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Non-Mendelian Heritance

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

 Incomplete dominance is a form of intermediate inheritance in which one allele for a specific trait is
not completely expressed over its paired allele. This results in a third phenotype in which the
expressed physical trait is a combination of the phenotypes of both alleles.
 An example of incomplete dominance is flower color in four o’ clock plant, like shown in Figure 1.
When a pure red-flowered four o’clock plant is crossed with a pure white flowered four o’ clock
plant, the offspring will produce neither red nor white flowers. Instead, all flowers will be pink.
Figure 1
 Alleles are different form of a gene that controls a certain trait and is written with different letters and
both are in uppercase.
 RR would represent individuals that have two alleles for red flower color – a homozygous
 WW would represent individuals that have two alleles for white flower color – a homozygous
 RW would represent individuals that have one allele for red flower color and one allele for white
flower color – the heterozygous genotype.
 Either allele could be written before the other, as long as it is consistent.
 When inheritance is by incomplete dominance, heterozygous individuals will have an intermediate
phenotype – a ‘blending’ of the phenotypes encoded by the two alleles.
 For example, RW plants will have pink flowers (a blending of red and white). There will be more
than 2 phenotypes that can occur.

Figure 2
 Codominance is a pattern of inheritance were both alleles are expressed equally in the
phenotype of the heterozygote. When inheritance is by codominance, heterozygous individuals
will have two phenotypes – a combination of the phenotypes encoded by the two alleles. For
example, RW plants will have flowers that are both red and white.

Figure 1

 Multiple Alleles
Alleles are alternative forms of a gene, and they are responsible for differences in phenotypic expression of
a given trait (e.g., brown eyes versus green eyes). A gene for which at least two alleles exist is said to be
polymorphic. Instances in which a particular gene may exist in three or more allelic forms are known as
multiple allele conditions. It is important to note that while multiple alleles occur and are maintained within
a population, any individual possesses only two such alleles (at equivalent loci on homologous
 Examples Of Multiple Alleles
Two human examples of multiple-allele genes are the gene of the ABO blood group system, and the
human-leukocyte-associated antigen (HLA) genes.
 In Multiple Alleles, the ABO system in humans is controlled by three alleles, usually referred to as IA,
IB, and IO. The "I" stands for isohaemagglutinin. IA and IB are codominant and produce type A and
type B antigens, respectively, which migrate to the surface of red blood cells, while IO is the
recessive allele and produces no antigen.
Antigen are any substance that stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Antibodies are
protein component of the immune system that circulates in the blood that recognizes foreign substance
such as a toxin or component of a virus, bacteria or a parasite
The blood groups arising from the different possible genotypes are summarized in the following table.
Genotype Blood Group






IO I O 0

Blood type AB is a universal recipient while blood type O is a universal donor.

Sex- Related Traits
 Sex Determination
In humans, biological sex is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes. Female produced a homologous X
chromosomes and male produced X and Y chromosomes. Below is an illustration of male and female
karyotypes. The encircled are the sex chromosomes and the other 44 chromosomes are called autosomes.


The pair of genes is inherited from each parent. The union of egg with sperm having X chromosome will
give rise to a female offspring and sperm having Y chromosome will give rise to male offspring. Thus,
female is homogametic and male is heterogametic. The sex chromosome carried by the sperm determines
the sex of an individual.
 Sex Linked Traits
There are many more X linked traits than Y linked traits. Look at the illustration below, the Y chromosome is
much shorter than the X chromosome because the additional gene present in the X has no counterpart in
the Y. Significantly, the X chromosomes contains hundred more genes than the Y chromosome. Thus,
making the X chromosome dominant than the Y. this would result to expression of traits in male even if it
recessive in female. Genes found on the X chromosome can be found in both male and female while the
genes found on the Y chromosome can only be found in male. The genes that are carried by either of the
sex chromosomes are called sex linked traits.

There are a lot of X linked genes that codes for something other than the characteristics of female but also
code for some common human genetic disorders like hemophilia, color blindness, and common form of
baldness in males. These traits are usually recessive and therefore rare in female for she has to inherit
both X chromosomes with the recessive allele to express the gene.
A woman who is a carrier of an X linked disorder marries a man who is healthy (without disorder). The
male offspring (XAY, XaY) will have 50% chance of having the disorder. The female offspring (XAX, XaX) will
not exhibit the disorder but will have 50% chance of having a carrier. Now try the next activity to further
understand the topic.
 Sex Influenced Traits

Traits that are controlled by the allele found not in sex cells but on autosomal cell (autosomes pairs 1
through 22 chromosomes) but its expression in an individual are influenced by the presence of
hormones thus; traits can be seen in both male and female but in varying degree of frequency. If a
male inherit one recessive allele it will be expressed in his phenotype but for female to expressed the
trait she must have the two recessive alleles. Example is baldness which is common in males because
of high level of testosterone hormones.

