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Libyan International Medical University(LIMU)

Faculty of Information Technology

<<Graduation Projects Handbook>>

Version: 10.2019

Prepared By: MSc. Bilal Aljabour – Dr. Abdelbaset Elghriani

Table of Contents:

1 Introduction
2 Project pre-registration and proposal submission
3 Project Supervisor
4 Follow up meetings
5 Project milestones and assessment process
5.1 Introductory semester assessment
5.2 Graduation semester assessment
5.2.1 Practical exam
5.2.2 Graduation final exam
5.3 Project marks distribution
6 Assessment Criteria
7 Final Submission
8 Penalties

1. Introduction:

Graduation project is a partial requirement for the fulfillment of the bachelor degree at
the Faculty of Information Technology in LIMU. It is a systematic two-semester process
that provides students the opportunity to implement what they have learnt during their
study by trying to implement a solution for a real world problem or to answer a specific
research question. Usually, the first semester of graduation project is the graduation
introductory semester; the second semester is the graduation semester.

2. Project pre-registration and proposal submission:

By the end of each semester, students those completed the graduation project
prerequisites are encouraged in an orientation meeting to start thinking about their own
project's ideas based on their interests. In doing that, students may formally and
informally discuss with their department teaching members and faculty members to find
the most suitable idea and supervisor for their projects. The next semester for them is
the “Graduation Introductory Semester”. Students officially register the graduation
project course, and start working to prepare and submit their projects proposals before
the end of the third week of the introductory semester. After proposals submission, each
student is informed with his/her project supervisor. In this time, the graduation projects
coordinator of each department presents and explains this handbook to the concerned

3. Project Supervisor:

Project supervisor is the teaching staff member who plays a key role in guiding the
student with his/her graduation project. The guidance includes:

• Choosing the nature and title of the project.
• The project plan.
• Any standards those should be used.
• The production and organization of project report.
• Project literature.
• Appropriate techniques and methods.
• Problems of plagiarism.

4. Follow up meetings:
A. The project supervisor is responsible to conduct periodic follow-up meetings
with the student (Usually, one meeting a week). The weekly meetings are highly
recommended to be in a fixed week day and time, suitable for the supervisor and
the student, in order to decreases any opportunity of poor coordination.

B. The Student must consult project supervisor in all matters pertaining to the
project, inform him/her of any progressor any obstacles facing the project, and
must follow the plan prescribed by the supervisor.

C. Each follow-up meeting must be documented by the supervisor in the follow-up

record in which the date, time, most important achievements and the degree of
satisfaction are recorded. The log book must be up to date.

D. In rare cases, project supervisor may refer the student to the department board to
take the necessary actions in case the student is not committed to follow up and
serious work.

5. Project milestones and assessment process:

The graduation project is divided to four milestones; students are assessed by the
end of each milestone. They should be previously informed with milestones due
dates (by coordination with the academic agenda).

6th Semester 7th Semester 8th Semester

Pre-registration Proposal Milestone 3

Approval Assessment

Milestone 1 Practical Exam

Product Projects

Milestone 2
Assessment Milestone 4


Figure 1: Graduation Project Milestones

Table 1: Graduation Project Milestones

Milestone Semester Time (Usually) Milestone Contents Mark

Product Project Research Project s
Milestone 1 Semester ninth Project Initiation: Preliminary Study: 8
week *Introduction *Research Problem
*Problem Statement *Research aims &
*Aim and Objectives Objectives
*Scope and Limitations *Research Question(s)
Milestone 2 Two weeks Requirements Literature Review 12
after finishing Specifications (First Report)
final exams (First Report)
Milestone 3 Semester fifth Design, Progress Data Collection and 10
week Analysis, Progress
Milestone 4 Graduation Two weeks All the project All the project 70
after finishing (Final Report) (Final Report)
Final Exams
Total 100

5.1 Introductory semester milestones (20/100 marks)

A. During the introductory semester, student shall accomplish the project

introduction and the requirements phase (literature review in research projects).
The deliverables are documented and divided into project report chapters as
directed by the supervisor.

