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대차대조표(재무상태표) Balance Sheet

자산총계 Total Assets

유동자산 Current Assets
당좌자산 Quick Assets
현금등가물 및 유가증권 Cash and Marketable Secs
매출채권 Receivables
재고자산 Inventory
비유동자산 Non-current Assets
투자자산 Investment Assets
유형자산 Tangible Assets
무형자산 Intangible Assets
부채총계 Total Liabilities
유동부채 Current Liabilities
매입채무 Accounts Payable
유동성차입금 Current Portion of Debt
유동성사채 Current Portion of Debt
비유동부채 Non-current Liabilities
사채 Bonds
장기차입금 Lt. Debt-Total
순부채 Net Debt
자본총계 Total Stockholder's Equity
자본총계(지배) Total Stockholder's Equity(Owners)
자본금 Paid-in Capital
자본잉여금 Capital Surplus
이익잉여금 Retained Earnings
자본조정 Capital Adjustment
자기주식 Treasurt Stock
기타포괄손익누계액 Other Accumulated Earnings and Comprehensive Income
손익계산서 Income Statement
매출액 Sales
매출원가 Cost of Sales
매출총이익 Gross Profit
판매비와관리비 SG&A
노무비 및 복리후생비 Labor Cost & Benefit
감가상각비 Depreciation & Amortization
영업이익 Operating Profit
영업외손익 Non-op. Income&Expenses
순이자비용(영업외) Net Interest Expenses
세전계속사업이익 Pre-tax Profit from Continuing Operations
법인세비용 Income Taxes
계속사업이익 Profit from Continuing Operations
중단사업이익 Profit from Discontinued Operations
당기순이익 Net Profit
현금흐름표 Cash Flow Statement
영업활동으로 인한 현금흐름 Cash Flow from Operatings
투자활동으로 인한 현금흐름 Cash Flow from Investing
재무활동으로 인한 현금흐름 Cash Flow from Financing
유효법인세율(%) Taxes Rate(%)
EBIT법인세 Taxes on EBIT
이연법인세증감 Deferred Taxes Change
감가상각비 Depreciation
무형자산상각비 Amortization
총현금흐름 Gross Cash Flow
영업활동자산부채증감 Change in Working Capital
유형자산 자본적지출 Capital Expenditure
유형자산 처분 Disposal of Tangible Assets
무형자산 순투자 Intangible Assets Investment
총투자 Gross Investment
재무비율 Financial Ratio
수익성비율 Profitibility Ratios
영업이익률 Operating Profit/Sales
순이익률 Net Profit/Sales
ROE ROE (Return On Equity)
ROA ROA (Return On Asset)
ROIC ROIC (Return On Invested Capital)
성장성비율 Growth Ratios
매출액 증가율 Sales Growth
영업이익 증가율 Operating Profit Growth
순이익 증가율 Net Profit Growth
안정성비율 Stability Ratios
부채비율 Total Debt/Equity
유동비율 Current Ratio
당좌비율 Quick Ratio
순차입금비율(순부채비율) Net Debt/Equity
대차대조표(재무상태표) Balance Sheet
계정명 Account Name
자산총계 Assets
유동자산 Current Assets
재고자산 Inventories
상품 Merchandise
(평가손실충당금) (Write-down of Inventories)
제품 Finished Goods
(평가손실충당금) (Write-down of Inventories)
완성건물 Completed Building
(평가손실충당금) (Write-down of Inventories)
원재료(부재료) Raw Materials(Sub-Materials)
(평가손실충당금) (Write-down of Inventories)
용지 Land for Construction
(평가손실충당금) (Write-down of Inventories)
재공품 Work in Process
(평가손실충당금) (Write-down of Inventories)
미완성건물 Building in Process
(평가손실충당금) (Write-down of Inventories)
미완성공사 Construction in Process for Sale
(평가손실충당금) (Write-down of Inventories)
반제품 Semi-Finished Goods
(평가손실충당금) (Write-down of Inventories)
미착품 Goods in Transit
(평가손실충당금) (Write-down of Inventories)
저장품(소모품) Supplies(Consumables)
(평가손실충당금) (Write-down of Inventories)
반환(반품)재고자산 Return(Refund) Inventories
(평가손실충당금) (Write-down of Inventories)
기타재고자산 Other Inventories
(평가손실충당금) (Write-down of Inventories)
유동생물자산 Current Biological Assets
식물(조림) Plants(Forestation)
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
축산물 Livestock Products
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
수산물 Marine Products
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
기타생물자산 Other Biological Assets
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산 Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Throu
기타포괄손익-공정가치측정금융자산 Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Thr
상각후원가측정유가증권 Securities at Amortised Cost
상각후원가측정금융자산 Financial Assets at Amortised Cost
단기금융자산 Current Financial Assets
단기매매금융자산 Short-Term Trading Financial Assets
당기손익인식(지정)금융자산 (Designated)Financial Assets at FV through P
단기금융상품 Short-Term Financial Instruments
단기대여금 Short-Term Loans
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
*외화단기대여금 *Short-Term Loans-Foreign Currencies
*특수관계자단기대여금 Short-Term Loans-Related Parties
*주임종단기대여금 Stockholder, Executive, Employee Short-T
단기매도가능금융자산 Short-Term Available-for-Sale Financial Asse
단기만기보유금융자산 Short-Term Held to Maturity Investments
단기파생상품자산 Short-Term Derivative Assets
옵션 Option
선물 Future Transaction
선도 Forward Delivery
스왑 Swap(Transaction)
기타단기파생상품자산 Other Short-Term Derivatives
금융리스채권 Investment in Direct Financing Leases
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
지급(금융)보증계약자산 Assets (Financial)Guarantee Contracts
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
단기보증금 Short-Term Deposits Provided
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
기타단기금융자산 Other Current Financial Assets
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
매출채권및기타채권 Trade and Other Current Receivables
매출채권 Trade Receivables
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
*외화매출채권 *Trade Accounts Receivables-Foreign Curren
*특수관계자매출채권 Trade Receivables-Related Parties
공사미수금 Accounts Receivables-Construction Work
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
분양미수금 Accounts Receivables-Rotting Out
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
임대미수금 Receivables-Lease
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
미수금 Receivables
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
*외화미수금 *Other Account Receivables-Foreign Currenc
*특수관계자미수금 *Other Account Receivables-Related Parties
단기미청구공사 Short-Term Gross Amount Due from Custom
(추정공사손실) (Estimates of Contract Losses)
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
단기임대주택채권 Short-Term Leased Housing Bonds
(국민주택기금차입금) (Borrowings from The National Housing Fun
(임대보증금) (Leasehold Deposits Received)
(표준임대보증금) (Fixed Leasehold Deposits Received)
(전환임대보증금) (Optional Leasehold Deposits Received)
단기대출채권 Short-Term Loans
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
미수법인세환급액 Refund of Prior Years' Income Taxes Receiva
미수수익 Accrued Income
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
*외화미수수익 *Accrued Income-Foreign Currencies
단기보증금 Short-Term Deposits Provided
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
기타단기채권 Other Short-Term Receivables
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
당기법인세자산(선급법인세) Current Income Tax Assets(Prepaid Income Ta
계약자산 Contract Assets
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
반품(환불)자산 Return(Refund) Assets
배출권 Emission Right
기타유동자산 Other Current Assets
선급금 Advance Payments
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
선급공사비,외주비 Advance Payments-Construction, Outside Pr
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
선급제세 Prepaid Taxes
선급비용 Prepaid Expenses
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
보증금 Deposits Provided
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
기타유동자산 Other Current Assets
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
현금및현금성자산 Cash and Cash Equivalents
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
현금 Cash
보통예금 Pass-Book Deposits
당좌예금 Current Deposits
외화예금 Bank Deposits-Foreign Currencies
외화 Foreign Currencies
기타예금(요구불예금) Other Deposits(a Demand Deposit)
현금성자산(현금등가물) Cash Equivalents
기타 Others
매각예정비유동자산및처분자산 Non-Current Asset Held for Sale or Disposal
비유동자산 Non-Current Assets
유형자산 Property, Plant and Equipment
투자부동산 Investment in Properties
영업권 Goodwill
무형자산 Intangible Assets
비유동생물자산 Biological Assets
관계기업등지분관련투자자산 Investments in Associates
장기금융자산 Long-Term Financial Assets
장기매출채권및기타비유동채권 Trade and Other Non-Current Receivables
기타비유동자산 Other Non-Current Financial Assets
유동자산 Current Assets
재고자산 Inventories
유동생물자산 Current Biological Assets
단기금융자산 Current Financial Assets
매출채권및기타유동채권 Trade and Other Current Receivables
기타유동자산 Other Current Assets
현금및현금성자산 Cash and Cash Equivalents
기타 Others
*기타유동금융업자산 *Other Current Financial Institutions Assets
비유동자산 Non-Current Assets
유형자산 Property, Plant and Equipment
토지 Land
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
설비자산 Plant Assets
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
건물및부속설비 Buildings and Auxiliary Facilities
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
구축물 Structures
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
기계장치 Machinery and Equipment
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
중장비 Heavy Machines
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
시설장치 Facilities
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
제설비 Equipments
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
미착자산 Assets (Work) in Progress
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
차량운반구 Motor Vehicles
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
선박 Ships
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
항공기 Aircraft
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
공구기구비품 Tools and Office Equipment
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
리스자산 Leased Assets
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
리스개량자산 Leasehold Improvements
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
임대(주택)자산 Leased Housing Assets
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
임차개량자산 Rental Improvements
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
건설중인자산 Construction in Progress
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
유형탐사평가자산 Tangible Exploration and Evaluation Assets,
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
임대주택용지 Leased Housing Lots
미완성임대주택 Unfinished Leased Housing
임대주택토지 Leased Housing Lots
완성임대주택 Finished Leased Housing
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
임대주택 Leased Housing
(임대자산조정) (Adjustment for Leased Housing Assets)
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
기타임대주택자산 Others Leased Housing Assets
기타유형자산 Other Property Plant Equipment
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
무형자산 Intangible Assets
영업권 Goodwill
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
개발비 R&D
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
특허권 Royalties
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
기타산업재산권 Other Industrial Property Rights
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
컴퓨터소프트웨어 Computer software
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
브랜드 Brand Names
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
라이센스와프랜차이즈 Licenses and Franchises
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
저작권 Copyrights
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
회원권 Membership
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
제이용권(사용권) Proprietary Equipment Use Rights
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
개발중인무형자산 Intangible Assets under Development
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
무형탐사평가자산 Intangible Exploration and Evaluation Assets
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
제호와출판표제 Mastheads and Publishing Titles, Gross
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
조리법,공식,모형,설계및시제품 Recipes, Formulae, Models, Designs and Pro
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
배출권자산 Emission Right Assets
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
기타무형자산 Other Intangible Assets
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
비유동생물자산 Biological Assets
식물(조림) Plants(Forestation)
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
축산물 Livestock Products
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
수산물 Marine Products
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
기타생물자산 Other Biological Assets
(상각누계액) (Accumulated Amortisation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
투자부동산 Investment in Properties
토지 Land
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
건물 Buildings
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
기타투자부동산 Other Investment in Properties
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
관계기업등지분관련투자자산 Investments in Associates, Subsidiaries and Jo
관계기업투자(지분법적용투자) Investments in Associates(Investments in Eq
종속기업투자 Investments in Subsidiaries
조인트벤처투자(공동기업투자) Investments in Joint Ventures
기타 Others
장기매도가능금융자산 Long-Term Available-for-Sale Financial Assets
주식 Stocks
채권 Bonds
출자금 Private equity investments
특수관계자유가증권 Securities of Related Parties
외화증권 Securities in Foreign Currency
수익증권 Beneficiary Certificates
기타장기매도가능금융자산 Other Long-Term Available-for-Sale Financia
장기만기보유금융자산 Long-Term Held to Maturity Investments
국공채 Goverment and Public Bonds
특수채 Other Public Bonds
회사채 Corporate Bonds
후순위채 Subordinated Bonds
기타장기만기보유금융자산 Other Long-Term Held to Maturity Investm
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산 Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Throu
기타포괄손익-공정가치측정금융자산 Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Thr
상각후원가측정유가증권 Securities at Amortised Cost
상각후원가측정금융자산 Financial Assets at Amortised Cost
기타금융자산 Other Financial Assets
당기손익인식금융자산 Financial Assets at FV through Profit
장기금융상품 Long-Term Financial Instruments
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
장기대여금 Long-Term Loans
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
*특수관계자장기대여금 *Long-Term Loans-Related Parties
*주임종장기대여금 *Stockholder, Executive, Employee Long-Te
장기파생상품자산 Long-Term Derivative Assets
옵션 Option
선물 Future Transaction
선도 Forward Delivery
스왑 Swap(Transaction)
기타장기파생상품자산 Other Long-Term Derivatives
신주인수권 Stock Warrants
지급보증계약자산 Assets Guarantee Contracts
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
보증금 Deposits Provided
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
기타 Others
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기매출채권및기타채권 Trade and Other Non-Current Receivables
장기매출채권 Long-Term Trade Receivables
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
