, behavior, and

past data, they recommend appropriate products, movies, music, or content.

In the financial services industry, artificial intelligence (AI) is frequently used

for fraud detection, credit scoring, algorithmic trading, and risk assessment.

Large volumes of financial data may be analyzed using machine learning

models, which can then be used to spot trends and forecast outcomes. It

includes disease diagnosis, medication discovery, personalized treatment,

medical imaging analysis, and patient monitoring in the context of

healthcare. Artificial intelligence (AI) can help find trends in medical data and

offer insights for more accurate diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, AI-

powered chatbots and virtual assistants converse with users, comprehend

their inquiries, and deliver pertinent information or carry out activities. They

are employed in information retrieval, customer service, and tailored support.

AI algorithms are used in games to create intelligent decision-making, lifelike

virtual characters, and opponent conduct. AI is also utilized for improving

game testing, physics simulations, and graphics. The creation of smart home

systems that can manage equipment, automate chores, and adapt to human

preferences is made possible by smart houses. The effectiveness and

usefulness of Internet of Things (IoT) networks and devices can be improved

using AI. Through network traffic analysis, anomaly detection, and attack

prediction, artificial intelligence (AI) aids in the detection and prevention of

cyber threats. Advanced threat detection and response technologies can

improve system and data security.

According to Coursera (2023), some of the most common examples

of AI in use today include ChatGPT which uses large language models

(LLMs) to generate text in response to questions or comments posed to it;

Google translate that uses deep learning algorithms to translate text from

one language to another; Netflix which uses machine learning algorithms to

create personalized recommendation engines for users based on their

previous viewing history; and Tesla that uses computer vision to power self-

driving features on their cars.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Music

According to Morris (2023), these days, AI is able to compose music

and can do it fairly well. AI music generators compose new songs by utilizing

large music databases and intricate algorithms. They use this knowledge,

along with a great deal more, to create new compositions by analyzing

patterns in rhythm, melody, and harmony. It creates (theoretically) new and

original music and tracks by studying previously composed music.

AI music generators are used for many different reasons by a wide

range of people in many industries. AI can be used to generate anything

from basic beats to orchestrations reminiscent of Beethoven, whether a

project is tiny or huge and needs soundtracks, sound effects, or background

music. They are used by musicians, content producers, event planners,

fitness instructors, and advertising among others to produce original,

editable music. There are various tasks that music AI may help with while

creating content. For example, bloggers, YouTubers, podcasters, and other

creators frequently employ AI music generators to generate original

soundtracks for their work. This can include background music for videos,

intro music for podcasts, or sound effects for digital games. Combine it with

an AI voice generator to create podcasts with ease.

AI music generators can also be utilized in marketing and advertising

to produce memorable jingles or branded music for ads. They can also be
used to create music for presentations or commercial videos that correspond

with a certain atmosphere. For workflows that are more efficient, you can

alternatively employ an AI video generator. AI music generators can also be

used to create theme songs, sound effects, and soundtracks for movies and

video games. Aside from professional application, AI music generators can

also be used for leisure.

AI-generated music refers to music that is composed with the help of

AI algorithms. Essentially, it involves using computer software to analyze

existing music and then generate new compositions based on that analysis.

The process usually involves feeding a large dataset of music into an AI

algorithm, which then analyzes the patterns and structures of that music to

create its own original compositions. It is not simply a random collection of

notes or sounds, but rather a complex and deliberate arrangement of

musical elements. The software used to generate this music can consider

things like melody, harmony, rhythm, tempo, and even the emotional tone of

a piece. In some cases, AI-generated music can be so sophisticated that it's

difficult to tell whether a human or a machine composed it.

While some may argue that AI-generated music lacks the emotional

depth and authenticity of music created by human musicians, others see it

as a fascinating new form of art that has the potential to push the boundaries

of what we thought was possible. As AI technology continues to advance, we

can expect to see even more impressive and innovative examples of AI-

generated music in the years to come. When it comes to creating music, AI

is more efficient than human composers, producing works much faster. With

its analysis of large music databases for a variety of compositions, it offers

endless inspiration. AI encourages artistic experimentation, breaking new

ground in music and producing innovations. It's economical, removing the

need for studios and musicians while still enabling access to excellent

music. AI-generated music is consistently good, which makes it perfect for

applications like video games. Critics contend that it lacks emotional nuance

and originality, poses ethical questions over ownership and its effect on the

music industry, and may lead to an excessive reliance on technology

(AIContentfy, 2023).

According to Kharbach (2023), an AI music generator is a computer

technology that uses AI algorithms to generate music by combining patterns,

loops, chords and melodies. Once the user has selected their desired genre,

AI music generators use AI algorithms to create a unique soundscape. It can

adjust the length and structure of each song created, as well as allowing

users to upload their video and see if the AI music generator can match the

sound they’re looking for.

Additionally, it can be applied to a wide range of creative tasks, such

as producing music for videos and lyrics produced by AI. Content producers

can easily incorporate sound and music into their works without worrying

about copyright violations by using AI music generators. AI music generators

are an excellent tool for encouraging students to work on projects including

music. AI-powered music videos or lyrics can be produced through the use

of AI music generators in conjunction with other AI techniques. AI-generated

soundscapes for video games and soundtracks for movies can also be

produced with it. Alternatively, they can be utilized to produce music for

virtual reality applications using AI. As a teacher, you can also use these AI
music generators to teach your students about AI music composition and

lyrics writing.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is fast changing numerous businesses

including the music industry. AI music generators can produce original music

in a range of styles, including pop, electronic, and classical. These apps can

also be used to make sound effects or edit already-existing music. Even

though AI music generators are still in their infancy, they have already had a

significant influence on the music business. At some point, producers,

musicians, filmmakers, videographers, and companies are all experimenting

with these technologies (Ali, 2023).