B. By the end of (Milestone 1), students are called to present (Chapter 1) in a ten
minutes presentation. Project supervisor and a teaching staff member (as an
examiner) assess the student and give a feedback. Report submission is not

required in this milestone. The assessment form is kept in the projects 'record for
future use.

C. By the end of the introductory semester (Milestone 2), students should submit
two printed copies of the project report (Chapters 1 and2) and the follow up log
book. Supervisor approval is required for the submission.

D. After reports submission, Students are informed with the assessment

presentations schedule. Each student will present what he/she had accomplished
during the introductory semester in a 15-minutes presentation. Assessment is
done by the supervisor and an examiner. The assessment form is kept in the
projects’ record for future use.

Table 2: Milestones 1 and 2Marks

Milestone Assessed by Max Mark

Milestone 1 Supervisor (4Marks) +Examiner (4Marks) 8
Milestone 2 Supervisor (6Marks) +Examiner (6Marks) 12
Total 20
Note: One mark will be deducted from the total mark for each unjustified absence (by
reference to the follow-up log).

5.2Graduation semester assessment:

80/100 marks (10: Milestone3+ 70: Milestone4)

A. During the graduation semester, students should accomplish the phases: design,
implementation, testing, and conclusion. The deliverables are documented in the

project report chapters (Chapter3,4, 5 and 6)as directed by the supervisor and
combined with the chapters completed in the introductory semester.

Note: The names and structure of report chapters in research projects may be

By the end of (Milestone 3), students are called to present Chapter 3 and the
progress of their projects in a ten minutes presentation. Project supervisor and a
teaching member assess the student and give a feedback. No report submission is

Table 3: Milestones 3 Marks

Milestone Assessed by Max Mark
Milestone 3 Supervisor (5Marks) +Examiner (5Marks) 10
Note: One mark will be deducted from the total mark for each unjustified absence (by
reference to the follow-up log).

B. By the end of the graduation semester (Milestone 4), student should submit
three printed copies of his/her entire project report. Supervisor approval is
required for submission. (Submission should be attached with a CD contains project

C. Report and presentation should be organized logically and prepared

professionally using correct spelling, grammar, format and style.

5.2.1 Practical exam (Marks: 25/70Product - Not applicable for research
• Practical exams are conducted by the “practical exams committee” few
days before graduation final exams (Milestone 4 assessment).
• Black box and white box testing are run on the product in order to test the
o The conformity of the student's product with the specifications and
designs documented in the report, and the correctness of any programs
included in the project.
o The student understanding of the programs and his ability to answer the
questions posed by the exam committee.

The practical exams committee may ask the student to write a new code or modify the
existing code in order to test students' practical and programming skills.

5.2.2 Graduation final exam (Marks: 45/70 Product – 70/70 Research)

• Examination committee consists of two examiners (Recommendation: One
of them is external).
• After a 20 minutes presentation, the student defends his /her project and
answers the examination committee questions.
• In rare cases, if the examination committee convinced for any reason that the
student should not pass the project, the Milestone 4 assessment will be
completely restated after a specific period of time determined by the

examination committee in coordination with the supervisor, or referred to
the department chair for consideration.
5.3 Project marks distribution:
Semester Assessment Assessed by Max Mark Max Mark Milestone
method <Product> <Research>
Presentation Supervisor
+ Oral Exam and 8 8 1
Presentation Supervisor
+ Oral Exam and 12 12 2
Presentation Supervisor
+ Oral Exam and 10 10 3
Practical Practical
Exam Exam 25 -
Supervisor Supervisor
15 30
Assessment 4
Presentation 1st Examiner
15 20
+ Oral Exam
Presentation 2nd Examiner
15 20
+ Oral Exam
Total 100 100
Pass Mark 50/100