Sex Limited Traits

Traits that is also autosomal. The genes are not carried by the sex chromosome. The traits are
present in both sexually producing individual but are expressed in only one sex and seemingly turned
off in other. The expression of trait is due to anatomical and physiological reason. The male and
female have the same genotypes but results in different phenotypes (expression of trait) like the beard
and mustache in male. Another example: Milk production in mammals.

Pedigree can be use to trace parental carriers of sex related traits aside from the Punnett square.
Below is an example. The colored figure (square and round) indicates expression of recessive allele
and from there we can determine parental carriers and the probability of receiving the trait.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 1
Worksheets in Science 9 Quarter 1- Module 2
(Non-Mendelian Inheritance )

Name: _______________________________Grade and Section: ________________ Score: ________

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and answer the questions in the best way you can. Write the letter of your
answer on the space provided before each number.
____1.Which blood type would not be possible for children of a type AB mother and a type A
a. Blood Type O b. Blood Type A c. Blood Type B. d. Blood Type AB.
____2.If two white rabbit produce a black offspring, the parent’s genotypes for color must be:
a. Heterozygous c. Homozygous black
b. Homozygous white d. Not enough information was given
____3.Long radishes crossed with round radishes result in all oval radishes. This type of inheritance is
a. Multiple alleles c. Complete dominance
b. Codominance d. Incomplete dominance
____4.A cat shows both the traits for orange fur and black fur. What kind of allele expression is this?

a. Incomplete Dominance c. Codominance

b. Independent assortment d.Recessive inheritance
____5. Sex linked traits which is genetically inherited can be found on _____.
a. Males only c. Both male and female
b. Females only d. Neither male nor female
____6. Hemophilia is an example of ________.
a. X linked traits c. Sex Influenced traits
b. Y linked traits d. Sex Limited traits
____7. Which of the following condition is not a sex linked traits?
a. Color blindness c. Hemophilia
b. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy d. Lactation
____8. A man with color blindness inherit the genes from ___________.
a. mother b. father c. both mother and father d. environment
____9. Which statement is true?
I. A human with an X chromosome and Y chromosome is a MALE .
II. A human with homologous pair of chromosome X X is a FEMALE .
III. A color blind woman and a man who is not color blind will have color blind FEMALE child
a. I only b. II only c. I and II d. I, II and III
____10. Which of the following statements is TRUE about non-Mendelian inheritance?
a. It is a pattern of inheritance which follows the Law of Segregation.
b. It is a pattern of inheritance which does not follow Mendel's Geneti Laws.
c. It is a pattern of inheritance which was proposed by Sir Alexander Fleming
d. It is a pattern of inheritance that solely explains the existence of dominant and
recessive traits.
____11. What non-Mendelian pattern of inheritance occurs when the phenotype of the offspring
somewhere in between the phenotypes of both parents and a completely dominant allele does not occur?
a. dominance b. codominance c. multiple alleles d. incomplete dominance
____12. In incomplete dominance, the heterozygote offspring shows __________.
a. A phenotype of the dominant parent.
b. A phenotype of the recessive parent.
c. A phenotype that is intermediate between the 2 homozygous phenotypes.
d. A phenotype that is a combination between the 2 homozygous phenotypes.
____13. In ABO Blood Group system, O is recessive. Therefore, for this blood type to be expressed____.
a. Two O alleles must be present.
b. One O allele and 1 B allele must be present.
c. The alleles A, B and O must all be present.
d. The alleles A, B and O must all be present.
____14. What type of non-Mendelian inheritance is shown in the picture below?
a. Codominance
b. Multiple Allelism
c. Polygenic Inheritance
d. Incomplete Dominance
____15. In the ABO blood group systems in humans, what two alleles are codominant?
a. A & A b. A & B c. A & O d. B & O
____16. ABO blood types are an example of____.
a. codominance b. dominance c. incomplete dominance d. multiple alleles
____17. All the offspring of a cross between a red-flowered plant and a white-flowered plant have pink
flowers. This means that the allele for red flowers is ________ to the allele for white flowers.
a. codominant b. dominant c.incompletely dominant d. pleiotropic
____18. What would be the genotype of a pink flower if it follows the rules for incomplete dominance, given
that R= red and W= white?
a. p b. pp c. rw d. RW
____19. Pink four o’ clock flowers are obtained from a cross between pure bred red flower (RR) and white
flower (WW) plant? What is the genotype of the pink flowers?
a. RR b. RW c.WW d. red and white
___20. A black chicken and a white chicken mate and produce a gray chick. Which type of inheritance
would this be an example of?
a. Codominance b. dominance c. Incomplete dominance d. recessive
II.Sci-Art -Blending
I. Materials:
• Blank flowers
• Crayons
II. Procedures
1. Color the flowers according to the color asked.
1st flower Red = RR
2ndflower Yellow = YY
3rd flower combine red and yellow RY

1. A
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. B
10. B
11. D
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. B
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. D
20. C

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