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Coordinate Geometry


Botolan, Zambales

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Module 13 | Page 1
Module 13: Coordinate Geometry
At the end of the module, the student will be able to:
a. Define the Distance Formula.
b. Apply the distance formula.
c. Derive the slope and equation of a line.
Perhaps, one question that you may be asking yourself is “How does any of this geometry
relate to what I learned in algebra? There are connections between the figures that you have seen
in geometry and the equations that you saw in algebra. Points are plotted on a Cartesian plane,
named after Rene Descartes who was the first mathematician to connect geometrical figures and

Lesson 1: Distance Formula

Ruler Postulate:
The points on a line can be put into a one-to-one correspondence (paired) with the real
numbers. The distance between any two points is represented by the absolute value of the
difference between the numbers.

In a Cartesian plane it is easy to find the distance between two lines if it is graphed
horizontally or vertically. But what if it was graphically slanted just like the example below. Is there
any way to find the measure of a line in a Cartesian plane other than using measuring tools?

In your previous module, you determined the length of a segment by connecting it to a right
triangle on a graph paper and then apply the Pythagorean Theorem. How about if the points are
so far apart that your graph paper cannot accommodate to plot them?
To find the distance between two points, you can just count the square on side PR and the
squares on side QR, then use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the PQ. But when the distances
are too great to count, we find the distance as follows:
The vertical distance QR = 7-1 = 6.
The horizontal distance PR = 5-1 = 4.
Now find the length of PQ:
PQ2 = (5-1)2 + (7-1)2
= (4)2 + (6)2
= 16 + 36
Module 13 | Page 2
= 52
PQ = √ 52 or 2√ 13

Can you generalize this result and arrived with a formula for the distance between any two
points in the coordinate plane?

If the coordinates of points P and Q are (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) respectively, then
PQ2 = (_____)2 + (____)2 and PQ = √ (¿ ¿ )2+(¿¿ )2.

Developing Skills
Derived from the Pythagorean Theorem, the distance formula is used to find the distance
between two points in the plane. The Pythagorean Theorem, a2+b2=c2, is based on a right triangle
where a and b are the lengths of the legs adjacent to the right angle, and c is the length of the

The relationship of sides |x2−x1| and |y2−y1| to side d is the same as that of sides a and b to

side c. We use the absolute value symbol to indicate that the length is a positive number because
the absolute value of any number is positive. (For example, |−3|=3|−3|=3. ) The symbols |x2−x1|
and |y2−y1| indicate that the lengths of the sides of the triangle are positive. To find the length c,
take the square root of both sides of the Pythagorean Theorem.
c2=a2+b2→ c = √ a2 +b 2
It follows that the distance formula is given as

Distance Formula
d = √ (x 2−x 1)2 +( y 2− y 1)2
d - distance
x1, y1 - coordinates of the first point
x2, y2 - coordinates of the second point

We do not have to use the absolute value symbols in this definition because any number
squared is positive.

Illustrative Example
Find the distance between the following two points.
1. How far is the point A(6,8) from the origin?
2. Find the distance between the two points (–3, 2) and (3,5).

Module 13 | Page 3
1. The coordinates of the origin is at (0,0).
If we plot the points (0,0) and (6,8) on a Cartesian Plane, we will get something
similar to the one below.

If we let the origin be the first point, then we have (x1,y1)=(0,0) which implies
x1=0 and y1=0.
Consequently, the second point would be (6,8). Therefore, (x2,y2)=(6,8) which
means x2=6 and y2=8.
Now, we substitute the values into the Distance Formula then simplify to get the
distance between the two points in question.
d = √ (x 2−x 1)2 +( y 2− y 1)2
d = √ (6−0)2 +(8−0)2
d = √ (6−0)2 +(8−0)2
d = √ (6)2 +( 8)2
d = √ 36+64
d = √ 100
d = 10
The distance of point A from the origin is 10 units.
You can observe that when getting the value of d we can really arrive at two solutions,
±10. We will only accept positive 10 because there is no negative measurement.
2. Find the distance between the two points (–3, 2) and (3, 5).
Label the parts of each point properly and substitute it into the distance formula.
If we let (−3,2) be the first point then it will take the subscript of 1, thus, x1=−3 and y1=2.
Similarly, if (3,5) be the second point it will have the subscript of 2, thus, x2=3 and y2=5.
Here is the calculation,
d = √ (x 2−x 1)2 +( y 2− y 1)2
d = √ (3−(−3))2 +(5−2)2
d = √ (6)2 +( 3)2
d = √ 36+9
d = √ 45
d = √ 9•√ 5
d = 3√ 5

Therefore, the distance between two points (–3, 2) and (3,

5) is 3√ 5 . This is how it looks on a graph.

