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Section A

1. The diagram shows a cell.

Which structure is not present?

A. cell wall
B. cell membrane
C. nucleus
D. cytoplasm

2. Groups of different tissues working together are called ____________.

A. system
B. origin
C. organ
D. genre

3. Chemical reaction occurring inside tissue cells is referred to as ________.

A. respiration
B. excretion
C. metabolism
D. sensation

4. Organelles are normally found in __________.

A. tonoplast
B. cytoplasm
C. Nucleoplasm
D. vacuole

5. Plasma membrane is ______________.

A. permeable
B. semi-permeable
C. impermeable
D. stronger than cell wall

6. Xylem tissues are also called as _____________.

A. lignin
B. wood
C. supportive
D. all of these

7. Living matter of a cell is called as _____________.

A. biomass
B. chlorophyll
C. protoplasm
D. muscle cell

8. Protoplasm of a cell consists of ______________.

A. cell wall, cell membrane and nucleus

B. vacuole, chloroplast, tonoplast
C. cell membrane and nucleus
D. nucleus, cytoplasm, cell surface membrane

9. The diagram shows a cell.

Which type of cell does the diagram show?

A. a plant cell in pure water

B. a plant cell in a concentrated solution of salts
C. an animal cell in a concentrated solution of salts
D. an animal cell in pure water

10. Vacuoles of animal cells are ________________.

A. Permanent
B. semi-permanent
C. temporal
D. large and central

11. The diagram shows plant cells.

Which structure is labelled Y?

A. Chloroplast
B. cell wall
C. cytoplasm
D. nucleus

12. The substance within a circular biconcave shape is called _________.

A. Mitochondrion
B. Centrioles
C. Chromatin
D. Haemoglobin

13. Group of cells performing similar functions are called _________.

A. Organ
B. Tissues
C. System
D. epithelium

14. Cell sap is found inside ___________.

A. Nucleoplasm
B. Vacuoles
C. Protoplasm
D. Cytoplasm

15. Which one of the following describes properties of red blood cells?

A. are biconvex in shape

B. can reproduce
C. do not have a nucleus
D. are permanent cells

16. The diagram shows a section through a root.

What are the levels of organisation of the labelled structures?

cell organ tissue


17. Vacuoles of plant cells are ______________.

A. Permanent
B. impermeable
C. semi-permanent
D. temporary

18. Activities ensuring life of a cell are carried out in _______________.

A. Cytoplasm
B. Mitochondrion
C. Protoplasm
D. Vacuoles

19. Temporarily stored energy in a cell is produced with help of ________.

A. Cell sap
B. Nucleus
C. Chloroplast
D. Mitochondrion

20. Dissolved substances such as minerals, and sugars are found in ______.

A. Protoplasm
B. Cytoplasm
C. Nucleoplasm
D. Cell sap

21. Plant cell wall is made up of __________________.

A. plasma membrane
B. cellulose
C. cell sap
D. cell surface membrane

22. Cell surface membrane is also called _____________.

A. Plasma membrane
B. Cell wall
C. Nuclear envelope
D. Nuclear membrane

23. Which pair of statements about a plant cell is correct?

Outer surface of the cell Position of sap vacuole

A cell wall Surrounded by the cytoplasm
B cell membrane Outside the cytoplasm
C cell wall Outside the cytoplasm
D cell membrane Surrounded by the cytoplasm

24. Unlike plant cells, animal cells have ____________.

A. no vacuoles
B. 2 vacuoles
C. many vacuoles
D. 1 vacuole

25. The structure labelled X in the diagram is only found in plants.

What is name of the part X?

A. chloroplast
B. cytoplasm
C. cell wall
D. vacuole
26. Which structures contain a cell nucleus?

Red blood cell Xylem vessel Root hair

A Yes yes yes
B yes no no
C no yes no
D no no yes

27. Two identical fresh potatoes stripes are cut to measure 40 mm long.
One (W) is placed in water and the other (X) is placed in a concentrated
sugar solution.
What are the possible lengths of the cylinders after two hours?

length of cylinder / mm
A 40 40
B 42 38
C 38 42
D 42 40
28. The diagram shows a spongy
mesophyll cell.

Which structures indicate that this is a plant cell?

A. P and S
B. Q and R
C. R and P
D. S and Q

29. The diagram shows blood passing through an arteriole into a capillary.
Part of the capillary wall has been cut away to show the blood.

What is the level of organisation of the structures labelled P and Q?