According to Analytics Vidhya (2023), the process of creating music

using artificial intelligence methods is known as AI music generation. AI

systems can create new tracks on their own by looking at the structures,

patterns, and genres of previously released music. This technology has the

ability to completely change how music is produced, composed, and listened

to. The field of AI music technology is developing quickly, and a wide range

of tools and structures are being used to explore its creative potential. It

alludes to creating music with artificial intelligence (AI) methods. In order to

evaluate patterns, structures, and styles, it entails training algorithms on

enormous datasets of previously recorded music. After being trained, these

algorithms are frequently able to produce real musical compositions, from

melodies and harmonies to entire songs, without the need for direct human

involvement. AI-generated music has the potential to further musical

innovation, support producers and songwriters, and foster the exploration of

new musical concepts.

According to AIContentfy (2023), the way that music is produced and

shared in the music industry could be significantly impacted by the rise of AI-

generated music. Artificial intelligence (AI)-generated music has the potential

to upset the established creative process of making music, which could have

a significant impact on how the music industry develops in the future. AI

algorithms have the potential to supplant human composers and musicians

as they develop, raising concerns about the place of people in the creative

process. AI-generated music has the potential to further democratize the

process of creating music by making it more approachable for those without

access to costly equipment or traditional musical training.

Additionally, the rise of AI-generated music may give rise to new

financial models for the music industry. Companies might, for instance,

license AI-generated music for use in commercials or movie soundtracks,

opening up new economic opportunities for composers and musicians. As

AI-generated music becomes more widely used, concerns about copyright

and ownership will arise. How should AI-generated music be recognized,

and who owns the rights? As AI is used increasingly often in music

production, these are significant issues that will need to be resolved.

All things considered, AI-generated music has a complicated and

wide-ranging effect on the music business. While there are undoubtedly

difficulties and worries, AI-generated music has the potential to open brand-

new, fascinating avenues for the production and sharing of music. It will be

crucial for the music industry to adjust and welcome new methods of

producing and disseminating music as technology continues to advance.


SongR AI is an AI tool that can be used to create fully customized

songs from the beginning. It is intended to be extremely user-friendly and

accessible to everyone, without the requirement for someone to be an expert

in music theory or a computer whiz. The user may write his own songs that

express his own vision and style with a few simple clicks. There is just a

need to list a few words or phrases that best characterize the song. Using

the lyrics and music the user provides, it creates a strong framework for him

to work from. It provides a wide range of styles and genres to select from.

There is music for every taste, whether it is techno, pop, hip-hop, or rock. No

more struggling to locate the ideal melody or striving to come up with lyrics.

All of that is handled by SongR AI, freeing up the user to concentrate on

expressing oneself and writing his next great song. Thus, it's the ideal tool

for everybody who enjoys music, regardless of experience level. It's

powerful, easy to use, and offers the user total control over own music

(DragGAN AI Tool, 2023).

According to EasyWithAI (2023), With SongR, an AI-powered music

production tool, someone can compose and produce unique vocal tracks.

Based on the keywords the user selected, he can create original lyrics and

add singers and accompaniments from favorite genre. The user will be

presented with the lyrics to the song he created after choosing the genre

(Pop, HipHop, Cafe, and Piano Rock are currently available) and writing a

prompt. After choosing a male or female vocalist, user can click "Render" to

hear the freshly created song. Herein, the user can also post own lyrics.
Mastery Level

According to Greene (2013), the highest kind of strength is mastery.

When someone has total command and expertise over something, they

might declare themselves to be a master of it. Furthermore, he said that

mastery is independent of any biological characteristics. Mastery is a quality

that is developed through practice and time rather than something that is


According to Legacee (2023), there are three phases of mastery, from

the level of expertise, where the deep understanding of ideas and concepts

that go beyond the superficial. At this level, the focus is on the first two levels

of Blooms Taxonomy such as the knowledge (remembering) and

understanding. In Level II, learning is about mastering skills. Learning to

learn is an advantage in this world. Lastly, the master instructor, it is the level

of the teacher, the coach, the tutor, and the instructor. It requires more than

the simple transmission of knowledge; after all, that can be done by reading

a book.

The fundamental tenet of mastery grading, according to University of

Nebraska (2023), is that while all students are capable of learning, they will

all do so at varying rates and require various teaching methods and

resources to help them along the way. Giving students learning objectives

for the course material, giving them chances to demonstrate mastery on

tests that are connected to the learning objectives, and offering them several

options to demonstrate mastery of each learning objective are the three

characteristics that make up mastery grading. Pre-tests or other comparable

tasks are used to gauge students' present comprehension of a subject

before mastery grading can commence. Different teaching methods and

exercises are employed to address areas that are below standard using the

data from this evaluation (Bonner 2016).

According to Green (2021), there are five phases or levels of learning

mastery. Starting with comprehension, you have a basic concept of the

subject, its relationships to other subjects, and perhaps some of the

important figures and their distinct roles. Although you don't know enough to

act or create an informed opinion, you are aware of what other people

believe and do. The next level is fundamental competence, which is

characterized by a firm grasp of the main ideas. To impart the essential idea

to someone else, you could summarize it for them. If it's a skill, you can

accomplish most of your tasks with it, albeit slowly and ineffectively. Most

jobs may be completed on your own, however more complex ones might

require you to consult guides or mentors. Herein, you know all of the key

aspects of your job and you can execute them efficiently and without

assistance, and the creativity, this is one step above being a professional. A

professional at level 3 is distinguished from the ordinary person by a

specialty or particular aptitude. This could be a teacher who has conducted

original study in their subject, an athlete who approaches their sport in a

novel way, or a worker who achieves outcomes that others are unable to.

The last stage, mastery, entails knowing your trade, art, or talent so

thoroughly that there is very nothing you cannot accomplish. You know how

your work affects everything it meets. Others are unable to address the
novel and distinctive difficulties that you can. You are frequently not just at

the top of your field, but also at the forefront of its future developments.

