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Mock exam “Practice questions”


Unit 1 “Algebra”
Unit 2 “Coordinate geometry”
Unit 3 “Statistics”
Unit 4 ‘Quadratics”

Unit 1 “Algebra”

1. Number systems and notation (set of positive integers and zero (N), integers
(Z), rational numbers (Q), irrational numbers (Q’), and real numbers (R))
Complete the table given

2. Convert a recurring decimal to a fraction:

3. Find the meaning:

4. Simplify

, giving your answer in the form , where a and b are integers

5. Solve (use a perfect square formula):

6. Solve equations

7. Write in a Scientific notation

8. Simplify

9. Solve equations
10. Solve inequalities

11. Make x as the subject of equations

Unit 2
Coordinate geometry

1. Plot each set of points and join them in the order given. Name each
geometrical shape that you make.

a (−2, 2), (2, 2), (2, −2), (−2, −2),(−2,

b (−5, 1), (−2, 1), (0, −1), (−6 ,−1),
(−5, 1)
c (0, 1), (2, −2),(−3, −1), (0, 1)
d (−3, 4), (−1, 4), (−2, 2), (−4, 2),
(−3, 4)

2. Find the distance between the points (−3,−1) and (2,3).

3. Find the midpoint of the line segment with the endpoints (7,−2) and (9,5).

4. The diameter of a circle has endpoints (−1,−4) and (5,−4). Find the center of
the circle.

5. The mid-point of the line joining P (−2, 5) and R (a, b) is M (2, 1). Calculate
the value of a and of b.

6. Classify this triangle, prove it.

7. Ayush starts walking from his house to office. Instead of going to the office
directly, he goes to a bank first, from there to his daughter’s school and then
reaches the office. What is the extra distance travelled by Ayush in reaching his
office? (Assume that all distances covered are in straight lines).
If the house is situated at (2, 4), bank at (5, 8), school at (13, 14) and office at
(13, 26) and coordinates are in km.

8. Find the equation of a line if the y intercept of this line is 3 and x- intercept is

9. If a line is passing through (-2, 8) and (2, 6), and there is another line
perpendicular to this line and is passing through (-4, -5) find the equations of
both these lines.

10. A given line is y = 2- 5x. There is another line parallel to this line and
passing though

(3, 5). Find the equation of this line.

11. How will you calculate the distance between two parallel lines? Give all the

Using the above steps, find the distance between the lines y = 4-x and y = 12- x.

12. What kind of triangles are the following points making:

a. (1, 2), (2, 3), (6, 9)

b. (1, 3), (5, 7), (11, 13)

c. (1, 3), (4, 6), (12, 19)

13. Solve the following equations graphically and algebraically:

y= 4x – 5 x-y= 3

y= -4x + 5 x- 2y= 2
14. How will you prove if three points are collinear or not? Give the steps.

Using the above, prove whether the following points are collinear or not:

a. (4, 7), (5, 8), (20, 23)

b. (2, 4), (3, 6), (5, 10)

15. Find the area of the triangle formed by (1, 7), (-2, -4) and (3, 6).

16. Fill the table:

Straight line equation Gradient y-intercept

17. For the line y= 3x + 2, determine which of the following points does it pass
Point Passes through Doesn’t pass through
(0, 2)
(0, 3)
(1, 9)
(1, 5)
(-1, -1)

18. Calculate the mid-point of points (-12, 5) and (-4, -11) and find the distance
between these two points.

19. Find the equation of a line with gradient which passes through (-3, 4).

20. Find k if (-3, -1) lies on the line

21. Find the equation of a line with zero gradient that passes through (5, -4)
Draw the graph of the line with


Find the equation of a line which is

parallel to and passes

through (0,0).

Find the equation of a line which is

perpendicular to and
passes through (0,0).

23. Find the equation connecting

the variables for the graph given.

Find the equation for a line which

is perpendicular to this line and
passes through (0,0).

Find the intercept point between a

line for the graph given and a line
which is perpendicular to this line
and passes through (0,0).

24. What inequality does this graph represent? (Write an inequality)

25. Fill the table:

Circle equations Coordinate of the center Radius

26. Prove that the points (-5,-4), (2, 2), (3,-2) and (-4,0) are the vertices of

27. Find the equation of the line passing through (1, -1) and parallel to

28. Calculate the shortest distance between the point A (6, 5) and the line
y = 2x + 3.

29. Write the equation of a line:

Write the equation of the parallel line what goes through the origin.

30. A (2, 5), B (-1, 2) and C (2, -1) are the vertices of a triangle. Prove that
ΔABC is isosceles.

31. A ship, A, is anchored at the point (6, 1). Its radar detects another ship, S. At
a given instant ship S is at position (13, -10).

Find the distance between the two ships at this time.

Ship S moves along a straight path. Two hours later S is at position (20, 21).
Calculate the speed of ship S to one decimal place.
(Take all lengths to be kilometres.)
32. The diagram shows six line segments a, b, c, d, e and f.
Find each gradient to its respective line.

33. The line which passes through the points (1, 2) and (k, 5) has a gradient of

. Find the value of k.

34. If a line is passing through (-2, 8) and (2, 6), and there is another line
perpendicular to this line and is passing through (-4, -5) find the equations of
both these lines.

Find the equation of the tangent to the circle

35. Find the equation of the tangent line to the circle at the
point (6, 2).

36. Find t given that A(1, 1), B(t, 5) and C(- 1, - t) are collinear.

37. Draw a triangle PQR by joining the points P (1, 4), Q (3, 1), R (2, -1) on the
graph paper. Now the triangle is rotated about the origin through 90° in
clockwise direction so that point P moves to 𝑃', point Q moves to 𝑄' and point R
moves to 𝑅'. Mark the points 𝑃', 𝑄', 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅' on the grid and draw triangle
𝑃'𝑄'𝑅'. Find the equations of the lines PQ and 𝑃'𝑄' and the coordinates of the
point where they cross.

38. Graph each absolute value function

Unit 3 “Statistics”
Unit 4
Expande the Difference of Squares

Solve by factoring.

Solve each equation by completing the square.

Use the quadratic formula to solve each equation.

Use techniques such as number sense and mental math to help you choose one
or more methods of solving each equation.
Explain your reasoning

Find the number of real-number solutions of each equation

Sketch both functions on the same coordinate grid

Find the vertex of each parabola, and identify its shape as opening upward or

What is the equation for the parabola shown in the graph

Identify the zeros of the quadratic function

Write a quadratic function in standard form for the parabola shown.

For each graph, write a quadratic function in vertex form and standard

Find the vertex, the axis of symmetry, whether the parabola opens upward
or downward, and the domain and range of the function.

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