*특수관계자장기매출채권 *Long-Term Trade Receivables-Related Parti
장기공사미수금 Long-Term Accounts Receivables-Construct
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기분양미수금 Long-Term Accounts Receivables-Rotting Ou
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기미수금 Long-Term Receivables
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
*특수관계자장기미수금 *Long-Term Receivables-Related Parties
장기임대미수금 Other Long-Term Receivables
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기미청구공사 Long-Term Gross Amount Due from Custome
(추정공사손실) (Estimates of Contract Losses)
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기대출채권 Long-Term Loans
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기미수수익 Long-Term Accured Income
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기보증금 Long-Term Gurarantee
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기임대주택채권 Long-Term Leased Housing Bonds
(국민주택기금차입금) (Borrowings from The National Housing Fun
(임대보증금) (Leasehold Deposits Received)
(표준임대보증금) (Fixed Leasehold Deposits Received)
(전환임대보증금) (Optional Leasehold Deposits Received)
기타장기채권 Other Long-Term Receivables
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
이연법인세자산 Deferred Tax Assets
장기당기법인세자산 Long-Term Current Income Tax Assets
계약자산 Contract Assets
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
반품(환불)자산 Return(Refund) Assets
배출권 Emission Right
기타비유동자산 Other Non-Current Financial Assets
리스(사용권)자산 Leased Assets
금융리스자산 Finance Leases as Assets
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
운용리스자산 Operating Leases
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
기타리스(사용권)자산 Other Leased Assets
(정부보조금등) (Government Grants)
(감가상각누계액) (Accumulated Depreciation)
(손상차손누계액) (Accumulated Impairment Losses)
리스채권 Leasing Receivables
금융리스채권 Assets Held under a Finance Lease
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
해지불능리스채권 Non-Cancellable Lease
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
기타리스채권 Other Leasing Receivables
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
확정급여자산등 Defined Benefit Assets
장기선급금 Long-Term Advance Payments
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기선급비용 Long-Term Prepaid Expenses
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기보증금 Long-Term Guarantee
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
기타 Others
(대손충당금) (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
*기타비유동금융업자산 *Other Non-Current Financial Institutions Asset
기타금융업자산 Other Financial Institutions Assets
부채총계 Liabilities
유동부채 Current Liabilities
단기사채 Short-Term Bonds
단기사채미지급이자 Long-Term Accrued Interest
단기사채상환할증금 Yield to Maturity Premium on Bonds
단기사채할증발행차금 Premium on Bonds
(단기사채할인발행차금) (Discount on Bonds)
(단기사채조정계정) (Adjustment for Bonds)
단기차입금 Short-Term Borrowings
*외화단기차입금 *Short-Term Borrowings-Foreign Currencies
당좌차월 Overdraft
단기차입금 Short-Term Borrowings
특수관계자단기차입금 Short-Term Borrowings-Related Parties
주임종단기차입금 Stockholder, Executive, Employee Short-Ter
기타단기차입금 Other Short-Term Borrowings
유동성장기부채 Current Portion of Long-Term Debt
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
유동성사채 Current Portion of Bonds
유동성장기미지급이자 Long-Term Accrued Interest
유동성사채상환할증금 Yield to Maturity Premium on Bonds
유동성사채할증발행차금 Premium on Bonds
(유동성사채할인발행차금) (Discount on Bonds)
(유동성사채조정계정) (Adjustment for Bonds)
유동성장기차입금 Current Portion of Long-Term Borrowings
유동성외화장기차입금 Current Portion of Long-Term Borrowings-Fo
유동성유동화채무 Current Portion of Asset-Backed Debts
유동성연불매입채무 Trade Payable (Current Portion of Deferment Payment)
유동성(금융)리스부채(미지급금등) Current Portion of Lease Obligations(Other Payables)
기타유동성장기부채 Other Current Portion of Long-Term Debts
당기손익-공정가치측정금융부채 Financial Liabilities Measured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
상각후원가측정금융부채 Financial Liabilities at Amortised Cost
유동금융부채 Short-Term Financial Liabilities
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
단기매매금융부채 Short-Term Trading Financial Liabilities
당기손익인식(지정)금융부채 (Designated)Financial Liabilities at FV through Profit
단기파생상품부채 Short-Term Derivative Liabilities
옵션 Option
선물 Future Transaction
선도 Forward Delivery
스왑 Swap(Transaction)
신주인수권,전환권 Stock Warrants, Conversion Rights
기타단기파생상품부채 Other Derivatives
(금융)리스부채 Lease Obligations
보증금 Deposits Provided
단기상환우선주부채 Short-Term Preferred Stock of Redemption
단기유동화채무 Short-Term Asset-Backed Loans
비지배지분부채 Non-Controlling Interests Equity Liabilities
지급(금융)보증계약부채 Liabilities Gurarantee Contracts
정부보조금 Government Grants
기타유동금융부채 Other Current Financial Liabilities
매입채무및기타채무 Trade and Other Current Payables
매입채무 Trade Payables
*외화매입채무 *Trade Payables-Foreign Currencies
*특수관계자매입채무 *Trade Payables-Related Parties
미지급금 Other Payables
*외화미지급금 *Other Payables in Foreign Currencies
미지급금 Other Payables
공사미지급금 Accounts Payable-Construction
특수관계자미지급금 Other Accounts Payables-Related Parties
기타미지급금 Other Payables - Others
초과청구공사 Gross Amount Due to Customers for Contract Work
(추정공사손실) (Estimates of Contract Losses)
예수금 Withholdings
예수금 Withholdings
부가세예수금 Vat Withhold
예수보증금 Guarantee Deposits Withhold
기타예수금 Other Withholdings
단기금융예수금 Short -Term Financial Deposits Received
미지급비용 Accrued Expenses
미지급비용 Accrued Expenses
미지급제세 Accrued Taxes
기타미지급비용 Other Accrued Expenses
미지급배당금 Accrued Dividends
보증금 Deposits Provided
수입보증금 Deposits for Letter of Guarantees and Others
임대보증금 Leasehold Deposits Received
기타보증금 Others in Deposits Provided
기타채무 Others
유동종업원급여충당부채 Current Provisions for Employee Benefits
확정급여부채 Defined Benefit Liability
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
(사외적립자산) (plan assets)
미인식보험수리적손익 Not Recognised actuarial gains (losses)
미인식과거근무원가 Not Recognised past service cost
기타단기종업원급여충당부채 Others Short-Term Employee Benefits Liabilities(Bonuses, etc)
기타 Others
단기충당부채 Other Short-Term Provisions
반품충당부채 Returned Products Provisions
(공사)손실부담계약충당부채 Onerous Contracts Provisions
구조조정충당부채 Restructuring Provisions
제품보증충당부채 Product Warranties Provisions
원상복구및사후처리충당부채 Restoration and Similar Liabilities Provisions
하자보수충당부채 Provision for Construction Provisions
지급(금융)보증충당부채 Guarantee Contracts Provisions
법적소송충당부채 Legal Proceedings Provisions
기타단기충당부채 Other Short-term Provisions
당기법인세부채(미지급법인세) Current Income Tax Liabilities(Income Taxes Payable)
계약부채 Contract Liabilities
반품(환불)부채 Return(Refund) Liabilities
배출부채 Emission Liabilities
기타유동부채 Other Current Liabilities
선수금 Advance from Customers
선수금 Advance from Customers
공사선수금 Advances from Construction Contracts
분양선수금 Advances from Real-Estate Sales
임대선수금 Advance from Lease
기타선수금 Others in Advance from Customers
선수수익 Unearned Income
이연수익(정부보조금,포인트관련등) Government Grants Deferred Income
보증금 Deposits Provided
기타유동부채 Others Current Liabilities
매각예정으로분류된처분자산에포함된부 Liabilities included in Disposal Groups Classified as Held for Sale
비유동부채 Non-Current Liabilities
사채 Bonds
장기차입금 Long-Term Borrowings
장기금융부채 Long-Term Financial Liabilities
장기매입채무및기타비유동채무 Long-Term Trade and Other Non-Current Payables
비유동종업원급여충당부채 Non-Current Provisions for Employee Benefits
장기충당부채 Long-term Provisions
이연법인세부채 Deferred Tax Liabilities
기타비유동부채 Other Non-Current Liabilities
유동부채 Current Liabilities
사채 Short-Term Bonds
단기차입금 Short-Term Borrowings
단기금융부채 Short-Term Financial Liabilities
단기매입채무및기타유동채무 Short-Term Trade and Other Current Payables
기타단기충당부채 Other Short-Term Provisions
기타유동부채 Other Current Liabilities
기타 Others
*기타유동금융업부채 *Other Current Financial Institutions Liabilities
비유동부채 Non-Current Liabilities
사채 Bonds
장기미지급이자 Long-Term Accrued Interest
사채상환할증금 Yield to Maturity Premium on Bonds
사채할증발행차금 Premium on Bonds
(사채할인발행차금) (Discount on Bonds)
(사채조정계정) (Adjustment for Bonds)
사채 Bonds
사채장기미지급이자 Long-Term Accrued Interest
사채상환할증금 Yield to Maturity Premium on Bonds
사채할증발행차금 Premium on Bonds
(사채할인발행차금) (Discount on Bonds)
CB Convertible Bonds
CB장기미지급이자 Long-Term Accrued Interest
CB상환할증금 Yield to Maturity Premium on Bonds
CB할증발행차금 Premium on Bonds
(CB할인발행차금) (Discount on Bonds)
(CB조정계정) (Adjustment Accounts for Conversion Rights)
BW Bonds With Stock Warrants
BW장기미지급이자 Long-Term Accrued Interest
BW상환할증금 Yield to Maturity Premium on Bonds
BW사채할증발행차금 Premium on Bonds
(BW사채할인발행차금) (Discount on Bonds)
(BW조정계정) (Adjustment Accounts for Stock Warrants)
EB Exchangeable Bonds
EB장기미지급이자 Long-Term Accrued Interest
EB상환할증금 Yield to Maturity Premium on Bonds
EB할증발행차금 Premium on Bonds
(EB할인발행차금) (Discount on Bonds)
(EB조정계정) (Exchangeable Bonds)
장기차입금 Long-Term Borrowings
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
*외화장기차입금 *Long-Term Borrowings-Foreign Currencies
장기차입금 Long-Term Borrowings
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
특수관계자장기차입금 Long-Term Borrowings-Related Parties
주임종장기차입금 Stockholder, Executive, Employee Long-Term Borrowings
국민주택기금차입금 Borrowings from The National Housing Fund
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
기타장기차입금 Other Long-Term Borrowings
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
당기손익-공정가치측정금융부채 Financial Liabilities Measured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
상각후원가측정금융부채 Financial Liabilities at Amortised Cost
비유동금융부채 Long-Term Financial Liabilities
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기당기손익인식금융부채 Financial Liability at FV through Profit
장기파생상품부채 Long-Term Derivative Liabilities
옵션 Option
선물 Future Transaction
선도 Forward Delivery
스왑 Swap(Transaction)
신주인수권,전환권 Stock Warrants, Conversion Rights
기타장기파생상품부채 Other Long-Term Derivatives
(금융)리스부채 Lease Obligations
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기상환우선주부채 Long-Term Preferred Stock of Redemption
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
보증금 Deposits Provided
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
지급보증계약부채 Liabilities Guarantee Contracts
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기유동화채무 Long-Term Asset-Backed Debts
비지배지분부채 Non-Controlling Interests Equity Liabilities
정부보조금 Government Grants
기타장기금융부채 Other Long-Term Financial Liabilities
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기매입채무및기타채무 Long-Term Trade and Other Non-Current Payables
장기매입채무 Long-Term Trade Payables
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
*외화장기성매입채무 *Long-Term Trade Payables-Foreign Currencies
*특수관계자장기매입채무 Long-Term Trade Payables-Related Parties
장기매입채무 Long-Term Trade Payables
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
연불매입채무 Trade Payables (Payment Deferred)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
기타장기매입채무 Other Long-Term Trade Payables
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기미지급금 Long-Term Other Payables
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
*외화장기미지급금 *Long-Term Other Payables in Foreign Currencies
*특수관계자장기미지급금 Long-Term Other Payables-Related Parties
장기미지급금 Long-Term Other Payables
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기공사미지급금 Long-Term Accounts Payable-Construction
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
기타장기미지급금 Long-Term Other Payables - Others
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기초과청구공사 Long-Term Gross Amount Due to Customers for Contract Work
(추정공사손실) (Estimates of Contract Losses)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기예수금 Long-Term Withholdings
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기예수금 Long-Term Withholdings
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
부가세장기예수금 Long-Term VAT Withhold
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기예수보증금 Long-Term Guarantee Deposits Withhold
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
기타장기예수금 Others in Long-Term Withholdings
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기금융예수금 Long-Term Financial Deposit Received
장기미지급비용 Long-Term Accrued Expenses
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기미지급비용 Long-Term Accrued Expenses
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기미지급제세 Long-Term Accrued Taxes
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
기타장기미지급비용 Others in Long-Term Accrued Expenses
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기미지급배당금 Long-Term Accrued Dividends
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기보증금 Long-Term Deposits Provided
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
수입보증금 Deposits for Letter of Guarantees and Others
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기임대보증금 Long-Term Leasehold Deposits Received
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
기타장기보증금 Others in Long-Term Deposits Provided
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
기타장기채무 Long-Term Payables
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
비유동종업원급여충당부채 Non-Current Provisions for Employee Benefits
확정급여부채 Defined Benefit Liability
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
(사외적립자산) (Plan Assets)
미인식보험수리적손익 Not Recognised actuarial gains (losses)
미인식과거근무원가 Not Recognised past service cost
기타장기종업원급여부채(연차,상여등) Others Long-Term Employee Benefits Liabilities(Bonuses, etc)
기타 Others
장기충당부채 Long-term Provisions
반품충당부채 Returned Products Provisions
(공사)손실부담계약충당부채 Onerous Contracts Provisions
구조조정충당부채 Restructuring Provisions
제품보증충당부채 Product Warranties Provisions
원상복구및사후처리충당부채 Restoration and Similar Liabilities Provisions
하자보수충당부채 Provision for Construction Provisions
지급(금융)보증충당부채 Guarantee Contracts Provisions
법적소송충당부채 Legal Proceedings Provisions
기타장기충당부채 Other Long-term Provisions
이연법인세부채 Deferred Tax Liabilities
장기당기법인세부채(미지급법인세) Long-Term Current Income Tax Liabilities(Income Taxes Payable)
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
계약부채 Contract Liabilities