According to Renaissance (2023) mastery is of greater depth than

proficiency. It connotes knowledge at a much deeper level. It is the stage at

which pupils have mastered the skill and have fully understood the subject

matter in addition to having met certain milestones. The problem, though, is

that in today's classroom, mastery is usually NOT necessary before pupils

move on to new material. Pupils who "pass" a topic with a 70% proficiency

level still have a 30% knowledge gap, but they are advanced. These

knowledge gaps accumulate over time as students move on to more

challenging material. Students who lack foundational knowledge in a subject

area find it challenging to acquire additional material.

According to Nichols (2020), the fact that slower students are not

penalized for learning at a different pace than gifted students is one of the

main benefits of grading pupils at the mastery level. Stress is reduced and

confidence is increased by giving the pupil multiple chances to retain the

mastery level. Giving students second opportunities has the added benefit of

increasing their self-investment and enabling them to revisit previously

unmastered subject. Students can develop their self-discipline and become

conscious of what they are learning. But the length of time it could take to

learn at a mastery level is its greatest drawback. Giving pupils multiple

chances to grasp a subject can be beneficial for them, but it can also work

against other students who have learned the material and are prepared to

move on. Since most teachers already have a limited amount of time, it

could take longer to move on to a new concept if some pupils are still
working on perfecting the prior one. The fact that many students would just

memorize the content in order to receive a "M" and then forget it the next

day is another drawback to this grading scheme. Nevertheless, this

drawback also applies to other grading schemes.

There are five stages of mastery, according to Vintage (2023): 1)

Novice, 2) Advanced Beginner, 3) Competence, 4) Proficient, and 5) Expert.

The average time to advance from novice to expert is ten to fifteen years.

Simply said, gaining the requisite knowledge and abilities requires a

significant amount of time and experience.

Central Dogma

The fundamental theory of central dogma was created by Francis

Crick in 1958. His version was a bit more global and included the idea that

information does not flow from proteins to nucleic acids. Scientists have

since discovered several deviations to the theory. On particularly notable

example is that of prions. Virus-like proteins called prions reproduce without

the need for intermediates like DNA or RNA. A neurological disorder that

causes degeneration of the nerve system and is extremely rare but

catastrophic, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is caused by prions (National

Human Genome Research Institute, 2023).

According to the central dogma, RNA is a messenger that transports

the information from DNA to the ribosomes, where it is used to synthesize all

of our proteins. The information is "translated" from a code into the

functioning product in the cell's ribosomes, which function as factories (YG,

According to the Harvard University (2018), one of the most brilliant

and fascinating examples of problem solution in nature is the way the

central dogma is implemented at the molecular level. Four nucleotides make

up each strand of DNA: A (adenine), T (thymine), C (cytosine), and G

(guanine). It is claimed that two bases are "complementary" when they

constantly pair up with each other: A pairs with T, and C pairs with G. It is

possible to copy one strand into another using this combination. It also

makes it possible for DNA to be translated into RNA, where each strand of

RNA is a duplicate of a distinct gene.

Moreover, before DNA can be transcribed into RNA, it first needs to

become available to the transcription machinery. This is challenging since

DNA is a long, tightly packed strand located within a cell’s nucleus. Before

DNA can be transcribed, it needs to be unwound, and this can lead to a

huge mess of coils known as “supercoils” – much like what happens when

you’re unwrapping headphones. Fortunately, cells have an enzyme called

topoisomerase that can address this problem. It breaks one strand of DNA

neatly, resolves the coils, and makes the DNA available to the transcription

machinery. Once the RNA is created, topoisomerase stitches the DNA back

together. During translation, the information carried in RNA molecules is

used to produce proteins. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins,

and the code for a particular sequence of amino acids is encoded in the

nucleotide sequence of the RNA molecule. As a result, a chain of

nucleotides becomes a chain of amino acids known as a polypeptide chain,

and one code is physically translated into another code. The proteins that
perform a cell's duties and give each type of cell its distinct characteristics

are formed by a polypeptide chain that bends and folds on itself.

The central dogma of molecular biology has been described as the

movement of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein. Gene

mutations can alter the proteins that are produced, and some mutations can

lead to illness. Scientists and physicians can interfere at different stages in

the core dogma to treat genetic illnesses (BioInteractive, 2023).

SciSpace (2023) emphasized that for a variety of reasons, the central

dogma of molecular biology are thought to be exceptionally challenging for

both teachers and students. First of all, it can be difficult to comprehend the

abstract ideas behind the core principles, such as gene expression,

transcription, and translation, as they cannot be physically witnessed.

Furthermore, the core dogma entails intricate procedures and molecular

interactions that call for a thorough grasp of biochemistry and genetics.

Furthermore, it is difficult to understand the core dogma since it depends on

the transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein, which entails

several processes and chemical components. Additionally, it can be difficult

for students to understand the link between genotype and phenotype, which

is required by the fundamental dogma. In general, the abstract character,

intricacy, and interconnectedness of the central dogma concepts contribute

to its difficulty for students and teachers to fully grasp and teach effectively.

Related Studies
This section provides the related studies used in relation to the

variables in the study.

According to Yu and Ding (2020), artificial intelligence is expanding

quickly and is applied in many different domains. A specific neural network

can be used to enable a music robot to comprehend, evaluate, and produce

music. A new way of perceiving, creating, and teaching music will be

provided by a variety of interactive teaching systems based on music

artificial intelligence technology in the field of professional music education.

