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7/6/22, 11:13 AM STA: Explanation of Clock Skew Concepts in VLSI | by ANKIT MAHAJAN | Medium

STA: Explanation of Clock Skew Concepts in


In the simplest words, Clock Skew is the time difference between arrival of the same
edge of a clock signal at the Clock pin of the capture flop and launch flop. Any signal
takes some time to travel from one point to another. The time taken by Clock signal to
reach from clock source to the clock pin of a particular flip flop is called as Clock latency.
Clock skew can also be termed as the difference between the capture flop latency and the
launch flop latency.

The above waveform was generated using Wavedrom. The code snippet to
generate the above timing waverform is:

{ signal: [
{ name: "CLK", wave: "P.......",period: 2 }, the simplest words%2C Clock,from one point to another. 1/8

7/6/22, 11:13 AM STA: Explanation of Clock Skew Concepts in VLSI | by ANKIT MAHAJAN | Medium

{ name: "CLK", wave: "P.......",period:2, phase: -0.5 },


The launch clock latency is 0ns and the capture clock latency is 2.5ns. The difference
between the two is 2.5ns-0ns = 2.5ns which is the value of clock skew.

preCTS and postCTS skew values:

At pre-CTS stage, clock skew is a part of uncertainty. Ideally, the clock should reach
clock pin of all the flip-flops present in a design at the same time i.e. the skew should be
zero but this is not possible due to different wire-interconnect lengths and temperature

Reason for Skew in a design: Just imagine a flip flop placed just close to the clock
source and an another flip flop which placed at the far end of the core area. Due to the
difference between the lengths of the interconnects, the skew cannot be zero in practical
cases. To accommodate this, a user specified value is given to have accurate pre-CTS
timing results.

After the clock tree is built, the actual skew values are available and the uncertainty only
consists of Jitter value alone.

In the above diagram, Consider a flip-flop (FF1) which has the minimum latency and
FFn which has the highest latency. Two terms can be defined from the above figure. the simplest words%2C Clock,from one point to another. 2/8

7/6/22, 11:13 AM STA: Explanation of Clock Skew Concepts in VLSI | by ANKIT MAHAJAN | Medium

Local Skew: The latency difference between two related flops in a design is called as
local skew. Suppose, FF1 (Launch flop) and FF2 (Capture flop) are two related flops.

Capture Clock Latency = 10+10+10+10 = 40ps

Launch Clock Latency = 10+10 = 20ps
Local Skew = 40-20= +20ps

Global Skew: The clock latency difference between two non related flops or the
difference between the longest clock path and the shortest clock path in the design is
called global skew. Suppose, FF1 has the minimum and FFn has the maximum value of
clock latency in the design.

Maximum Clock Latency (FFn) = 60ps

Minimum Clock Latency (FF1) = 20ps
Global Skew = 60-20 = +40ps

Positive and Negative Skew:

Clock Skew = Capture Clock Latency (T2) - Launch Clock Latency (T1)

If T2>T1, Clock Skew is +ve

If T2,T1, Clock skew is -ve

In this scenario, the capture clock latency is more than the launch clock latency, and
hence clock skew is positive. Positive skew is good for the setup timing. Since the capture the simplest words%2C Clock,from one point to another. 3/8

7/6/22, 11:13 AM STA: Explanation of Clock Skew Concepts in VLSI | by ANKIT MAHAJAN | Medium

clock is delayed by 2.5ns due to the addition of skew, the timing path has (1 clock period
+ Skew margin) to meet the setup requirement.

On the other hand, positive skew is bad for hold timing. Due to positive skew, the
capture edge has shifted to the right. If the data path delay is less, in that case the data
launched from the launch flop will reach the D pin of capture flop before the capture
clock edge reaches the clock pin of capture flop which will result in the overwriting of the
previous data stored at capture flop.

Negative Skew is good for hold timing because the new launch is delayed by skew value.
Due to the delay of the new data launch, the previous data will be effectively captured
and won’t be overwritten. But at the same time, negative skew is bad for setup timing.