반품(환불)부채 Return(Refund) Liabilities
배출부채 Emission Liabilities
기타비유동부채 Other Non-Current Liabilities
장기선수금 Long-Term Advance from Customers
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기선수금 Long-Term Advance from Customers
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기공사선수금 Long-Term Advances from Construction Contracts
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기분양선수금 Long-Term Advances from Real-Estate Sales
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기임대선수금 Long-Term Advance from Lease
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
기타장기선수금 Others in Long-Term Advance from Customers
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
장기선수수익 Long-Term Unearned Income
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
이연수익 Government Grants Deferred Income
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
보증금 Deposits Provided
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
기타 Other Non-Current Liabilities
(현재가치할인차금) (Present Value Discount)
*기타비유동금융업부채 *Other Non-Current Financial Institutions Liabilities
기타금융업부채 Other Financial Institutions Liabilities
자본총계 Stockholders' Equity
지배주주지분 Owners of Parent Equity
자본금 Capital Stock
보통주자본금 Common Stock
우선주자본금 Preferred Stock
신종자본증권 Hybrid Bond
자본잉여금 Capital Surplus
주식발행초과금 Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par Value
배당건설이자 Pre-Operating Dividends
주식매입선택권 Share Options
감자차익 Gains from Capital Reduction
보험차익 Gains on Insurance Settlements
합병차익 Gains on Business Combination
자산수증이익 Gains from Assets Contributed
채무면제이익 Gains on Exemption of Debts
자기주식처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Treasury Stock
전환권대가 Consideration for Conversion Rights
신주인수권대가 Consideration for Stock Warrants
교환권대가 Consideration for Exchangeable Rights
전환권재매입이익 Gains in Conversion Rights repurchase
기타자본잉여금 Other Capital Surplus
재평가적립금(2001년이전) Assets Revaluations Reserves(~2001 years)
기타자본 Other Reserves
자기주식 Treasury Stock
자기주식처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Treasury Stock
주식할인발행차금 Discounts on Stock Issuance
주식매수선택권 Share Options
감자차손 Losses on Capital Reduction
파생상품평가이익 Gains on Valuations of Derivatives
파생상품평가손실 Losses on Valuations of Derivatives
전환권재매입손실 Losses in Conversion Rights repurchase
기타 Others
기타포괄이익누계액 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
금융자산평가손익 Gains(Losses) on Valuation of Financial Assets
당기손익-공정가치측정금융부채평가손익Gains(Losses) on Valuation of Financial Liabilities Measured at Fair Value Through Profit or
당기손익조정접근법조정손익 Gains(Losses) on Adjustment of The overlay approach
Gains(Losses) on Valuation of Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through Other Com
매도가능금융자산평가손익 Gains(Losses) on Valuation of Available-for-Sale Financial Assets
관계기업등기타포괄이익 Other Comprehensive Income of Associates etc.
환산관련외환차이적립금(환율변동차이 Reserve of exchange differences on translation
해외사업장순투자위험회피적립금 Reserve of hedges of net investment in foreign operations
확정급여제도보험수리적손익적립금 Reserve of actuarial gains or losses on defined benefit plans
확정급여제도의재측정요소 Re-measurement elements of Defined Benefit Plans
현금흐름위험회피적립금 Reserve of cash flow hedges
주식기준보상적립금 Reserve of share-based payments
재평가잉여금 Revaluation Surplus
기타 Others
이익잉여금 Retained Earnings
*(지배)당기순이익 *Net Income for The Year(Owners of Parent)
이익준비금 Legal Reserve
재무구조개선적립금 Reserve for Financial Structure Improvement
기업합리화적립금 Reserve for Business Stabilization
기업발전적립금 Reserve for Business Advancement
기타법정적립금 Other Legal Reserves
재평가잉여금의대체 Transfer of Revaluation Surplus
보험수리적손익 Actuarial Gains(Losses)
기술개발준비금 Reserve for Technology Development
연구및인력개발준비금 Reserve for Research and Manpower Development
사업손실준비금 Reserve for Business Losses
퇴직급여적립금 Reserve for Severance and Retirement Benefits
기타임의적립금 Other Voluntary Reserves
기타이익잉여금 Other Retained Earnings
미처분이익잉여금 Unappropriated Retained Earnings (Deficit)
*전기이월미처분이익잉여금 *Unappropriated Retained Earnings Carried Over from Prior Years (Deficits)
비지배주주지분 Non-Controlling Interests Equity
*(비지배)당기순이익 *(Non-Controlling Interests)Net Income(Net Loss) for The Year
*비지배주주지분초과손실액 *Loss on Exceed Non-Controlling Interests Equity
수권주식수 *No. of Shares Authorized
1주당금액 *(Par Value)
발행주식수 *No. of Shares Issued
보통주 Common Stock
우선주 Preferred Stock
손익계산서 Income Statement
계정명 Account Name
매출액(수익) Net Sales
*내수 *Domestic
*수출 *Export
*특수관계자매출액 *Sales to Related Parties(Revenues)
제품매출액 Sales of Finished Goods
*제품수출매출 *Sales of Finished Goods(Exports)
상품매출액 Sales of Merchandise
*상품수출매출 *Sales of Merchandise(Exports)
재화의판매로인한수익(상품,제품매출액) Sales of Merchandise & Finished Goods
*수출매출 *Sales of Merchandise & Finished Goods(Exp
건설계약으로인한수익(공사수익) Construction Revenue
*해외건설계약 *Overseas Construction
분양수익 Lotting Out Revenue
용역의제공으로인한수익(매출액) Service Revenue
임대수익 Rental (Lease) Income
수수료수익 Commission Income
로열티수익 Royalties Income
용지매출수익 Sales of Lot
지분법이익 Gains on Valuation of Equity Method Securiti
금융수익 Financial Income
배당수익 Dividends
이자수익 Interest Income
통신,방송(제작)수익 Communication, Broadcasting() Income
리스(렌탈)수익 Income from Leases(Rental)
기타수익 Other Sales
(매출조정) (Adjustments for Sales)
(매출에누리와환입) (Sales Allowance and Returns)
반품추정매출 Estimated Returned Sales
(매출할인등) (Sales Discounts, Etc.)
(매출장려금) (Sales Bounty)
(주세담배소비세등) (Liquor Tax ,Tobacco Excise Tax Etc.)
(기타매출조정) (Other Adjustments for Sales)
매출원가 Cost of Sales
*특수관계자매출원가 *Purchases-Related Parties
제품매출원가 Cost of Finished Goods Sold
기초제품재고액 Beginning Inventory
당기제조원가 Cost of Goods Manufactured
재고자산평가손실(환입) Losses on Evaluation of Inventories (Reversi
전입 Transfers-In
(관세환급금) (Customs Duties Reimbursed)
(대체) (Transfers-Out)
(기말제품재고액) (Ending Inventory)
상품매출원가 Cost of Merchandise Sold
기초상품재고액 Beginning Inventory
당기상품매입액 Purchases During The Year
재고자산평가손실(환입) Losses on Evaluation of Inventories (Reversi
전입 Transfers-In
(관세환급금) (Customs Duties Reimbursed)
(대체) (Transfers-Out)
(기말상품재고액) (Ending Inventory)
상품·제품매출원가 Cost of Merchandise & Finished Goods
기초재고액 Beginning Inventory
당기매입액 Cost of Goods Manufactured(Purchased)
재고자산평가손실(환입) Losses on Evaluation of Inventories (Reversi
전입 Transfers-In
(관세환급금) (Customs Duties Reimbursed)
(대체) (Transfers-Out)
(기말재고) (Ending Inventory)
건설계약원가 Cost of construction contracts
분양원가 Cost of Lotting Out
용역원가 Cost of Service
임대원가 Cost of Renting Housing
수수료원가 Commission Expenses
로열티원가 Cost of Acquiring Royalties
용지매출원가 Cost of Lot
지분법손실 Losses on Valuation of Equity Method Securiti
금융비용 Financing Expenses
이자비용 Interest Expenses
통신,방송(제작)비 Communication, Broadcasting() Expenses
리스(렌탈)원가 Expeses Related To Leasees(Rental)
기타매출원가 Other Cost of Sales
(매출원가조정) (Adjustments for Cost of Sales)
(매입에누리와환출) (Sales Allowance)
반품추정매출원가 Estimated Returned Cost of Sales
(매입할인) (Purchase Discounts)
(관세환급금) (Customs Duties Reimbursed)
재고자산평가손실(환입) Losses on Evaluation of Inventories (Reversi
(기타매출원가조정) (Adjustments for Other Cost of Sales, etc)
매출총이익 Gross Profit on Sales
판매비와관리비 Distribution Costs and Administrative Expenses
급여 Salaries and Wages
퇴직급여 Severance and Retirement Benefits
명예퇴직금 Retirement Allowances Paid to Early Retirees
복리후생비 Employee Benefits
주식보상비 Compensation Expenses Associated With Stoc
교육훈련비 Training Expenses
여비교통비 Traveling Expenses
통신비 Communication Expenses
소모품비 Supplies
수도광열비 Water, Light and Heating Expenses
세금과공과 Taxes and Dues
협회비등 Dues, Etc
임차료 Rent
리스료 Lease
전산처리비 Data Prosseing Expenses
도서구입비 Books and Periodicals
수선비 Repairs and Maintenance Expenses
차량유지비 Vehicle Maintenance Expenses
보험료 Insurance Premium
보상비 Compensation Expenses
사무비 Office Expenses
체육비 Physical Exercise Expense
지급수수료 Commission Expenses
용역비 Professional Fee
미분양주택관리비 Administrative Expenses for Unsold House/Off
감가상각비 Depreciation
개발비상각 Amortization of Development Expenses
기타무형자산상각비 Amortization of Other Intangible Assets
기타비화폐적비용 Other Non-Monetary Expenses
하자보수충당부채전입액 Liability Provisions for Construction Warranty
연구개발비 Research & Development
특허권등사용료 Royalties
기타관리비 Other General and Administrative Expenses
광고선전비 Advertising Expenses
도서인쇄비 Periodicals and Printing Expenses
견본비 Sample Expenses
해외시장개척비 Overseas Market Promotion Expenses
수출비용 Export Expenses
판매촉진비 Sales Promotion Expenses
판매수수료 Sales Commission
분양대행수수료 Commission from Lotting-Out by Proxy
광고대행수수료 Commission from Advertisement by Proxy
보관료 Warehousing Expenses
포장비 Packing Expenses
운반비 Transportation Expenses
기타물류원가 Other Distribution Costs
애프터서비스비 After-Sales Service Costs
대손상각비 Expenses of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
수주비상각 Amortization of Bidding Costs
반품비용 Costs Incurred for Returned Products
행사비 Costs of Holding Events
접대비 Entertainment
국제정산부담금 International settlement Allotment
전용회선료(회선사용료) Leased Line Expense
전파사용료 Frequency Usage Expense
접속료 Network Interconnection Expense
정산료 Settlement Expense
상품매출원가 Cost of Merchandise Sold
제품매출원가 Cost of Finished Goods Sold
통신,방송(제작)비 Communication, Broadcasting(Production) Ex
리스(렌탈)원가 Expeses Related To Leasees(Rental)
기타판매비 Other Sales Expenses
기타 Others
영업이익 Operating Income
*기타영업손익 *Other Operating Gains(Losses)
*기타영업수익 *Other Operating Income
*이자수익 *Interest Income
*배당금수익 *Stock Dividends
*외환거래이익 *Revenues on Foreign Exchange
*외환차익 *Gains on Foreign Currencies Transaction
*외화환산이익 *Gains on Foreign Currency Translation
*기타외화거래이익 *Other Revenues on Foreign Exchange
*수수료수익 *Commission Income
*임대료 *Rental Income
*로열티수익 *Royalties Income
*연체료수익 *Late Fee
*대손충당금환입 *Reversal of Allowance for Doubtful Account
*충당부채환입액 *Reversion of Liability Provisions
*자산처분이익 *Gains on Disposal of Assets
*투자부동산처분이익 *Gains on Investment in Properties
*투자자산처분이익 *Gains on Disposition of Investments
*유형,리스자산처분이익 *Gains on Disposition of Property and Equ
*임대주택자산처분이익 *Gains on Disposal of Leased Housing Asse
*무형자산처분이익 *Gains on Disposal of Intangible Assets
*기타자산처분이익 *Gains on Disposal of Other Assets
*재고자산폐기(처분)이익 *Gains on Inventory Clearing
*재고자산감모손실환입 *Recovery of Impairment Losses on Invento
*자산평가이익 *Gains on Valuation of Investments
*자산재평가이익 *Gains on Assets Revaluations
*파생상품이익 *Gains on Derivatives
*파생상품평가이익 *Gains on Valuations of Derivatives
*파생상품거래이익 *Gains on Derivatives Transactions
*기타파생상품이익 *Gains on Other Derivatives
*자산손상차손환입 *Recovery of Impairment Losses on Assets
*재고자산손상차손환입 *Recovery of Impairment Losses(Write-dow
*유형자산손상차손환입 *Recovery of Impairment Losses on Proper
*임대주택자산손상차손환입 *Recovery of Impairment Losses on Lease
*무형자산손상차손환입 *Recovery of Impairment Losses on Intangi
*매각예정처분자산집단손상차손환입 *Recovery of Impairment Losses on Asset
*기타자산손상차손환입 *Recovery of Impairment Losses on Other
*지분법관련이익 *Gains(Losses) in Equity Method
*법인세환급액 *Refunds of Income Taxes
*채무면제이익 *Gains on Exemption of Debts
*보험차익 *Gains on Insurance Settlements
*정부보조금으로인한이익 *Government Grants
*순사외적립자산기대수익 *Expected Return of Net Plan Assets
*전기오류수정이익 *Gains on Prior Period Error Corrections
*보험수리적이익 *Actuarial Gains
*기타 *Others
*기타영업비용 *Other Operating Expenses
*이자비용 *Interest Expenses
*외환거래손실 *Expenses on Foreign Exchange
*외환차손 *Losses on Foreign Currencies Transaction
*외화환산손실 *Losses on Foreign Currency Translation
*기타외환거래손실 *Other Expenses on Foreign Exchange
*기타대손상각비 *Other Expenses of Allowance for Doubtful
*충당부채전입액 *Liability Provisions
*분양관리비 *Administrative Expenses for House/Office in
*미분양주택관리비 *Administrative Expenses for Unsold House/
*수주비 *Bidding Costs
*하자보수비 *Construction Warranty Costs
*기부금 *Donations
*자산처분손실 *Losses on Disposal of Assets
*투자부동산처분손실 *Losses on Investment in Properties
*투자자산처분손실 *Losses on Disposition of Investments
*유형,리스자산처분손실 *Losses on Disposition of Property and Eq
*임대주택자산처분손실 *Losses on Disposal of Leased Housing Ass
*무형자산처분손실 *Losses on Disposal of Intangible Assets
*기타자산처분손실 *Losses on Disposal of Other Assets
*재고자산폐기(처분)손실 *Losses on Inventory Clearing
*재고자산감모손실 *Impairment Losses on Inventories(Gap of
*자산평가손실 *Losses on Valuation of Investment Assets
*자산재평가손실 *Losses on Assets Revaluations
*파생상품손실 *Losses on Derivatives
*파생상품평가손실 *Losses on Valuations of Derivatives
*파생상품거래손실 *Losses on Derivatives Transactions
*기타파생상품손실 *Losses on Other Derivatives
*자산손상차손 *Impairment Losses on Assets
*재고자산손상차손(평가손실) *Impairment Losses(Write-down) on Invent
*유형자산손상차손 *Impairment Losses on Property, Plant an
*임대주택자산손상차손 *Impairment Losses on Leased Housing As
*영업권손상차손 *Impairment Losses on Goodwill
*무형자산손상차손 *Impairment Losses on Intangible Assets
*매각예정처분자산집단손상차손 *Impairment Losses on Asset Held for Sal
*기타자산손상차손 *Impairment Losses on Other Assets
*지분법관련손실 *Gains(Losses) in Equity Method
*법인세추납액 *Additional Payments of Income Taxes
*구조조정활동비용 *Expense of Restructuring Activities
*정부보조금으로인한손실 *Losses from Government Grants
*전기오류수정손실 *Losses on Prior Period Error Corrections
*보험수리적손실 *Actuarial Losses
*기타 *Others
영업이익(발표기준) Operating Income(Reported)
*[구.K-IFRS]영업이익 *(K-IFRS)Operating Income
금융수익 Financial Income
이자수익 Interest Income
배당금수익 Stock Dividends
외환거래이익 Revenues on Foreign Exchange
외환차익 Gains on Foreign Currencies Transaction
외화환산이익 Gains on Foreign Currency Translation
기타외화거래이익 Other Revenues on Foreign Exchange
대손충당금환입액 Reversal of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산관련이익 Gains in Financial Assets Measured at Fair Va
금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Financial Assets
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산처분이익Gains on Disposal of Financial Assets Measu
기타포괄손익-공정가치측정금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Financial Assets Mea
상각후원가측정금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Financial Assets at Am