When combined with the latest music artificial intelligence technology's

music recognition capabilities, it creates an engaging learning environment

and is very effective and reasonably priced at providing answers, scores,

and learning suggestions as needed. Therefore, long-term close

collaboration between each professional music discipline group and the

technology team is necessary to ensure the accuracy, teaching rationality,

sustainability, stability, safety, advancement, and ease of use of the learning

platform, as well as the authority of the music professional knowledge in the


In addition, AI has been used in music applications and music

education over the past few years and how significantly it has advanced.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the capacity to effectively pull in the course,

stratify intricate, lengthy musical pieces or portions, simplify instruction,

enhance students' comprehension of music, resolve difficult student

problems in the classroom, and lighten the workload of educators. The

distance between the teacher and the student has been shortened in the

modified classical music education paradigm, which allows for a daring

innovation. Their study shows that various music instruction genres may be

accurately recognized at a rate of over 90%, which has a good effect on

recognition. The study bases its conclusions on experimental analysis.

Soon, artificial intelligence will be able to help us perform better and provide

solutions to more problems that arise during practice. In this approach,

students will move from being passive to becoming more involved in the

classroom (Cheng & Xia, 2022).

In addition, Zhou (2023) stated that the exploration of AI's role in

music creation and assessment not only unveils the transformative potential

of technology but also unravels complex challenges that demand continuous

scrutiny and innovation. This journey into the realm of AI and music has

allowed us to understand the profound impact of machine learning, data

analysis, and algorithmic prowess in generating music that echoes the

nuances of human creativity. As we delve deeper into refining AI music

creation and evaluation methods, the significance becomes clear – the

fusion of technological precision and artistic expression. We see a time

where AI-powered music not only meets but surpasses human expectations,

increasing evaluation metrics, broadening the range of AI applications in

music, and optimizing algorithms for the production of genuine music. AI

technology and music-making collaborate to create a symphony of

innovation, creativity, and significant contributions to several industries.

Here, at the threshold of this revolutionary voyage, the union of artificial

intelligence and music is set to compose a harmonic future in which the

creative process has no boundaries and music enjoyment is a smooth

combination of technology innovation and human creativity.

In the study conducted by Köksala, Yağışan, and Çekiç (2013), they

assessed how teaching vocabulary in English to fifth graders through music

affects student performance in vocabulary, attitudes toward the English

course, and ability to remember new terms. The experimental group of

students (n = 28) learned new vocabulary from the English syllabus through

songs written by the researchers, whereas the control group of students (n =

28) learned new vocabulary through the present English education

program's techniques. The 12-week study period was spent in operation. At

the end of the study, English Vocabulary Test developed by Köksal (2012)

and attitude scale towards English course were administrated. A month later

English Vocabulary Test was given to the students again as a retention test

and data obtained were statistically analyzed. Herein, it was determined

from this that teaching English vocabulary to fifth-graders in primary schools

via music helped the students retain the new words easier and more

meaningfully. It was also found that the experimental group's method worked

better than the control groups, and that new vocabulary learned through

music retention retained longer. Because of this, it is believed that including

musical activities into English lessons appropriate for younger kids will be

advantageous. Using another intelligence domain, such as musical

intelligence, to develop an area of intelligence will be beneficial, as the

Multiple Intelligence Theory also emphasizes. Lastly, it is believed that

adding music as an extra component to vocabulary instruction in primary

school English course programs will greatly aid in primary school students'

acquisition and retention of new vocabulary.

Moreover, Dewi, Rusmawati, and Ratnaningsih (2014) conducted a

study to ascertain the effectiveness of music and motoric movement as an

intervention to enhance attention spans in third-grade elementary school

students in Semarang. The study's goal was attained by using a quasi-

experimental nonrandomized pretest-posttest control group design. Three

groups of subjects were created: the first group, which included 28 kids,

received treatment through music intervention; the second group, which

included 25 children, received treatment through music and motoric

movement intervention; and the third group, which included 25 students,

served as the control group. The findings indicated that subjects in the

control group had decreased attention (MD = -0443, p<0.05), whereas

subjects in group 1 had significantly increased attention (MD = -1321,

p<0.05), and group 2 did not significantly enhance attention (MD = -0280; p>

0.05). While music and motoric movement interventions only slightly

improved attention (by 0.5%), respondents in the control group saw a

considerable drop in attention (by 13%). Music intervention was able to raise

attention by 11.7%. This conclusion is remarkably original and might support

the idea that, while "two heads are not always better than one," they are

unquestionably better than nothing. Based on this research, it is known that

the supply of music and motoric movement improvement intervention study

attention may be considered significant. Specifically, music-based

interventions have been shown to enhance learning attention by 11.7%. A

noteworthy 13% reduction in attention was observed in the control group,

which did not receive any intervention. Further research should be used
screening procedure before intervention to control individual characteristics

(i.e. intelligence level) to match control group and the experimental group.

Furthermore, Chraif, Mitrofanb, Goluc, et al. (2013) highlighted the

influence of relaxation music on correct and incorrect visual memory retrieval

process using abstract figures. The participants were 68 undergraduate

psychology students at the University of Bucharest, ranging in age from 19

to 23 (M=20.54; S.D.= 1.14), the Vienna Tests System's (NVLT) 2012 exam.

The results show that the experimental group exposed to relaxing music had

a statistically significant reduced sum of incorrect "yes" replies than the

control group (p<0.05). Therefore, in visual abstract forms memory recall,

listening to relaxing music significantly increases the number of correct

abstract form identification stimuli. Listening relaxation music does not have

a significant effect in increasing the number of incorrect abstract form

recognition stimuli in visual abstract forms memory retrieval as difference

between the correct and incorrect answers/scores. In this way, we can

conclude that relaxation music has an important effect in increasing the

correct answers to stimuli in visual recognition and could be important stimuli

for increasing performances in in all the activities based on abstract visual

memory recognition tasks during abstract forms retrieval process.

