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Geothermal energy is within the earth.The
word Geothermal comes from the Greek
word geo (earth) and thermos
(heat).Geothermal energy is a renewable
source because heat is continuously
produced inside the earth.
What is heat
Heat Exchanger
heat exchanger is a system used
to transfer heat between a
source and a working fluid. Heat
exchangers are used in both
cooling and heating
processes.The fluids may be
separated by a solid wall to
prevent mixing or they may be in
direct contact
injection well

An injection well is a device that

places fluid deep underground
into porous rock formations, such
as sandstone or limestone, or into
or below the shallow soil layer. The
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fluid may be water, wastewater,
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brine (salt water), or water mixed
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of view. with industrial chemical waste

of view.
Production well

Production well means a well

drilled, deepened, or re-entered
after plugging, for the exploration
or production of oil and/or gas or
brine; or a well drilled, deepened
or re- entered after plugging for a
water supply for use in
connection with an enhanced oil
recovery project.

turbine is a machine that plays a

key role in transforming fluid or air
energy into usable work or
electricity. With a rotor system at
its core, a turbine harnesses the
rotational energy generated by the
fluid to produce a wide range of

Condenser is a device or unit

used to condensed a subtance
from it gaseous to it's liquid
state by cooling it. In so doing
the talent heat is given up by
the substance,and will transfer
to condenser coolant.

generator is a device that converts

motion-based power or fuel-based
power into electric power for use in
an external circuit. Sources of
mechanical energy include steam
turbines, gas turbines, water
turbines, internal combustion
engines, wind turbines and even
hand cranks
Hot water tank
A hot water storage tank is a water
tank used for storing hot water for
space heating or domestic use. Water
is a convenient heat storage medium
because it has a high specific heat
capacity. This means, compared to
other substances, it can store more
heat per unit of weight. Water is non-
toxic and low cost.
Cooling Water
Water cooling is a method of heat
removal from components and
industrial equipment. Evaporative
cooling using water is often more
efficient than air cooling. Water is
inexpensive and non-toxic;
however, it can contain impurities
and cause corrosion.
Heat Pump

A heat pump is a device that uses

work to transfer heat from a cool
space to a warm space by
transferring thermal energy using
a refrigeration cycle, cooling the
cool space and warming the
warm space.
How Geothermal energy
generated from volcano?

Magma heats nearby rocks and

underground aquifers.Hot water can be
released through geysers mud pot.These
are all sources of Geothermal energy.
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