당기손익인식(지정)금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of (Designated)Financia
단기매매금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Short-Term Trading
단기투자자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Short-Term Investm
매도가능금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Available-for-Sale Fi
만기보유금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Held to Maturity
기타금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Other Financial Ass
매출채권처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Trade Receivables
금융자산평가이익 Gains on Valuation of Financial Assets
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산평가이익Gains on Valuation of Financial Assets Meas
당기손익인식(지정)금융자산평가이익 Gains on Valuation of (Designated)Financial
단기매매금융자산평가이익 Gains on Valuation of Short-Term Trading Fi
단기투자자산평가이익 Gains on Valuation of Short-Term Investmen
매도가능금융자산평가이익 Gains on Valuation of Available-for-Sale Fina
만기보유금융자산평가이익 Gains on Valuation of Held to Maturity In
기타금융자산평가이익 Gains on Valuation of Other Financial Asset
파생상품이익 Gains on Derivatives
파생상품평가이익 Gains on Valuations of Derivatives
파생상품거래이익 Gains on Derivatives Transactions
기타파생상품이익 Gains on Other Derivatives
금융자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Financial A
기타포괄손익-공정가치측정금융자산손상차손환입Recovery of Impairment Losses on Financia
상각후원가측정금융자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Financial
매도가능금융자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Available-
만기보유금융자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Held to M
기타금융자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Other Fin
종속기업,공동지배기업및관계기업(지분법 Gains(Losses) in Equity Method
금융부채관련이익 Income in Financial Liabilities
사채상환이익 Gains on Redemption of Bonds
기타금융수익 Other Financial Income
금융원가 Financial Costs
이자비용 Interest Expenses
외환거래손실 Expenses on Foreign Exchange
외환차손 Losses on Foreign Currencies Transaction
외화환산손실 Losses on Foreign Currency Translation
기타외환거래손실 Other Expenses on Foreign Exchange
대손상각비 Expenses of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산관련손실 Losses in Financial Assets Measured at Fair V
금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Financial Assets
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산처분손실Losses on Disposal of Financial Assets Meas
기타포괄손익-공정가치측정금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Financial Assets Me
상각후원가측정금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Financial Assets at A
당기손익인식금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of (Designated)Financi
단기매매금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Short-Term Trading
단기투자자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Short-Term Invest
매도가능금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Available-for-Sale F
만기보유금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Held to Maturity
기타금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Other Financial As
매출채권처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Trade Receivables
금융자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of Financial Assets
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산평가손실Losses on Valuation of Financial Assets Mea
당기손익인식(지정)금융자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of (Designated)Financial
단기매매금융자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of Short-Term Trading F
단기투자자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of Short-Term Investme
매도가능금융자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of Available-for-Sale Fin
만기보유금융자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of Held to Maturity I
기타금융자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of Other Financial Asse
파생상품손실 Losses on Derivatives
파생상품평가손실 Losses on Valuations of Derivatives
파생상품거래손실 Losses on Derivatives Transactions
기타파생상품손실 Losses on Other Derivatives
금융자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Financial Assets
기타포괄손익-공정가치측정금융자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Financial Assets Mea
상각후원가측정유가증권손상차손 Impairment Losses on Securities at Amortis
매도가능금융자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Available-for-Sale Fina
만기보유금융자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Held to Maturity In
기타금융자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Other Financial Asset
종속기업,공동지배기업및관계기업(지분법 Gains(Losses) in Equity Method
금융부채관련손실 Expenses in Financial Liabilities
사채상환손실 Losses on Redemption of Bonds
기타금융원가 Other Financial Expenses
기타영업외손익 Other Non-operating Gains(Losses)
기타영업외수익 Other Non-operating Income
이자수익 Interest Income
배당금수익 Dividends
외환거래이익 Revenues on Foreign Exchange
외환차익 Gains on Foreign Currencies Transaction
외화환산이익 Gains on Foreign Currency Translation
기타외화거래이익 Other Revenues on Foreign Exchange
수수료수익 Commission Income
임대료 Rental Income
로열티수익 Royalties Income
대손충당금환입 Reversal of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
충당부채환입액 Reversion of Liability Provisions
자산처분(폐기)이익 Gains on Disposal of Assets
투자부동산처분이익 Gains on Investment in Properties
투자자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Investments
유형,리스자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Property and Equi
임대주택자산처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Leased Housing Asse
무형자산처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Intangible Assets
매각예정처분자산집단처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Held for Sale or Dis
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Financial Assets Mea
기타포괄손익-공정가치측정금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Financial Assets M
상각후원가측정금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Financial Assets at A
기타자산처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Other Assets
재고자산폐기(처분)이익 Gains on Inventory Clearing
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산평가이익Gains on Valuation of Financial Assets Meas
자산평가이익 Gains on Valuation of Investments
자산재평가이익 Gains on Assets Revaluations
파생상품이익 Gains on Derivatives
파생상품평가이익 Gains on Valuations of Derivatives
파생상품거래이익 Gains on Derivatives Transactions
기타파생상품이익 Gains on Other Derivatives
자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Assets
재고자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses(Write-down
유형자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Propert
임대주택자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Leased
무형자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Intangib
매각예정처분자산집단손상차손환 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Asset H
Recovery of Impairment Losses on Financ
상각후원가측정금융자산손상차손 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Financia
기타자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Other A
종속기업,공동지배기업및관계기업(지분법Gains(Losses) in Equity Method
금융부채관련이익 Income in Financial Liabilities
사채상환이익 Gains on Redemption of Bonds
법인세환급액 Refunds of Income Taxes
채무면제이익 Gains on Exemption of Debts
보험차익 Gains on Insurance Settlements
퇴직연금운용이익 Gains on Retirement Pension Management
전기오류수정이익 Gains on Prior Period Error Corrections
기타 Others
기타영업외비용 Other Non-operating Expenses
이자비용 Interest Expenses
외환거래손실 Expenses on Foreign Exchange
외환차손 Losses on Foreign Currencies Transaction
외화환산손실 Losses on Foreign Currency Translation
기타외환거래손실 Other Expenses on Foreign Exchange
기타대손상각비 Other Expenses of Allowance for Doubtful A
충당부채전입액 Liability Provisions
기부금 Donations
자산처분(폐기)손실 Losses on Disposal of Assets
매출채권처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Trade Receivables
투자부동산처분손실 Losses on Investment in Properties
투자자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Investments
유형,리스자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Property and Equ
임대주택자산처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Leased Housing Asse
무형자산처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Intangible Assets
매각예정처분자산집단처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Held for Sale or Di
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Financial Assets Mea
Losses on Disposal of Financial Assets
상각후원가측정금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Financial Assets at
기타자산처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Other Assets
재고자산폐기(처분)손실 Losses on Inventory Clearing
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산평가손실Losses on Valuation of Financial Assets Mea
자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of Investment Assets
자산재평가손실 Losses on Assets Revaluations
파생상품손실 Losses on Derivatives
파생상품평가손실 Losses on Valuations of Derivatives
파생상품거래손실 Losses on Derivatives Transactions
기타파생상품손실 Losses on Other Derivatives
자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Assets
재고자산손상차손(평가손실) Impairment Losses(Write-down) on Invento
유형자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Property, Plant and
임대주택자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Leased Housing Ass
영업권손상차손 Impairment Losses on Goodwill
무형자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Intangible Assets
기타포괄손익-공정가치측정금융자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Financial Assets M
상각후원가측정금융자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Financial Assets at
매각예정처분자산집단손상차손 Impairment Losses on Asset Held for Sale
기타자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Other Assets
종속기업,공동지배기업및관계기업(지분법Gains(Losses) in Equity Method
금융부채관련손실 Expenses in Financial Liabilities
사채상환손실 Losses on Redemption of Bonds
법인세추납액 Additional Payments of Income Taxes
퇴직연금운용손실 Losses on Retirement Pension Management
전기오류수정손실 Losses on Prior Period Error Corrections
기타 Others
종속기업,공동지배기업및관계기업관련손익 Gains(Losses) in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures, As
지분법관련손익 Gains(Losses) in Equity Method
지분법이익 Gains on Valuation of Equity Method Securit
지분법손실 Losses on Valuation of Equity Method Securi
지분법적용회사투자이익 Gains on Equity Method Investment
지분법적용회사투자손실 Losses on Equity Method Investment
지분법적용투자주식처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Equity Method Secur
지분법적용투자주식처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Equity Method Secu
지분법적용투자주식손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Equity Me
지분법적용투자주식손상차손 Impairment Losses on Equity Method Securit
기타지분법관련손익 Others
관계기업처분손익 Gains(Losses) in Associates
관계기업처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Associates
관계기업처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Associates
관계기업손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Associate
관계기업손상차손 Impairment Losses on Associates
기타관계기업관련처분손익 Others
종속기업관련손익 Gains(Losses) in Subsidiaries
종속기업처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Subsidiaries
종속기업처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Subsidiaries
종속기업손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Subsidiar
종속기업손상차손 Impairment Losses on Subsidiaries
기타 Others
기타 Others
법인세비용차감전계속사업이익 Income Before Income Taxes Expenses
법인세비용 Income Taxes Expenses
종속회사매수일전순손익 Net Income(Net Loss) from Subsidies before Acq
처분된종속회사순손익 Net Income(Net Loss) from Disposed Subsidies
계속사업이익 Ongoing Operating Income
중단사업이익 Discontinued Operating Income
*중단사업법인세효과 *Income Taxes Effects
당기순이익 Net Income(Net Loss) for The Year
(지배주주지분)당기순이익 (Net Income(Net Loss) for The Year Attributab
*계속사업이익 *Ongoing Operating Income
*중단사업이익 *Discontinued Operating Income
(비지배주주지분)당기순이익 (Net Income(Net Loss) for The Year Attributab
*계속사업이익 *Ongoing Operating Income
*중단사업이익 *Discontinued Operating Income
*(지배주주지분)연결당기순이익 *(Net Income(Net Loss) for The Year Attributa
기타포괄이익 Other Comprehensive Income
금융자산평가손익 Gains(Losses) on Valuation of Financial Assets
당기손익-공정가치측정금융부채평가손익 Gains(Losses) on Valuation of Financial Liabil
당기손익조정접근법조정손익 Gains(Losses) on Adjustment of The overlay
기타포괄손익-공정가치측정금융자산평가손익Gains(Losses) on Valuation of Financial Ass
매도가능금융자산평가손익 Gains(Losses) on Valuation of Available-for-Sa
관계기업등기타포괄이익 Other Comprehensive Income of Associates et
환산관련외환차이(환율변동차이) Exchange differences on translation
해외사업장순투자위험회피 Hedges of Net Investment in Foreign Operati
현금흐름위험회피적립금 Cash flow hedges
확정급여제도보험수리적손익 Actuarial gains or losses on defined benefit p
확정급여제도의재측정요소 Re-measurement elements of Defined Benefit
주식기준보상적립금 Reserve of Share-based Payments
재평가손익 Revaluation Surplus
기타 Others
기타포괄이익관련법인세 Income Tax Relating to Components of Othe
총포괄이익 Total Comprehensive Income
(지배주주지분)총포괄이익 (Total Comprehensive Income Attributable to)
(비지배주주지분)총포괄이익 (Total Comprehensive Income Attributable to)
*주당계속사업이익 *Ongoing Operating Income or Loss Per Share
*주당순이익 *Earnings Per Share
*희석주당계속사업이익 *Diluted Ongoing Operating Income or Loss Pe
*희석주당순이익 *Dilution Earnings Per Share
*(지배주주지분)주당계속사업이익 *(Owners of Parent Equity)Ongoing Operating I
*(지배주주지분)주당순이익 *(Owners of Parent Equity)Earnings Per Share
*(지배주주지분)희석주당계속사업이익 *(Owners of Parent Equity)Diluted Ongoing Ope
*(지배주주지분)희석주당순이익 *(Owners of Parent Equity)Dilution Earnings Per
*성격별비용계정 *Nature of Expense Account
제품과재공품의변동 Change in Inventory of Finished Goods and W
기업이수행한용역으로자본화되어있는부 Other Work Performed by Entity and Capitali
원재료와저장품(소모품)의사용액 Raw Materials and Supplies(Consumables) Us
상품의판매 Sale of Merchandise
기타원가 Others Costs
종업원급여비용 Employee Benefits Expense
감가상각비와기타상각비및손상차손 Depreciation, Other Amortization and Impair
세금과공과 Taxes and Dues
대손상각비 Expenses of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
물류비(운송보관) Distribution Expenses(Transportation and Wa
광고및판매촉진비 Advertising and Sales Promotion Expenses
운용리스료및임차료 Lease and Rent
경상연구개발비 Usual Development and Research Expenses
기타비용 Others Expense
of Deferment Payment)
ations(Other Payables)