 Ruler Postulate: The points on a line can be put into a one-to-one correspondence (paired)
with the real numbers. The distance between any two points is represented by the absolute
value of the difference between the numbers.
 Distance Formula
Module 13 | Page 4
d = √ (x 2−x 1)2 +( y 2− y 1)2

Oronce, Orlando A. and Mendoza Marilyn O., (2010). E-math: Worktext in Geometry. Rex
Publishing Corp.: Sampaloc Manila.

Prepared by:
JEREMY A. FRONDA Reviewed by:
TEP Coordinator

Assessment Tasks
Answer the following: (show your complete solution)
A. Find the distance of the two points.
(x1,y1) (x2,y2) d
1. (2,3) (3,8)
2. (3,8) (2,6)
3. (12,6) (5,9)
4. (4,7) (1,8)
5. (2,4) (4,10)

B. Solve.
1. While designing a room, Amanda wants to add some architectural details by placing a
wooden beam along the ceiling so that it goes from one corner of the ceiling to a non-
adjacent corner. If the coordinates of one corner are given by (0ft, 0ft)  and the coordinates
of a non-adjacent corner are given by 20 ft, 15 ft) , how long must the wooden beam be?
2. On an xy-coordinate plane, the position of Botolan is given by the coordinates (-40 km, 60
km) and the position of Subic is given by the coordinates (50 km, -60 km). Approximately
how far away is Botolan from Subic?

Lesson 2: Slope of a Line

Getting Ready!

1. Plot the points (2,1) and (6,3) on a coordinate plane.

Draw a line through the two points.
Module 13 | Page 5
2. Use the ratio of rise to run to determine the slope of the line.
3. Find the difference between the y- coordinate of the first point and the y-coordinate of the
second point. What does this difference represent?
4. Find the difference between the x- coordinate of the first point and the x- coordinate of the
second point. What does this difference represent?

The slope m of a line through P 1 and P2 with coordinates (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) where x1≠
x2 is m = ______________

Developing Skills
Graph of some linear equations are vertical and some
are horizontal. Some slant upward from left to right. Some
slant downward. Some slant more steeply than others. Let us
now look for a way to describe these behaviors with numbers.
Consider a line with two points marked P1 and P2. As
we move from P1 to P2, the y- coordinates change from 1 to
4 and the x- coordinates change from 2 to 7. The change in y
is 4-1, or 3. The change in x is 7-2, or 5.
The change in y is called the rise and the change in x
is the run. The ratio is the same for any two points on a
line. The ratio is called the slope of the line. The slope
rise 3
describes the slant of a line. The slope of the line in the graph is given by
or .
run 5
The mathematical definition of a slope gives a precise method for assigning a numerical
value to the slope of a line.

The slope m of a line containing points P(x 1,y1), and
y 2− y 1
Q(x2,y2) is given by m = where x 2 ≠ x 1 .
x 2−x 1

Example 1
Find the slope of the line containing each pair of points. Describe the position of the line in the
coordinate plane.
a. P(-3,-3) and H(3,1)
b. Q(-8,-2) and C(2,-7)
c. U(-2,5) and V(4,5)
d. M(4,8) and S(4,4)
y 2− y 1
Use the formula m= in all cases.
x 2−x 1
y 2− y 1 1+ 3 4 2
a. m = = = =
x 2−x 1 3+3 6 3
Note: If we reverse (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), the result will be the same.
PH slants up to the right.

Module 13 | Page 6
y 2− y 1 −7+2 −5 1
b. M = = = =-
x 2−x 1 2+ 8 10 2
QC slants down to the right.
y 2− y 1 5−5 0
c. m = = = =0
x 2−x 1 4+ 2 6
UV is a horizontal line.

y 2− y 1 4−8 −4
d. m = = = = undefined
x 2−x 1 4−4 0
MS is a vertical line.

You can determine if two lines are parallel or perpendicular by examining their
slopes. Lines that have the same slope may be parallel. Lines whose slopes are negative
reciprocals of each other are perpendicular. In example 1, every line with slope m =
(except PH) is parallel to PH. A line perpendicular to PH has slope m = - . A line with a
positive slope slants up to the right while a line with a negative slope slants down to the

Two nonvertical lines, with different y-intercepts are parallel if and only if their slopes are
equal. Two nonvertical lines are perpendicular if and only if the product of their slopes is

y 2− y 1
 The slope m of a line containing points P(x1,y1), and Q(x2,y2) is given by m =
x 2−x 1
where x 2 ≠ x 1 .
 Two nonvertical lines, with different y-intercepts are parallel if and only if their slopes
are equal. Two nonvertical lines are perpendicular if and only if the product of their
slopes is -1.
Oronce, Orlando A. and Mendoza Marilyn O., (2010). E-math: Worktext in Geometry. Rex
Publishing Corp.: Sampaloc Manila.

