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EDP TITLE: The Optimization of Green Jackfruit (Artocarpus Heterophyllius) and Tofu (Soybean
Curd) as a Meat Alternative and Main Ingredients in the Production of Filipino Dynamite Lumpia


Problem 1: Insight 1: Recommendation 1: Plan 1:

some members are not Capital is really important Building a considerate The enterprise’ plan is to
capable to give the in the business as this will environment is healthy. A always have a healthy
necessary money be the business good relationship with business partnership that
contribution for business funds that will use in the your people helps to will benefit the business
capital on time. daily operation that will have a productive and its people.
Solution 1: help the business growth environment for
the members decided to unfortunately, not everyone which will
give it time until these everyone has the benefit the business. As
members have the money capacity to have it, but as long that everyone is
contribution. partners, giving aware of each obligation
consideration shouldn’t and can comply with their
be a problem as long that it lacking.
will be settled in given

Problem 2: Insight 2: Recommendation 2: Plan 2:

members failed to All members are busy and building a business is the enterprise’ plan is for
update their selling pressure to sell their already pressuring and members to always be
reports in the group chat. respective quotas that aligned with its aware of their
Solution 2: sometimes some responsibilities, but always responsibility and will give
The group talked to each obligations was remember that you don’t respective
member to remind forgotten. The insight here have any other way but to punishment if they will
everyone of each is each of the members has comply because it is continue these
responsibility to comply. an obligation to comply necessary, it is normal in irresponsible acts that can
whether it is small or big the business to have affect the business.
because it is each problems but always do
responsibility for the your best to avoid these to
enterprise’s betterment. avoid future and
unnecessary problems.

Problem 3: Insight 3: Recommendation 3: Plan 3:

some members didn’t hit members are trying their Selling product is really The enterprise plan is to
their target quota. best to sell the product the hardest given that this always motivate and help
Solution 3: but unfortunately in a is a start-up business but one another in achieving a
Every failure to hit the natural business effective strategies and specific goal and give a
weekly quota will be encounter some quotas brainstorming, reward if necessary to
another set of quotas for didn’t achieve, so making helping one another is motivate them to sell and
the coming weeks. strategies such as needed to comply with its produce the product.
increase of quotas and quota. Always remember
equal distribution are that this is a partnership,
necessary so that the so every failure is like a
group will keep up the domino effect, it will still
business quota. affect you in the end.


Problem 1: Insight 1: Recommendation 1: Plan 1:

Complementation of Food ingredients have a Developing and The proponents’ plan is to

Ingredients. different taste to brainstorming the always be consistent with
complement. The product is challenging. its process so that no error
Solution 1: product is bland when it is Food is easy to develop will be encountered during
The proponents mix more just the main ingredients, when you know the right future plans.
spices to combine each which are the tofu and spices. sauces or
raw material. unripe jackfruit, so mixing ingredients that will
more spices with one complement each that will
another really helps not overpower or make it
achieve the goal of taste bland in the process.
in the

Problem 2: Insight 2: Recommendation 2: Plan 2:

The product can be
spoiled after 5 days. The product is perishable A food product is The plan is to consistently
hence it is needed to sell it perishable, therefore, make make sure of the freshness
Solution 2: out quickly to avoid waste sure to use freshly cut of the product by checking
The proponents use fresh in money, time, and ingredients, freeze them its smell, form, and color.
ingredients and stock them product. to avoid
in the freezer if there are contamination that
remaining pieces and causes spoiling the
made sure to sell them product, and sell it
within two days. immediately so the
customer will not
compromise and the
product is still on its

Problem 3: Insight 3: Recommendation 3: Plan 3:

The product is too oily and
soggy. Fried food is naturally oily Fried food needs to be The plan is to always make
so putting it on a metal fresh and crisp every time sure the crisp product
Solution 3: strainer and kitchen towel so make sure to not let it through drying out first
The Proponents use helps to dry and crisp the stay in the oil or stock in a before selling it to the
kitchen towels and a metal product. tiny container. customer.
oil strainer to soak excess
oil so that it will not be
soggy and oily.


Problem 1: Insight 1: Recommendation 1: Plan 1:

Consumers are Selling a product in a
Consumers that are naturally price- competitive market is hard and The plan is to always
price conscious. conscious for different compromising, always keep up with the market
reasons hence you compromising your product and make sure that the
Solution 1: need to know your real price can be dangerous to your product is worth every
Finding the right target target consumers, not business therefore penny.
consumers. because it is a food always make sure that every
product it means that it is risk you take should be
marketable. Right calculated and easy to solve with
target consumers are better strategies and
important. ideas that can help the

Problem 2: Insight 2: Recommendation 2: Plan 2:

An innovative product
Consumers who are not from an existing variety The challenge in this is The plan is to be always
familiar with the product. of products is hard to sell introducing an unknown product consistent with its taste
because normally people so a mouthful good reason for and benefits so consumers
Solution 2: will choose something consumers to buy is important. will try and buy it.
Explaining its they know and are Always be good and truthful in
uniqueness, benefits, familiar therefore as an your words so they can trust you,
and taste. entrepreneur explaining as they say, the best promoter is
and marketing it consumers.
innovativeness helps
them to be interested
and try the product.

Problem 3: Insight 3: Recommendation 3: Plan 3:

Consumers who prefer Not everyone is a fan of It may be hard in the process but The plan is to maintain
meat. vegetables hence always believe in your product, the quality that the market
telling and persuading always aligned it to your is seeing and always do a
Solution 3: them the benefits of your objectives so that you can creative way to promote
Promoting the good product really helps promote a good and truthful and sell it.
benefits of vegetable in a especially if your product product to your consumers.
snack. achieves its objective to
be a substitute for meat,
like knowing that it is
with vegetable but taste
exactly lumpia.

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