Fair Value Through Profit or Loss

at FV through Profit
rs for Contract Work

ees and Others

enefits Liabilities(Bonuses, etc)

es Provisions

ome Taxes Payable)

oups Classified as Held for Sale

Non-Current Payables
mployee Benefits

Current Payables

ersion Rights)
ee Long-Term Borrowings
Housing Fund

Fair Value Through Profit or Loss

n-Current Payables

eign Currencies
lated Parties

Foreign Currencies
lated Parties

to Customers for Contract Work

ees and Others

oyee Benefits

enefits Liabilities(Bonuses, etc)

es Provisions

iabilities(Income Taxes Payable)

nstruction Contracts

al-Estate Sales

from Customers

tutions Liabilities
inancial Assets
inancial Liabilities Measured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
The overlay approach
inancial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income
vailable-for-Sale Financial Assets
of Associates etc.
s on translation
ment in foreign operations
sses on defined benefit plans
Defined Benefit Plans


power Development

rement Benefits

ings Carried Over from Prior Years (Deficits)

come(Net Loss) for The Year

nterests Equity
현금흐름표 Cash Flow
계정명 Account Name
영업활동으로인한현금흐름 Cash Flows from Operating Activities
당기순이익 Net Income(Net Loss) for The Year
법인세비용차감전계속사업이익 Income or Loss Before Income Taxes Expense
현금유출이없는비용등가산 Addition of Expenses of Non-Cash Transactio
금융비용 Financial Cost
이자비용 Interest Expenses
장기미지급이자 Long-Term Accrued Interest
사채할인발행차금상각 Amortization of Discount on Bonds
현재가치할인차금상각 Amortization of Bond Discounts
기타이자비용 Other Interest Expenses
배당금지급 Dividends paid
대손상각비 Expenses of Allowance for Doubtful Account
기타대손상각비 Other Expenses of Allowance for Doubtful A
퇴직급여 Severance and Retirement Benefits
유형자산감가상각비 Depreciation
개발비상각 Amortization of Development Expenses
기타무형자산상각비 Other Amortization of Intangible Assets
계약부채전입액 Provisions for Contract Liabilities
반품(환불)부채전입액 Provisions for Return(Refund) Liabilities
배출부채전입액 Provisions for Emission Liabilities
충당부채전입액 Liability Provisions
외환거래손실 Expenses on Foreign Exchange
외환차손 Losses on Foreign Currencies Transaction
외화환산손실 Losses on Foreign Currency Translation
기타외환거래손실 Other Expenses on Foreign Exchange
주식보상비 Compensation Expenses Associated With St
재고자산폐기(처분)손실 Losses on Inventory Clearing
매출채권처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Trade Receivables
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산관련손실Losses in Financial Assets Measured at Fair
금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Financial Assets
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Financial Assets Mea
기타포괄손익-공정가치측정금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Financial Assets
상각후원가측정금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Financial Assets at
당기손익인식(지정)금융상품처분손실 Losses on Disposition of (Designated)Finan
단기매매금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Short-Term Tradin
단기투자자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Short-Term Inves
매도가능금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Available-for-Sale
만기보유금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Held to Maturity
기타금융자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Other Financial A
자산처분(폐기)손실 Losses on Disposal of Assets
투자부동산처분손실 Losses on Investment in Properties
투자자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Investments
유형,리스자산처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Property and Equ
임대주택자산처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Leased Housing Asse
무형자산처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Intangible Assets
기타자산처분손실 Losses on Disposal of Other Assets
재고자산감모손실 Impairment Loss on Inventories
금융자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of Financial Assets
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of Financial Assets M
당기손익인식(지정)금융상품평가손실 Losses on Valuation of (Designated)Financi
단기매매금융자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of Short-Term Trading
단기투자자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of Short-Term Investm
매도가능금융자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of Available-for-Sale F
만기보유금융자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of Held to Maturity
기타금융자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of Other Financial As
투자자산평가손실 Losses on Valuation of Investment Assets
자산재평가손실 Losses on Assets Revaluations
금융자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Financial Assets
기타포괄손익-공정가치측정금융자산손상차손Impairment Losses on Financial Assets M
상각후원가측정금융자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Financial Assets at
매도가능금융자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Available-for-Sale Fi
만기보유금융자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Held to Maturity
기타금융자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Other Financial Ass
자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Assets
매출채권및기타채권손상차손 Impairment Losses on Trade and Other Re
재고자산손상차손(평가손실) Impairment Losses(Write-down) on Invento
유형자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Property, Plant and
임대주택자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Leased Housing Ass
영업권손상차손 Impairment Losses on Goodwill
무형자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Intangible Assets
매각예정처분자산집단손상차손 Impairment Losses on Asset Held for Sale
기타자산손상차손 Impairment Losses on Other Assets
파생상품손실 Losses on Derivatives
파생상품평가손실 Losses on Valuations of Derivatives
파생상품거래손실 Losses on Derivatives Transactions
기타파생상품손실 Losses on Other Derivatives
지분법관련손실 Losses in Equity Method
지분법손실 Losses on Valuation of Equity Method Secu
지분법적용회사투자손실 Losses on Equity Method Investment
지분법적용투자주식처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Equity Method Sec
지분법적용투자주식손상차손 Impairment Losses on Equity Method Secur
기타지분법관련손실 Others
종속기업관련손실 Losses in Subsidiaries
Gains(Losses) in Associates
금융부채관련손실 Losses on Financial Liabilities
사채상환손실 Losses on Redemption of Bonds
재해손실 Casualty Losses
법인세비용 Taxes Expenses
구조조정활동의비용 Expense of Restructuring Activities
전기오류수정손실 Losses on Prior Period Error Corrections
비지배주주지분순손실 Net Income(Net Loss) from Non-Controlling
보험수리적손실 Actuarial Losses
종업원급여(복리후생비등) Employee Benefits Expense
기타 Others
현금유입이없는수익등차감 (Deduction of Revenues of Non-Cash Tranacti
금융수익 Financial Income
이자수익 Interest Income
배당금수익 Stock Dividends
대손충당금환입액 Reversal of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
퇴직급여충당부채환입액 Reversal of Provision for Retirement Allowa
계약부채환입액 Reversal for Contract Liabilities
반품(환불)부채환입액 Reversal for Return(Refund) Liabilities
배출부채환입액 Reversal for Emission Liabilities
충당부채환입액 Reversion of Liability Provisions
외환거래이익 Revenues on Foreign Exchange
외환차익 Gains on Foreign Currencies Transaction
외화환산이익 Gains on Foreign Currency Translation
기타외환거래이익 Other Revenues on Foreign Exchange
주식보상비환입 Reversal of Compensation Expenses Associa
재고자산폐기(처분)이익 Gains on Inventory Clearing
매출채권처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Trade Receivables
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산관련이익Gains in Financial Assets Measured at Fair V
금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Financial Assets
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산처분이익Gains on Disposal of Financial Assets Mea
Gains on Disposal of Financial Assets M
상각후원가측정금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Financial Assets at A
당기손익인식(지정)금융상품처분이익 Gains on Disposition of (Designated)Financ
단기매매금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Short-Term Trading
단기투자자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Short-Term Invest
매도가능금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Available-for-Sale
만기보유금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Held to Maturity
기타금융자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Other Financial As
자산처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Assets
투자부동산처분이익 Gains on Investment in Properties
투자자산처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Other Assets
유형,리스자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Property and Equi
임대주택자산처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Investments
무형자산처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Intangible Assets
기타자산처분이익 Gains on Disposal of Other Assets
재고자산감모손실환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Inventor
금융자산평가이익 Gains on Valuation of Financial Assets
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산평가이익Gains on Valuation of Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
당기손익인식(지정)금융상품평가이익 Gains on Valuation of (Designated)Financial Assets at FV through Profit
단기매매금융자산평가이익 Gains on Valuation of Short-Term Trading Financial Assets
단기투자자산평가이익 Gains on Valuation of Short-Term Investment Assets
매도가능금융자산평가이익 Gains on Valuation of Available-for-Sale Financial Assets
만기보유금융자산평가이익 Gains on Valuation of Held to Maturity Investments
기타금융자산평가이익 Gains on Valuation of Other Financial Assets
투자자산평가이익 Gains on Valuation of Investments
자산재평가이익 Gains on Assets Revaluations
금융상품손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Financial Assets
Recovery of Impairment Losses on Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through Othe
상각후원가측정금융자산손상차손 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Financial Assets at Amortised Cost
매도가능금융자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Available-for-Sale Financial Assets
만기보유금융자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Held to Maturity Investments
기타금융자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Other Financial Assets
자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Assets
매출채권및기타채권손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Trade and Other Receivables
재고자산손상차손(평가손실)환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Inventories(Write-down)
유형자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Property, Plant and Equipment
임대주택자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Leased Housing Assets
무형자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Intangible Assets
매각예정처분자산집단손상차손환 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Asset Held for Sale or Disposal Group
기타자산손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Other Assets
파생상품이익 Gains on Derivatives
파생상품평가이익 Gains on Valuations of Derivatives
파생상품거래이익 Gains on Derivatives Transactions
기타파생상품이익 Gains on Other Derivatives
지분법관련이익 Gains in Equity Method
지분법이익 Gains on Valuation of Equity Method Securities
지분법적용회사투자이익 Gains on Equity Method Investment
지분법적용투자주식처분이익 Gains on Disposition of Equity Method Securities
지분법적용투자주식손상차손환입 Recovery of Impairment Losses on Equity Method Securities
기타지분법관련이익 Others
종속회사관련이익 Gains in Subsidiaries
Gains(Losses) in Associates
금융부채관련이익 Gains on Financial Liabilities
사채상환이익 Gains on Redemption of Bonds
채무면제이익 Gains on Exemption of Debts
법인세수익 Taxes Income
전기오류수정이익 Gains on Prior Period Error Corrections
비지배주주지분순이익 Net Income(Net Loss) from Non-Controlling Interests Equity
보험수리적이익 Actuarial Gains
기타 Others
영업활동으로인한자산부채변동(운전자본변동 Changes in Assets and Liabilities from Operating Activities
영업활동자산의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Assets
매출채권및기타채권의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Trade and Other Receivables
매출채권의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Trade Receivables
공사미수금의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Accounts Receivable-Construction
분양미수금의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Accounts Receivable- Lotting Out
