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Bassnectar is often associated with performing at festivals like Shambhala, where he has been a

featured artist. His performances are characterized by heavy bass drops, intricate mixes, and a
diverse range of electronic music influences. The combination of Bassnectar's style and the
vibrant atmosphere of the Shambhala Music Festival has made their collaborations memorable
for fans of electronic music. It's worth noting that my information is accurate up to January
2022, and there may have been developments or changes since then. Bassnectar is often
associated with performing at festivals like Shambhala, where he has been a featured artist. His
performances are characterized by heavy bass drops, intricate mixes, and a diverse range of
electronic music influences. The combination of Bassnectar's style and the vibrant atmosphere of
the Shambhala Music Festival has made their collaborations memorable for fans of electronic
music. It's worth noting that my information is accurate up to January 2022, and there may have
been developments or changes since then.

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