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Topic 2. Discuss where students prefer to live, in the countryside or in the city?

P: Hi Nhi , it’s been a long time since I last saw you last week . How's your day
going?Are you doing great ?
N: Hi Phương , it’s so nice to see you again . I’m fine ,thank you .What about you ?
P:I’m always good .Thanks!Are you free now ?
N: yes , what’s problem?
P: Would you mind if I asked you some questions ?
N: No , go ahead .
P: Ok , Which place do you prefer to live ? in the city or in the countryside?
N:hmm , let me think . If I have an opportunity , I will live in the countryside .
P: Wow , it’s a good choice .Why do you want to live in the countryside ?
N: Well, I think rural areas typically have lower pollution than urban areas , the
air is fresh and the water is clean . Besides that people in the countryside are
really friendly and kind , they will ready to give a hand if someone need.
P: Great ! But on the other hand everything always has its positive and negative
sides ,and of course living in the countryside has some drawbacks .Do you agree
that ?
N: Absolutely , yes . And in my opinion one of the most common disadvantages of
living in the countryside is there aren’t many educational facilities . Not only lack
of education , rural life also has poor public transport and people usually have to
waste their time catching the taxi or the bus a day .That's so inconvenient.
P: I suppose to . If I were you , I would choose to live in the countryside like
you ,too . Oh , it’s 5 o’clock now , I should go to my extra class . Thank you for you
answers .
N: You are welcome !
P: Goodbye !
N: See you next time !

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