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Typical characteristics of Vietnamese people

Vietnam is a small and beautiful country located in Southeast Asia. Vietnamese

people are a special mix of cultures, languages, and historical backgrounds so they
have a lot of characteristics, but here are some typical ones. Firstly, Vietnamese
people are extremely economical. Most Vietnamese save money from young to
old ages, they spend money on many aims such as for difficulties in life or for the
next generations. Another typical characteristic of Vietnamese is respecting
seniority. They always greet the elderly when they meet them. Moreover, before
meals, they invite the seniority to eat first. Not like many other parts of the world,
Vietnamese people always take care of old parents until they pass away. Finally,
unity is the most important characteristic of Vietnamese people. In the past, they
united to fight against invaders, and nowadays, they eternally join hands to help
the poor, the disabled, and the victims of natural disasters.  To conclude, these
features are believed to be part of the Vietnamese character, but like many other
things in modern society, they may change over time.

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