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Ericka C. De.


Upon reflection, I have come to appreciate the relevance of the Business

Management and Application for Architecture 1 course to my journey as an architecture
student and my future career as an architect. This realization stems from the
understanding that the field of architecture extends beyond the realms of drawing and
designing. Architecture encompasses a broad spectrum of activities, among which is
the management of businesses, particularly architectural firms. This course, therefore,
assumes paramount importance in equipping me with the essential skills and
knowledge needed to navigate the multifaceted landscape of architecture, incorporating
business awareness as a vital aspect of professional practice. The recognition that a
good understanding of business management must complement architectural expertise
emphasizes the comprehensive nature of the architectural profession, and this
realization motivates my engagement with the Business Management and Application
for Architecture 1 course.

Furthermore, this educational journey has not only provided insights into the
business facets of architecture, as imparted by Ar. Dennis De Villa has also served as a
window into the real-life dynamics of the architectural world. This exposure has been
instrumental in broadening our perspectives, revealing possibilities, and setting realistic
expectations within this professional field. Rather than viewing architecture in isolation,
this course has contextualized it within the broader landscape of the built environment,
enriching my appreciation for the multifaceted nature of the discipline. The Business
Management and Application for Architecture 1 transcends the conventional boundaries
of a mere academic subject as it functions as a medium through which we comprehend
the intricacies of the world around us. It has become a catalyst for a deeper
understanding of architecture's role in society, emphasizing the importance of design
proficiency and a strategic grasp of the industry's operational aspects. This
comprehensive approach has fostered a profound affection for architecture, propelling
my commitment to continual learning and growth.

As the semester draws to a close, I eagerly anticipate delving further into the
intricacies of architectural practice in the upcoming semester. Armed with the
foundational knowledge acquired in this course, I look forward to unraveling more layers
of the architectural profession, confident that each revelation will contribute to my
evolving understanding and passion for this noble discipline.

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