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Aches…Pains…and “Cures”

Many products make hopeful promises—

but can they deliver?

If you are one of the nearly nine million people in this country who suffer from arthritis
or rheumatism, you are considered “fair game” for a variety of products which frequently
skirt the borders of ethics to imply that they offer curative powers for your affliction.

The fact is that there is no known cure for arthritis. Science is working night and
day to find such a cure. Some day it will be discovered. But anyone now claiming to
offer a “cure” should be regarded with suspicion.

Your Doctor Knows Best

If you have read or heard these claims and are considering the purchase of such a device,
diet, or medication, we urge you to consult your family physician first. Let him assess
for you the merits of this product before you spend your hard-earned dollars.

However, if your arthritic or rheumatic pain is of a minor nature, there is a

product that can bring you temporary relief—not cure you.

It is called Mentholatum Deep Heating Rub. Introduced only seven years ago, it
has been the fastest-growing analgesic rub—and with good reason. Mentholatum Deep
Heating Rub is a greaseless, stainless cream that contains 4 active ingredients, each
included to accomplish one common goal—temporary relief of minor arthritic pain.

Acts In Two Ways

The major active ingredient is methyl salicylate. This well-known pain reliever, when
rubbed on the skin, is actually absorbed into the blood stream and quickly reaches the
affected areas by systemic action.

Other active ingredients stimulate capillary blood flow and create a soothing
feeling of warmth. This deep-heating effect helps sooth away those minor pains, helps
you get to sleep at night when otherwise you might toss and turn with discomfort.

Special Trial Offer

If you have not yet tried Mentholatum Deep Heating Rub, you can now do so at almost
no cost. To receive a generous tube of Mentholatum Deep Heating Rub, send your name
and address with 25¢ in coin (to cover mailing and handling charges) to The
Mentholatum Co., Dept G, Buffalo 13, N.Y. (Sorry, no more than one tube per family.)
This trial offer expires December 31, 1962, so send today.
570 – Aches Pains and Cures

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