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The Drought Crisis in Borena

Borena is a zone in the Oromia region located in the south to the Kenyan border of Ethiopia. It
is characterized by its dry and warm environment. The people of Borena are mostly nomadic
herders. Goats, camels and cattle play a major role as a source of income. Additionally, the
people have cultures and traditions, which by their nature are highly dependent on the survival
of livestock. Even weddings and various ceremonies are executed based solely on the amount
of cattle one can provide. However the region is naturally predisposed to harsh climatic
conditions and shortage of grazing land for the animal. As such the city had faced a variety of
difficulties throughout its history. But more recently it has encountered one of the most
devastating droughts on a scale it has never encountered before. The precious cattle are dying
from shortage of food and the people are starving to death.
So what are the measures taken by the Ethiopian government to overcome the problem? The
government of Ethiopia has put forward tentative solutions, but none has proven successful in
the long run. Some noteworthy mentions of the actions of the government can be seen on its
effort to mobilize the drought-stricken citizens into camps and give a trickle of support by
means of giving water and teff. There are also many fundraising initiatives across the country,
but they are not sufficient enough to provide long-lasting solutions. Overall, the quantity of
support is so little that it can’t feed a family for a day, as indicated by many of the residents of
Borena. One may think that the government is doing all it can to relieve Borena of misery
because we are one of the poor nations after all. But this is definitely not the case. How can a
nation spend millions of dollars constructing luxury parks and parking space while people are
dying of hunger? This contradicts to the very meaning of a good nation. Maybe people are
becoming selfish; maybe we all care too much about ourselves that we forgot what it means to
be human. A human has the capacity to recognize and respond to the moral claims and needs
of others, as well as to act in accordance with moral principles and values. Thus as citizens, we
all have obligations that we have not yet fulfilled.
In conclusion, the situation in Borena is extremely grave, and it is clear that the measures taken
by the Ethiopian government are not enough to alleviate the suffering of its people. The lack of
adequate support for the citizens of Borena raises serious questions about the government’s
priorities and commitment to its people. It is concerning that a nation can spend millions on
luxury projects while its citizens are dying of hunger and thirst. This highlights the need for a
fundamental shift in values and priorities, where the well-being of citizens is placed at the
forefront of government policies and strategies. Therefore we must take action and hold our
leaders accountable for their failures. And it is time for us to act like a proper citizen of a
country and support the Borena people in any way we can, whether that means volunteering
with aid organizations, donating money or resources or raising awareness about their crisis. So
let us stand together with the people of Borena and work towards a future where no one has to
suffer from the devastating effects of drought and famine.

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