10 | P a g e
‫‪6. Assessment Criteria:‬‬
‫‪• It is recommended for assessment committee to read the previous assessment‬‬
‫‪reports before each milestone assessment.‬‬
‫‪• It is recommended that the examiner in the four milestones is the same teaching‬‬
‫‪staff member, so that s/he remains in line with the progress of the project from‬‬
‫‪the beginning, and thus can give more accurate assessment and feedback.‬‬

‫‪Assessment Criteria‬‬ ‫‪Milestone‬‬

‫فهم الطالب لفكرة املشروع‬
‫وضوح (املشكلة\سؤال البحث) بالنسبة للطالب‬
‫قام الطالب بتحديد األهداف بشكل جيد وواضح‬
‫قام الطالب بتحديد نطاق املشروع‬ ‫‪Milestone 1‬‬
‫الطالب لديه تصور للتقنيات التي ستستخدم في املشروع وإمكانية‬
‫تعلمها أو إنجاز املشروع بها‪.‬‬
‫اإلجابة على أسئلة اللجنة وإعطاء تبريرات مقنعة ومنطقية‬
‫االستجابة لتوصيات اللجنة بخصوص املرحلة ‪1‬‬
‫استخدام طرق جمع املتطلبات املناسبة‬
‫فهم متطلبات النظام بشكل جيد‬
‫توصيف املتطلبات بشكل واضح وصحيح‬ ‫‪Milestone 2‬‬
‫العرض األدبي ذو عالقة مباشرة بموضوع البحث (بحـثي)‬
‫اإلجابة على أسئلة اللجنة وإعطاء تبريرات مقنعة ومنطقية‬
‫مهارة العرض وااللتزام بالوقت املحدد‬
‫االستجابة لتوصيات اللجنة في املراحل السابقة‬
‫وضوح التصاميم وصحتها‬ ‫‪Milestone 3‬‬
‫مدى مطابقة وشمول التصاميم ملتطلبات املشروع‬

‫‪11 | P a g e‬‬
‫ومجد وذو عالقة (بحـثي)‬
‫ٍ‬ ‫الحل املقترح واضح‬
‫اإلجابة على أسئلة اللجنة وإعطاء تبريرات مقنعة ومنطقية‬
‫تميز فكرة املشروع‬
‫إملام الطالب بموضوع البحث وقدرته على إيصال فكرته‬
‫شمول تقرير املشروع وتكامل محتوياته‬
‫جودة تنسيق وكتابة تقرير املشروع وخلوه من األخطاء‬
‫مهارة العرض وااللتزام بالوقت املحدد‬ ‫‪Milestone 4‬‬
‫اإلجابة على أسئلة اللجنة وإعطاء تبريرات مقنعة ومنطقية‬
‫التزام الطالب بالسلوك الحسن أثناء االمتحان‬
‫فهم الطالب للتقنيات واألدوات املستخدمة في املشروع‬
‫إلتزام الطالب بمنهجية البحث العلمي (بـحثي)‬

‫‪12 | P a g e‬‬
7. Final Submission:
• Before the graduation final exam, students undertake to make any amendments
requested by the examiners within 30 days from the date of the exam.
• After the supervisor and examiners approval for final submission, the student
submits three hardcopies of the project report in its final form.
• The faculty will not issue the student's graduation certificate (even the temporary
certificate) until s/he submits the final copies of the project report.

8. Penalties:
• Ten marks will be deducted from the projects 'total mark for any student who
does not commit to submit the final project report in time.
• The graduation project is a personal work that the student must complete by
himself, and if proven otherwise, the student will be punished according to the
college regulations for cheating.
• The graduation project is a personal work that the student must complete by
himself, and if proven otherwise, the student will be punished according to the
college cheating regulations.

