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Q1: What is the use of Canvas element in HTML5??

a The canvas element is used to draw graphics by making use of CSS. It is defined
with the <canvas> tag.

b None

c None

d None

e The canvas element is used to draw graphics by making use of JavaScript. It is

defined with the <canvas> tag.

f None

Q2: Which query will return values containing strings "apple", "banana" or "orange" in the

a SELECT * FROM table WHERE field REGEXP ‘apple|banana|orange’;

b None

c None

d SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = ‘?apple?’ OR field = ‘?banana?’ OR field = ‘?


e SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE ‘%apple%’ OR field LIKE ‘%banana%’ OR
field LIKE ‘%orange%’;

f SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = ‘%apple%’ OR field = ‘%banana%’ OR field =


Q3: Which input type defines a slider control??

a None

b search

c range

d None

e controls
f slider

Q4: What is cite tag in HTML5??

a None

b <cite title="value">Some Text Here</cite>

c None

d <cite title"value">Some Text Here</cite>

e <cite title:"value">Some Text Here</cite>

f None

Q5: What websites can you build with WordPress??

a Betting website

b All of the mentioned

c A Learning platform

d Blog

e News website

f Shop

Q6: Which HTML element is used to specify a footer for a document or section??

a None

b <bottom>

c <down>

d <section>

e None

f <footer>

Q7: Which of the following is a command in Linux??

a None

b All of the Above




f None

Q8: Which of the following attribute triggers an event when media data is loaded??

a onload

b None

c None

d onhaschange

e oninpu

f onloadeddata

Q9: Which is the environment variable which holds your home directory information??



c It's generated dynamically

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None


Q10: Which command can introduce clock delay??

a sleep
b None

c wait

d delay

e None

f suspend

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