미수금의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Receivables
미청구공사의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Gross Amount Due from Customers for Contract Work
기타매출채권및기타채권의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Other Trade and Other Receivables
대출채권의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Loans
재고자산의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Inventories
미수수익의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Accrued Revenues
선급금의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Advance Payments
선급공사비의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Advance Payments-Construction
선급외주비의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Outside Processing Expenses
선급비용의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Prepaid Expenses
당기법인세자산(선급법인세)의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Current Income Tax Assets(Prepaid Income Tax Payments)
선급제세의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Prepaid Taxes
파생금융자산의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Derivative Assets
자산보증금등의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Deposits Provided(Assets)
이연법인세자산의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Deferred Income Tax Assets
기타금융업자산의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Other Financial Institutions Assets
대여금및수취채권의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Loans and Receivables
금융자산의감소 Decrease in Financial Assets
계약자산(원가)의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Contract Assets(Costs)
반품(회수권)자산(환불자산)의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Return(Refund) Assets
배출권의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Emission Right
기타영업활동자산의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Other Assets
매각예정자산의감소 Decrease(Increase) in Asset Held for Sale
영업활동부채의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Liabilities
매입채무및기타채무의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Other Trade and Payables
매입채무의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Trade Payables
미지급금의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Construction Payable
공사미지급금의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Other Payables
초과청구공사의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Gross Amount Due to Customers for Contract Work
기타매입채무및기타채무의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Other Trade and Other Payables
공사선수금의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Advances from Construction Contracts
분양선수금의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Advances from Real-Estate Sales
선수금의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Advance from Customers
선수수익의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Unearned Income
예수금의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Deposits Received
부가세예수금의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Vat Withhold
미지급비용의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Accrued Expenses
당기법인세부채(미지급법인세)의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Current Income Tax Liabilities(Income Taxes Payable)
미지급제세의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Accrued Taxes
파생상품부채의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Derivative Liabilities
부채보증금등의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Deposits(Liabilities)
충당부채의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Liability Provisions
퇴직급여채무(종업원급여충당부채 Increase(Decrease) in Provisions for Employee Benefits
사외적립자산의감소 Decrease(Increase) in plan assets
퇴직급여채무의전입 Transfers of Provisions for Employee Benefits
퇴직금의지급 Payments of Retirement Allowance
퇴직연금미지급금의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Pension Obligation
기타퇴직금관련변동 Related Other Payments of Retirement Allowance
이연법인세부채의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Deferred Income Tax Liabilities
기타금융업부채의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Other Financial Liabilities
금융부채의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Financial Liabilities
계약부채의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Contract Liabilities
반품(환불)부채의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Return(Refund) Liabilities
배출부채의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Emission Liabilities
기타영업활동부채의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Other Liabilities
매각예정부채의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Liabilities Held for Sale
정부보조금등의변동 Change in Government Grants
기타운전자본의변동 Change in Other Working Capital
*영업에서창출된현금흐름 *Cash Flows from Business
이자수입 Interest Received
이자지급(-) Interest Paid
배당금수입 Dividends Received
배당금지급(-) Dividends Paid
법인세환입 Refunds of Income Taxes
법인세납부(-) Payments of Income Taxes
중단사업관련현금흐름 Cash Flows from Discontinued Operating
*(직접법)총현금유입 *(Direct Method)Total Cash Inflows
재화의판매와용역제공에따른현금유입 Cash Receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services
Cash Receipts from royalties, fees, commissions and other revenue
Cash Receipts from Insurance Premium, Pension, ETC.
이자수취액 Interest Received
배당금수취액 Dividends Received
법인세환급 Refund of Income Taxes
단기매매목적으로보유하는계약에서 Cash Receipts from contracts held for dealing or trading purposes.
기타현금유입액 Other Cash Inflows
*(직접법)총현금유출 *(Direct Method)Total Cash Outflows
재화와용역의구입에따른현금유출 Cash Payments to suppliers for goods and services
Cash Payments to and on behalf of employees
Cash Payments to Insurance Premium, Pension, ETC.
이자비용유출액 Cash Outflows for Interest Expenses
배당금지급액 Dividends paid
법인세납부 Payments of Income Taxes
단기매매목적으로보유하는계약에서 Cash Payments from contracts held for dealing or trading purposes.
기타현금유출액 Other Cash Outflows
투자활동으로인한현금흐름 Cash Flows from Investing Activities
투자활동현금유입액 Cash Inflows from Investing Activities
유동금융자산의감소 Decrease in Current Financial Assets
단기금융상품의감소 Decrease in Short-Term Financial Instruments
단기매매금융자산의감소 Decrease in Short-Term Trading Financial Assets
단기매도가능금융자산의감소 Decrease in Short-Term Available-for-Sale Financial Assets
단기만기보유금융자산의감소 Decrease in Short-Term Held to Maturity Investments
단기대여금의감소 Decrease in Short-Term Loans
기타단기금융자산의감소 Decrease in Other Current Financial Assets
당기손익인식(지정)금융자산의감소 Decrease in (Designated)Financial Assets at FV through Profit
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산의감소 Decrease in Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
기타포괄손익-공정가치측정금융자산의감소 Decrease in Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Incom
상각후원가측정금융자산의감소 Decrease in Financial Assets at Amortised Cost
리스(사용권)자산의감소 Decrease in Leased(Right-of-use) Assets
리스채권의감소 Decrease in Leasing Receivables
장기금융상품의감소 Decrease in (Long-Term) Financial Instruments
매도가능금융자산의감소 Decrease in Available-for-Sale Financial Assets
만기보유금융자산의감소 Decrease in Held to Maturity Investments
장기대여금의감소 Decrease in Loans
파생상품의감소 Change in Derivatives
기타장기금융자산의감소 Decrease in Other Non-Current Financial Assets
관계기업등지분관련투자자산의감소 Decrease in Associates, ETC.
관계기업투자(지분법적용투자주식 Decrease in Investments in Associates(Equity Method Securities )
종속기업투자의감소 Decrease in Investments in Subsidiaries
조인트벤처투자의감소 Decrease in Investments in Joint Ventures
기타투자자산의감소 Decrease in Other Investments
퇴직급여자산의감소 Decrease in Retirement Pension Related Assets(Severance and Retirement Benefits)
생물자산의감소 Decrease in Biological Assets
투자부동산의감소 Decrease in Investment in Properties
유형자산의감소 Decrease in Property and Equipment
토지의감소 Decrease in Land
건물및부속설비의감소 Decrease in Buildings and Structures
구축물의감소 Decrease in Structures
기계장치의감소 Decrease in Machinery and Equipment
중장비의감소 Decrease in Heavy Machines
제설비의감소 Decrease in Facilities
미착자산의감소 Decrease in Assets (Work) in Progress
차량운반구의감소 Decrease in Motor Vehicles
선박의감소 Decrease in Ships
항공기의감소 Decrease in Aircraft
공구기구비품의감소 Decrease in Tools and Office Equipment
건설중인자산의감소 Decrease in Construction in Progress
유형탐사평가자산의감소 Decrease in Tangible Exploration and Evaluation Assets, Gross
기타유형자산의감소 Decrease in Other Property and Equipment
무형자산의감소 Decrease in Intangible Assets
영업권의감소 Decrease in Goodwill
개발비의감소 Decrease in Development Expenses
특허권의감소 Decrease in Royalties
기타산업재산권의감소 Decrease in Industrial Property Rights
컴퓨터소프트웨어의감소 Decrease in Computer Software
브랜드의감소 Decrease in Brand Names
라이선스와프랜차이즈의감소 Decrease in Licenses and Franchises
저작권의감소 Decrease in Copyrights
회원권의감소 Decrease in Membership
제이용권의감소 Decrease in Proprietary Equipment Use Rights
무형탐사평가자산의감소 Decrease in Intangible Exploration and Evaluation Assets, Gross
제호와출판표제의감소 Decrease in Mastheads and Publishing Titles, Gross
조리법,공식,모형,설계및시제품의감소 Decrease in Recipes, Formulae, Models, Designs and Prototypes, Gross
기타무형자산의감소 Decrease in Other Intangible Assets
선급금등의감소 Decrease in Advance Payments, ETC.
미수금의감소 Decrease in Other Receivables
기타유동자산의감소 Decrease in Other Current Assets
보증금등의감소 Decrease in Deposits Provided
기타비유동자산의감소 Decrease in Other Non-Current Assets
처분자산집단의감소 Decrease in Disposal Group
기타금융업자산의감소 Decrease in Other Financial Institutions Assets
매각예정비유동자산의감소 Decrease in Non-Current Asset Held for Sale
정부보조금등의변동 Change in Government Grants
종속기업및기타사업의지배력관련한 Cash flows from control of subsidiaries or other businesses
합병분할(양수도등)으로인한현금유입액 Cash Inflows from Merger and Acquisition
기타투자활동으로인한현금유입액 Cash Inflows from Other Investing Activities
투자활동현금유출액 (Cash Outflows from Investing Activities)
유동금융자산의증가 Increase in Current Financial Assets
단기금융상품의증가 Increase in Short-Term Financial Instruments
단기매매금융자산의증가 Increase in Short-Term Trading Financial Assets
단기매도가능금융자산의증가 Increase in Short-Term Available-for-Sale Financial Assets
단기만기보유금융자산의증가 Increase in Short-Term Held to Maturity Investments
단기대여금의증가 Increase in Short-Term Loans
기타단기금융자산의증가 Increase in Other Current Financial Assets
당기손익인식(지정)금융자산의증가 Increase in (Designated)Financial Assets at FV through Profit
당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산의증가 Increase in Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
기타포괄손익-공정가치측정금융자산의증가Increase in Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income
상각후원가측정금융자산의증가 Increase in Financial Assets at Amortised Cost
리스(사용권)자산의증가 Increase in Leased(Right-of-use) Assets
리스채권의증가 Decrease in Leasing Receivables
장기금융상품의증가 Increase in (Long-Term) Financial Instruments
매도가능금융자산의증가 Increase in Available-for-Sale Financial Assets
만기보유금융자산의증가 Increase in Held to Maturity Investments
장기대여금의증가 Increase in Loans
파생상품의증가 Change in Derivatives
기타장기금융자산의증가 Increase in Other Non-Current Financial Assets
관계기업등지분관련투자자산의증가 Increase in Associates, ETC.
관계기업투자(지분법적용투자주식 Increase in Investments in Associates(Equity Method Securities )
종속기업투자의증가 Increase in Investments in Subsidiaries
조인트벤처투자의증가 Increase in Investments in Joint Ventures
기타투자자산의증가 Increase in Other Investments
퇴직급여자산의증가 Increase in Retirement Pension Related Assets(Severance and Retirement Benefits)
생물자산증가 Increase in Biological Assets
투자부동산의증가 Increase in Investment in Properties
유형자산의증가 Increase in Property and Equipment
토지의증가 Increase in Land
건물및부속설비의증가 Increase in Buildings and Structures
구축물의증가 Increase in Structures
기계장치의증가 Increase in Machinery and Equipment
중장비의증가 Increase in Heavy Machines
제설비의증가 Increase in Facilities
미착자산의증가 Increase in Assets (Work) in Progress
차량운반구의증가 Increase in Motor Vehicles
선박의증가 Increase in Ships
항공기의증가 Increase in Aircraft
공구기구비품의증가 Increase in Tools and Office Equipment
건설중인자산의증가 Increase in Construction in Progress
유형탐사평가자산의증가 Increase in Tangible Exploration and Evaluation Assets, Gross
