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Aim: To study the factor on which the self-

inductance of a coil depends by observing the

Effect of this coil, when put in series with a
resistor/(bulb) in a circuit fed up by an A.C.
source of adjustable frequency.

Materials Needed:

 Coil (inductor)
 Resistor (or bulb)
 AC power source with adjustable frequency
 Connecting wires
 Ammeter
 Voltmeter

1. Circuit Construction:

 Build a basic electrical circuit with an adjustable

A.C. source. This could be an A.C. generator or a
function generator.

 Ensure you have the necessary wires and

connectors for the circuit.

2.Connecting the Coil:

 Connect the coil in series with a resistor or a

bulb. Series connection means the components
are arranged in a single path for the current to

 Connect one end of the coil to one terminal of
the resistor or bulb.
 Connect the other end of the coil to one
terminal of the A.C. source.

3.Ground Connection:

 Connect the other terminal of the resistor or

bulb to the ground or common terminal of the
A.C. source. This completes the circuit loop.

4.Adjustable A.C. Source:

 Set up the adjustable A.C. source to provide a

range of frequencies. This can typically be done
using the frequency control on the generator.

5.Secure Connections:

 Ensure all connections are secure and free from

loose wires or potential disruptions.

Remember to follow safety precautions

while working with electrical
components, and double-check your
connections before powering up the
circuit. This setup allows you to vary the
frequency of the A.C. source while
observing the effects on the coil in series
with the resistor or bulb.


Adjustable Frequency:
 The frequency is the number of cycles per
second and is usually measured in hertz (Hz).
 Use the adjustable frequency feature on you’re
a.C. source to vary the frequency within a
specific range.
 As you conduct your experiment, change the
frequency settings to observe how the coil in
series with the resistor or bulb reacts at
different frequencies.

By manipulating the frequency as your variable,

you can investigate how changes in frequency
affect the behavior of the circuit. This allows
you to study the influence of frequency on the
self-inductance of the coil in your experimental


1.Low Frequency:

 At lower frequencies, observe the behavior of

the coil in series with the resistor or bulb.
 Record any changes in the brightness of the
bulb or any other observable effects.

2.Mid-Range Frequencies:

 Gradually increase the frequency and note how

the coil responds.
 Record observations regarding the brightness of
the bulb and any variations compared to the
lower frequencies.

3.High Frequency:

 Reach higher frequencies on the A.C. source.

 Observe the coil's behavior and document any
changes in the circuit.

4.Threshold Frequency:

 Identify a frequency where significant changes

occur in the behavior of the coil.
 Take note of this threshold frequency and
describe the associated effects on the bulb or
5.General Trends:

 Look for general trends in the relationship

between frequency and the behavior of the coil.

 Record any patterns or anomalies that stand
out during the experiment.

Remember to document your observations

systematically, possibly in a table format, noting
the frequency settings and corresponding
behavior of the coil. This will help you analyze
the data and draw conclusions about the factors
influencing the self-inductance of the coil in
your circuit.


1.Brightness Variation:

 Examine how the brightness of the bulb

changes with varying frequencies.
 Note any trends, such as an increase, decrease,
or specific frequency ranges that cause
significant changes.

2.Threshold Frequency:

 Identify the threshold frequency where

noticeable effects on the coil’s behavior occur.
 Analyze the significance of this frequency in
relation to the self-inductance of the coil.

3.Resonance Effects:

 Explore if there’s a specific frequency at which
the coil and the circuit show resonance-like
 Consider the implications of resonance on the
overall system.

4.Comparison at Different Frequencies:

 Compare the behavior of the coil at low, mid-

range, and high frequencies.
 Look for patterns or consistent behaviors that
may provide insights into the self-inductance of
the coil.

5.Correlation with Theory:

 Compare your experimental findings with
theoretical concepts related to self-inductance.
 Discuss any deviations or agreements between
your observations and theoretical expectations.

Through this analysis, you aim to uncover the

relationship between the frequency of the A.C.
source and the behavior of the coil, gaining
insights into the factors influencing its self-
inductance in the given circuit.


 The experiment reveals a clear correlation
between the frequency of the A.C. source and
the behavior of the coil in the circuit.
 Observations indicate that changes in frequency
influence the self-inductance of the coil,
impacting the brightness of the bulb or the
behavior of the resistor.
 A threshold frequency is identified, suggesting a
critical point where significant effects on the
coil’s behavior occur.
 Resonance-like behavior may be observed,
emphasizing the importance of frequency in
determining the coil’s response in the given

 The findings align (or deviate) with theoretical

expectations, providing valuable insights into
the factors affecting self-inductance.
 In summary, the experiment highlights the
dependency of the coil’s behavior on the

frequency of the A.C. source, contributing to a
deeper understanding of self-inductance in the
studied circuit.


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