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The Truth About Meat

Most Important Food in the Human Diet

M eat is the most desired food in the world. It is the only food that offers a sufficient
amount of all twenty-two amino acids necessary to maintain good health. Medical
findings indicate that high level of health is directly related to meat consumption. Yet
because of its high cost, few people have as much meat in their diet as they desire.

One of the most interesting and least known facts about meat is that all cuts and
grades of meat are equal in food value. This means that the less expensive, less tender
economy grades of meat supply the same nourishment as the most expensive cuts.

In the United States, steak and roast beef are the most favorite food dishes. But
only 22% of all meat is sufficiently tender to broil or oven roast. The remaining 78%
must be prepared as stew, pot roast, swiss steak, hamburger, etc.

Today, however, it is possible to make tender steaks and roasts from the less
expensive, tougher cuts of meat, as well as guarantee prime tenderness to the most
expensive cuts. This means that everyone can eat as much meat as he wants – cooked the
way he likes it.

The reason is Adolph’s Meat Tenderizer, a pure food product containing an

enzyme from the tropical papaya melon. Adolph’s positively makes any cut of meat
extra tender. There is no longer any reason to serve a tough piece of meat ever again.
This is why Adolph’s has been acclaimed by food experts, doctors and dieticians as one
of the most valuable benefits to modern cooking.

Adolph’s improves the tenderness and flavor of all meats (beef, pork, veal, lamb,
fish, poultry and game). Tests prove that cooking time and shrinkage are reduced as
much as 30%! This guarantees larger, juicier servings.

By using Adolph’s whenever you prepare meat, you can serve more meat more
often prepared the way you like to eat it, with no increase in your food budget. With
Adolph’s, it costs less than one penny to make a pound of meat deliciously tender –
regardless of kind or cost.

Adolph’s Meat Tenderizer is available both seasoned (with spices) and non-
seasoned – in the condiment or spice sections of food stores everywhere.

Ask your grocer for Adolph’s New Meat Recipe Cards – Free!
To satisfy the tremendous interest on how to prepare roasts and freeze meats with
Adolph’s, two booklets have been prepared and are obtainable free on request. Write
Adolph’s, Box 1203Y, Burbank California. ©1955, Adolph’s Ltd.
622 – The Truth About Meat

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