기타유형자산의증가 Increase in Other Property and Equipment
무형자산의증가 Increase in Intangible Assets
영업권의증가 Increase in Goodwill
개발비의증가 Increase in Development Expenses
특허권의증가 Increase in Royalties
기타산업재산권의증가 Increase in Industrial Property Rights
컴퓨터소프트웨어의증가 Increase in Software
브랜드의증가 Increase in Brand Names
라이선스와프랜차이즈의증가 Increase in Licenses and Franchises
저작권의증가 Increase in Copyrights
회원권의증가 Increase in Membership
제이용권의증가 Increase in Proprietary Equipment Use Rights
무형탐사평가자산의증가 Increase in Intangible Exploration and Evaluation Assets, Gross
제호와출판표제의증가 Increase in Mastheads and Publishing Titles, Gross
조리법,공식,모형,설계및시제품의증가 Increase in Recipes, Formulae, Models, Designs and Prototypes, Gross
기타무형자산의증가 Increase in Other Intangible Assets
선급금등의증가 Increase in Advance Payments, ETC.
미수금의증가 Increase in Other Receivables
기타유동자산의증가 Increase in Other Current Assets
보증금등의증가 Increase in Deposits Provided
기타비유동자산의증가 Increase in Other Non-Current Assets
처분자산집단의증가 Increase in Disposal Group
기타금융업자산의증가 Increase in Other Financial Institutions Assets
매각예정비유동자산의증가 Increase in Non-Current Asset Held for Sale
정부보조금등의변동 Change in Government Grants
종속기업및기타사업의지배력관련한 Cash Flows from Control of Subsidiaries or Other Businesses
합병분할(양수도등)으로인한현금유출액 Cash Outflows from Merger and Acquisition
기타투자활동으로인한현금유출액 Cash Outflows from Other Investing Activities
이자수입 Interest Received
이자지급(-) Interest Paid
배당금수입 Dividends Received
배당금지급(-) Dividends Paid
법인세환입 Refunds of Income Taxes
법인세납부(-) Payments of Income Taxes
중단사업관련현금흐름 Cash Flows from Discontinued Operating
재무활동으로인한현금흐름 Cash Flows from Financing Activities
재무활동현금유입액 Cash Inflows from Financing Activities
단기사채의증가 Increase in Short-Term Bonds
단기차입금의증가 Increase in Short-Term Borrowings
당좌차월의증가 Increase in Overdraft
유동성장기부채의증가 Incr. in Current Portion of Lt. Debt
유동성사채의증가 Increase in Liquid Bonds
유동성장기차입금의증가 Increase in Current Portion of Long-Term Asset-Backed Debts
유동성유동화채무의증가 Increase in Current Portion of Asset-Backed Debts
유동성연불매입채무의증가 Increase in Trade Payable (Current Portion of Deferment Payment)
기타유동성장기부채의증가 Increase in Current Portion of Other Long-Term Debts
미지급금의증가 Increase in Other Payables
사채의증가 Increase of (Long-Term)Bonds
장기차입금의증가 Increase in (Long-Term)Borrowings
장기미지급금의증가 Increase in (Long-Term)Other Payables
유동화채무의증가 Increase in Securitized Debts
상환우선주부채의증가 Increase in Preferred Stock of Redemption
파생상품의변동 Change in Derivatives
(금융)리스부채의증가 Increase in Lease Obligations
보증금등의증가 Increase in Deposits Provided
기타금융부채의증가 Increase in Other Financial Liabilities
기타부채의증가 Increase in Other Liabilities
자본금의증가 Increase in Capital Stock
*유상증자 *Paid in Capital Increase
자본잉여금의증가 Increase in Capital Surplus
종속회사의증자등 Capital Increase of Subsidiaries Companies
이익잉여금의증가 Increase in Retained Earnings
자기주식의처분 Sale of Treasury Stock
주식매입선택권의행사 Exercise of Stock Options
연결자본거래현금유입액 Increase in Consolidated Capital Transaction
종속기업소유지분변동에따른현금흐름 Disposition of Interest in Subsidiaries
비지배주주지분의증가 Increase in Non-Controlling Interests Equity
정부보조금등의변동 Change in Government Grants
환율변동으로인한차이조정 Difference by Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
합병분할(양수도등)으로인한현금유입액 Cash Inflows from Merger and Acquisition
기타재무활동으로인한현금유입액 Cash Inflows from Other Financing Activities
재무활동현금유출액 (Cash Outflows from Financing Activities)
단기사채의감소 Decrease in Short-Term Bonds
단기차입금의감소 Decrease in Short-Term Borrowings
당좌차월의감소 Decrease in Overdraft
유동성장기부채의감소 Decr. in Current Portion of Lt. Debt
유동성사채의감소 Decrease in Liquid Bonds
유동성장기차입금의감소 Decrease in Current Portion of Long-Term Asset-Backed Debts
유동성유동화채무의감소 Decrease in Current Portion of Asset-Backed Debts
유동성연불매입채무의감소 Decrease in Trade Payable (Current Portion of Deferment Payment)
기타유동성장기부채의감소 Decrease in Current Portion of Other Long-Term Debts
미지급금의감소 Decrease in Other Payables
사채의감소 Decrease of (Long-Term)Bonds
장기차입금의감소 Decrease in (Long-Term)Borrowings
장기미지급금의감소 Decrease in (Long-Term)Other Payables
유동화채무의감소 Decrease in Securitized Debts
상환우선주부채의감소 Decrease in Preferred Stock of Redemption
파생상품의변동 Change in Derivatives
(금융)리스부채의감소 Decrease in Lease Obligations
보증금등의감소 Decrease in Deposits Provided
기타금융부채의감소 Decrease in Other Financial Liabilities
기타부채의감소 Decrease in Other Liabilities
자본금의감소 Decrease in Capital Stock
*유상감자 *Paid in Capital Decrease
자본잉여금의감소 Decrease in Capital Surplus
종속회사의감자등 Capital Decrease of Subsidiaries Companies
이익잉여금의감소(배당제외) Decrease in Retained Earnings(Dividend excepted)
자기주식의취득 Purchase of Treasury Stock
연결자본거래현금유출액 Decrease in Consolidated Capital Transaction
종속기업소유지분변동에따른현금흐름 Acquisition of Interest in Subsidiaries
비지배주주지분의감소 Decrease in Non-Controlling Interests Equity
정부보조금등의변동 Change in Government Grants
환율변동으로인한차이조정 Difference by Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
합병분할(양수도등)으로인한현금유입액 Cash Outflows from Merger and Acquisition
기타재무활동으로인한현금유출액 Cash Outflows from Other Financing Activities
이자수입 Interest Received
이자지급(-) Interest Paid
배당금수입 Dividends Received
배당금지급(-) Dividends Paid
법인세환입 Refunds of Income Taxes
법인세납부(-) Payments of Income Taxes
중단사업관련현금흐름 Cash Flows from Discontinued Operating
영업투자재무활동기타현금흐름 Other Cash Flows from Operating, Investing, Financing Activities
연결범위변동으로인한현금의증가 Change of Consolidated Scope
환율변동효과 Difference by Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
현금및현금성자산의증가 Increase(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents
기초현금및현금성자산 (Cash and Cash Equivalents at The Beginning of Year)
기말현금및현금성자산 Cash and Cash Equivalents at The End of Year
자본변동표 Changes in Equity
계정명 Account Name
기말자본금 Capital Stock at The Ending of Year
기초자본금 Capital Stock at The Beginning of Year
유상증자(감자) Paid in Capital Increase(Decrease)
무상증자(감자) Capital Increase (Decrease) Without Considera
주식매수선택권 Stock Options
전환사채 Convertible Bonds
신주인수권부사채 Bonds With Stock Warrants
주식배당 Stock Dividends
합병분할(영업양수도등)로인한변동 Change by Merger and Acquisition
회계정책변경누적효과 Accumulated Effect of Accounting Policy Cha
오류수정등 Error Corrections, ETC.
연결범위의변동 Change of Consolidated Scope
외화환산차이 Foreign Exchange Translation Debit
기타 Others
기말신종자본증권 Hybrid Bond at The Ending of Year
기초신종자본증권 Hybrid Bond at The Beginning of Year
신종자본증권의발행 Issue of Hybrid Bond
기타 Others
기말자본잉여금 Capital Surplus at The Ending of Year
기초자본잉여금 Capital Surplus at The Beginning of Year
유상증자(감자) Paid in Capital Increase(Decrease)
무상증자(감자) Capital Increase (Decrease) Without Considera
주식발행초과금 Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par Value
주식매수선택권 Stock Options
감자차손익 Gains(Losses) from Capital Reduction
보험차익 Gains on Insurance Settlements
자기주식처분이익 Gains(Losses) on Disposition of Treasury Stoc
전환권대가 Consideration for Conversion Rights(Converti
신주인수권대가 Consideration for Stock Warrants(Bonds With
교환권대가 Consideration for Exchangeable Rights(Stock
전환권재매입손익 Gains(Losses) in Conversion Rights repurchase
결손금처리 Deficit Disposal
지분법자본잉여금 Capital Surplus in Equity Method
합병분할(영업양수도등)로인한변동 Change by Merger and Acquisition
회계정책변경누적효과 Accumulated Effect of Accounting Policy Cha
오류수정등 Error Corrections, ETC.
연결범위의변동 Change of Consolidated Scope
외화환산차이 Foreign Exchange Translation Debit
기타 Others
기말기타자본 Other Reserves at The Ending of Year
기초기타자본 Other Reserves at The Beginning of Year
자기주식 Treasury Stock
자기주식처분손실 Losses on Disposition of Treasury Stock
주식할인발행차금 Discounts on Stock Issuance
주식매입선택권 Stock Options
파생상품평가이익 Gains on Valuations of Derivatives
파생상품평가손실 Losses on Valuations of Derivatives
출자전환채무 Debt to Be Swapped for Equity
신주청약증거금 New Stock Subscriptions
감자차손 Gains(Losses) from Capital Reduction
전환권재매입손익 Gains(Losses) in Conversion Rights repurchase
지분법자본조정 Other Reserves in Equity Method
합병분할(영업양수도등)로인한변동 Change by Merger and Acquisition
회계정책변경누적효과 Accumulated Effect of Accounting Policy Cha
오류수정등 Error Corrections, ETC.
연결범위의변동 Change of Consolidated Scope
외화환산차이 Foreign Exchange Translation Debit
기타 Others
기말기타포괄이익누계액 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income at T
기초기타포괄이익누계액 Beginning Balance Accumulated Other Compr
금융자산평가손익 Gains(Losses) on Valuation of Financial Assets
당기손익-공정가치측정금융부채평가손익 Gains(Losses) on Valuation of Financial Liabil
당기손익조정접근법조정손익 Gains(Losses) on Adjustment of The overlay
Gains(Losses) on Valuation of Financial Ass
매도가능금융자산평가손익 Gains(Losses) on Valuation of Available-for-Sa
관계기업등기타포괄이익 Other Comprehensive Income of Associates et
환산관련외환차이적립금(환율변동차이) Reserve of exchange differences on translatio
해외사업장순투자위험회피적립금 Reserve of hedges of net investment in foreig
확정급여제도보험수리적손익적립금 Reserve of actuarial gains or losses on define
확정급여제도의재측정요소 Re-measurement elements of Defined Benefit
현금흐름위험회피적립금 Reserve of cash flow hedges
주식기준보상적립금 Reserve of share-based payments
재평가잉여금 Revaluation Surplus
합병분할(영업양수도등)로인한변동 Change by Merger and Acquisition
회계정책변경누적효과 Accumulated Effect of Accounting Policy Cha
오류수정등 Error Corrections, ETC.
연결범위의변동 Change of Consolidated Scope
외화환산차이 Foreign Exchange Translation Debit
기타 Others
기말이익잉여금 Earned Surplus(Deficit) at The Ending of Year
처분후이익잉여금 Retained Earning (Deficit) After Appropriation
수정후이익잉여금 Retained Earning (Deficit) After Adjustments
기초이익잉여금 Earned Surplus at The Beginning of Year
회계정책변경누적효과 Accumulated Effect of Accounting Policy
전기오류수정손익 Gains(Losses) on Prior Period Error Correct
기타 Others
(연차배당) (Dividends)
(신종자본증권분배금) (Hybrid Bond dividends)
주식할인발행차금상각 Amortization of Discount on Stock Issuance
자기주식처분손실상각 Amortization of Losses on Disposition of Tr
결손금처리 Disposition of Deficit
기타이익잉여금처분액 Other Retained Earnings (Deficit) After Dispo
(중간배당) (Interim Dividends)
확정급여제도의재측정요소 Re-measurement elements of Defined Benefit
기타포괄이익 Other Comprehensive Income
당기순이익(총포괄이익) Net Income(Net Loss) for The Year(Total Com
재평가잉여금의대체 Transfer of Revaluation Surplus
보험수리적손익 Actuarial Gains(Losses)
지분법이익잉여금 Retained Earnings in Equity Method
합병분할(영업양수도등)로인한변동 Change by Merger and Acquisition
연결범위의변동 Change of Consolidated Scope
외화환산차이 Foreign Exchange Translation Debit
기타 Others
기말비지배주주지분 Non-Controlling Interests Equity at The Ending
처분후비지배주주지분 Non-Controlling Interests Equity After Approp
수정후비지배주주지분 Non-Controlling Interests Equity After Adju
기초비지배주주지분 Non-Controlling Interests Equity at The Be
회계정책변경누적효과 Accumulated Effect of Accounting Policy
전기오류수정손익 Gains or Losses on Prior Period Error Corr
기타 Others
(종속회사의배당금) (Dividends)
기타 Others
(중간배당) (Interim Dividends)
당기순이익(총포괄이익) Net Income(Net Loss) for The Year(Total Com
재평가잉여금 Revaluation Surplus
금융자산평가손익 Gains(Losses) on Valuation of Financial Assets
기타포괄손익-공정가치측정금융자산평가손익 Gains(Losses) on Valuation of Financial Ass
매도가능금융자산평가손익 Gains(Losses) on Valuation of Available-for-Sale Financial Assets
관계기업등지분법평가손익 Other Comprehensive Income of Associates etc.
환산관련외환차이적립금(환율변동차이) Reserve of exchange differences on translation
해외사업장순투자위험회피적립금 Reserve of hedges of net investment in foreign operations
확정급여제도보험수리적손익적립금 Reserve of actuarial gains or losses on defined benefit plans
확정급여제도의재측정요소 Re-measurement elements of Defined Benefit Plans
현금흐름위험회피적립금 Reserve of cash flow hedges
주식기준보상적립금 Reserve of share-based payments
기타포괄이익누계액 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
합병분할로인한변동 Change by Merger and Acquisition
연결범위의변동 Change of Consolidated Scope
외화환산차이 Foreign Exchange Translation Debit
기타 Others
합계 Sum Total
al Assets Measured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
ated)Financial Assets at FV through Profit
erm Trading Financial Assets
erm Investment Assets
le-for-Sale Financial Assets
o Maturity Investments
Financial Assets