Prepared by:
JEREMY A. FRONDA Reviewed by:
TEP Coordinator
Assessment Tasks
Module 13 | Page 7
A. Find the slope of the line joining each pair of points.
1. T(3,4) and L(6,10)
2. P(-2,-3) and E(0,-3)
3. O(0,-1) and A(6,11)
4. J(-3,9) and R(4,0)
B. Determine the unknown coordinate so that the line containing the points has the indicated
5. (2,10) and (4,p); m=-
6. (-1,6) and (4,a); m=0
C. Use the given condition below. Graph each line on the same coordinate plane.
a. Line p which passes through (0,1) and m = .
b. Line q is parallel to line p and passes through (2,-1).
c. Line r is perpendicular to line p and passes through (1,1).
D. The coordinates of the vertices of a quadrilateral ROME are at R(8,12), O(12,6) M(6,2), and
E(2,8). Is it a square, a rectangle, or a parallelogram?
E. How to identify a graph of a line if it is;
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. 0
d. Undefined

Module 13 | Page 8
Lesson 3: Linear Equations
Warm Up
y 2− y 1
 The slope m of a line containing points P(x1,y1), and Q(x2,y2) is given by m = where
x 2−x 1
x 2 ≠ x 1.
 The y-intercept of a line is they- coordinate of the point where the line intersects the y-
A. Identify the slope and the y-intercept of the following lines.

rise 2
m= = =2
run 1
y- intercept is (0,3)


rise 3
m= = =3
run 1
y- intercept is (0,-1)

Developing Skills
If a line has slope m and y- intercept b, then the slope intercept form of the given line
is given by:
y = mx + b
Note: This theorem can be used in drawing the graph of a linear equation.

Illustrative Examples:
1. Find the slope and y- intercept of each line 4x+5y=10
Write the equation in slope- intercept form: y = mx + b.
4x + 5y = 10
5y = -4x + 10
y=- x+2
The slope m is - and the y- intercept b is 2.
2. Write the slope- intercept of the line with slope 5 and y- intercept 8.
Substitute 5 in place of m and 8 in place of b in the formula y=mx+b.
y = 5x + 8
Thus, y = 5x + 8 is the desired equation.
3. Draw each graph on a coordinate plane.
a. y= x + 3
b. 3x – 4y = 8

Module 13 | Page 9
a. M = and b = 3
Start at P(0,3)
1 ← up 1
With m = 2¿
2 ←¿
b. Write the equation in slope-intercept form.
3x – 4y = 8
y= x–2
start at P(0,-2)
3 ← up 1
with m = 2¿
4 ←¿

 The equation of the horizontal line is y=b where b is the y-intercept.
 The equation of a vertical line is x=a, where (a, 0) are the coordinates of the point where
the line intersects the x-axis.
 A line may also be represented by a linear equation in standard form.


The equation of the line can be written in standard form ax + by = c, where a and b
are not both equal to zero.

Illustrative Examples
1. Write y+7 = (x+2) in standard form.
1 Given
y+7 = (x+2)
2y+14 = x+2 Multiply both sides by 2.
-x+2y=-12 Subtract x and 14 from both sides.
x-2y=12 Multiply both sides by -1.

Another way of representing a linear equation is given by the next theorem.

If a line passes through P( x 1, y 1), and has a slope m, then the point slope form of the
line is given by
y- y 1=m(x- x 1)

 If a line has slope m and y- intercept b, then the slope intercept form of the given line is
given by: y = mx + b
 The equation of the line can be written in standard form ax + by = c, where a and b are not
both equal to zero.
 If a line passes through P( x 1, y 1), and has a slope m, then the point slope form of the line is
given by: y- y 1=m(x- x 1).

Oronce, Orlando A. and Mendoza Marilyn O., (2010). E-math: Worktext in Geometry. Rex
Publishing Corp.: Sampaloc Manila.

Prepared by:
Module 13 | Page 10
JEREMY A. FRONDA Reviewed by:
TEP Coordinator

Assessment Tasks
A. Find the slope and y- intercept of the line represented by each.
1. Y=-7x+2
2. 4x+3y=8
3. 3x-8y=10
4. 8x-4y=16
B. Write the equation of the line with given slope and y- intercept.
5. M=-5, b=4
6. M= , b=-5
C. Write each equation in standard form (ax + by = c).
7. Y=9-5x
8. 2x-9=4y
D. Answer the following.
9.10. The vertices of the quadrilateral are C(0,5), R(2,9), E(8,8) and W(5,4). Write an
equation for the line containing the diagonals.

Module 13 | Page 11

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