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Screenshot 1

1. b
2. a
3. a
4. b
5. c
6. a
7. a
8. b

1. Network with people in your field.
2. Invest in yourself and expand your skill sets.
3. Take active feedback and evaluate your work.
4. Be nice but learn to say “No”.
5. Work on your soft skills.
6. Be a goal-getter.
7. Gain experience outside of your professional field.
8. Step out of your comfort zone.

Screenshot 2
Vocabulary notes
1. empowered - gave smb more authority or power to do something
2. intermediate technology solutions - not too complicated ones
3. has its place in… - can also be useful in…
4. a way to harness the energy - make use of the energy
5. to value - appreciate
6. gas-guzzling cars - cars that consume a lot of gas
Which of the words/chunks from the text can you use to describe your
recent project at work?
Renewable, useful, long-term, appropriate, value, efficient, cutting-edge

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