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Why do so many people SAG

before the day is over?

PEOPLE often begin to sag even before the day is half over.

When you become tired you get cross, jumpy, irritable, at odds with the world and
everybody in it.

The trouble is with the food we eat, or perhaps we should say, the food we do not

“Weariness and lassitude are practically always symptoms of lack of vitamins and
other nutrients,” says a well-known food authority.

This makes breakfast particularly important, for it’s a long time since dinner the
night before, we’ve run down, and the day’s work is ahead.

It should be nourishing, energizing food, and should often include prunes, the
energy fruit.

Prunes contain more of more different vitamins and minerals (including iron) in
generous measure than any other common fruit.

Moreover prunes are a natural source of these and other important nutrients.
They are enriched by Nature as are few other foods, so that it is not necessary to add this
vitamin or that vitamin in order to make your breakfast dish of prunes nourishing and

They’re delicious and satisfying, too, especially SUNSWEET Prunes, with a full,
rich prune-plum flavor different from any other fruit.

SUNSWEET Prunes are the prunes packed in California by the growers

themselves. They’re fully tree-ripened, drenched with sunshine, “Tenderized” for quick-
cooking and better eating out-of-hand, and sealed in foil-wrapped boxes for perfect

Whether you prefer package prunes to cook your own way, ready-to-serve prunes,
or prune juice, be sure you get SUNSWEET quality.
588 – Why People Sag

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