A Organ cell
B organ tissue
C tissue cell
D tissue tissue

30. What is a characteristic of all catalysts?

A. They are broken down in the reaction.

B. They do not change the rate of the reaction.
C. They are made of protein.
D. They are not changed by the reaction.

31. The diagram shows the movement of a concentrated sugar solution up a

glass tube. The glass tube is connected firmly to a hollowed-out carrot.
Why does the sugar solution in the glass tube rise?

A. Water molecules move across the carrot tissue into the beaker.
B. Sugar molecules move across the carrot tissue into the beaker.
C. Sugar molecules move across the carrot tissue into the glass tube.
D. Water molecules move across the carrot tissue into the glass tube.

32. A plant absorbs water and oxygen into its roots. How are these
substances absorbed?

Water Oxygen
A. transpiration osmosis
B. osmosis diffusion
C. diffusion transpiration
D. transpiration transpiration

33. The diagram shows the lock and key model of enzyme action.
Which is the enzyme and which is the substrate?

Enzyme Substrate
A. 1 3
B. 1 2
C. 3 2
D. 3 1

34. The table shows the temperature and pH at which four different
enzymes are most active.
Which enzyme is a protease from the stomach?

optimum temperature optimum pH

/ °C
A 50 5
B 37 7
C 25 10
D 40 2

35. Amylase becomes denatured at a alkaline pH of _________.

A. 8
B. 9
C. 6
D. 7

36. Enzymes catalyses occurring in living cells over ____________.

A. on strong heating
B. in freezing cold
C. very narrow temperature range
D. at room temperature

37. Digestive enzymes are used in ______________.

A. house paints
B. washing powder
C. dying fabrics
D. car wash

38. In mammals, catalase is common in ____________.

A. liver
B. pancreas
C. blood
D. both A and B

39. What does a pH value of above 7 indicates?

A. alkaline
B. acidic
C. enzyme
D. all of the above

40. What is a substance which can alter or speed up chemical reaction

without itself being chemically unchanged?

A. Pathology
B. Saliva
C. Catalyst
D. Influenza

41. Enzymes are largely _____________.

A. fat-based
B. Carbohydrates-based
C. protein-based
D. Minerals-based

42. Enzymes are _____________.

A. produced regularly
B. only when they are needed
C. same for plants and animals
D. are commonly found in blood

43. Beyond optimum temperature, enzyme ______________.

A. becomes flat
B. becomes hyperactive
C. divides to form smaller enzymes
D. becomes denatured

44. Which organic substance makes up biological catalysts?

A. Carbohydrates
B. fats
C. Potassium
D. Proteins

45. Salivary and pancreatic amylase help digest _____________.

A. proteins
B. starch
C. fats
D. minerals

46. At a pH 7 to 9, activity of amylase _________________.

A. stops
B. slows
C. expedites
D. ends
47. Binding of enzyme and substrate on active site is explained through __.

A. hide and seek hypothesis

B. lock and hide hypothesis
C. lock and run hypothesis
D. lock and key hypothesis

48. Extreme changes in acidity or alkalinity of solutions __________.

A. produce more hydrogen per oxide

B. more enzymes are needed
C. enzymes may become denatured
D. foods gets digested earlier

49. A denatured enzyme ____________.

A. loses its concave structure

B. loses its active sites
C. gets divided into many smaller enzymes
D. becomes even more quicker in chemical reactions

50. Nature of most intestinal enzymes is ______________.

A. acidic
B. alkaline
C. water based
D. mineral based

51. Neutral point like water (H2O) has a pH of _____________.

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 10

52. Organic catalysts may also be called as __________________.

A. Chemical Catalysts
B. Biological catalysts
C. Physical catalysts
D. Situational Catalysts

53. Which enzyme converts of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen?

A. catalysis
B. catalase
C. bile
D. fructose

Section B:

1. Use the microscopic image below showing some cells to answer the
questions that follow.

a. What type of cells are shown in the diagram? [1]

__________ Answer: plant cell.

b. Name structure C. _________________ Answer: cytoplasm. [1]

c. Two important structures do not appear on the microscopic image.