Sullivan (2016) discovered in his research paper "The Effects of

Music in Kindergarten Lessons on Student Engagement and Student

Learning" that the inclusion of music in kindergarten activities greatly

increases student engagement and has a positive impact on the learning of

those kindergarteners.
According to Balogun, Monteiro, and Teseletso (2013), students'

choice of music genre and language for study may have a big influence on

how well they complete a task. Students may be instructed to select songs

carefully on their music devices in order to promote the best possible levels

of arousal, attention, and mood for improved performance. Performance was

affected, predictably, by the genre and language of the song. Even while

performance was often poor, pop music seemed to encourage better

performance. Certain types of background music have been shown in other

studies to improve performance in specific populations, such as emotionally

and behaviorally troubled youngsters. The question then becomes what kind

of music, or the optimal arousal hypothesis, offers the right amount of

stimulation while minimizing distraction interference for the work at hand.

Most people's personal lives revolve around music, and when a child

enters a school, all too frequently that music is switched off. Contrary to what

we already know from firsthand experience, music has a profoundly positive

impact on and enriches our life. Why then turn it off as soon as the kids

arrive at school? It is our duty as educators to make the most of music's

ability to improve student learning. The findings of this study suggest that

elementary school instructors now working in these settings place a high

value on the inclusion of music in the regular classroom. I gathered this

information using surveys, interviews, and observations. Furthermore, it

became evident to me after devoting a considerable amount of time to

looking through and analyzing a range of scholarly materials on this subject

that there are numerous ways in which music is utilized productively in the

classroom. These ideas of musical integration have been condensed into

four themes that stood out as being the most prominent. The first theme is

about how music can be used to teach traditional subjects like language arts

and arithmetic in the classroom. The second theme, which is connected to

the first, is about using music as a tool for creativity and self-expression. The

use of music to change the atmosphere in classrooms is the subject of the

third theme. Finally, the fourth theme centers on how classroom

cohesiveness and classroom management can be enhanced with the use of

music-related activities (DiDomenico, 2017).

Furthermore, Silveira, Xavier, Perez and et al. (2021) conducted a

case study wherein they describe a dynamic-model as a strategy to teach

DNA transcription and translation in an active way. This activity aims to

provide learning beyond memorization through the simulation of molecular

processes, stimulating the elaboration of questions and hypotheses by

students. The four steps in the dynamic are as follows: first, several problem

scenarios that offer motivation and a setting for the activity are presented.

The following steps relate these issues to DNA transcription and translation,

and they call for students' active involvement in creating a model that

simulates these processes using an iron board, magnets, and

representations of genetic sequences, cellular structures, and enzymes. Pre-

and post-questionnaire findings indicate that understanding of DNA

transcription and translation has improved and certain prior

misunderstandings have been resolved.

Complex ideas in genetics might be hard to visualize, but AR can help

make them come to life. It can also improve comprehension by enabling the

visualization of objects in 3D that are typically only shown in 2D textbooks.

We created an augmented reality (AR) mobile phone/tablet application (app)

and guidebook to teach the fundamentals of genetics. While the user can

engage with 3D graphics and animations and take a quiz to test their

understanding, the booklet offers explanations and 2D images of the dogma.

A team of employees and students studying biological sciences examined

the app in a study that was approved by ethics. 90% of participants said our

software was simple to use, even though most had never used augmented

reality. Every user of the booklet and app expressed gratitude and remarked

that learning occurs through play. Many participants said that the app is a

good way to introduce the subject and that, with more work, it could be made

available to teach kids at various skill levels about genetics and genetic

illnesses. Furthermore, we have reached out to various nonprofit

organizations including the NHS West of Scotland Genetics Service to see

how this technology could be utilized to improve public awareness of genetic

disorders. (McQuilken, Smith & Hector, 2018).

The comprehension of the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology

constitutes the fundamental basis of genetics. These concepts are

fundamental to the field, but they are notoriously hard to comprehend and

picture. Although simulation-based instructional resources have been proven

to enhance the science teaching-learning process, there hasn't been much

research done on how well they educate and help students understand the

Central Dogma of Molecular Biology principles. Accordingly, their

investigation revealed that the students' understanding of the Central Dogma

of Molecular Biology ranged from nearing competency to advanced mastery.

Additionally, it was shown that the mean mastery level scores of the students
on the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology topics before and after the

study's conduct differed significantly (p<0.05). Through the utilization of

simulation-based instructional resources, the students were involved in

experiential learning (Cano, Olvis, Disca, et al. 2022).

Khairiyah, Faizah, and Dewi (2022) assessed how well students learn

the fundamentals of science, particularly the topic of dynamic electricity, by

utilizing the Phet Simulation application, which is based on STEM (Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and PBL (Problem Based

Learning). 35 first-semester students from one of the PTKIS in Lamongan

who were teaching the fundamental scientific concepts course for the 2022–

2023 academic year were the subjects of this study. The type of research

used is quasi-experimental with a One Group Pretest-Posttest research

design. The data collection techniques as the main data are pretest and

posttest to find out the increase in mastery of the concept. The hypothesis

testing in this study used the Paired Sample t Test using the SPSS 25

application. Based on the data obtained sig.2 tailed 0.000 <0.05, it can be

concluded that the use of the Phet Simulation application based on STEM-

PBL is effective in increasing students' understanding of concepts.

Ananayo (2022) examined how students' knowledge of science 9

learning competencies was affected by employing interactive e-books.

Results showed that students' mastery level has increased dramatically as a

result of using e-books. Furthermore, there are no discernible learning

differences between the use of e-books and the two-way radio-guided

modular distance learning modality, suggesting that both approaches are

equally successful. The improvement in the mastery level of the students

could be attributed to the positive feedback of the users on the interactive e-

books, which include user satisfaction, clarity of multimedia, playability of e-

books, and benefits of using e-books. However, some students have

experienced minor difficulty with the installation of e-books.