on Financial Assets
es on Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income
es on Financial Assets at Amortised Cost
es on Available-for-Sale Financial Assets
es on Held to Maturity Investments
es on Other Financial Assets

es on Trade and Other Receivables

es on Inventories(Write-down)
es on Property, Plant and Equipment
es on Leased Housing Assets
es on Intangible Assets
es on Asset Held for Sale or Disposal Group
es on Other Assets

Method Securities

y Method Securities
es on Equity Method Securities
n-Controlling Interests Equity

from Operating Activities

nd Other Receivables

nts Receivable-Construction
nts Receivable- Lotting Out

Amount Due from Customers for Contract Work

Trade and Other Receivables

e Payments-Construction
Processing Expenses

Income Tax Assets(Prepaid Income Tax Payments)

s Provided(Assets)
d Income Tax Assets
nancial Institutions Assets
nd Receivables

t Assets(Costs)
Refund) Assets

rade and Payables

uction Payable

Amount Due to Customers for Contract Work

Trade and Other Payables
es from Construction Contracts
es from Real-Estate Sales
e from Customers

Income Tax Liabilities(Income Taxes Payable)

ns for Employee Benefits

ployee Benefits
etirement Allowance
d Income Tax Liabilities
nancial Liabilities

Refund) Liabilities

s Held for Sale

goods and the rendering of services

es, commissions and other revenue
remium, Pension, ETC.

eld for dealing or trading purposes.

goods and services

lf of employees
emium, Pension, ETC.

held for dealing or trading purposes.

cial Instruments
ng Financial Assets
able-for-Sale Financial Assets
to Maturity Investments

ancial Assets
ial Assets at FV through Profit
easured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
easured at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income
Amortised Cost

cial Instruments
Financial Assets
Financial Assets

sociates(Equity Method Securities )

oint Ventures

n Related Assets(Severance and Retirement Benefits)

ion and Evaluation Assets, Gross

nd Equipment

ment Use Rights

ation and Evaluation Assets, Gross
ublishing Titles, Gross
e, Models, Designs and Prototypes, Gross

titutions Assets
Held for Sale

sidiaries or other businesses

ial Instruments
g Financial Assets
ble-for-Sale Financial Assets
o Maturity Investments

al Assets at FV through Profit

asured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
asured at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income
Amortised Cost

al Instruments
nancial Assets

Financial Assets

ociates(Equity Method Securities )

Related Assets(Severance and Retirement Benefits)

on and Evaluation Assets, Gross

d Equipment

ment Use Rights

tion and Evaluation Assets, Gross
blishing Titles, Gross
Models, Designs and Prototypes, Gross
tutions Assets
Held for Sale

bsidiaries or Other Businesses

d Acquisition
sting Activities

Long-Term Asset-Backed Debts

Asset-Backed Debts
rrent Portion of Deferment Payment)
Other Long-Term Debts

l Transaction

gn Exchange Rates

ing Activities
f Long-Term Asset-Backed Debts
f Asset-Backed Debts
urrent Portion of Deferment Payment)
f Other Long-Term Debts

Dividend excepted)

al Transaction

terests Equity

gn Exchange Rates
d Acquisition
ncing Activities

Investing, Financing Activities

Exchange Rates
sh Equivalents
Beginning of Year)
비율 분석 Ratio Analysis
계정명 Account Name UNIT
영업이익률 Operating Profit/Sales %
세전계속사업이익률 Pre-tax Profit from Continuing Operations/%
당기순이익률 Net Profit/Sales %
총포괄이익률 Total Comprehensive Income/Sales %
평균자본수익률 Net Profit/Total Equity %
평균자산수익률 Net Profit/Total Assets %
매출총이익률 Gross Margin %
매출원가율 Cost of Sales/Sales %
판관비율 SG&A/Sales %
총자산영업이익률 Operating Profit/Total Assets %
총자산세전계속사업이익률 Pre-tax Profit from Continuing Operations/%
자기자본영업이익률 Operating Profit/Equity %
자기자본세전계속사업이익률 Pre-tax Profit from Continuing Operations/%
자본금영업이익률 Operating Profit/Paid-in Capital %
자본금세전계속사업이익률 Pre-tax Profit from Continuing Operations/P
납입자본이익률 Net Profit/Paid-in Capital %
영업수익경비율 SG&A/Operating Revenues %
유효법인세율 Taxes Rate %
총자산성장률 Total Assets Growth %
매출액성장률 Sales Growth %
영업이익성장률 Operating Profit Growth %
세전계속사업이익성장률 Pre-tax Profit from Continuing Operations %
당기순이익성장률 Net Profit Growth %
총포괄이익증가율 Total Comprehensive Income Growth %
EBIT증가율 EBIT Growth %
Operating EBIT증가율 Operating EBIT Growth %
비유동자산증가율 Non-current Assets Growth %
유형자산증가율 Tangible Assets Growth %
투자자산증가율 Investment Assets Growth %
부채총계증가율 Total Liabilities Growth %
총차입금증가율 Total Debt Growth %
자기자본증가율 Equity Growth %
유동자산증가율 Current Assets Growth %
당좌자산증가율 Quick Assets Growth %
매출채권증가율 Receivables Growth %
재고자산증가율 Inventory Growth %
유동부채증가율 Current Liabilities Growth %
매입채무증가율 Payables Growth %
비유동부채증가율 Non-current Liabilities Growth %
종업원수증가율 Employees Growth %
종업원1인당매출액증가율 Employee Sales Growth %
종업원1인당영업이익증가율 Employee Operating Profit Growth %
종업원1인당세전계속사업이익증가율 Employee Pre-tax Profit from Continuing O%
종업원1인당순이익증가율 Employee Net Profit Growth %
종업원1인당총포괄이익증가율 Employee Total Comprehensive Income %
종업원1인당부가가치증가율 Employee Added Value Growth %
종업원1인당인건비증가율 Employee Labor Cost Growth %
총자산회전율 Sales/Total Assets Ratio
매출채권회전율 Sales/Accounts Receivable Ratio
재고자산회전율 Sales/Inventory Ratio
매출원가/재고자산 Cost of Sales/Inventory Ratio
매입채무회전율 Sales/Accounts Payable Ratio
비유동자산회전율 Sales/Non-current Assets Ratio
유형자산회전율 Sales/Property, Plant and Equipment Ratio
순운전자본회전율 Sales/Net Working Capital Ratio
타인자본회전율 Sales/Liabilities Ratio
자기자본회전율 Sales/Equity Ratio
자본금회전율 Sales/Paid-in Capital Ratio
자기자본비율 Total Equity/Total Assets %
부채비율 Total Debt/Equity %
유동부채비율 Current Liabilities/Equity %
순부채비율 Net Debt to Equity %
유동비율 Current Ratio %
비유동비율 Non-current Assets/Equity %
당좌비율 Quick Ratio %
비유동부채비율 Non-current Liabilities/Equity %
차입금비율 Debt/Equity %
차입금의존도 Debt/Total Assets %
차입금/매출액 Debt/Sales %
재무레버리지 Financial Leverage %
비유동자산구성비율 Non-current Assets/Total Assets %
유동자산/비유동자산비율 Current Assets/Non-current Assets %
유형자산구성비율 Tangible Assets/Total Assets %
유동자산구성비율 Current Assets/Total Assets %
당좌자산구성비율 Quick Assets/Total Assets %
재고자산구성비율 Inventory/Total Assets %
재고자산/유동자산비율 Inventory/Current Assets %
매출채권/매입채무비율 Receivables/Payables %
매입채무/재고자산비율 Payables/Inventory %
금융비용부담률 Interest Expenses/Sales %
이자보상배율 EBIT/Interest Expenses Multiple
순이자보상배율 Operating Profit/Interest Expenses Multiple
EBITDA/순이자비용 EBITDA/Net Interest Expenses Multiple
EBITDA/이자비용 EBITDA/Interest Expenses Multiple
EBIT/순이자비용 EBIT/Net Interest Expenses Multiple
EBIT/이자비용 EBIT/Interest Expenses Multiple
Operating EBIT/순이자비용 Operating EBIT/Net Interest Expenses Multiple
Operating EBIT/이자비용 Operating EBIT/Interest Expenses Multiple
배당성향 Payout Ratio %
현금배당성향 Cash Payout Ratio %
현금배당률 Cash Dividend Rate %
현금배당수익률 Cash Dividend Yield Ratio %
주식배당률 Stock Dividend Rate %
배당률 Dividend Rate %
배당수익률 Dividend Yield Ratio %
시가배당률 Dividend Ratio to Market Value %
자본유보율 Reservation/Paid-in Capital %
유보액대비율 Reservation/Total Assets %
타인자본비용 Cost of Debt after Tax %
자기자본비용 Cost of Equity %
타인자본비중 Proportion of Debt %
자기자본비중 Proportion of Equity %
부가가치율 Value Added Ratio %
자본생산성 Capital Productivity %
노동생산성 Labor Productivity KRW bil.
자본집약도 Capital Intensity KRW bil.
노동소득분배율 Labor Income Share %
이익분배율 Profit Share %
종업원1인당매출액 Sales/Employee KRW bil.
종업원1인당영업이익 Operating Profit/Employee KRW bil.
종업원1인당세전계속사업이익 Pre-tax Profit from Continuing Operations KRW bil.
종업원1인당순이익 Net Profit/Employee KRW bil.
종업원1인당총포괄이익 Total Comprehensive Income/Employee KRW bil.
종업원1인당인건비 Labor Cost/Employee KRW bil.
유통주식비율 Free Float %
ailable-for-Sale Financial Assets
Associates etc.
on translation
ment in foreign operations
es on defined benefit plans
fined Benefit Plans

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