State the structure, not in the image that plays an essential role
during photosynthesis. ________________ Answer: chloroplast. [1]

d. Structure B is found both in animal cells and plant cells, state the
name of this structure. _________________ Answer: nucleus. [1]
2. The microscopic image below shows a specialised cell.

a) Name this cell. _____________ Answer: red blood cell. [1]

b) What name is given to the shape of the cell? ______________ [1]

Answer: biconcave.

c) Which organelle found in all cell but is not found in the above cell?
________________ Answer: nucleus. [1]

d) What is the main function of this cell? ___________

Answer: transport. [1]

3. Which carbohydrate make up the cell wall?___________________ [1]

Answer: cellulose

4. Where in the cell are all activities determined? ______________ [1]

Answer: nucleus

5. Which structure prevents a turgid plant cell from bursting?

___________________________ Answer: cell wall [1]

6. Which pigment in plant cells traps light? ________________ [1]

Answer: chlorophyll

7. What name is given to fluid that fills the vacuole? ______________ [1]
Answer: cell sap

8. Which animal tissue contracts to support and move the body?

___________________________ Answer: muscle [1]

Which plant cell is specialised to absorb water and minerals from the soil
water? ___________________ Answer: root hair [1]

9. What is the major protein found in red blood cells?

________________________ Answer: haemoglobin [1]

10. What name is given to organisms composed of many cells as opposed to

unicellular organisms? ________________Answer: multi-cellular [1]

11. Which organ system consists of the lungs as one of its major organs?
________________________ Answer: gaseous exchange [1]

12. In which type of solution do red blood cells become crenated? [1]
_________________ Answer: hypertonic

13. Which word means a plant cell whose cytoplasm has greatly pulled away
from the cell wall? ______________ Answer: plasmolysed [1]

14. What name is given to a plant cell which is full of water? _______ [1]
Answer: turgid
15. What happens to red blood cells when placed in hypotonic solution?
__________________________ Answer: swells [1]

16. Why is starch not used as the immediate source of energy by

germinating seeds? ________________ Answer: Insoluble [1]

17. What happens to an enzyme at a temperature of 60oC?

_________________________ Answer: Denatured [1]
18. What colour change is observed when trypsin breaks down poly proteins
in milk? ___________________ Answer: Colourless [1]

19. What is the collective name for chemical reactions occuring in a living
organism? ___________________ Answer: Metabolism [1]

20. Why is starch not used as the immediate source of energy by

germinating seeds? _______________________ [1]
Answer: Insoluble

Section C:

1. The enzyme lactase digests lactose into simple sugars.

a. Define the term enzyme. [2]

Enzymes are proteins that act as (biological) catalysts to speed up or
alter the speed of chemical reactions and they are not changed by the

b. Describe how you could test for the presence of reducing sugars.
State what you would observe if the result was positive. [3]
Crushing the food to be tested and mix it with the Benedict’s reagent.
Heat the food and reagent mixture to at least 70 °C. If the colour
changes from blue to red, it shows the presence of reducing sugar.
c. Fig. 1.1 shows the results of an investigation into the effect of pH on
the activity of the

Fig. 1.1

i. Use Fig. 1.1 to determine the optimum pH of lactase. [1]


ii. Describe effect of the changes in pH on the activity of lactase. [3]

Increasing the pH increases the lactase / enzyme activity up to a
pH of 8.6. Beyond this pH, as pH rises further the lactase activity
decreases. Lactase is only active between pH 4 and 13.
2. The diagram shows the structure of an animal and plant cell.

a. Label on the diagram the following structures labelled A – F [6]

A - cell membrane, B - cytoplasm, C - nucleus, D - chloroplast
E – vacuole and F - cell wall.

b. List the structures found in both cells. [1]

Cytoplasm, nucleus, cell membrane, vacuole.

c. Compare the vacuole of the plant and animal cell. [4]

Animal cell - small, temporary.
Plant cell - large, permanent.

d. Describe the function cell wall. [2]

It is freely permeable to salts and water. The cellulose maintains
shape to cell, prevents cell from bursting when it is turgid.

3. The diagram shows a specialized cell.

a. Identify the cell. [1]

b. State the function of the cell. [2]

It transmits impulses throughout the body.

c. Explain how the cell is adapted to its function. [2]

They have thin extensions of the cytoplasm which enable it to reach

every body organ.

4. a. Explain the term osmosis. [4]

Special diffusion, only water molecules move from higher
concentration to lower concentration through a partially permeable
membrane. Osmosis is a form of passive transport requiring no
energy, the molecules move using their own energy.

b. Explain how oxygen diffuses rapidly from the alveoli into blood. [2]
Alveoli are one cell thick which shortens the distance of movement.
The alveoli are minute which increases the surface area for oxygen
absorption. Oxygen diffuses from the red blood cells where they are
more concentrated into the alveoli where they are less concentrated.

c. Name the process where oxidation is used in the body. [1]


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