Peregrino, Javillonar, Caballes, et al. (2022) assessed the students'

degree of mastery and noted the difficulties they faced while learning

evolution. This information served as a foundation for creating a program

that raised the students' mastery level. This study established that grouping

pupils based on gender results in different degrees of mastery for those

students. This suggests that their degrees of understanding of evolution

principles are related to their gender. Students still had difficulties

understanding evolution despite a variety of instructional strategies. These

difficulties included problems with their learning preferences, aptitudes, and

interest, a lack of educational resources and materials, and a lack of

understanding of the theories and concepts behind evolution. These

difficulties affect their learning, so creating a curriculum that best meets the

needs of the students is necessary to raise their level of mastery.

Research Gap

Many of the authors mentioned above concluded that the integration of

AI music as a teaching technique had a positive impact on the mastery level

of students. Also, the studies above focused on different scope and topics in

different fields. Thus, the current study aims to find out the effects of the
integration of AI music in class discussion on the mastery level of Grade 11

STEM students in Central Dogma at Fatima National High School.

Conceptual Framework

AI has been used in music applications and music education

over the past few years and how significantly it has advanced. Artificial

intelligence (AI) has the capacity to effectively pull in the course, stratify

intricate, lengthy musical pieces or portions, simplify instruction, enhance

students' comprehension of music, resolve difficult student problems in the

classroom, and lighten the workload of educators (Cheng & Xia, 2022). In

the study conducted by Köksala, Yağışan and Çekiç (2013), they determined

that teaching English vocabulary to fifth-graders in primary schools via music

helped the students retain the new words easier and more meaningfully. It is

believed that including musical activities into English lessons appropriate for

younger kids will be advantageous. Using another intelligence domain, such

as musical intelligence, to develop an area of intelligence will be beneficial,

as the Multiple Intelligence Theory also emphasizes.

Moreover, most people's personal lives revolve around music, and

when a child enters a school, all too frequently that music is switched off.

Contrary to what we already know from firsthand experience, music has a

profoundly positive impact on and enriches our life (DiDomenico, 2017).

Dewi, Rusmawati, and Ratnaningsih (2014) said that while music and

motoric movement interventions only slightly improved attention (by 0.5%),

respondents in the control group saw a considerable drop in attention (by

13%). Music intervention was able to raise attention by 11.7%. Also, Sullivan

(2016) discovered in his research paper "The Effects of Music in

Kindergarten Lessons on Student Engagement and Student Learning" that

the inclusion of music in kindergarten activities greatly increases student

engagement and has a positive impact on the learning of those


The conceptual framework shows the relationship between the

independent variable, which is the artificial intelligence (AI) music, and the

dependent variable, which is the students' mastery level in central dogma.




Figure 1. Conceptual Framework


The null hypotheses below will be tested at the 0.05 level of


1. There is no significant difference on the mastery level of the students

before and after the conduct of the study.

2. There is no significant difference in the pretest scores of the experimental

group and the control group.

3. There is no significant difference in the posttest scores of the experimental

group and control group.

4. There is no significant difference in the pretest and posttest scores of the

experimental group.

5. There is no significant difference in the pretest and posttest scores of the

control group.

6. There is no significant difference in the mean gain scores between the

experimental group and control group.

Definition of Terms

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Music. Refers to the emergent technology

created with artificial intelligence algorithms that mimic music tracks’ exact
tempo, pitch, and range to create new songs (Mattoo, 2023). Operationally,

this refers to the music that will be integrated in the classroom to determine its

impacts to the mastery level of the students.

Mastery. Refers to comprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject or

accomplishment (Oxford Languages, 2023). Operationally, it refers to having

a great knowledge and understanding of the Central Dogma.

Central Dogma. Refers to a theory stating that genetic information

flows only in one direction, from DNA, to RNA, to protein, or RNA directly to

protein (National Human Genome Research Institute, 2023). Operationally, it

is one of the science topics of Grade 11 STEM students, and we will discover

if the integration of AI music affects their mastery level in the said topic.

STEM. Refers to the abbreviation for four closely connected areas of

study: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (Gustavsen, 2023).

Operationally, it is a strand in the senior high school program where one of

the focused topics is Central Dogma.

STEM Students. Refers to the students who are exposed to more

complex mathematics and science concepts (Reedley International School,

2022). Operationally, it refers to senior high school students, the respondents

of this study, who have Central Dogma as one of their science topics.


This chapter deals with the method of research to be used in the

course of this study. It includes the research design, research locale, research

respondents, and data gathering procedure, research instrument, and

statistical treatment.

Research Design

The researcher will use a Quasi-Experimental Research Design. The

researchers will also use the Two Group Design under the Experimental

Design. Two Group Design comprises two groups, a control group and an

experimental group. The researcher used a two-group design to give more

emphasis on the difference between the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Music

Generator and the traditional technique that the teachers are using in teaching

central dogma in biology. This type of design will not just compare the

experimental group with the control group, but this will also provide significant

data that will be much of a help in formulating a conclusion.

The design is shown in the following diagram:


Pre-Test AI Music Post-Test

Pre-Test Teaching Pre-Test

Figure 2. Quasi-Experimental Design

The two-group design had two groups of respondents, the

experimental group and the control group. Both groups will have a pre-test

containing the same questions. Both groups had different treatments after the

pre-test. The experimental group will be under an artificial intelligence (AI)

music generator as a teaching technique. Meanwhile, the control group will be

under the traditional teaching method. To measure if there are any differences

in mastery level, a post-test at the end of the experiment will be given to both


The main goal of this research is to know the effectiveness of artificial

intelligence (AI) music generator when it will be used as a teaching technique

to obtain mastery of a certain biological topic, specifically the central dogma

compared to the traditional teaching method. The researcher views the two-

group design under quasi-experimental as one of the most suitable methods

to attain the goals of this research.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted at Fatima National High School, General

Santos City. It is a public school located in the General Santos City Division's

North Fatima District.

The study's target population consisted of Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students in Grade 11. These students

were selected to assess the impact and improvement of the mastery of

students in biology as they will deal with the integration of artificial intelligence

(AI) music generator in their discussion about the topic of central dogma.