13 | P a g e

• Report Structure:
o Title Page
o Certification
o Declaration
o Dedication (Optional)
o Acknowledgements (Optional)
o Abstract
o Table of Contents
o List of Figures
o List of Tables
o List of Abbreviations
o << .. Body (Chapters) of the Report.>>
o References
o Appendices

• Title Page: The report title page should contain the LIMU logo, a citation of the
LIMU university, the information technology college, the department name, the
project title, the students’ name and number, the supervisor name, and date
(month and year) of submission (a sample is attached).
• Acknowledgements: The Acknowledgements is a statement lists the names of
anyone who may have given the student a valuable assistance in his/her project
(usually parents, friends, instructors).

14 | P a g e
• Abstract: This gives the reader a general overview/summary of the whole report
without them having to read the entire document. It should describe the key
challenges or problems, the methodology and approach used, and the major
findings or outcomes. It should be able to stand alone as a separate document.
• Table of Contents: The Table of Contents outlines the different sections of the
report, and shows the reader where to find them. It contains a list of all the
chapters, sections and sub-sections and their corresponding page numbers.
• Table of Figures: The Table of Figures shows a list of all figures that appear in
the document and their corresponding page numbers.
• List of Tables: A list of all tables that appear in the document and their
corresponding page numbers.
• The Body of the Report: The body of the report can be structured and organized
based on the nature and contents of the report. Contents should be organized
with the guidance of project supervisor in relevant chapters with meaningful
headings as appropriate for the project.
• References:
This section lists all types of information sources that were used for writing
different project reports. The students are required to provide correct citations at
relevant positions inside the body of the report for every cited source.
• Appendices:
This section may support students’ need to attach secondary material like source
code, user manual, or other relevant information not suitable in the body of the

15 | P a g e

This is to declare that the graduation project report produced under the supervision of:

Having the title:

Isa contribution of the student(s) below and no part of this report has been reproduced

illegally (in particular: cut and paste). All referenced parts have been used in this report

have been cited properly. I/We will be responsible for any consequences if violation of

this declaration is proven.


Project Student(s):

Name: Signature:

Name: Signature:

16 | P a g e
17 | P a g e
This project entitled “ ”

prepared by “ ” and “ ”,

under the supervision of “ ”, Has been approved for

submission to the department of “ ”,

Faculty of Information technology in a partial fulfillment for the certification

of bachelor’s degree in information technology.


Libyan International Medical University






18 | P a g e
List of Figures
Item Caption Page
1.1 2
1.2 3
2.1 5
2.2 7
2.3 9
2.4 10
… …
… …

List of Tables
Item Caption Page
1.1 2
1.2 3
2.1 5
2.2 7
2.3 9
2.4 10
… …
… …

19 | P a g e
Styling and format:
• In Milestone 4, the submission of the graduation project report for examination
purposes should be in temporary spiral binding. Final submission of the report
must be in a permanent hard-cover binding. The color of the cover must be dark
• The following margins should be taken for the report pages:
LEFT: 3 cm (Wider than right margin for binding requirements)
TOP: 2 cm
RIGHT: 2 cm
BOTTOM: 2 cm
• The report should be printed on plain white papers of A4 size. It should be free
from any type-over or handwritten corrections.
• Use (Times New Roman) font, of point size 12 for paragraphs, 14 Bold for titles
and subtitles.
• Text font color is black, with double line spacing.
• All report paragraphs should be justified.
• Pages should be printed on one-side only.
• In the separation pages, the chapter’s titles are centered and typed in all capitals,
with size 32.
• Every page of the report except the title page and chapters separation pages must
be numbered.
• Preliminary pages (all pages before the body of the text) such as abstract,
acknowledgments and tables of contents are to be numbered in lower case
Roman numeral (i, ii, iii, iv, etc.).
• Figures and tables must be made self-explanatory by proper labeling and
captions. Captions should be centered above the tables and under figures.
• Sections should be numbered as decimals of the chapter number (e.g. 1.1., 1.2,
1.3). You can use a maximum of three level headings.

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