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Vietnamese culture is one of the unique and different cultural features that no other country in the

world has. It is important to respect and be aware of that country's culture. Firstly, Greetings in
Vietnamese culture are very special and reflect respect in society. Vietnamese usually greet by other
shaking hands and bowing. However for women they just bow lightly because Vietnamese women often
avoid physical contact with men and do not shake hands. Secondly, Vietnamese cultural in conservation
etiquette, Vietnamese usually protest or avoid compliments to maintain modesty, when communicating
with Vietnamese, please avoid Vietnam’s history. About table manners, wait for the eldest to sit down
and be served first, because toward Vietnamese, they very respect elder. Thirdly, the clothes in Vietnam
is very simple and casual, you can wear any things you feels comfortable in, Do not be too offensive. The
next, in Vietnamese culture, punctuality is considered very important. For example, Vietnamese
employees are often very punctual when working in a professional environment, date or party. Finally,
cultural Vietnam is very important, because it reflects history, it is a part of Vietnamese life. Culture
contributes to the development of the country.

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