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ENGLISH Role - Play: Speak two paragraphs about your favourite Completion of
LANGUAGE AUGUST character. Language notebook
(It could be from a story book, novel, movie or cartoon)

DECEMB Show and Tell: Show a picture or an object and speak Completion of
ER two paragraphs about it. Language notebook

ENGLISH Completion of
LITERATURE AUGUST Narrate a story with a moral. Literature notebook

If you were given the power to change anything, what

would you change? And why? What would you do? Speak
DECEMB 2 paragraphs about it. Begin with “If I had the power to Completion of
ER change anything, I would change………..” Literature notebook

Write Five sentences on 'Myself' in hindi and stick the Completion of Hindi
HINDI AUGUST pictures accordingly. notebook

मेरा पररचय' इस विषय पर पााँ च िाक्य विखिए और उनके अनुसार

वचत्र िगाइए |

DECEMB Write any 10 One word for many and stick the pictures Completion of Hindi
ER accordingly. notebook

कोई दस अनेक शब्ोों के विए एक शब् वििकर उनके वचत्र

वचपकाइए |
Make a calendar for the month of August 2022. Name and Completion of
MATHEMATIC stick the picture of any one festival celebrated in this Mathematics
S AUGUST month. notebook

Completion of
DECEMB Measure the lengths of the following items ( pencil, eraser, Mathematics
ER book, compass box and chalk) notebook

Stick two pictures of each and name them- a. Plants with Completion of
SCIENCE AUGUST tap roots , b. plants with fibrous roots Science notebook

c. plants which store food in the stem, d. plants that store

food in the leaves , e. plants that store

food in the flower.

DECEMB Completion of
ER Stick picture of 5 different types of nests built by birds Science notebook
Write two sentences on each.

SOCIAL Stick a picture of the Lal Mahal and write about how Shivaji Completion of Social
STUDIES AUGUST taught ShaistaKhan a lesson. studies notebook

DECEMB Stick a picture of any five harvest festivals celebrated in Completion of Social
ER India and write two sentences about Studies notebook.

each festival.

i) Create a list of 5 Operating systems available in the

COMPUTERS AUGUST market and paste pictures of same in the
Completion of
project book. label them. Computer notebook

ii) Collect the pictures of all versions of Windows

operating system, along with its year of launch and

stick them in the project book.

i) Prepare a Word document on all the shortcut keys and

their functionalities.(for example -CTRL +N

DECEMB to create a new file) Paste a coloured printout in the Completion of

ER project book. Computer notebook
ii) Find the pictures of the terms related to the Internet.and
paste them in the project book,

also label them.

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