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Effect of covid 19 in education system and behaviour of

students skit

Characters: Teacher, Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, Parent

Setting: A classroom with desks spaced out and hand sanitizer on each desk.
Teacher: Good morning, class. As you can see, our classroom looks a little different this

Student 1: Yeah, it's weird not sitting next to my friends.

Student 2: And we have to wear masks all day.

Student 3: And we can't even share our school supplies.

Teacher: That's right. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools have had to make some
changes to keep everyone safe.

Parent: (Enters the classroom) Excuse me, teacher. I just wanted to check in on how my
child is doing in this new environment.

Teacher: Of course, parent. Your child is doing well. We're all adjusting to the new system.

Parent: It's just so different from when I was in school. I never had to worry about a

Student 1: Yeah, it's like we're living in a science fiction movie.

Student 2: But at least we're still able to learn and see our teachers in person.

Teacher: That's right. We're doing our best to provide a quality education while also keeping
everyone safe.

Student 3: And we're all doing our part by wearing masks and using hand sanitizer.

Teacher: Exactly. We're all in this together and we can get through it if we work together.

Parent: Thank you for all you're doing, teacher. It's reassuring to know my child is in good

Teacher: You're welcome. We're all in this together. Let's make the best of this new system

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