Fatima National High School, as a premier secondary education

institution, is critical in providing students with a high-quality education. It

served as a hub for learning and academic growth in Barangay Fatima,

General Santos City, South Cotabato, Philippines. The school's dedication to

students from all over SOCKSARGEN demonstrated its commitment to

providing affordable and high-quality education. The goal of FNHS is to

provide a conducive environment for students to thrive and succeed in their

academic pursuits.

The target population for the research study is the Grade 11 students

from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) at Fatima

National High School. The researcher had chosen the school because in their

Senior High School strand, the sections are under heterogeneous grouping,

unlike other schools that follow homogenous grouping where smart students

are ranked based on their level of intellectual capacity, most commonly we

could see the intellectually gifted students on the 1 sections and the slow

learners on the last section. In Fatima National High School, smart students

are divided into all sections. This is a perfect ground for conducting the study

since sections are most probably unbiased.

Moreover, these students will be selected because they are the

students who are more exposed to the field of science as they are in the

STEM strand, and they are the students who are still in the discussion of

biology in the school that we choose, and we choose the topic of Central

Dogma as it is the most difficult and not properly digested topic in the MELC

competency of the DepEd. The study's focus on Grade 11 students aims to

capture the improvement of their mastery and performance as they will jive

into the new teaching strategy called the artificial intelligence (AI) music

generator integrated into the classroom.

Figure 3. Locale map of FNHS

Research Respondents

The respondents of the study came from the two sections of Grade 11

in Fatima National School, sections namely in the strand of STEM; STEM A

and STEM B.

The section of STEM A will be served as the Experimental Group and

the STEM B section will be served as the Control Group. The section of

STEM B has 55 students while the section of STEM A has 60 students. All

students will participate in the study, since the researcher aims to compare

the mean gain scores of both groups of the respondents, all the respondents

will take the pre-test and the post-test. However, the number of students that

will be chosen as samples will be based on the lowest number of students in a

section that will successfully take the pre-test and the post-test, to ensure that

the number of students who will take the pre/post-test in both groups will be

equal. To be able to do that, the researcher will note the lowest number of

students that will successfully take the pre-test and post-test in one section

which is STEM B. Hence, in the other section of STEM A, the number of

students with pre/post-test will be equal to the other section. Thus, the

students in the STEM A section will be successfully chosen randomly through

random sampling.

A. The Experimental Group

The experimental group will consist of 60 students from the STEM A

section in Grade 11. The class will be held for approximately 2 hours in a span
of one week as long as all the parts of the topic will be covered and the

gathering of needed data will be done.

A pretest will be conducted before the experiment. The pretest will be

taken from the Grade 11 Learner's Module. The test given to the subjects will

be answerable for one hour at most. Competencies in the pre-test included:

DNA Replication, Transcription, and Translation. They will be based on the

competencies set by the Department of Education for Grade 11 students in

biology and line with the DepEd curriculum guide.

The following steps will be followed in the aforementioned

competencies using an artificial intelligence (AI) music generator as a

teaching technique:

The researcher will let the teacher discuss the topic of the central

dogma, and after every part of the topic, to ensure that all the information that

their teacher gave to them will be instilled in their mind, we will now apply and

integrate the artificial intelligence (AI) music about the topic of the central


The AI music, will not only state the functions of every enzyme in the

process, but even the process itself for them to master and also enjoy their

learning in central dogma. This integration of AI music will end until all parts of

the topic in the central dogma are covered by their teacher successfully.

The artificial intelligence (AI) music will serve as a tool for the

researcher to introduce and discuss the topic of central dogma in a more

effective, easy, and enjoyable way. The study will be done until all the
coverage of the topic will be finished. A post-test will then be administered

after completing the experimentation of the study.

B. The Control Group

The experimental group will consist of 55 students from the STEM B

section in Grade 11. The class will be held for approximately 2 hours in a span

of one week as long as all the parts of the topic will be covered and the

gathering of needed data will be done.

A pretest will be conducted before the experiment. The pretest will be

taken from the Grade 11 Learner's Module. The test given to the subjects will

be answerable for one hour at most. Competencies in the pre-test included:

DNA Replication, Transcription, and Translation. They will be based on the

competencies set by the Department of Education for Grade 11 students in

biology and line with the DepEd curriculum guide.

The topics for the control group will be taught with the traditional

method or the used strategic way of the teacher. The study will be done until

all the coverage of the topic will be finished. A posttest will then be

administered after all the topics will be covered.

Research Instruments

Lesson Plan
Lesson plans play a very important role in the process of this study

because it serves as a guide for the researchers and to ensure that everything

went as planned. The topics included in the lesson plan will be the same for

both groups. However, the methodology of the lesson plans will be varied.

The lesson plans for the Experimental group used artificial intelligence (AI)

music as part of the teaching strategy of the teacher in teaching the lesson.

Meanwhile, in the Control group, used teaching strategy will be applied in

teaching the lesson. Topics in the lesson plan included DNA Replication,

Transcription, and Translation. These lesson plans will be patterned according

to the K-12 curriculum guide set by the Department of Education.


A pre-test and post-test are tests that will be used to determine the

different outcomes after a lesson, the given unit, or the semester. A pretest-

posttest design is usually a quasi-experiment where participants are studied

before and after the experimental manipulation (Devin, 2015).

The pre-test/post-test will be a 20-item multiple-choice test. The test

will be taken from the Grade 11 Learner's Module. The test that will be given

to the students will be answerable for one hour at most. Topics of the test

included all the competencies under the Central Dogma. They are based on

the competencies set by the Department of Education for Grade 11 students

in general biology and line with the DepEd curriculum guide.

The AI Music
The AI music will be generated with the help of the app called SongR.

This will be integrated as part of the teaching strategy of the teacher for the

experimental group.