Useful Skew:

The skew which is purposely added in the design to meet the timing, especially in the
clock paths where timing is failing so that timing is passed in that path. But useful skew
cannot be added blindly. This needs to be done carefully by making sure the margin is
available in previous and the next timing path. Uncontrolled addition of skew can lead to
more timing violations instead of fixing them. It can be used to fix both setup and hold
violations. Let’s explain with the help of a simple example: the simplest words%2C Clock,from one point to another. 4/8

7/6/22, 11:13 AM STA: Explanation of Clock Skew Concepts in VLSI | by ANKIT MAHAJAN | Medium

In the above circuit, for the simplification let’s take the skew value to be zero. Due to the
large value of Tcombo1, there is a setup violation of 2ps. Due to a small value of
Tcombo2, the setup slack is +4ps but the hold is violating by 1ps. Now assume that the
data path is fully optimized in both the stages. Since there is a positive hold slack of 3ps
in the first stage and a positive setup slack of 4ps in the second stage, by using the slack
margins both timing paths can be fixed. Here comes the concept of useful skew to meet

Let’s add a buffer of delay 2ps in the Clock path of FF2 which will help in meeting the
setup timing in the first path by pushing the capture clock. Since we have a good margin
for setup slack in the second stage, it will not violate the setup time there.

The hold time was violating in the second path by 1ps which also got resolved because
the buffer addition delayed the data launch in the second path by 2ps. Since we had a the simplest words%2C Clock,from one point to another. 5/8
7/6/22, 11:13 AM STA: Explanation of Clock Skew Concepts in VLSI | by ANKIT MAHAJAN | Medium

good margin for hold slack in the first stage, it will not violate the hold timing there. In
this way, useful skew helps meeting timing.

Harmful Skew:

Where adding some skew to the failing paths can help in fixing timing violations, too
much skew can cause violations.

If a large positive skew is added in the design, in that case, the capture clock will arrive
after a long time and if the data path delay is small between the two flops, the data may
reach the D pin of capture flop even before the capture edge reaches the clock pin of
capture flop and may overwrite the previously latched data, resulting in Hold

If a large negative is added in the design, in that case, the clock edge will reach the
capture flop long before the launch flop. In this case, the new launch will be delayed. If
the data path between the two flops is more, the launched data will get less to propagate
to the D pin of capture flop and may reach very late resulting in Setup violation.

A hold violation is more dangerous than a setup violation as it cannot be

fixed by decreasing the clock frequency.

What if there is actually zero skew in the design? the simplest words%2C Clock,from one point to another. 6/8

7/6/22, 11:13 AM STA: Explanation of Clock Skew Concepts in VLSI | by ANKIT MAHAJAN | Medium

1. In the given figure, due to some Clock Jitter if the clock at FF3 gets delayed by a
small interval of time, the new data launched by FF2 might reach D pin of FF3 very
soon because of short path, resulting in the corruption of previous data at D pin of
FF3, leading in Hold violation.

2. If the design has zero skew, which means all the flipflops in the design are getting
clock at the same time. As we know, clock is the highest switching element in the
design and a major contributor to the overall dynamic power consumption of the
design. A chip consists of millions of flops. If all the flip flops switch at the same
time, there will be a huge dynamic power dissipation in the design.

3. If one flip flop is placed closer to the clock source pin and another flip flop which is
placed little far from the clock source pin, both are related, then to make the skew as
zero, the tool would have added a large number of clock buffers and inverters in the
clock path which will result in more area consumption and high utilization.

1. the simplest words%2C Clock,from one point to another. 7/8

7/6/22, 11:13 AM STA: Explanation of Clock Skew Concepts in VLSI | by ANKIT MAHAJAN | Medium


Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only. Opinions or points of view
expressed in this article represent the views of the author. Feel free the simplest words%2C Clock,from one point to another. 8/8

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