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Two Very Challenging Years!

Since I wrote ‘The First Level of Learning’, the papers which preceded
these, so much has happened. For you who are familiar with my work are
also familiar with what the Pleiadians call the ‘nano second’ , which is the

time they have assigned as the time between 1987-2012, in which time has
sped up, going faster and faster for each year, reaching its peak in 2012,
only to slowly decrease in speed after that. During this time period, our
solar system is aligning with the Galactic Center, something that only
happens approximately every 26,000 years. It signifies that the solar system
has completed a full orbit around the zodiac. During the last 25 years, the
gamma rays from the Sun, the central star, Alcyone, and the intense suns in
the Galactic Center have affected mankind profoundly. Gamma rays carry
lots of information, and over this 25 years’ time period, the human body has
been able to accumulate this light energy and evolved exponentially, and of
course, we still are. Everybody has been affected without exceptions, but
not all people have been willing to process what they have learned on a
subquantum level and have instead tried to hold on to old patterns, not
appreciating the change that is occurring around and within us. 2012 is also,
as most of us know, the end of a cycle in the Mayan Calendar, and the start
of a new.
However, I can certainly testify to that my own life has changed profoundly
during this exact time period of 1987-2012, and these last two years have
been absolutely extraordinary. I feel I have developed enormously, and
when I look back 3-4 years in time, it’s like another lifetime. That’s how
much I feel I have changed and matured, spiritually and as a whole being.

But they journey hasn’t been without bumps in the road, either. When all
these great energies from cosmos come in and hit us, we wake up and
evolve, but we also all of a sudden are facing our demons and past life
traumas. 2011 and 2012 have been very challenging for me personally and I
have had to handle a lot of things coming my way, seemingly ‘out of the
blue’, but with a bigger perspective on things I realize that what has been
happening was necessary for my own development and it has made me
stronger and helped me grow.

All that is normal under the circumstances. Don’t be alarmed if you get sick
or face a lot of challenges now and the next few years to come, even if you
think you are in control of your life right now; we all have things we need
to confront and take responsibility for; old karma hitting us right on the
nose. The information from the Sun and the Galactic Center is abundant
and can have a profound effect on the nervous system. So if you get any
kind of neurological problem now, it may pass when things are slowing
down; at least in some people, if the increased energies is the reason for the
illness. And if the doctors can’t say what your illness is, I have faith that
things will go back towards normal within a couple of years or so.
‘The Second Level of Learning’, which you are reading right now (if you
haven’t read ‘Level I’ already, please do so first for best
comprehension (click here for the link), is a little different from ‘Level I’.
Although most of my information is backed up with sources, or showing
some logic how I came to certain conclusions, there are also sources who
need to be anonymous for any given reason, and we have to respect that.
The logical mind’ always screams for sources and references, because it’s
very linear in its thinking and wants everything listed and explained to the
smallest detail. This, however, is not how I work, in general. No one would
expand their minds very much if everything was explained and it turned out
that when all readers had read these papers, they all thought the same way.
That would, in my opinion, be a failure on my part. I’d rather see that the
reader starts using his and her imagination and build their own universes off
of what they read here. Imagination is the key and the road to freedom, and
I’ll explain why in ‘Paper #3’. I want people to expand their minds rather
than putting them in a box. Thus, much of the material here can be
challenging for the mind, but don’t worry, that’s how it should be. When
you go away from the computer, or put the paper aside (if you print it out) it
would be a good idea to ponder and expand on what you have read. Also,
be very critical and don’t take what I’m saying to heart without challenging
it. It must make sense to you, the reader, or if it doesn’t, it is not true for
In the original version of this paper of May 2, 2012, I promised the reader
an Aryan dictionary as an Appendix to the ‘Second Level of Learning’. I
regret to tell you that this is no longer a possibility, in order for me to
protect my sources. However, there are quite some clues to the old Orion
language in Robert Morning Sky’s ‘Terra Papers’
(, and in Anton
Parks’ work ( I apologize for the
inconvenience, although I don’t dismiss the possibility that I may be able to
present a dictionary sometime in the future.
When writing about subjects like these, we sometimes, as I said, have to
rely on sources that for any given reason wish to be anonymous. Certain
sources can’t come into the open, or it could be right out dangerous for
them, or it could even defeat the purpose with exposing their stories or their
information. Hence, I am giving sources to my information wherever I
possibly can, but some sources I will simply refer to as ‘anonymous
sources’ or ‘reliable sources’, and these are the sources that fall into the
anonymous category. There is no use in coming to me afterwards and
require to know who these sources are, because I can not reveal them under
any circumstances.

So, with this short introduction I want to start sharing my most recent
research with the reader, and I hope you’ll enjoy and will find it helpful in
your own development as a human being.

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