Data Gathering Procedure

Prepare the instruments

Write and submit a request letter to conduct a study

Pre-Tests will be given before the experiment

Pre-Tests will be given before the experiment

Gather all the data

Interpret the result to answer the statement of the problem of

the study

Figure 4: Procedural Flow Chart

A Pre-test will be given to both groups before the experiment. After the

experiment, a post-test will also be given.

The data from the pre and post-test will be gathered, then compare the

two groups to determine if there is any significant difference between the

scores. The mastery level of the students under the two groups will be scaled

using Ebel's Criteria and will also be compared and analyzed.

The table below shows the score intervals of the 20-item multiple

choice test and the mastery level of students following Ebel's criteria for

mastery level.

Interval of Score Mastery Level Description

18-20 85-100 Very Highly Mastered

15-17 71-85 Highly Mastered

9-14 40-70 Moderately Mastered

4-8 15-39 Less Mastered

0-3 0-14 Least Mastered

Table 1. Ebel's Criteria for Mastery Level

Statistical Treatment

To determine the mastery level of the selected Grade 11 students in

Central Dogma at the start of the study, frequency count and percentage will

be used.

To determine if there is any significant difference in the pretest scores

of the experimental and the control groups, a t-test for independent samples

will be used.
To determine if there will be any significant difference in the pretest and

posttest scores of the experimental group, a t-test for the dependent samples

will be used.

To determine if there was any significant difference in the pretest and

posttest scores of the control group, a t-test for the dependent samples will be


Whether or not there is a significant difference in the mean gain scores

of the experimental group and the control group, a t-test for independent

samples will be used.

All tests were done at the 0.05 level of significance.


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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University
Tambler, General Santos City

December 08, 2023

College Professor, College of Education Mindanao State University –
General Santos General Santos City, Philippines

We, Bryan Jay Cabatingan and Jhonmer B. Dormido, third year
students of Mindanao State University General Santos City, pursuing our
degree in Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in Biology,
currently enrolled in the subject, CPE198: The Research Methods.
We are formally writing this letter to humbly request your service and
expertise to serve as our adviser for our undergraduate thesis entitled:
“Artificial Intelligence (AI) Music Integration: Its Effects on the Mastery of
Grade 11 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
Students in Central Dogma in Fatima National High School”. We believe that
your knowledge and insights will be valuable and will greatly enrich our
Thank you for your consideration and we hope you would be able to
fulfill our request.

Respectfully yours,



Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University
Tambler, General Santos City

February 07, 2024

Principal, Fatima National High
Fatima National High School
General Santos City, Philippines

Greetings of Peace and Wellness!

We, Bryan Jay Cabatingan and Jhonmer B. Dormido, third year

students of Mindanao State University-General Santos City, pursuing our
degree in Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in Biology,
are currently working on our undergraduate thesis entitled: “Artificial
Intelligence (AI) Music Integration: Its Effects on the Mastery of Grade 11
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Students in
Central Dogma in Fatima National High School”.
In light with this, we humbly request your permission to survey a
minimum of thirty (30) Grade 11 STEM students at your school and to
compile information on their biology grades from their time in the junior high
school STE program and their current enrollment in the senior high school
STEM strand. By doing this, it would help us gather necessary data that will
be used for the development of our research study that would help us to
make impact towards the learning of students with a hope that this will not
just help our locality but even the national scale.
Thank you for your consideration and we hope you would be able to
fulfill our request. Thank you and God bless

Noted by,
Very truly yours,
Noted by,
Principal, Fatima National High

Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University
Tambler, General Santos City

February 7, 2024
Dear Respondents,

Greetings of Peace and Wellness!

We, Bryan Jay Cabatingan and Jhonmer B. Dormido, third year

students of Mindanao State University-General Santos City, pursuing our
degree in Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in Biology,
are currently working on our undergraduate thesis entitled: “Artificial
Intelligence (AI) Music Integration: Its Effects on the Mastery of Grade 11
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Students in
Central Dogma in Fatima National High School” as a requirement of our
subject Undergraduate Thesis (CPE 198).
In light with this, we are humbly asking for your valuable time, effort,
and cooperation to answer all our questions that we have prepared that will
surely be of great help to the completion of our study that would help us
gather necessary data that will be used for the development of our
research study which would help us to make impact towards the learning of
students with a hope that this will not help our locality but even into the
national scale.
Data obtained will be analyzed and used solely for the study. Rest
assured that all identifiable information from you will be kept with utmost
confidentiality as in accordance to the Data Privacy Act of 2012.
Thank you for your consideration and we hope you would be able to
fulfill our request.
Thank you and God bless!

Very truly yours,


Noted by,


Research Adviser

Personal Information
Name: Jhonmer B. Dormido
Address: Prk. 13-B Banahaw St. Brngy. Fatima, General
Santos City
Cellphone Number: 09352684023
Birth Date: October 5, 2003
Nationality: Filipino
Educational Background:
Pre- School: Foursquare Kindergarten
Calumpang, General Santos City
Elementary: Fatima Central Elementary School
Fatima, General Santos City
Junior High School: Fatima National High School
Fil-Am Avenue Fatima, General Santos City
Senior High School: Fatima National High School
Fil-Am Avenue Fatima, General Santos City
2019- 2021
College: Mindanao State University Gensan
Fatima, General Santos City

Achievements/Organization: Dean’s Lister (2021-2023)


Personal Information
Name: Bryan Jay Cabatingan
Address: Deca Homes, Barangay Calumpang, General
Santos City
Cellphone Number: 09771162515
Birth Date: May 26, 2002
Nationality: Filipino
Educational Background:
Pre- School: SDA Elementary School
Atis Sreet, General Santos City
Elementary: Saavedra Saway Central Elementary School
Labangal, General Santos City
Junior High School: Labangal National High School
Labangal, General Santos City
Senior High School: General Santos City National High School
Rizal St. Calumpang, General Santos City
2019- 2021
College: Mindanao State University Gensan
Fatima, General Santos City

Achievements/Organization: Dean’s Lister (2021-2023)

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